Sunday, January 30, 2011

5 days no c, hw r u? dear blog

since after mon, i din update, even i wanted to, i juz cnt tek d time to update it.. or mayb i was too lazy.. i guess so.. is juz some lil thin happen in my eviday life.. n oso, eventho i din update, i went to my blog eviday, n i was always hopin s/1 juz wrote me s/thin in my chatbox or wadeva.. silly rite? =( i duno u guys hu said to gv my bez on my blog, i reli duno if i cn reli reach ur expectation.. i reli duno.. bt is well, makin u guys leave, is sad.. i hope u wouldn't, bt i won't force u bcuz lik dat larh.. i reli thx u guys for supportin n nw, i hope to continue dis eventho i dun reli hv d confident to write down often, due to those ppl hu share, read, view, feeds on my blog.. i, thank you.. =)
tues, i 4gt, reli 4gt wad happen dat day, cnt seem to rmb.. juz dat we hv new time table n such.. =) ltr den i tuition, bm.. and same as usual.. sien..
wed, oso same old skul day, juz if i'm nt wrong, dis day reli.. = = i gt a gift for CNY.. d chinese association thingy.. n d person juz write, from 4D.. n evi1 juz mek fun of me.. lolx.. =/ is ntg reli anyway.. yup, c oso noe is hu.. - -' i hope i no special meanin or wadeva, cuz i won't accept geh.. bt if is him, is ok, we r kinda a lil relative.. =) i mean frenz type.. my mum is his mother fren.. n he is my mother, er.. a lil lik son? i duno, i oso duwan to noe.. i hope nt.. i duwan to b a semi family wif him.. = =" eventho my mum wan, i will oppose.. no way.. ltr on tuition is physic.. mek me wan to sleep.. cnt concentrate.. =( bt still end my day..
thursday, well, dis is oso usual, no tuition for d day, sis at home as usual, n mum.. use come as usual.. bla bla..
ok, Friday.=)
friday is lik ytd, mornin go skul, i bring those books that pei wen wan to borrow from me.. she is a novel type.. so i hv reli shallow cheap chinese novel.. ntg much, i juz hv novel lik usual ppl did, juz for me, manga is still my priority for sure.. when i was in primary skul, u cn say i read novels.. when i was form 2, u cn say i read novel, 100 times more on readin manga.. =D for me, novels and storybook.. 1 of my usual story book is ghost story.. i have, bt other ones i duno put where.. n my mum hv collection on s singapore one.. bt mine is kinda broken english s/time, since d story is from ppl hu send abt their story, so is nt evi1 oso hv perfect english, n i didn;t tek d buk for wenn, i duno she read anot.. is nt fantasy, is real.. =( so s/time u cnt sleep if u read.. haha... n i juz tek my laz time(very long time) ago kind of collection on mr.midnite n mr.mystery buk.. since is well, more official a lil, i guess d grammer n such is np, n oso d word is well, d buk is meant for children, so i guess won't b hard anyway, n cn improve english if she wan to, eventho is nt reli hard at all, hop cn help her.. i lik d mystery sometime, n once tot of collectin them, bt well, no more.. =( mr.midnite i laz time alwasy use to chase after their buk, bt ltr oso no, seldom went out n seldom buy.. they were nice.. bt nw, i prefer manga, is dat gud or d small kid of myself is better..? anyway, early mornin go skul, arpund 6.40am, reach and i saw angeline.. so i ask her wan to follow me go wenn's hse anot, nid gv her d buk n oso my h/p.. scared gt spot-check.. after reach her home n pass d buks plus my h/p, wenn haven get rdy n we turn bek n return skul.. =) ltr lik usual, ntg reli in skul.. juz d table seating, well, d classroom right corner whole row no one is seating, n all d table is juz for display there.. n den teacher call to carry those table n chair dat is nt used up.. n d right side of d class room is so empty n d guy lik wan to use dat as a stage for them to dance or wadeva.. did i mention dis oredi? o_O i 4gt, nvm.. juz to say, ltr all d guy chg their place to d empty row n we are d laz seat. =| is dat gud or bad?? n ended up, d stage is juz bhind us.. = =" still equal to, noisy.. anyway, ltr on fin skul, is d fun part, me n wenn go ioi.. =D yup, we wok there.. abt 1km++? =/ first go bek wenn hse, put my buks, n tek my h/p.. den we walk to d second-hand comic n novel store, bt wenn cnt find d manga there, n den go comic track, bt juz d sell part, also dun hv d one she is lukin for, n well, we den went off to ioi! wok wok wok, n well, kinda rush, cuz i scared of my mother.. she duno wan fetch me anot.. she plan to fetch my bro to skul at 2.20 den ltr fetch my sis to duno where n take biscuit.. n well, my sis told me is 2hours.. so if i estimate d time, is around 4pm if they r nt so jam.. n ltr i hv tuition, so i nid to go bek about 6pm..
ok, so we first went there n well, eat bbq plaza.. =) yummy, actually dis is my second time eatin it, n oso wif my darling wenn.. =) i tuk pic, bt well, lazy upload, c if i gt time.. we ate clean clean.. hoho.. n den we went to popular.. actually popular is our main destination.. "popular" buk store.. we nid to find reference in our presentation, n well, we dun hv library dat is great or wadeva, so nid to c buk store oni.. hw hardworkin we are(jokin).. when we go in, din think dat i went c anime thin.. haha.. lucky wenn dun mind.. ltr den c novel, wenn's turn.. =D den ltr we oni find our book dat well, we start sit in a corner by d glass wall n copy n notes.. =) hope no1 see dat.. bt b4 dat, we met li see in d h/p store, den is in popular.. bt ltr we hv thin to do, dat is copy, n well, after copy fin, i went findin reference buk on biology, chemistry n physic.. =/ din buy, juz see.. cuz in d future i will be.. n wenn went checkin cd, den cum to me again, den c thin.. =D ok, den ltr we keep track on d time n it says dat is kinda late, so we went off n well, wait for wenn's sis hu said she is cumin n oso help to fetch me bek home.. =) den i wan go daiso, cuz i wan buy my sis n bro's b/day present, they're b/day is juz 1 week difference oni.. sis in on feb 29, so she say still gt so long time, abt few years oni my b/day lik dat when i ask her abt her b/day present.. anyway, i oso lik dat, i plan to buy 1 for myself n my lil bro, den we all a pair, no nid to fight.. haha.. =D bt duno when.. anyway, d end i bought 2 ear muffler, is dat call lik dat? for keep warm ur ear geh.. very nice.. i reli lik it.. =) buy a pink for sis, green dat is guy type for bro, i plan to buy another 1 for myself n for my lil bro.. =) hope no1 will b wearin d same as i did if i wear on.. =( paiseh.. lolx.. i am sooo afraid my sis will buy herself d same thin.. =( den i reli duno wad to do.. anyway, my bro present is so hard for me to choose, i even tek a bottle as a gift, or a ear plug, i wanted to buy d hat, bt dat style no more edi.. so din tek.. anyway, next, wenn's sis cum n we went off, ltr b4 turnin, cuz wenn's sis din tek my buk i left in wenn;s hse, we nid to turn bek n go for her hse den my hse.. bt ltr cuz wenn wan to borrow my manga, she wan to tek d chance to boroow from me when she return my buk.. so we juz turn to my hse.. ltr reach, my mum haven't cum bek n i was force to wait under d sun wif poppy(my dog) outside, difference is poppy is inside of d outside, i am out outside.. ok, broken english.. poppy is at d car porch, while i  was outside d house.. anyway, wenn they all so gud din left me n go, bt i hope i din tek their time.. =( i called my mum, they say they r still in jam, n den wait wait wait, den finally my mum cum bek, n wenn they all went off.. thank you.. =) n ltr bla bla.. manatau i din go gt rdy first, i samo so lazy go c show.. = =" wad man! haizz... my sis lik dat show, well, for me, i okok oni.. =/ bt funny lar..duno wad "my sweetheart" or s/thin.. i forgot..  den i quickly rdy n eat some rice.. den so faz van cum n i go off for tuition.. tuition, i knew a form 5 student hu juz join era.. she stayed in d new place called koi kinrara.. her name, Alisa.. wow, let me think of my cousin hu share d same name n oso one manga, Arisa.. hahaha... anyway, she is funny, nice to tok to.. frenly.. n d place, koi kinrara, so nice.. lik shoppin complex from d outside u see, juz dat i hate d road when u go there.. nt reli in good condition.. untill u go to dat area, dat is diff thin, so high class.. =O oh ya, 1st is history class, n well, d class dat is appointed is bein used by some class, n we chg to a diff one.. n den sej, quite borin.. - -' bt nvm, nid learn hw to write essay, n well, for sure, nt easy.. cuz, u nid to memorize de.. i reli duno hw am i gonna survive in there.. =( den is chemi, i was lik OMG!! =O die lar.. n i was so sleepy... n den finally ended n walah, day over.. duwan say anymore..

SATURDAY!! dat is well, d bez day?? mornin bein call, as usual, play com, n den my uncle cum bek from singapore, n guess wad, he reli brin a promised new fon for me.. xperia from sony ericsson brand.. bt well, all touch screen, i dun reli prefer it, n well, kinda sot a lil.. bt i reli luv it.. =D i am sooo grateful.. n den, i oso regret tellin him my target for spm.. TT n ended up, i nid to hv 5A in SPM to hv a new thin from him.. stupid me hu say dat.. =( so den, my life, is over.. anyway, ltr on hv a ride on my uncle peugeot car.. no "roof".. =) den ltr snap some pic, n bb.. =) den ltr go visit my granma, juz me, dad n jeremy(my lil bro).. my mum teach my sis drivin, n brian(1st younger bro) play com at home.. reach there for some time in klang n den gv hamper to them.. den hv ang pau b4 chinese new year.. den ltr eat KFC they hv, n den do ntg.. i hear music on radio in my fon, jere play my other fon's game, dad play sudoku in newspaper, lik dat 1hr plus gone.. =/ den ltr, go bek home.. bt today there is oso thin dat i duno hw to say.. my sis's bf call d hse fon, n ask for me.. i was lik, hu r u? n he say mk lar.. bt her told me very shockin thin, dat is he broke up wif my sis.. n i was lik, wad?? n he sure he told dis to my sis? n he say he guess so.. juz my sis dun wan to let go.. n he call me to tek care of her.. i was lik, i duno wad to do, she so bad mood from juz nw, i mean she is angry abt me i think?? for d fon? i duno, she din say, i noe is nt gud.. n for me, i duno hw to tok to her.. >_> she juz open d door, few second, den cloz n lock.. lik dat, end.. n he call me nt to tell my parents first, juz wait for some time den oni say.. den ltr i say har? den he say i cn call my aunt.. so ended.. n den we ltr on go ioi, bt too bad full of ppl, n my mum chg destination to tesco.. den go there, eat sushi king.. bt i feel my sis is angry abt me.. i duno.. n i think she kinda duno she had broke up or s/thin.. =/ lik mk say, she din let go, bt she is nt d type dat dun let go nid commit suicide or wadeva, is angry me.. = =" i was lik, wad the heck? u wan blame is none of my business, is u 2 ppl.. when does dis kind of thin hv related to me?? anyway, juz say ltr go buy shoe, n den cheap cheap geh.. den ltr bro buy watch.. bla bla.. went buy shirt, n done.. - -' went bek, go sleep, very late jor.. dis poz i oso update ytd nite n nw actually is edi sunday.. =/
ok den, nvm those, gonna say, if u wait so long for my update, i'm sori.. i mean i cnt reli on9 for 24/7 a week.. bt i will try my bez to update.. thx for readin till here, n den, bye bye~!! =D pic next time edit here.. ttfn!

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