Wednesday, January 5, 2011

respect your dislikes, ppl's likes

juz random thin wan to tok abt.. ytd was rainin or thuder or s/thin.. n den i have tuition on 7pm.. and i din sleep at all.. went use com n read manga.. den ltr when i gt rdy waitin for mum, she was outside edi, fetch my bro, brian from skul n jeremy form tuition.. n i waited from 15 min earlier to 30 min late.. between dat time, i wait downstair doin ntg, den  ltr on tv n watch movie, n saw a singaporean soup opera, "with you".. is nt bad, bt juz see a lil den mum cum bek n bro nid go tuition, n cuz i late, den i din go at all, and i miss a BM class.. wow, d subject i hate.. and den eat dinner, den use com.. check d hotmail matter, den i go find s/thin to do.. well, i went watchin a anime dat well, i dun reli wan to say.. cuz no1 in my real life fren ever gonna c dat.. bt well, i knew alot of otaku in d other skul lik dat kind of genre more den normal.. =/ all i can say is, human cannot judge any decision for d future, but to luk bek in d paz u chg.. if dun understand nvm.. is reli s/thin i can say, dun say b4 u even try, nt bad thins lik criminal ar, dat sure is exception, bt b4 u try or do or even understand anythin nw, dun judge n mek decision b4 u even done it b4, cuz hu noes u reli hope/done it in d future.. sooo, cnt reli blif wad i ever say b4 dat i say "surely will nt" or "surely will" in d future in all d paz times i said.. bcuz ppl reli chg minds when they pass with time.. =) example lik laz time, i went eat sushi n i dislik raw salmon, n well, i guess i said surely will nt eat it, n den u c nw, i even eat more den 2 plate at liz evitime i go there n eat nw..
well, ppl lik n dislik, i nw reli cn say, cnt judge n say them.. bcuz i oso hv lik n dislik too.. dat's y i was feelin kinda bad dat when i was young to think dat others dislik was nt reli gud at all.. bt to think it over, y is there "like" in evithin, cuz ppl like dat, even is juz 1 person, is d same if i lik s/thin too, mayb 1 day u cn chg ur opinion too, if u think abt it, ppl r reli foolish to luk down on thins dat was rarely being lik, bt if there is 1 person at liz to lik it, it was being lik.. =) if i am d 1 person, i guess i will understand dat likin a thin dat ppl hate, will understand to noe to respect ppl's likin.. =) so i guess i should say, if any1 lik a job, i dun mean to hate it actually, bt if i dislik d job, i din mean i do nt respect their job, bt is actually in d opposite, they were d ppl hu were great to hv a lik dat is different from others.. a lik on ppl hu dun tek, no1 will ever noe dat s/thin ppl dun do, they choose to.. dun u think they were the greats in d mental? even if is s/thin i dislik, i respect them, nt to say in d part of d job greatnez n payment of my dilikin, bt in d person them self.. i learn dat s.time dislik does nt mean hate, bt d diff from evi1 mek them reli great, cuz they suffer from criticize on the likin bt still will nt fall bek lik dat, n folo wad they wanted, w/out lyin them self n w/out tryin to hide from ppl even evi1 oppose them.. ppl should think lik dis, hw great r they? do u ever think like dis b4? bt even i hv dislik on likin too bt i respect them.. ppl should think more further ahead w/out stoppin in d side juz view d outside.. hu knew u will lik d inside as well? many thins in dis whole world, u cn lik or dun lik.. billion of it.. so, if u do hv an extraordinary liking soo different from others, hu noe ppl hu lik them too in secret lik u will juz be bside u? even u ever try ur bez on goin for it, even many opposition, dun gv up on them, ur likin is ur dream's sprout, n dreams is s/thin u hv to fofil from d bottom of ur heart, n if u gv up, is just lyin urself, ur life.. =) so dun mind share out, or with ppl hu hv d same liks wif u.. cuz dat may reli help u, or may b glad to hv them hu understand wad was lik for sharing thin u were d oni1 evitime.. =)
bt well, after my nonsense, i noe, i'm sori if i blab so much of it.. = =" i went over a sudden n jump to jobs n such.. lolx.. today was a lame day as always.. juz d 1st week of skul.. mornin i go skul no1 eviwhere, n i go to d class, bt i juz open d fan, bt i left d light off, cuz d teacher will check n i was scared get caught, or mayb nt.. anyway, i went wan to sleep bcuz still left abt 40 min till we reli gather.. n i was tryin to sleep cuz i dun reli hv nice sleep ever since d skul days, n reli tight schedule, well, i oso wan use com mar.. =( if i no com, den no time to use edi.. >< n stupid co curriculum n such.. arghhhh!!!!!! more no time, bt i dun care, cuz my mark for them sure very low, so hw hard i do oso ntg wan.. so i anythin, simply, dun care.. = =" anyway, today got the "house" gathering.. house nt mean d place dat we stay, is actually group dat was being put in skul by using colour.. n i was d yellow house.. n we were so cramp in d so small lil space dat was full of ppl.. lucky i never take any position, so lazy, n our head teacher is Mr Lee.. lik dat i guess mayb if i go, den i cn choose to nt do sport.. hahaha... =D anyway, when ended, i went find yk cuz i paz my teks book to let her help me hold.. cuz veryyyyyy heavy.. ><" i reli appreciate wad she done.. =) and den i 4gt to buy buk, so i turn bek i went to d buk store, n den i saw my bro n well, late for d hse gathering, he is oso my yellow hse, n i call him to help me buy d buk, i went write his name.. n den ltr went goin bek home finally.. =P ltr got class on 8.30pm today.. physic.. =) i hope d teacher there is better den d skul one.. d skul one reli is unbearable.. n today our class teacher, he teach us math, i can say it straightforwardly, it reli is veryyyyyyyy bad.. seriously.. he should nt teach form 4, he should start from low form if he reli duno or nervous or s/thin.. d chp is veryy easy n he was lik, i duno hw to say, i mean no energy to say him.. well, i dislik him teachin bt i pity him oso.. cuz my fren ltr say he lik drop tears.. =( gt a lil guilty, eventho i dun think anythin is wrong.. we din say out he is nt gud, juz dat even nt knowing, he is oredi lik dat.. i duno wad to say.. =(
anyway, gud news, mayb to me, new anime is out.. n guess wad, KNT season 2!!!!!!!!! =D january new anime, kimi ni todoke is finally starting! bt i dun reli hv d urge to watch it down so much cuz i edi read d manga a looong time ago, n i guess is reli folo d plot all along wif lez diff.. d new guy is gonna mek an appearance n they cn finally b together!! i guess.. =/ i duno where it will bein made till which part.. bt dis sweet slow romance is a hit anyway, hu dislik it? =) n other new anime gonna b out too, i reli hope gt Code Geass R3, bt is juz a hope, no evidence reli happen.. TT if u noe, cn tell me? haha.. Starry Sky is nw airing, reli damn nice artwork!! n d voice actor all so damn nice one!! >w< d 12 horoscope wif 11 min anime, n d first was my horoscope, lucky, bt d voice actor was lik unbelievable when i say d other character he act.. =) if u lik shoujo, horoscope, cute guys, damn nice artwork dat cn b rival wif hakuoki or vk, reverse harem(many cute guys wif 1 girl), famous nice voice actor, or mayb moz, romance.. *w*
ok den, hotmail thingy no reply from them yet, bt gonna w8t.. n den i gt ntg to say, juz wan to sleep or watch anime untill my time is up.. =/ ok den, thx for readin, i noe if is borin.. >< anyway, gonna end here.. ttfn!!

3 more days to go till my BIRTHDAY!! =]

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