Wednesday, January 5, 2011

my tuition life..

(dis is second post today) juz cum bek from tuition, physic.. nt bad oso.. =) d teacher n ppl r nice.. knew some frenz i guess, i am wanting to try rmb their name, shashinta, shun, haji(or aji).. they reli r nice ppl.. bt my mum n dad lazy to care to fetch me, wan me to folo my bro, brian bek home wif d van, n yet i was nt joinin yet, jus trial nw.. ><" n dat time i went down n i cnt even c my bro.. nt to even say a single car.. = =" n i went callin them dozen time, duno wad r they doin.. >=( n den she say folo my bro, bt den he go jor, cuz his class end early, mine end late.. n i w8t for her to fin there n close d tuition centre, cuz she say she will fetch me.. well, i haven reli go into physic, juz introduction.. haha.. nt lik add-mt go far away liao.. n ytd i missed d bm class, they said d teacher even came on d end time.. lik 8.30 end, he oni come at 8.30, ended up nvr gone.. lucky i din go.. haha.. =D 2molo cn rez liao.. ><" friday is chemistry, hope is a gud teacher too.. well, to say d truth, till nw the class i hv, d teacher was wuite good.. seriously, if u compare to school(i guess other den Mr.Lee mayb.. mayb), is better.. bt d time reli mek me blur.. i cnt focus 100% cuz is reli mekin ppl sleepy for sure.. =/ lucky is nt reliiiii borin.. well, haji name was called as "anythin can", cuz when teacher ask any short form for her name, she ans lik dat n ended up callin lik dat.. =P n den d room was d other one, better den b4, cuz it oni hv 1 aircon n i sit in d corner, furthest row from it.. =) n i even wear jacket n jean.. haha..
ok, juz nw i was lik anime here n there, manga update, checking anime/manga.. =) update blog of cuz, n guessing dat hotmail thingy they start to tek move, n nw left fb n ps.. =) den is sleep! 2molo nid early wake up plus do class list, reli tired i even forget it.. mum call me to do her agreement thin, n i am hopin i won't forget anythin.. ><" i reli cnt rmb much nw, fbfbfbfb.. b4 i 4gt.. haiz... i samo nid to schedule time on my b/day cuz i oso hv tuition dat day.. >_> n mum juz say "lunch time", hw i noe d time?! n d place, i guess if ppl nt convinient, mayb pizza hut in kenari, cuz kenari i cnt think anymore place dat is nt reli open air.. n they gud, no nid to clean up n such.. =) ok, decide lik dis 1st, any oppose den chg, reli small lil party oni.. juz invite lik less den 6ppl, haha.. =)
3 days to go, my birthday!! mwhahahaha
thx for readin here, again for today.. anyway, ttfn den.. =P

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