Sunday, January 16, 2011

juz random me

well, i had finally updated my blog lik ytd for "replacement" i delay poztin on those day i din reli poz in blog.. =( i was kinda into s/thin n no time to poz, i am reli sori if i let any1 down or wadeva, i was truly honez to u dat i am a lazy person wif a lazy attitude dat hv no gud part of me, dat is wad i think of myself.. =/ eventho i wan to b gud n nice n frenly n pretty lik evi1 say, bt i kinda s/hw oni think myself in a reality way? i duno.. i dun seem to hv d same agreement to them on me for so gud part, it means kind of them bt is it truth to me? o_O nono, i dun mean i dun blif u guys dat r kind enuf to say gud thins abt me lik frenly n such, bt juz me myself dun think it dat way, cuz i am nt so seein myself in gud part or so.. =( if is truth, even it may b harsh, or hurt of cuz, s/time i prefer takin them other den praise, cuz i duno is to blif or nt, specially d gud part dat i myself din even noe i hv it, is impossible for me to process it.. lik pretty or clever or even kind? dat is s/hw, alot ppl prettier den me say dat, ppl dat r smart den me say dat, ppl dat r kind den me sayin dat.. reli, those r reli gud hearted ppl, i duno nid to b hapi or break my heart, juz dat for sure i'm grateful too.. oni blif is another thin.. bcuz many ppl around me, was reli nice.. they were so kind to say i am, pretty enuf to say i am, frenly enuf to say i am, and reli, they r better den me to say i am.. u understand? means they were nicer den me yet they say i am nice, smarter den me yet still say i am.. dis ppl reli r great hearted, s/hw, i'm glad to hv them.. =) no matter is juz met or fren, is same.. stranger lik any1 mayb one day b my fren, hu noes? =]
anyway, nonsense in d side, gonna say tomolo skul again!! =( nt a gud news.. i haven do my h/w, to say it precisely, i dun rmb wad h/w i have.. =/ well, u noe hw lazy i am, abt study, when i am in form 2, i break my personal record of not doin my h/w at home for lik untill july or s/thin.. is lik 7 months man!! n dat h/w is s/hw, project we need to do, n i was laz min of cuz, laz min at nite doin d project dat is oso so-called h/w at home.. ahh.. wad memories.. i reli din touch any h/w at home eviday, oni do in skul, laz min? hahaha... dis is d person i am when i am form 2, 14 years old.. wad bad habit i process onto.. =[ well, form 3 was diff a lil, start tuition, lil work hard(nt reli), n yeah, no1 blif i got fail before in my science in form 2 when i got d highest mark in class for d oni person gettin 90% n above for science on d first test at form 3.. dat, is miracle man!! truly, mayb u should blif dat coin will drop from sky 1 day.. haha.. =D well, actually is throw a coin from d roof n c u lucky enuf to even gettin hit by it.. =3 i juz watch a movie juz nw, haven fin den my sis bb edi, cuz d movie is in a format dat is nt supported wif media player.. so c in her laptop bt she wan go bek to her colledge.. so c halfway, movie the "knowing".. reli nice, s/hw, there is 2 thin in basic thin around us, determinism or randomness? dis is reli s/thin great they cn think abt.. for determinism, is edi fix or s/1 was had to put there n they were lik dat since, or randomness which is juz coincidence n luck to appear so..  for me, mayb i am randomness, is wad my life seem to be.. bt evi1 has no determinism life u live on, it oni cn b determine by u urself n nt other to fix evi path u tek.. =] well, mayb my explaination is a bit prob i guess, cuz i am nt a prof or s/thin, i duno well much abt this thin bt all i say was wad i think, in d current me.. =) is d earth even a determinism lik evi buk listed as or randomness? n u duno 1 day it will b unstable n go boom juz lik dat for d coincidence u seek.. =/ well, dat is end of d world, i mean earth den.. =|
bek to my daily life, after poz, i duno wad i do edi, i noe is borin n i find thins to do, fb, manga, anime, update list n such.. omg!! i reli forgot wad i done on sat!!?! i dun even rmb wad i ate ytd nite?!!! today was sun n i juz happen to forgotten wad i do ytd, omg, i think i reli nid to c a doctor.. ok, i 4gt wad i do actually, juz noe i fin knt manga latez chp n anime s2? or even other anime? or mayb i mention dat b4.. i forgot.. ok, i skip ytd, i nw still rmb wad i do today, ok, mornin, wake up, dad call me go down n well, my mum was wantin me to put up a swallow bird n some coin thingy on d fake orange plant in d garden.. nt d plastic fake, is actually real tree, real orange juz fake on where d orange was being tied onto d branch of d lil tree.. =/ sori, din think of takin pic of it.. evi1 put their bird n money/coin thingy hang onto them n left juz me.. my mum say mek a wish when put up, as usual, i always hv  d same wish.. =) and den we go eat "bak-kut-teh", i duno wad is it called in english, bt is s/thin reli delicious.. =3 except dat malay cnt eat for sure if they very "culturistic", anyway, eat so full, more den a bowl n my sis as usual, eat sooooo slow.. =( den ltr go morning market, main thin is to buy shirt.. n first buy a purse(nt reli a purse, more li a pouch.. den ltr my sis buy a 1 piece, den another 1 piece, den another 1 piece, den another one piece n another jacket.. all one-piece clothes.. =/ n i buy a jacket, a vest n a short pant, n a one-piece dat is pair wif sis, nt same colour of cuz, i tek black.. =3 nw i think abt it, mozly when new year, we buy clothing, among them were mozly 1 of it was a pair on we 2 sis.. =) our bond.. haha.. n my sis even told me say she b4 wan buy me a dress on my b/day. bt scared i dun wear, well, i noe i am not lady-lik, even she say her bf says dat.. yar, i agreed, n he should hv said dat infront of me..! >_>|| gt prob say them, dun say in d bek.. =( anyway, d laz she buy a head band, well, d dress i lik it when she mention n if it is black, i lik it den.. =) juz dat she say is bright pink or green.. is either being a lady-finger or  pink chili.. =/ n den bla bla.. ltr my mum wan go buy fountain.. den we go to d shop n c bunch of fountain n 1 of them is dolphin one.. veryyyyy big n well, usually, u dun c ppl put in their hse, is possible in aquarium park..  it is over reacting if u reli put it in ur hse.. o_O den so borin, mum dun even listen to our suggestion, n den we sit on d swing n play "i spy".. n all d "i spy" is me all along asking question, ntg better to do.. =D den finally bek, use com, n aunt cum, lalala... skip many part n here we are.. n i rmb wad i was doin ytd, i was sleepin after usin com halfway n halfdead in d way n slept from afternoon till nite.. wad a lifeless day i have.. =/ i wasted few hours doin ntg.. n 2molo hv skul, i duno did i reli get rdy for 2molo.. =( i samo gt tuition, n d QM thin, they din even say is when, i duno when n i am gonna b dead if my mum duno when i even end, n d skul dun even allowed to bring fon, wad inconvenience to contact my mum to fetch me, if mek her wait, i sure get scold.. haizz.. samo i dun hv time to sleep, tuition till 10pm.. anyway, today i was watching few anime, ytd lil few manga updates.. n den today mozly spend time on editing n updating my anime list.. =/ haven do fin, gt 200+ i guess.. n i duno when oni cn fin.. =( n d moz lez fren dat i use nt seldomly, is dat MAL.. i oni hv 2 fren there while i update n go there nt reli long at all.. if other acc, i gt more den 500++ fren.. dis is cruel, i guess evi1 is juz viewin bt no addin.. =/ i tend to hv a nice tok wif feline(jia en) which is s/hw in my blog chat box abt anime.. i tot she was lik shoppin lik normal pretty girl lik her.. well, it turn up she oso lik anime.. =) n specially shoujo too.. well, shoujo is my first priority for manga.. =P and it oso let me think os wenn hu was nt in contek in blog for days, hope she sees this.. =( well, 2molo cn c her, bt juz thinkin wad happen.. and oso thx for u guys, lik valerie too hu cum visit my blog.. tq very much, leave more comment to me, reli sori i cnt gt contek from ur web add.. =( my site is nt accessible.. anyway, manga n anime i leave for d next time, so nw, i end my poz here, gonna say bb den, 2molo hv skul, duno when oni cn update.. kk, tq for readin~~!! ttfn!!

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