Monday, January 24, 2011

school day over n over again!!

today, skul again.. it's monday!! and den, i am lik, so frustrated, from mornin.. i mean ytd oso.. many thin happen.. ytd is d open hse in my hse.. n well, many ppl cum.. my mum told me is for dad's business thin, n it reli, laz min i c is nt.. = =" and den nvm, is juz dat manyyy ppl cum, n we lik, duwan to go out.. =( bt ltr we go eat, i call my bro to cum wif me.. n den we saw amy's fren, Tay in short.. so, i kinda lik, ok lor, he sit lik alone, n den juz ask him wan sit in d table inside anot.. he is waitin for amy(sis) to cum down.. n she is lik, upstair in her room with MK(sis bf) together.. and den eat eat, my aunt oso cum, n den we share d same table.. and my "ice kacang" from ice to water.. =( and ltr Tay ask me to call my sis, cuz she invite him, he is lik alone, understand.. n well, we gt chat a lil anime n stuff.. and den lik, i call my sis, she was lik locking inside d toilet n duwan cum out.. n MK say they had a lil fight?? n i was lik, wad happened?? = = i call her to open d door yet she start scoldin me.. =( n i tried usin d fork of s/thin to pick d lock bt no use.. =/ and den ltr i saw MK was lik so frustrated, nt in a mad way, bt more in a pressure way.. i guess he really is stressed from stayin wif my sis?? she had d bad habit lik mum.. =( and den i was lik, askin d whole story.. n MK say sis call him to buy her foundation, n den he go bt no stock, so din buy, n den he told her dun hv, she juz cloz d door n lock herself inside.. n i was lik, har? - -' n i luk at his face, i think he reli lik gonna cry, i guess i'm pityin him.. =/ well, i scared they cnt get thru n break up or s/thin, so i try sayin nt to b so serious abt d fight, dun end up lik nt a gud way lar.. n den d Tay was lik, i duno?? for me is ntg, bt i guess ltr on u will understand.. = = juz join in d conversation, bt i reli dun notice untill ltr part my sis n MK mention.. ok, den we chat n my aunt we three tok abt it, n my aunt say untill i oso cry jor.. well, my prob is my mum n MK prob is my sis.. they r d same.. =( well, i dun mean lik baby lik dat cry la.. anyway, we gt frustrated abt it s/thin, bt wad to do? =( and den ltr on d stupidest is dat i saw my sis laughin here there.. = =" juz few min ago she was in d toilet lockin up herself.. =/ weird.. n den we c show n tok abt show.. n den there is one stupid dammit movie, i reli hate it.. where d wold things are..(my opinion, sori if u lik them, cuz i dun mean to oppose u or wadeva, my personal opinion, cn choose to nt read) n dat stupid show was lik havin stupid psycho boy n went to a stupid island from wadeva d boat cum from n meetin a hideous monster.. and after d stupid show i ever watch fin, i waste my 2 hrs of life to see fin dat freakin movie.. wth, n when i tok abt dis, my aunt n uncle hu watch dis oso say d same, we were lik sayin hw stupid(bad, nt funny) n unwatchable show dis is.. n we were complainin for wastin watchin them when there is ntg nice in it.. it juz bluff u watch till d stupid end thinkin is there any possibility for gettin interesting? n wad, dis freakin show even hw a freakin award.. = =" i reli cnt understand dis world.. mayb my level is nt toward a psycho child level.. =) anyway, i dun understand psycho.. = ="
and den my sis was so curious hw bad dis may end up, n wanted to watch it, n when there is part, my sis even watch n laugh, we all lik, wth.. = = swt.. my sis is kind childish.. = =" i dun understand at all, n MK was lik, sayin d gud part is d lightin, scenary nice n stuff, other den d story n character.. - -" n well, lazly, they all missin in a moment n den MK dad cum n he went home.. we den watch Ninja dat starred by Rain.. many blood splashing out n d cut lik head n such nt reli realistic, so nt scary geh.. - -'' nt horror at all.. juz very.. yer.. bt story nice.. did i mention, when d caterer wan to go bek, we lik wan keep d leftover food, n sooooo many lar.. n well, today i oni noe, they all tek all d gud stuff, lik prawn n such, i din even gt to eat any... =( bt d satay soooo many!! scary.. 1000 lik dat.. = =" n d vege, scary.. so many, i c oso wan barf out my food i eaten.. anyway, is more den u think.. and den well, d show was lik haven fin, evi1 go bek n my mum start nagging abt us nvr help, bla bla bla.. n my sis in d bek tell me, is she wan to plan dis one, y say us?? i think well, dun care lar.. juz let it be.. - -" mum lik dat geh.. n we stop d show, start doin work.. bla bla.. oh, i almoz 4gt, d part ltr on, my aunt was lik, jokin around sayin, Tay wan chase u ar? or amy.. and i was lik, NO!! u noe y? there is a reli reli reli (?) reason for dis for NOT being possible.. u noe, he is a lil... i duno IS anot.. bt is a lil gay?? o_O well, n my aunt was lik, reli ar?? well, i kinda blif dat.. n my sis said b4 dat Tay kinda wan to chase MK.. =O n one time he saw MK wait for my sis, he told my sis say, "u tek him on weekday, weekend let me ar.." O_O  well, no offense on dis kind of stuff, juz dat i hope he won;t consider to harm any1 lar.. =( n well, Tay is bein invited cuz my mum ask my sis to, cuz my mum noe him.. =/ and den ltr on, my sis say dat MK wan to thanks me, n i was blur blur, he say dat cuz of me, d Tay gt s/thin to tok n din kacau him.. b4 he very frustrated dat time, Tay was lik askin him n such, n MK duwan answer.. n i was lik.... o...kay.. = =" bt no offense la, juz is ur freedom to lik, juz think trice b4 u do s/thin.. - -'
and wenn gt remind me abt h/w n stuff, yet i laz min around 9.40+ start doin them.. till 10++ n i stop n went to bed.. 2molo b4 goin to school, i done fin d essay.. =) and well, many part i wrote is mostly about nonsense on fren other den wad d title is referrin.. i say 5 fren in 4Beta class, wenn, yk, pei yi, mia n well, unexpectedly, feline.. =) (dun ask me to let u c, after fin, i guess dis id d most horrible essay i ever wrote in my life, hw cn i gt an A for dat??! and den i juz swap it in d file n lazy to rewrite a better one.. bt compare to other essay i ever write, dat is horrible.. =( my standard for english is droppin!! NOOOOO!!!! should i oso write formal in here? mayb i cn improve? =D
and i went asking my dad for a mask, since my chemistry teacher request on us to bring them, and i know my mum had forgotten abt it since i d day i told her on friday.. =( and den i so scared n sms wenn.. bt i duno she gt c anot.. =( den ltr on i go down stair to get ready for breakfast.. and my bro was lik, from 5.45 went bath untill 6.15.. in there for 30min lik ntg at all.. my auntie dat fetch us go skul cum at 6.20 n he is lik naked along d way.. no shame!! =( he think he is still a baby.. =/ and was lik let my auntie wait for sooo long for him to cum out.. n den as usual, go skul.. mornin sien, i saw tj and li see there edi.. and we tok a lil, n i was so frustrated abt d chemistry dat teacher wanted us to do d experimant thin.. TT and den d next thin was, our nails.. my nails, kinda long.. so li see brought her nail cutter to skul n well, we tek turn cuttin our nail.. i tot of planin nt to cut them n wan to polish my nail during CNY.. bt cnt, if gt caught my skul, more worst, u nid cut untill more deeper den normal.. = =" so i scared i oso cut, bt d cutter is kinda blunt, bt ltr on li see help me on my nails.. i dun hv nice nails n such, juz a normal student nail.. =( anyway,after cuttin it, i suffer from my nail paint since den.. i think i cut too deep? TT add mt class as usual was fast bt ok, chemi got experimant, bt mozly let other "ppl" do, n i was force to record the table.. - -' they oni lik ownself wan do s dun part or wadeva, stupid job we all do.. = = or s/thin?? i din wan to do anythin.. =( yupp, i am nt reli workin together, cuz i dun lik dat group.. = =" anyway, mornin wenn seems lik bad mood, i think she is mad at me.. =( i so worry dat she is angry at me yet nvr say.. TT bt ltr wenn ok liao, i guess yuki let her cheer up.. =) hope wenn eviday oso hapi hapi.. anyway, i wan end dis, so is lik oso gt new timetable n such.. and den ltr go bek, i decide nt to go co-curiculum.... cuz i noe my mum purposely cum n fetch me for ntg den.. =( so i scared she scold me, so i din say anythin n let ehr fetch.. i cum out very late liao, n den lucky they ltr on halfway cum, d sun sooo hot.. n my dad today tek lift off, n den ltr we eat lunch together at home, eatin d stupid leftover food ytd.. u noe is dam lot!! =( i cnt even digest nicely after seeing it.. i wan to vomit.. bt still eat, n den tok tok tok wif my sis.. den suddenly say abt anime jor.. n oso funny thin.. and den ltr go suggest her lik a page in fb, den i go bek my room n play com.. after time around 6pm, i gt rdy for my tuition on 7pm.. durin 6.45, van cum n i jump up inside n den tuition was add mt first.. when i go, i saw ajeeta infront, she dun hv d card yet so she cnt juz wave n access.. she press d bell many time yet no one answer.. bt ltr we all go to d main floor, full jor, d seat.. n we went up, since our class is up there.. n there gt chair, wif accent manga.. soo long time ago type of manga, i c d artwork oso no eyes to c.. = =" dat is irritating n horrifyin.. den we tok tok n another person oso, bt there oso cctv.. no privacy.. bt we tok abt skul stuff, n den other ppl cn drop add mt in skul or samo hv better stream.. =/ nt lik ours.. cheh.. dat guy he tuk add mt in tuition, dropped add mt in skul, cuz he duwan to tek in skul.. = =" anyway, class start, went in.. den add mt.. arghh, finally fin chp 2!! =D it was an easy class, b4 one was a lil complicated.. den when bio class, i forgot there is h/w for doin essay or s/thin.. n i was lik, totally 4gt.. - -' n den lucky teacher no ask, teach untill i cnt stand, wan to sleep, bt understand, gt try on to listen, juz very hard to NOT feel sleepy.. n i was sooo hungry, din eat dinner yet.. =( i drink water, a lil bottle i bring.. den fin, went bek, tired lik hell.. n den go bek sure go eat.. n my family haven eat oso, dat time is 10.30pm.. except for my bro hu lik, dun care geh.. n den eat some delicious butter cookies, reli nice.. n den go n use com a lil update dis blog, bt cnt write finish, 11.30++ i went to bed.. next mornin i was re-editing dis post and den still, cnt finish in time, n i wrote halfway n left to skul.. rushin.. =(

PART 2, 2nd day of skul, i mean d 2nd day in d weekday.. =(
ok, dis cuz i re edit here, so time nw is 4.50pm n is Jan 25 nw.. ok, gonna say, today went skul, ntg much, alone again.. evi mornin same.. =) too early= nt reli gud.. and den ltr tj, angeline n li see cum abt d same time.. den we chat a lil, wenn oso cum, wenn always sit very far.. =( and i was sittin in d corner geh, gt wall to lay on.. anyway, bla bla.. ltr is chinese class, n well, bored? juz do my add mt yesterday's work.. =/ and den mia was bside tokin wif her fren n d liew yan jun, duno hw to say him, mia say he is s/hw stalkin him or s/thin, always d same wif her.. tuition or wadeva, very close geh.. hahax.. he actually sit in front of mia, bt mia chase him in a side.. haha.. so he sit infront of me, n well, he kinda busybody hear mia's chat wif her fren.. = =" n he ask me nonsense n such, duno wad to say.. den mia was doin her account's work n yan jun is doin his biology work.. 2 oso copy wan.. so den, mia ask to exchange wif yan jun, n they exchg helpin each other, she write his n he write hers.. d account one, reli very much.. O_O d note, i duno hw to say, looong.. n after fin juz 1 of d abt 6 page of notes, he say he gt no reason to live on edi.. =/ bt ltr bc over, n well, ntg much.. bio dat time, mia call me n tell me abt yuki, she cnt stand her anymore, n well, cn c yuki emo.. =( n den we lik, duno wad to do.. haiz.. i duno wad happen to them till d very end.. i reli duno wad happen.. they were lik nt gettin gud.. no any better.. n well, d bio class, suck cuz our place let ppl sit.. =( me n wenn bein forced to sit in d bek row cuz no place edi.. b4 our place let ppl sit, i dun reli blame them cuz d guys sit d wrong place first.. =/ bt wan to sit in my original place.. =( bt nvm.. chemi oso no gud.. and den add mt is ok, i prefer goin up to lab den in class, i reli cnt c... too short? is nt i cnt d cuz blur, is too many head blokin n such.. i duno wad to say.. = =" i oso dun mean is their wrong, juz dis place ruin my future for add mt.. = =" haizz... oso nvm.. n ltr d big prob is yuki, emo in a corner, mia mad in another place.. - -' after when mt, i was bein called by mia to go tok wif yuki, n dat time teacher is givin us d exercise on paper.. i went bringin it to yuki's place n start askin wad is wrong wif her.. n mia she went to codie there, i guess when u tok abt counselling, is to luk for PRS.. hahax.. anyway, i went askin her n tok to her, nt chat.. n she start cryin.. she thinkin all those negative thin n such.. etc......... emo... = =" well, after dat she is ok a lil, n mia cum by n saw she cry n sure, duno wad to say jor.. and den yuki ok jor, end.. i use 2 period to tok to her n end up, teacher call us to pass up dat dam exercise, i haven even do fin a page.. - -' and d yan jun lik busybody cum stick inside d situation, mia call him go away, well, he didn't.. i guess mia reli hv 2 gud fren, yuki n yan jun.. hahax.. evi1 has bad part, is hw u see it.. part of u is nt perfect, evi1 too.. bt if i say all wad i say to her, i guess 1 post will end up reli reli long.. = =" mayb next time.. kinda lazy to tok crap nw.. =( and well, is ok, end, fin.. n her thin is over, we end skul, went bek, mum no cum.. wad is my emoticon? "sad face", u noe, "=(".. nt in my face showin it, i mean lik u hv emoticon kind, n dat.. anyway, is nt reli hapi lar.. juz okok, went bek, halfway, pass by mrs tan hse n she in dat very sec juz cum bek n saw me, so went n fetch me to my old hse.. i wait for my mum outside n lucky, she went to check for mail bt she din c me, n i was callin her, n she say, "y u today so early wan?!?!? i tot u ltr 1.45pm?! brian say is 1.45pm, y u so early wan?" n i was lik, = =".. and den go in car, she say fetch brian fin n den go buy seafood.. cost wround 300++.. for CNY geh.. gonna hv shark fin soup n such.. =) juz nt buy lar.. we dun go out in 1st day to eat nw.. all hse de.. den ltr went home, eat rice, help my sis n cleanin d freezer.. den tok tok tok.. let her listen to song n such.. bla bla.. went up use com till nw..i duno did i forgot enythin today to mention out, except d part for d nonsense wif d conversation, no more edi.. so den, ltr i gt tuition, dammit, is BM today.. so gonna go, i hv to go sleep, bt i think no time.. =( nvm, should i do my h/w? which h/w i hv ar? o_O
anyway, thx for readin, b4 b4 cny yuki say she n wenn will cum to my hse, duno true anot, my hse ntg de.. haha.. =D bt den, gonna b CNY, do u celebrate it? =) k den, bye bye, i mean ttfn~~!!


Lost Alone said...

you really say everything ! even when me and yan jun exchange h/w ! WTH xDDDDD
yeahhhhh ..... frensss ==
i'm already dying this chinese new year with some of my 'frens'

♥♤ ℉εʟїḉїα ✖ Ẏüмḯ ♤♥ said...

sori for d late reply.. haha.. ntg to write mar.. lol.. aiyor.. dun say lik dat lar.. cheer up from dat.. dun tell me even after CNY u still think lik dat..?? o_O well, i guess half half.. lol..