Saturday, January 22, 2011

bursting anger day

well, today is a day, dat is cal, "SATURDAY".. n we,...... nid to go to d freakin skul.. = =" for.... replacement.. CNY thingy... chinese new year lar har.. juz dat today, lucky i was havin feelin today is gonna hv bad thin happen, n, it reli did.. SPOT CHECK.. bt they spot check oso so lil ppl oni.. no ppl cum wan... = = bt our class gt many, nt so much, bt more den half.. mozly cum for add-mt i guess? =) ok, d stupid spot check is when mornin gather, they juz check check check, we all leave our bag in there n went sit in d bag watchin them.. n i was lik, pei wen hv pen drive, n i gt nail cutter?? ok, is weird i noe, juz dat cuz lazy no time n i scared wan check so brin in case.. bt actually they juz check wad u brin bt nt ur nail.. =/ n tj was lik willin to help.. n i actually put my nail cutter in my pencilbox in d laz min, n den after hearin tj say, i went bek n help pei wen tek her pendrive oso.. n paz to tj to keep.. n he hold a buk, he kept there.. and i think we're lucky cuz d prefect dat handle d class is younger den us n kinda blur?? so i juz told her i tek my pencil, wan do h/w, n den she ask me, "d teacher cal us to put d bag infront rite?" n i was lik, huh?? - -' i am nt a prefect larh, dummy, i mean blurry.. or wadeva.. u tek my freakin bag away from me.. >_>" bt is cool, i dun mean anythin.. anyway, we were juz watchin lik wad they check, bla bla.. lucky i din brin fon or cd, i gt confiscated b4.. =/ nt cd, h/p i mean.. bt d manga is safe n sound dat time.. dis time i din reli bring anythin wrong, juz nail cutter dat i duno cn brin anot, juz in case.. and tj keep d pendrive within d ring of d buk.. n i was lik, lol.. = =" n den he keep my nailcutter in d pocket.. =) nt safe la.. bt u ever hear b4, the mos dangerous place is d safest place ever?! =P n so he oso bring his wad lil model knife or s/thin, hard to hide.. is nt s/thin dat can kill ppl lar, is juz d shape dat tek from anime/game/manga kind.. anyway, is lik he keep in s/where safe, nt where u r thinkin ar.. (i duwan to say here cuz i scared gt any prefect here followin me? u will nt noe, juz dat is a place evi1 cn do, bt oni for small thin, nt hide in d part where u cnt see lar, nt there, dat is silly, is a secret.. bt if u reli wan to noe, cn ask me.. =] ) is nt s/thin dirty or wadeva, no ar.. evi1 oso got wan, n oso easy to keep, even when u r juz INFRONT d prefect oso i guess ntg actually.. if u wan to keep lik other ppl, they keep in inside pants pocket, or even worst, underwear n such.. dat is reli noticible.. = =" bcuz we r in publib n u cnt reli 100% do dat evitime w/out ppl seeing u mek big movement.. haha.. anyway, is lik they check our pocket n such, lucky is cullyn check girl, n wenn's comb no confiscate, cuz d teacher dun gv them brin d sharp end comb.. scared student tek them as a weapon n kill  d teacher?? i duno.. =D n den when for boys, tj was lik so silly lar, he tek d buk lik so noticeable, n den d prefect stop him n ask him to check d buk.. = = n i was lik OMG, infront of d teacher in dat moment.. = =" i think i cnt do bad stuff, i reli cnt stand when i gt shock.. =( i mean u cn c s/thin is wrong.. anyway, they even see d pages.. n i was lik, omg omg omg omg.. wenn's 16GB pen drive.. my few hours energy to load them~~!! =( and den when fin, we all sit in d side lik evi1 n guess wad, evi1 went safe n ntg reli gt confiscated.. hw nice.. =P
tok abt skul time, less teacher cumin in class, lez student, there is oso classes where no1 even cum.. kua zhang.. and d part we finally reach add math class.. n we go up, 4D class oso wan join in, dat is cullyn n tj they all.. =/ and we go upstair to d physic lab, since evitime we go to lab other den in class.. n den as usual, lik usual class, juz add some other student inside.. =) fg(x) or gf(x) thin.. kinda noe wad is goin on nw.. n even prefect lik brandon goh hu is 5A went teachin us a lil, well, i understand dat part, cuz my question is nt there.. anyway, went knowing me n mia, same add math tuition teacher!! =D is lik, wad d hell, d same n yea, she told me he is founder of ERA man!! i was lik, omg, he is kinda weird type bt he teach gud.. n well, he always wan ppl ask him "WHY".. =X bt my claz gt ppl hu hv sense of humor, so they ask.. haha.. i lik d ERA tuition in my place, fren(newly met in era, bt bcum fren) n gud teacher.. gud environment? gud security? well, it hv air-con bt cold.. it hv cctv bt eviwhere oso hv lik stalkin ppl oni.. n u nid access card n wave on d detector outside n inside d door to go in.. high tech enuf for an ERA.. n nw they hv 11 ERA.. =/ dis place is gonna b full of them when time turn around.. bt ytd, went tuition for chemi, OMG, i was dam sleepy, i cnt concentrate bt understand a lil, n i was thinkin, chemi is NOT fun.. =( if u lik, is ur choice la, means u r sure better den me.. i am reli duno hw to say, i prefer seein add-mt den chemi, juz depend.. bt when it cum harder, is more unexpected when i gt bored of them one day?? =/ ok, study is reli necessary, so u gotta b gud on dat, dun folo me so lazy lik worm oni.. =( anyway, juz gonna say, today, bored mayb? bt i dun reli feel sooo bored, cuz i hv add mt h/w from laz week i din do, n today one is lik double n i haven touch them.. so i doin them.. =) n den wenn throat pain.. luk lik reli sien.. n sad? =( hope she is ok.. bt ltr b4 goin bek, she luk fine to me, hapi edi.. wif yuki tokin since after recess, gud mood bek? =) tokin abt stuff i reli duno n din hear, i was doin h/w, so weird i am reli doin them.. n i din reli concern much anyway, is reli weird today.. i guess d h/w thin reli brin up d mind to nt thinkin stupid thin.. haha.. juz ltr on a bunch of them went doin thin on white board, i doin h/w, n d bek, all d guy reli noisy.. = = nt 1 or 2, is a bunch, around 7?? anyway, juz to say, i am reli hapi i hv dis feelin, nt to b lik, givin temper of s/thin.. =) nw, i reli see d diff when i use to.. hoho.. usually when ppl dun bother u, u will lik, no mood liao.. usual, bt today i am A ok.. haha.. h/w reli is s/thin, specially add mt i noe.. =) if other subject, is makin thin worse.. haha.. bt i dun mind, juz i think bek i din even concern anyway, usual will juz think oni.. ppl is lik dat, evi1 do rite? =) i oso hv bad side, nt to say other.. i am hapi wenn is hapi after dat, bt i reli dun understand they were writin chinese thingy.. anyway, mia cum tok to me, i guess she is left out? n i was juz accompany her.. =) since i am kinda busy doin h/w alone anyway, n well, d topic juz cum lik "high" n we chat lik untill when tj cum, mia shoo him away.. haha.. bt at liz i learn dat evitime, evi1 is nt perfect, we muz always luk in d bright side, i for mia, i hope she is hapi for nw n den.. is ok to b mad n scold s/time, share it out, juz cuz i cn understand, d frustrated feelin we hv for s/1.. =) we both r reli same, oso scold bad word in blog, mayb? or juz me so rude enuf to do dat.. =( ok, bt i cn say, i am reli hapi, for sure knowing u guys, as a fren, lik laz time post, is important, if alone, sure evi1 mozly dun lik, bt evi1 nid space n privacy too.. in dis skul, thank you wenn, for bein my beztez fren.. juz s/time sad or mad, u cn scold or say me, dun keep ur anger.. reli, if me, eviday keep specially anger, i cn tell u 1 day i guess high blood pressure is gonna cum to me.. =( n thx mia, for havin same thought n den.. =) u were a reli great fren, for her, n i lik tokin to u, since u too lik thin other dun usually n juz hate it.. ty.. n yuki, i duno hw to say u.. i am glad u r my fren, yet, dis is nt d fren i ask for.. i wan a sincere one, nt s/1 makin me as a back-up or s/thin.. b more considerate n such.. when do u ever gonna learn? bt i am grateful u were there, juz d type dat i cn share.. anime n manga.. =) is juz ppl i randomly wan to say today.. cuz i juz think of them.. =) well, u din 4gt u guys, lik mayb jia en, cuz i noe mayb u r readin dis.. paiseh, i duno much abt u.. ><" bt i reli ty for readin my poz evitime.. =) n oso cindy(yann) for followin my blog, n as wenn's bez fren.. =) is oso a fren to me.. n tj, 1 thin, when do i reli get d GLEE.. =/ no, bt eventho u hv bad condition, dun gv up, i noe u r nt readin dis, cuz is scary if u reli is, bt i hope u won't think negative lik suicide n such, lik nw, you is u, dun worry for future, u cn chg them if u cn.. =) cullyn, pei yi, angeline n such...... u were great fren, reli is.. dun 4gt me.. hahax..
n nw, u hu is infront of dis com, well, readin dis, ty too.. =P u r my secret follower n i luf u guys.. haha.. i keep goin on wif nonsense post lik fren thin larh.. i think bcuz i hear mia's frustration n it juz kinda gt my mind.. =) so fren is important.. juz c if u reli noe hw to appreciate, n oso if u dun, they dun.. even if they r d one hu don't, it's ok, cuz pls blif, 1 day in d future, u will meet a better one.. is wad ur life is goin on nw n den for.. =)
so, i realize i hv many "=)" dis emotion.. ok, gonna end here.. bye den, 2molo is gonna b a big day, for dad's business open hse party.. =( y am i sad, i mean i hate troublesome thin.. haiz.. = =" wad a lazy person i am..
thx 4 readin, ttfn..!

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