Wednesday, February 2, 2011

lazy to update

nw is midnite, i mean lik 12.50am.. juz nid to cum blog n update.. = =" i haven done it lik, few days..
so, lets start where i left.. abt 2 or 3 days ago?? i 4gt.. lets start wif sunday.. kay den..
dis day is my uncle b/day.. d uncle hu cum bek from singapore n gift me a h/p, dat well, will soon gonna say farewell to it ltr on.. n we, actually was informed dat we will hv dinner at d "imperial palace" restaurant n eat.. =) bt den, after d whole day ltr, bla bla.. i 4gt, n den they chg place to other restaurant and eat.. anyway, mum buy cake b4 goin there, n skip skip skip, reach there, eat nice food.. den eat cake, den open present, den er.... fin? so faz?? bt when eat, oso gt c foto in my uncle's apple Ipad.. d foto is lik, took on sat wif his peugeot sport car.. =) den er.. after fin dinner, i guess is over hundred dat type.. n we go to IOI boulevard to eat er.. dessert.. =3 we purposely go there, n go to d Hong kong dessert shop n eat.. is actually 3 family n my uncle.. n my sis whole time oso lik mad at me, evitime lik dat.. - -' i oso duno wad thin.. den ltr my lil aunt tok to her a lil, n den she smile lik crazy, i duno wad is up wif her brain.. is she thinkin positive? sori i say lik dat abt my sis, bt true, she is psycho to me, same lik my mum.. nt d crazy type, bt is mentally, reli dammit type.. i duwan to tok abt it, i was sufferin from 2 of them evitime, today oso.. evitime lik dat, wad did i do wrong?? she n MK wan break up or nt, ok edi or nt, gud mood or nt, y does it hv to b me dat muz b ur sandbag? i dun care anyway!? u wan mad me for wad?! evitime lik dis, i respect u r my sis, i din say anythin oso, juz c u lik dat, if i am MK i oso dun care, i cnt stand dis kind of attitude.. reli, if i met s/1 s/thin lik dat other den my family, s/hw, i mayb will go berserk n slap them in d face wif a smile on me.. i despise dis kind of personalities.. if whole world is lik dat, b4 i even die, is my heart cnt stand them untill die.. if she reli does nt chg dat, i reli cnt even support her on their break up or wadeva.. i would go for MK decision, since i understand, my sis hv dis kind of insane attitude i hate, i mean no1 will lik it ok? sori, i kinda get off wif my sis subject, cuz in dis moment i was oso nt in a gud condition wif her.. influence me writin stupid stuff.. where was i? oo, we went eat dessert, i sit wif my cousin, Ashley n my other 2 very young lil cousin, Eunice n Sabrina.. n we share d same dessert, ice-cream wif d jelly in d bottom.. ok lar.. n other oso call durian thin, n dango or wadeva.. hw cn they fill in there stomach so much? bt 1 bowl reli very big.. me and ashley nid fin them lik, so hard.. haha.. anyway, fin den we go c clothes, my mum n sis buy n den i cross over "kimchi haru" restaurant where wenn's sis work part time.. den i saw her, i think a while, c nicely n wave at her.. bt she lik din reli noe hu am i...... den for a while oni she wave bek, den my aunt call me, bt actually they oni tok abt their stuff.. - -" my sis they all buy those clothes n such.. haiz.. i always hv to b left out, no matter wad, n my sis always say hw much thin i hv n wan to fight n use excuse sayin me n she will ended up havin buyin gud stuff n new thin.. to say clearly, step on me to get d top.. dis kind of sis, i reli duno wad to say.. evitime oso lik dat, i juz keep silent oni.. am i wrong to hv 3 set of clothes n 2 wet of top while she already hv abt 12++ set of clothes.. i dun get it? r u reli hapi sayin those stuff abt me infront of my eyes, ear n nose(ok, nose no use), i mean infront of my human being juz in ur vision.. is dat wad u r hapi abt anyway? me suffer? u gt d benefit? or u hate me? say out larh! u scold me lar, dat is y i hate ppl lik dat.. wan say my bad word, infront of me, eventho it hurts, bt better den u tok in my bek.. wan scold den scold, c if u reli is rite, juz dare u to say out load infront of evi1, if my wrong, ok, fine, bt hw many times u juz ended up makin me juz a silly sandbag of urs to cover up ur stupid attitude.. yea rite! i am ur lil sis, so wad? i respect u, n wad u always gv me? juz a silly cold face eviwhere u go, nvr say anythin n juz lik glare at ppl for no reason, wan angry, juz say, i dun reli care is wad, cuz u r always unreasonable evitime.. s/time, being ur sis, i reli hate it.. bein in dis family, i reli cnt stand it.. wad i do, always ntg to u guys, am i dat dis-important? i reli dun understand hw a true time we spend, is dat all we got? my family is great, yea, i noe, it seem so perfect, ok, ppl may think wow, full family, gt sibling, juz a middle class family, parents.. evithin is perfect, it look dat wad is all there, bt in d truth, ntg.. nt to day all time ntg, sure there r time i reli was hapi fir them, cry for them, laugh wif them, bt, was i reli hapi? i mean, dat mayb juz 1/100 of d time we will do dat.. my family luk ok, bt it actually looks broken to me.. there is shattered pieces from them i hv, bt till nw i still wanted to try to put them bek.. all i wanted was for them to reli care abt me.. =( sadly, my family lack of dat, lack of understandin, n lack of juz a simple caring.. juz a simple caring, is dat so hard?, even other ppl hv it.. i am sori i wasn't apreciatin enuf, i noe i was grateful for bein in dis world wif u all, bt, human is selfish, dun u agree? i wish, my life wasn't in such a heartbreakin misery.. mayb 1 day i wanted to b free.. nt reli completely free from dis destiny i got from god dat gv me..
ok, i was tokin stupid nonsense.. where was i, i juz skip to next day..
ok, today reli, haiz.. i mornin doin work untill afternoon.. ltr fin dis n dat, i kinda clean my room.. tuk me hours? den ltr is mia n yuki cum my hse, to b exact, i ask them alot of time wad is so fun cumin to my hse anyway, is borin.. - -' n ltr tok, yuki sure is tokin abt gintama.. den bla bla, kinda off, n den they play taiko drum in my bro's PS2(playstation).. and den i use com, la la.. den wenn cum, i reli gt a surprise when she cum up stair.. O_O hw she cum in here, wad i was thinkin dat time.. haha.. k, she cum gv me bek my buk n i boro her my manga.. den lala.. her sis oso downstair n auntie kitty(yuki's mum) also.. n den tok a lil.. den wenn n sis cum my room n lik, wan to boro manga, c my com, den skip skip, they went bek.. =) b4 they go bek, my mum gv them angpau, n den my mum say "wish me gong xi fa cai".. i was lik, swt, where gt ppl call other to call call them to with ownself geh? haha.. den ltr is mia n yuki go bek together.. sis was out go to MK there..sure it gud dinner.. end day..
wait, is today.. actually ntg much.. is nt today anymore, since is past midnite.. mornin okok lor, wake up cuz mum voice.. den i went down rdy breakfast, ended up rdy for evibody.. den my 2 bro is gettin on my mum;s nerve n ended up nid to kneel down infront of d god.. - -' ltr punishment for nt answerin mum's call(nt fon call ar) is to fold d "gold" n burn for god wan.. ltr went helpin n my 2bro c tv less efficient.. den mum tek d, er.. help to push in shoe thingy dat u cn buy in IKEA.. long stick type.. n den she use dat n hit my 2 bro hu dun listen to her.. den ltr my 2 bro went upstair.. n den my mum call them cum down, bt no1 did.. n my mum snapped n when up to look for them, bt they hid themself.. so den my mum went findin them n was furious.. she say if i find u, u gonna gt it.. n den she reli found them inside d cupboard n dat time i din went up.. bt i heard d wackin sound so load and many time, i juz went up n call my mum to stop beatin them.. she juz continually hit them n d thick stick juz broke to half.. eventho is made from plastic.. n den after hear i call her to stop, she stop for a while, den ltr start hittin them again.. den stop n went down n call my lil bro, jeremy to go down.. n kneel down again in d same place.. = =" den ltr me n my sis is foldin d "gold" n my mum call jeremy to fold too.. bt i fold lik thousand edi, he juz ten.. = =" nt i say disrespect d dead, bt doin dis juz polute d air n oso wastin paper dat kill trees.. n waste time to fold oso.. - -' n oso money to buy..i reli duno wad to say.. n brian was still top floor there, n jeremy was down.. den i tek plaster for jeremy n his knee was lik bleedin.. i help him put n my mum call me bcum d "buddha" to go convince brian.. i was lik, i duwan.. cuz brian is reli, stubborn n dun listen to me geh.. >_> go up for no reason.. bt i oso gt tek extra plaster for him, juz pt there n say gv dis(plaster) to d "buddha".. my mum went upstair b4, bt juz, cum down ntg happen n say nid 3 plaster.. beat untill.. haizz... my mum samo cn say laz time hw she punish me oso.. bla bla.. - - den ltr ok liao.. we wanted to go IOI or parkson.. bt cuz i wan go "popular" buk store. so they decide on ioi, near.. bt oso cuz dat bro incident, they delay d time untill 4pm+.. n my dad say he will cum bek at 6pm.. n den my bro wan eat hamburger, dat goes to d place evi1 noe, Mc Donald.. bt is pass 3 n we din decide on goin there.. den we wait n den 5pm see soup opera.. d show we watch since laz week.. n den end at 6pm, dad cum home oso on 6pm so straight.. den gt rdy, we all went off to IOI.. b4 we go IOI very jam wif cars.. n too hell lot of ppl.. bt ytd is weekday, so is less a lil.. n den we first go eat.. n we go eat BBQ Plaza.. =) is lik, i eat b4 2 time wif pei wen n once wif cindy.. reli nice n i wanted to let my family try it too.. bt we eat untill 100++.. i mean, d tax so dam high larh!! =/ is actually abt 80 to 90, plus tax, i reli no eyes to see.. n d stupid dam tissue, did he ever tell us nid to pay dat for lik 2.5?? i mean i even hv on myself.. = =" dis place luk lik ah long, juz gt service.. anyway, ltr i go buk store.. i went findin revision buk.. juz 3, chemi, physic n bio.. my family all go to daiso except brian, hu wan to buy liquid paper.. n pen.. den ltr ar... see lik some time, n choose here n there.. n d laz, i nid to buy 3 expensive buk for 85 lik dat.. if no discount it was lik 100++.. =( bt i was reli surprised myself cuz all among d buk, i choose all "sasbadi" brand, to tell d truth, i gt compare wif each other, except for d physic, cuz dun hv open, bt other nt reli gud.. bt bio n chemi b4 i find success bio n longman chemi is ok, bt when i check on d opened sasbadi brand, i was lik, omg, dat is better.. - -' den i duno wan choose which.. d laz i tuk 3 oso same brand, scary, d most expensive.. includin pass year exam paper together.. den i go daiso for a lil while, n saw my parents, den saw my sis n jeremy.. den i c there gt file n i gv up d popular wan.. i go bek to popular n den chg my bro's liquid paper to a cheaper one, since i oso nid, n den chg d pen to ball pen.. i oso nid.. den is cheaper a lil, i guess..... cost abt 95++.. and den pay money, i wan to go comic track, bt wen i go, saw my dad, they fin in daiso, i haven even buy my file there.. den i go bek daiso since my mum's turn to buy her feng shui buk.. den i choose file n my bro wan glove cuz he c jeremy gt buy.. den i went to buy another 2 ear muffler dat well, use my money oso.. i wan us four to hv it, cuz if 1 dun hv, will nt b hapi wan.. rite? lik evi1 hv, n 1 dun hv.. so i think of them n i buy for us four person.. bt i didn;t think dat thinkin lik dat is juz me oni.. they, dun even think lik dat.. after meetin up in popular, cum out, den oni noe, my sis oso buy glove.. n all was left out is me.. i noe, glove is ntg, i dun use it often, we dun usually use dat in dis country or wadeva, i noe.. bt did they even care for my feelin when they actually hv, bt din tell me in d end, juz hid themself n untill d end let me found out, is juz hidin from me, duwan me to buy.. ok, fine, so wad? ppl say lik dat, so wad if i dun, d store won;t go missin, d thin is still there, cn cum again.. so many excuse, u noe wad am i upset abt, is dat u guys dun even treat me lik 1 person i treat u all.. i even go so much effort to hid from u guys n think of ur feelin n ended up buyin thin for u all, n wad u gv me, cold luk, sour face, n wad?! u think i am mad dat is ur fault? i din say anythin, is dat hw u think?am i reli nt a sister or wad? s/time i reli hate, hate dis relation..dis blood dat relate to u guys, is dat reli fine for me to hv it? cuz in d end, u dun treat me as one.. =) so i din say anythin, juz keep goin, n u juz think abt urself.. n when u cross over a purse shop, u wanted to buy for MK, bt nt enuf cash in hand, n i go atm wif u, den ltr cnt tek out cuz we juz nid tek out 20 bt they say at liz 50.. and den wad? i borrow all my money in hand for u to buy dat playboy brand purse juz for u to gift MK, bt u din say a thank you from d start till d end.. am i, reli juz s/1 u think is easy to use on? i wanted to say i hate u, i disgust u, evithin! bt i couldn't, is nt i cnt, is i love u so much too as my sis, my dear family dat i try nt to b.. y no1 understand? y u, u all, dun understand? is ok if i lend u money, i'm fine.. juz dat when i mention i wanted to buy a glove too, since i was d only 1 left out by u guys, i hope to join in, dat's all.. bt u juz turn away n bcum angry, mad at me? yup, from my heart, i was tellin myself nt to b mad in my face, i try to b alone awhile when i went to jusco n buy some thin.. i duwan to b mad, or scold some1, i dun hv d right i guess.. bt untill we went bek home, u juz slam d fridge door, makin rude action, dat show u r mad, upset.. my mum ask me wad happen, should i even say, i noe she is mad at me, bt i duno for wad reason she should b, cuz i should b d one mad at her from d start, when is d upside down situation cum from? bt i din say, i juz smile n shook my head, sayin i duno.. i duwan to fight.. u r mad, fine, mad untill u r enuf, do u gt it, dis is wad u live as my sis dis whole time, i, as ur stupid sandbag, u, gettin d thin u r happy abt.. wad u duwan, u juz throw to me.. n when there is s/thin we hv in mind, u juz push d blame on me sayin dis n dat, makin mum juz carin for u n gv u bez.. u r elder, is a fact, r u happy seein me suffer? u r a sadist? or psycho? or maniac? devil? monster? luk lik an angel, bt ut heart is reli black to me.. i myself is black edi, cuz i hate so many thin, kept my feelin, my hatred, sadness, dark emotion in my heart, dat i din show out for u guys to noe hw black u may b.. i reli wanted to blif i hv a great family.. =) is dat so hard to achieve?? i may s/tim let u c me upset, cuz all i wanted u guys to noe, hw u treated me badly.. badly hurt me..
i am fine, juz show a lil in here.. sori, kinda think dat i realize d fact i was juz tokin to myself.. = =" since d blog is dead, no1 will say anythin anyway.. haiz.. fine, i gt over wif it, i dun wan to argue dis thin.. gonna say bb to dis blog again for some time? i duno hw long, 1 day, hr? few days ltr? bt c if i hv time.. tomorrow is finally Chinese New Year, r u excited? for ppl hu is celebratin it.. =) u cn gt angpau, woohoo.. =D bt well, my CNY oso nt reli nice, ntg reli.. juz here there.. no more.. nt lik other ppl gt hometown to go bek, go other places to visit.. me? at home.. =/ so den, i wish evi a hapi CNY, to u hu dun celebrat, it's ok, cuz there is bunch of festival in a year.. diff ppl, diff festival, i hv, u hv, no1 is 100% same.. =) even is same place, same type of ppl, i guess d face oso cn nt same wad.. haha.. =) except u clone lar, bt nt same is ur personalities n thinkin.. even is clone oso cnt b 100% same.. moz oso 99.99% which i dun reli think it exist..
ok, end here.. sayin GONG XI FA CAI to u guys, hapi CNY.. bye bye~~ i mean ttfn~~!! =) thx for readin till here, dis post juz dun reli care it, i think i mozly write abt my sis alot.. = =" juz skip those.. if u haven read.. i dun HATE my sis, juz her personalities... n action..... n thinkin...... n........ anyway, she is important to me oso, a family.. so anyway, juz my simple minded thinkin to burst part of my emotion here.. =( kk, ttn!

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