Wednesday, January 12, 2011

re-poz/ re-edtin/ continue

[pls noe dat dis is s/hw few days bek poz.. original date, 12 jan.. bt today was 14 jan.. i din gt d chance to poz after writin so long dat very day cuz no time(i guess) n i saved in draft bt still cnt find time to continue.. n now, i hv to poz 3 days poz to replace wad i din write.. sori.. dis one is gonna b originak from start, so i juz say ytd mean d day b4 12 jan.. bt d real deal is dat i currenlt is 14 jan n continue editing writin dis poz..]

(original title: , bt u c, i chg my mind nw, btw dis is d 14 jan me here.. i say wan poz bt nw i poz in d other new poz usin my mum's cam, so is clear, no "mong cha cha"(i think so).. so dis poz mayb nt reli corek all d way.. haha.. =D )

my meanin of "mong cha cha" is an alternative word for "blur blur".. =) well, since y i write lik dat? cuz, d foto is reli blur...... untill..... oni 2mega pixel u noe.. is 2 x 10(power of 6) dat is 2000000pixel dat is reli hell lez of d quality!! =( cnt expect much, big sigh for me.. i use my fon mar.. my mum's camera pic ltr on i oni continue uploadin it, i was too lazy to b doin uploadin stuff.. so nw was juz fon wan 1st.. mayb next time i tek again wif my mum wan, cuz her was 14mega pixel.. better.. =/ well, ok dis is juz ltr part, i haven start wif d skul life diary thin..
bla bla bla, ytd is borin oso, ntg else to do, juz dat no peace n quiet.. nw i noe my mum is so cruel, to me.. for sure nt to my lil bro, jeremy specially.. he's my parent's "big baby".. = =" so old edi samo baby untill when.. anyway, my com was safe, if nt i will nt b writin here again, n well, juz dat ytd i hv tuition for lik 7pm to 10pm, arghh, lack of sleep!! den for sure i tek a short nap, bt den, get over it, my mum even call me wake up by some stupid jokes(actually is nt a joke, she is in bad mood, "emotionalistic".. (mim-made it myself, no such word exist in dictionary, dun go write dis word in essay, if nt dun blame me for gettin a cross.. =( eventho mozly ppl sure noe wad does it mean anyway.. =/ even if is juz made up thin or word, simple..) anyway, i wonder hw is she gonna maintain her blood pressure or s/thin?? to say it truly, she reli no day will no bad mood, if gt oso dad gv us pressure dat actually oso cum from mum.. =( she is queen, we r... ntg. u noe, she juz barged into my room n well, i was awake from dam heavy teks book of mine being thrown on me, n d time left still got 1 hour!! i set alarm n such, nid so cruel mou?? = =" lucky no tek my com, if nt, i reli cnt live stayin in d same hse, seein ur face, always thinkin dat i am uselez n bla bla bla, end. =( i am nt reli complainin actually, is s/thin lik wantin to express my feelin? o_O i duno, i juz seem to c d keyboard, type type type, lik dat, folo d flow.. bt i'm nt scoldin my mum lar, juz cnt stand her "emotional-istic" s/time.. tak boleh tahan!  lucky my buk is nt thrown so badly, bcuz i am their cushion. =( n i was lik, blur blur washin up n gt rdy, n d next thin she was in d door there sayin if still din wake, next is gonna splash water on me.. i'm lik, wtf! well, juz expression, i tend to nt say out, specially to her, is gonna b suicide man.. =/ no other word cn reli descibe hw i reli feel la.. =( bt over is over, cnt cry over spilled milk? well, dun suit here, bt hey, i dun reli keep hatred so bad, unlez for special other thin.. =/ anyway, yt tuition is er, bm.. i cn say, nt reli reli reli reli great bt nt bad.. =) bt i duno is he reli corek? cuz when he start givin us do d openin for d essay, i was gettin praise by d teacher for writin "very good, excellent, good", juz nid add "sebenarnya" n all corek for d paragraph.. n i was lik, har?? thx him bt confused, no way i'm gonna tek much hope on those word.. i am nt capable into bm.. well, got a stupid C for dat sub in all of d 8 subjek i tuk.. mek my eyes oso duno wan to c anot.. gt a, b n 1 c.. = =" bt met ai menn again there, sat wif her, she was lik takin my still left lez den 10% of battery, reli low on battery fon of mine n well, c foto n er theme.. luv her fon, reli nice n pretty.. =) n ltr another chinese girl sit bside bside me, n i oso saw she hv d same fon n colour of d fon dat ai menn have.. wow.. d 2ppl bside me is havin same h/p.. and den d teacher samo say wan replace b4 claz to sat of s/thin at 11.30 to 1pm.. =/ ok, go bek, 8.50+, went watchin show, help mum print thin n such.. n den end day..
today oso borin day.. bla bla bla.. our claz bcum so noisy.. my bek is nt yk anymore, is d guys, reli noisy reli.. n right oso some.. in front, well, mainly is when my front student, ke xin she hv her fren sit over or tok tok tok, well, kinda??!!?? duno wad to say, i gt no comment, i dun mean any offense.. =( n stupid moral.. i think up 2 major thin in negara for keadilan, bt duno hw to write in bm, juz hv d idea in head, i duno hw.. =( i am nt gud at bm or wad.. y she dun gv bi lieh?! =[ well, borin borin.. n 1 thin i left d skul wif well, paiseh lorh! i went scriblin my stupid drawin n duno hu sit in my place, n samo is guy lieh.. = =" duno wad to say.... paiseh mean lik embarrass.. haha.. bt nvm la.. cnt chg d fact he sit edi.. so many ppl takin account, and pei wen is taking too.. i was bein encouraged by my uncle n aunt to tek onto account, bt i guess i dun think i can handle, n samo, i think d tez is when u tek, u nid to tek up a year.. for acc, i duno is 1 or 2 year, cuz when we ask d teacher, she did nt reli 100% say is abt d skul tez if i recall bek my memoriz, she juz say if u duwan tek, u juz dun chuz in spm, bt din say form 5(bt probably cn choose), bt form 4 i duno.. i am nt an elite student hu is gud at bm oso.. if it's in english, i sure will go i guess.. lik college oso english.. anyway, mum no fetch me bek after skul, n half way, saw a dropped book belt thingy on d road n pik up n return to d person hu drop dat was walkin in front, den in front samo, pei wen sis croz by n oso gv me a short lift to my old hse.. =3 u noe, u reli cnt blif hw bad is d sunlight!! so hot la wei!! n den i hv ntg to do in d hse, juz sit n w8t, den gt so many dried leaves, went sweepin d floor.. for ntg lar, i am bored, ntg to do.. bt reli alot of leaves man!! gonna sweep lik few min oso cnt fin.. =/ ltr wait lik abt 50min, den my mum cum.. well, i din complain anythin, juz smile n ahaha.. lik dis.. n she today was totally another face n was nt reli in bad mood, she cn even help on sweepin d dried leaves.. = ="

i forgotten wad happen in dis day ltr, bt i noe tuition on 8.30pm, physic claz.. n i was lik waitin for d van to cum fetch me n he was late, mum call n they say forgotten.. wad the.. bt nt d uncle fault, they din tell him, so he duno, n i dat day oni pay samo, n get d era card to wave d "s/thin" lik a credit card lik dat den oni can paz thru d troublesome door n cctv lukin at d position there.. i can tell u, there is so many cctv there, duno is too rich or too bored?? d card i oso gt tek, ltr poz wif d other.. anyway, chemi was lik, i duno hw to say, eye oso wan cloz edi, is nt bored or wadeva lik skul dat kind, is juz dat, all d board was graph! graph! graph!! here n there n i din sleep from mornin 5am.. no nap, same lik d day b4.. so tirin.. n evi1 was lik, "sigh~~!!" n eyes tryin to mek it wild~~ open.. n well, 4 formula to rmb n walah, i noe we're dead.. =) dun reli understand d concept on hw to "use" d formula when there is somethin per somthin square, area.. and mek it to square?? i duno hw to explain wad we're tryin to say.. bt physic, for skul, doom man!! no teacher, no substitude or wadeva, february is gonna cum wif a tez together, n guess wad, "we're all gonna die!!" well, is lik movie's talk, haha, well, i dun reli think so lar, many ppl so pro in their study, sure ok for them lor.. nt lik me, oni get 5A wof 1 C along.. worse lar.. =(
dis day is oso wed, so i have house practice n well, i ditched it, dis is d second time.. 1st, no reason goin there, 2nd, i am lazy, 3rd, my mum dun fetch me if i go to dis thin..4th, i cnt do sport, wad for?? ok, i cn wif limit, juz an excuse, bt for sure, i duwan to do equals i cnt do.. =) juz a letter in front n walah, bye bye.. =D special priority lor.. bt still, juz for d lil mark, i nid to suffer cumin as a QM.. =( i duno my suffer is d sun or my mum.. anyway, at liz better den doin sport.. juz for d marks, gonna do it? bt well, i dun even wan to stay in malaysia, duno should i reli put effort anyway?? - -" i hv to say, no matter if still cnt wok oso muz cum, this is wad they think, haizz... they cut den cut lar, my pjk marks for d 2 years laz time is fail or juz paz marks.. all teacher pity me gv me marks.. juz bcuz i cnt tek d tez of pjk n such..
today lunch was.. mac donald.. again.... n tuition cum bek wif my bro, we was lock outside d home bt inside my house area.. n i sat on d wing wait for their return from tesco..

well, end here, dis is nt complete anyway, part 1 end for .... cumin for part 2, or mayb foto? depend..
ok, i 2molo oni poz my other one. nid time.. goin to sleep, thx for readin, ttfn~~!!

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