Sunday, January 16, 2011

picture picture picture

ok, after d 2 post in blog dat i poz b4 dis, nw as i said in there, finally poz picture.. tek time.. anyway, start wif d present i receive on my b/day.. =) mozly, thanks for evi1.. =D nw den, scroll down~~ [click on d picture if u want to see it bigger, bt if u dun wan to away from dis blog page, right click n open in new tab/window]

Bag from TJ's present

inside- i put other gifts from frenz as well, save space to carry =)

very unique chest box, present from cullyn wif a card

a mug and wishes from shir jin.. =D

d mug in another.. angle.. =]

a looong card dat was gift by tj n mia? is a "gud job" card other den a "b/day" card..

wad is inside d card, words by tj n drawin by mia..

tape n elephant shaped tape thingy(?) from angeline.. =)

i duno y, i lik dis wrappin paper, is told to me dat is expensive n "fragile", gt reflection

u cn see it, from siow pei yi.. =D cute bear coin box..

well, dat is d card's 1st page, cute drawin

d card inside, well, wishes n such, very nice

from dear cindy, d present b4

and after, is a very cute foto album, hw should i use it? o.o nowadays no use foto, bt well, i luv it.. =3

from mia, wishes from her.. =P

n d "lek bek" page i turn over to.. =)

d present inside, seriously, i cn c is buy from daiso wif d tag on it, bt i luv d pouch, tq

duno y, wanted to tek dis wif HQ.. luv d pattern seriously.. =D

present from mum in d mornin, a baggy shirt.. =) well, d second gift was cash coz more den 280 in d bill.. =/

present from my 2 aunt, a hand bag, plain n nice, bt i use it as my tuition bag nw.. =/

tok abt tuition, my card to paz d ERA security thingy.. 1016, ok lar..

d rule in d bek, i nw put in d pouch mia gift me.. wif my fon..

my sis present for me.. a head band, too bad i'm nt pretty enuf to fit it.. =/

and den, pei wen's present!! 2 wishin bottle, i reli lik it very much, dis was my pmr gift from her tho.. <33

laz for d bez? my darling wenn hu gv me dis cuddling cute bear/dog doll.. she even present wif d pmr gift eventho is ok nt to.. reli very kind bez fren dat i lurf.. =]

for fun, puttin together..

and yeah, i always forget dis, cuz too small.. dis is d 1st gift i receive in 2011 from yuki.. nt d bg, i mean d h/p strap.. =)

u c, i put my fon, n s strap on my fon, n i nw even put my tuition access card.. =)

dis, is reli long time ago, i wanted to put, dis is a christmas gift from uncle nicky n family, n add up wif other, there are oso hv playin violin n such, juz dis is mine lar.. when i open is dis lil fellow angel..

now, i get kinda bored, so i went takin nonsense stuff, cn skip if u wan, juz random of my daily life, lik to share wif u guys..
duno y?? put it for fun i guess.. my beloved com.. <33

let u see hw messy my studies were.. =(

can u even see those title? well, i din tek d english teks n etc on d top..

ahh, nw u c it, plus physic.. english, physic, bm, sport, chemi, bio, civic, moral, history, add mt, chinese... etc?

if i ever gonna say, dis worth more den 5kg, are student dis day train to being muscle man? see hw much buk we hv to bring eviday?? n guess wad, our country dun provide locker!! arghhh!!!! my sicknez i cn even blame them as well~~!! well, juz jk, cnt expect all those thin from dis country.. haizz.. =(

and den y life oso for sure contain manga as well, u noe hw i lik them, bt did u see them? anyway, juz to show wad i lik.. =) i oso hv other various likin too, juz dis is bez in d current me i have.. =)
if any1 is doubtful of me for bein an manga otaku, think again! i dun intend to hide, is superb nice.. juz depend wad henre r u readin of cuz, there is bunch dat i dun c either.. well, inside million of manga.. =) -1st layer

d second layer from bottom.. =) no more extra space for me to put anymore..

3rd layer from bottom, dis is little.. add on, more den 4 hundreds of manga juz here..

see from top.. =) if u think is nt big, is actually d size of a small-medium foto frame, in english version comic, is a lil bigger den all dis, i mainly have them in variety as chinese translation n cheaper, english ones r nt reli in variety here n coz more den triple of each 1 buk lik d pic dat was traslate in chinese.. =)

of cuz, i hv anime as well.. =) juz lil, cuz i'm nt reli much into them b4, i was a manga luver, bt anime mozly watch on9.. =)
pic- kuroshisuji ova(consider as a "gift" from yuri), ouran high school host club, special a(S.A), school rumble(present from bro long time ago) n ginban kaleidoscope(nt reli consider mine) 

And for sure, i almoz forgot to poz d party.. n d cake as well.. see blow was d cake i hv dis year.. a lil cake lar.. =)
forgot to mention, my cake for my birthday, pic tek by me, i cn even help them advertise man!! so pretty.. ok, i was jk, is juz normal pic dat evi1 cn even easily snap.. =/

d cake after.. =( cruelty.. it was d laz of it b4 it was gone for within second.. btw, mia tuk over d cam from here till ltr on..

s/hw, is b4 mia tuk over d cam for dis..
pic- yuki, mia

pic- mia, tj's bro, n tj wif his very over the normal ppl shirt hw wore when d weather is hot lik hell.. there is no seasons in my country, is hot weather oni..  n wif another layer, i seriously cnt blif did he even noe hw to differentiate d weather wif his skin? =/ bt he say he is fine wif it even wokin distance under d sun lik dat, bt inside was very cold lar.. =/

there is cullyn, angeline, shir jin n pei yi(bek?).. =) hw it is luks lik..

wad r they lukin?? cake? i bet cullyn is thinkin of s/thin..

cake time~~ =) see, told u d cake was a blast, it reli is gud, too bad is small.. =(

 and dis is juz random pic in my life again, when my mum went to buy pot n such.. =) lik takin random pic, even d sky, bt well, i noe is borin to juz c pic lik dat, n tek time to upload since my internet line was kinda slow.. well, cn consider it as my alternative likin i guess.. it s/hw is s/thin i hv interez on doin them.. =) well, i noe, seein sky is borin, dun mention it, bt i duno y, i juz seem to tek a likin tuk pic of thins, except myself, cuz i  am nt d type wif pretty figure, dun fit into pic much.. lolx.. =/ bt mayb one day, i wan to buy a great camera n went vacation wif it.. =3 well, juz 1 of my ordinary dream.. i noe i gt no potential on it anyway, juz for fun.. =D
went see pot, my mum wan buy for her garden

juz random plant i take..

d moz normal pic i tek on d place

dis lil cute flower..

dis blue one, duno wad name is pretty, juz hard to tek care of, u cn see them in d pic i tuk b4 b4 dis, d place i tuk n in d center there u cn find blue blue wan.. dat is where i tuk pic of them.. cn u spot them?? =)

dis is d plant i was surprised of to get it from here for juz cash 18 lik dat.. =) pitcher plant! said to b dat it helps on curing diabetes u noe.. =]

dis plant very special, leaf are red n luk lik flower too.. =D
ok, end of d picture poz, leavin bhind my lil burden.. ok, end here, thx for reading, n hope u enjoy, ttfn!! =P

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