Thursday, January 20, 2011

my 100th post!!

it's true, dis is d hundred post in my blog.. woohoo..!! ok, i kinda too over reacted or s/thin, is juz dat for me, is a lot..! =) n since i cum dis far, havin many ppl's support, even if it's juz a follow, feeds, comments, leavin msg, it reli gv me much hapinez in truth.. =) i am nt reli a.. socialize person.. so, dis blog actually i gav to ppl hu i trusted, or even ppl hu is LUCKY enuf to cum by!! =D so, is kinda keep it secret from reality i guess, actually, no offense lar, i s/time write bad thin bhind their bek here, i mean when i am gettin pissed off or s/thin, i dun reli write s/thin dat scold s/1 for no reason.. =/ so mayb is bez dat way, gonna get killed by "them" if they reli find out wad i wrote.. haha! juz to say, dis 100 post, many thins happen, or is it? anyway, mainly i wan say thanks to wenn, cindy, feline for following me.. i noe is less n such bt is ok, lez is better, n moz important is dat many of u guys r mozly nt from blogger/blogspot, u keep up wif my blog via feeds.. n dat is oso s/thin lik secret supporter? =) n i am reli hapi for u guys to reli cum all dis way for me, eventho i noe is borin to c my nonsense, or even my life dat s/hw u guys dun understand hu is hu, where is where, wad.. i'm sori bt i'm gonna say dat, remainin as my "secret supporter" till den, thank you..! =) n i wish to keep in touch wif u guys, juz dat, problem wif my country's server? or some "thin", i duno, i cnt access to d web of wad u guys gave.. n i hope if u r reli out there, speak out, i'm sure i will listen, except if i din on9, or open for days, or some prob.. etc.. bt thank you very much, to my frenz, no family, bt supporter lik u.. =) actually, dis 100th poz is s/thin i duno wad topic to write on, n i juz put as a "thanks" post.. bt u noe, is ok if u think is borin, or mayb u dun agree my thought or wadeva, u cn juz say out ur opinion n such, hu noe, mayb u're rite? =) bt i hate ppl bein rude n criticizin for no reason in here.. no offense, bt if reli do, juz hope u think it over b4 u write anythin, cuz it may nt b me hu r unhapi, mayb some passer-by mayb d person u're sayin of? i duno.. =( bt well, mozly is my blog, i guess d moz wrong one is me den, cuz i am d person hu is rude.... n critisizin ppl?? ........... omg, i am?!?
anyway, gonna re-poz my blog post for ytd, din get to write.. arghh!! ok den, another poz cumin soon, juz so u noe, bt i duno when will it b "produce".. =/ u noe, i am lazy.. n sleepy, n nt energetic.. bla bla bla.. =( sad.. i am sayin thins dat made myself depressed, haiz.. gud for ntg? ><" anyway, thanks again, thx for readin, ttfn~~!! =P

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