Sunday, January 9, 2011

sweet 16

yup, ytd was my 16th birthday.. and d first hu ever wish me was yeo pei yun in fb d day b4 my b/day n darling wenn durin abt 12am to wish me in sms.. n well, my sis, dad, wenn, eric wished me in sms.. and abt 70 ppl wished me in facebook, but well, none in blog.. kinda sad.. =( well, is ok anyway, cuz i put my blog as partly secret from ppl i knew, unlez u're lucky enuf to cum here, dat is reli awesome anyway.. =D
since i think is gonna b loooong poz, i juz guess.. i nt very sure bt gt a feelin.. let's start wif d day b4 my b/day den.. cn skip to d next paragraph if u wan.. dat was friday and i was same old skul day, n well, 1 thin i rmb is they r gonna hv spot-check next week, means 2molo.. n i nid to do work for d pose in class as d vice secretory.. i reli hate dis job.. and i nid to use my $ to fotostat those class list myself, n i reli wan to redeem my money from d claz fee, juz dat we still dun hv any till nw.. bt as usual, ltr on use com when cum bek home.. n dat nite gt tuition from 7 to 10pm, lucky sat gt no skul.. bt still gt tuition.. bt around 7pm, i was waitin for my mum yet she din cum bek home yet from fetchin my 2 bro.. and i was kinda late edi.. den my dad cum bek n i rush him to fetch me.. he was lik sooooooo slow.. and den when i reach, it was 7.15pm in my watch.. and i went up, i saw shashminta, n she was lik finally u cum.. n i ask am i late, it is over 15 min.. n she say she oso juz cum.. n den i saw in d door corner a chinese girl, bt reli familiar.. n i ask, is she ai menn dat i once knew.. n she was, u are? n she cnt recognize me, mayb i dun luk so alik wif pic? well, i noe, i'm nt pretty anyway.. den we hv sejarah claz first.. and i choose a corner far away from air con.. n it was d small room same lik d time we use for physic.. and den ai menn sit bside me.. shashminta was infront.. wif her fren.. and den we start d claz n den d teacher was fun, bt 1 thin is nid to bring teks book, n i din bring, cuz evi teacher till then oso din call us bring teks book.. den i share wif ai menn since she gt bring.. and ltr on chg claz to chemistry, n ai menn went bek, since she is nt sc class, n i sit bside shashminta, n ltr shun cum, i cn tell u, chemi, hard man! i mean sc subject all so damn hard lar wei!! i'm lik har har har?? cn say d moz student was A student.. - -' and den well, finally it ended n i met up wif my bro hu oso went for tuition dat day, bt for him, his claz always start from 8 till 10 pm.. so we went bek 2gether, well, there is a van which fetch d student bek, n i am nt reli officially d student there, juz trial, so i ask d uncle did d teacher inform him dat i cn oso tek a lift wif my bro together.. n well, he was kind enuf to approve.. =) and in d car, veryy hot, no air-con, u muz use natural air.. open d window, bt oso "manual" wan, lik stuck edi, so hard to open, n i call my bro to open n we exchg place.. n in d car, is lik my bro was tokin hw gud is d uncle n where he fetch n bla bla bla.. cn c my bro reli hv ntg to do.. haha.. den finally reach our home n i kinda still playin com anyway.. eventho is lik dam tired.. den ps n wala, sleep.. set alarm for 2molo cuz nid prepare my lil party n tuition..

k, den is d next day, my b/day.. reli tired n den see my fon, 4 msg n is 3 person wishin me.. and den i get rdy for my tuition ltr on 10am.. and my party was in 1pm.. went on9 in fb, blog, etc.. den went update status and thx for those ppl hu wished me.. =) and den i went off to tuition.. today is modern maths.. n commence or s.thin, i duno wad is dat, bt i din tek.. den ltr went there early n saw ajeeta.. =D she was early, n oni cn c her in 3 days.. den shashminta n other cum n we start d lesson, well, to say, maths is easy, he din teach d significant number bt we start wif addition/subtraction/multiply/devision.. i dun mean d 1+1 and such.. dat is way damn easy.. i mean is dat topic, nt d simple number la.. anyway, is easy i noe u will say too.. juz add n minus n devide.. juz diff is nt a simple number.. bt still, d claz is d same as d first class n it hv 2 air-con.. i wear jacket oso cold untill cnt stand jor.. and d ppl ask d teacher to close, he saw d guy back there was shiverin after he close.. hahax.. anyway, it ended faz n i went home, bt i get rdy 1hr earlier d, juz wait for my mum.. =)  and den ltr on play chess to paz time, wif my lil bro, jeremy hu force me to play wif him, n he kinda cheat the game.. bt well, i ended so faz for him wif a checkMATE w/out any of my officer bein dead.. mwahaha.. juz a queen n a castle n walah.. well, nt a gud idea to cheat ppl, it mek d wrong move.. haha.. anyway, den it's time n we're lik goin.. and den well, bla bla bla.. n till halfway i 4gt to brin er, serviettes.. and den my mum turn bek n i went tekin it.. den we rush to d pizza hut first, my mum went in n ask d ppl but they dun gv us eat there.. and well, b4 mum call edi dun approve, so we tot if we went there ask personally more better, but they oso dun gv.. anyway, so we chg to a nearby one, domino pizza.. and we go les toast n buy cake first, actually my mum tot dat ltr at nite wif my family party will hv another cake, but well, d bill for d pizza was kinda.. off.. so din buy edi.. n at first lik dat so we juz buy a small one.. but surely, i choose choc cake.. and den i was callin here n there to let them noe i chg d place.. and den i went to domino n my mum ask them, den they gv n we juz went inside n i see d menu.. it gv d set package or s/thin, u won't blif hw expensive dat is.. =( i guess my b/day present from mum is to threat my fren.. n ltr i let my sis say/scold/somethin.. cuz i spent my mum whole lot of money.. well, cuz normally is lik ppl gv d money for their own n share together the pay for d main person(birthday person i mean), dat oni d cake we use ours since is i choose n is edi very exp for one.. and den in my case, i pay evi1's share plus mine n d cake n stuff.. adding up it's lik 285 plus u noe.. cn say i spent 300 a day.. well, mayb for some ppl is ntg, but is alot to me.. =( n my sis say y din ask them to pay a lil for their part, n nt usually d all.. hw stupid am i? >< bt i noe wif my fren, i dun think they will lik wan to cum if i reli suddenly chg lik dat, i mean i think they will nt cum to support me wif dis kind of thin.. mayb other den wenn lar, she very gud de, i guess even no1 wan celebrate she oso will wish me.. =) bt i noe she oso cnt afford much, i dun lik forcin ppl.. and d sad thin i ever had in dis day was i din gt to see her in my party.. =[ u noe, nt mad, but sad.. bcuz d true fren din cum, reli i guess i oni blif her dat she was true, bt well, except sometime we respect each other space.. =) dat is oso wad i lik abt her.. bt well, sadly she duwan to cum, i mean cnt cum.. =( bt well, mornin tuition i have wish from ajeeta in tuition n den oso tj, pei yi, mia, yuki, shir jin n angeline oso.. my mum paz d camera to brian to tek pic but he juz play wif it by takin silly picture of jeremy eatin d chicken.. is reli stupid.. and tj's bro was lik so funny, reli.. he cn reli communicate wif other so easily, n reli silly.. haha.. n tj was lik wan to exchg brother, cuz my bro very silent.. well, ppl juz dun lik havin wad they hold.. same goes for me.. =D bt i'm glad s/time.. =) s/time.... i guess.. anyway, it start wif  7 pizza, and other dishes.. all times 2.. sooo many.. and 5 drinks.. d big bottle.. and we oni lik around 11 ppl, my mum ltr went off d shoppin.. we eat n they reli eat a hell lot of food, haha.. all it's left is juz 1 pizza n d garlic bread or s/thin.. den d cake.. d cake picture, i think i ltr on oni post those picture.. i dun hv my mum cam nw.. and den d cake hv ribbon, n after they sing, well, n i made a wish, i was always wishing d same old wish since i am lik very young.. same words.. same wish.. haha.. duno r u guys same as mine? hahax.. is s/thin dat does nt relate to time dat flies by, bt a wish dat won't hv a proper start, still a wish i may hv as d whole time.. anyway, there is ribbon n fake flower n it, n well, cnt cut of cuz.. and den we start take d ribbon off, they even say cn eat anot, of cuz cnt.. n den is d paper flower, n tj say can eat, n i eat d center flower dat is d pink one.. n it taste nt nice.. =[ reli, dun try dat is u dun lik.. anyway, den d cake is so small, is juz enuf for evi1.. =) and den fin, they start takin d camera n c d picture in it.. reli is lik u open into ppl's privacy.. = =" and den, after finish, is open present.. n den is tj's present, well, d wrapper is nice, bt reli "fragile", so easy den tear n spoil.. n he say is expensive oso.. n oso there is a looong card n nt in hapi b/day, bt is a "gud job" card.. he say cnt find hapi b/day card, bt thx to them, dat is oso mia hu write oso draw a pic into it too, i get to hv a biiig card in my life.. =) and d present was a bag, hard cover bag.. i duno hw to say d style bt is reli nice.. except d fact i duno wad to do wif it, i was thinkin wad am i gonna do wif dat when i first hv a luk on it.. n he oso forgot to bring glee cd for me.. and den cullyn one was sweet wrappin, she say is her mum wrap for her.. n her present was lik a treasure box or s/thin, reli nice, antique.. and den shir jin was a mug n a lil note wif a cute lil clip.. reli nice.. and den angeline one was a elephant shape tape.. d tape pic was all colourful n such.. a lil "cute" lik dat.. wad to use wif it? o.o anyway, n pei yi's one was d cutez among it.. i duno y, bt except d function of it.. is a coin box shape lik a bear.. cute bt i dun use d coin box since i edi hv a official from d bank wan.. well, picture lik i say, ltr on.. and den after dat, we parted n we went fetch my sis n munkeat(sis bf) from college.. n den ltr on i receive a present from my sis, at first i duno wad happen y she suddenly call me to choose either one of d hairband.. one was black wif ribbon on it n another was red wif heart shape picture n d design is unique.. bt i dun fit red n i lik black, so i choose d black one.. well, is my gift from my sis.. =) and den ltr on go bek, i went usin com com com.. den ltr on at nite, my aunt cum n she gv me a present, dat is oso from my 2nd aunt oso together.. a black bag.. hand bag.. =) simple n nice lar.. haha.. i anythin oso ok, cuz she gv me see other bag dat she was choosin too.. well, oher oso nice.. bt i'm ok wif anythin.. ^^ anyway, den ltr we hv steamboat outside my hse.. =) n i eat tom yam.. haha.. is in my hse garden.. n b4 dat, i was discussin abt pure sc n art class.. my uncle advice me to nt tek up pure sc if i reli hv no interez on goin to b any job in those.. n is reli hard n wastin time for d future, specially collge n uni.. is all full time n nt part time n will use damn lot of money to juz study.. =( i duno should i tek up anot.. n den ltr steamboat, other den d part d kids were playin fire as always.. burnin s/thin or wadeva.. in a corner.. n den ltr on they open d ghost show n see, the child's eye.. is lik d 2nd or 3rd time i watch it over again, duno wad to say, oni cn say d bgm damn load, n wif usin d home stereo, is more worst dat even d cupboard was shaking, n ur heartbeat will gt affect too.. i was upstair playin d com, fb, n then my heart was lik duno y nt usual.. cnt see or hear bt cn feel.. d invisible vibration.. n den ltr on they went bek.. d moz silly topic i ever hear was my sis say her bf's teacher say he study so high n wad he is doin is juz 1 aim, hw to mek a banana tree GLOW.. =) dat is silly, n second, even if possible, wad is so gud abt it?? no use at all, juz glow oni.. = =" they should find s/thin useful other den wantin a banana tree glow.. and den after dat, they went home ltr.. n dis is where we end my day.. =)
my sweet 16, mayb is nt reli absolute nice n perfect but i guess is reli d bez in my 16 years.. specially d part dat my fren specially wish me in midnite.. n oso exact 70 ppl in facebook wished me hapi b/day.. =) i am nt a gud person or wadeva bt i was reli hapi abt wad dis day happen.. n specially, i reli thx my parents! =) even i duno hw to say to them a thx in real life, bt i noe, i was reli hapi n reli was grateful for dis day they were here for me.. =) bt afternoon is my dad nt in gt work lar, juz nite he oni cn join d steamboat.. oh, n mum mornin gave me a "gift" dat is a big shirt wif girl on it.. well, is black.. bt i'm ok wif it, cuz d big present she gave me was d party.. =) thx mum, n dad..! lurf u guys, u r awesome..!! n oso, playin com here n there, fb ytd, n kinda hv some tokin wif jia en.. =) mayb we cn b frenz.. i wonder.. cuz i ask her abt her operation, well, reli d corek as wad i guess.. scoliosis.. bt dat is a diff topic, i reli duwan to write any longer.. and den, today was borin of cuz, wake at 12pm, den com, eat, sleep.. ntg much, parent went feng shui talks.. n for a day.. n den ltr bla bla bla.. nw here.. gt c some anime n movie.. reli borin n tomolo is skul.. nid gt rdy, seriously, i haven done any homework, i think i'm gonna b dead for a moment.. =( hope 2molo rain in d mornin.. =D
thx for readin, i reli cnt 24/7 update d blog bt i will try my bez to keep up.. so, thx u guys hu support me.. n well, gonna end here.. ttfn!! =]

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