Tuesday, January 4, 2011

stupid hotmail, y do they even care to delete ppl's acc?

ok, i dun mean to b rude or blamin d ppl hu work for it. i was reli upset(nt d sad mode) abt dis matter. it juz delete ppl's acc for juz no reason? i went sendin help n writing s/hw help or complains to it n ended up asking in a forum.. reli, nw ppl juz does nt usually active in mails n msn nw of cuz.. but personal info n other web feed is sooo imporatant n they juz cut off lik dat suddenly.. = =" i reli duno wad to say.. account don't last long.. example like that! >=( do they reli expect us to use it 24/7 or s/thin? i noe, is nt the fault of ppl hu work there, juz i damn hate d stupid rules of dat.. =( if ppl live in a place dat cnt b usin evitime, it a very lay back country.. do they nid to suffer from nt existing notice evitime?
ok, bt i send my post to them, hope they will solve, bt i gt a feelin it won't go well.. anyway, today was 2nd day of skul, and for sure, c hu is d teacher of cuz.. n there was 1 i was hapi abt it, Mr.Lee is our add-maths teacher, tho me n pei yi wan it to b physic.. but at liz he gt teach.. n well, d thin dat suck is d class teacher, dat is a new one, n well, i dun lik much.. mayb nw? i duno hw nice he is bt my 1st day of him is nt gud at all.. n d class monitor oso simply choose from d student.. and dat teacher wan the main post to b guys n d vice to be girl.. and den, i was bein appointed as d secretory for i guess my christian name dat kinda luk out in d name list.. n he juz simply choose, n i cnt even say yes or no.. = =" and d worst is when moral class, bside the part that moral is gonna b d end for us, i oso get my 1st job as VICE secretory on d 1st day, wad bad luck! d main secretory was nt attending moral class, so ended up me doin d job, dat's y i hate doin job, bt lucky is nt treasurer.. oh man, dat one is headache.. since i dun hv d list, i dun think i can do now, n later i have tuition, but since i go bek home late, well, we got d timetable today n d laz class was account dat i din take, so juz go bek, but mum duno d time to fetch me, went bek old hse there was no1, n no fon, n i go bek to skul n call my mum..  there is 1 teacher kinda gud, cuz he say 60 cent for calling handfon number, n i was takin out from my pocket, cuz today reli gt alot of coin in my pocket, so kinda slow, n he cnt c cuz there was lik a table parter between us, he sittin in front of d table, i was at d side.. den ltr he say not enuf nvm, oso ok.. den i juz gv 60 cent la.. i dun cheat.. and den i call fin, mum was in a nearby fren hse, after 10min cum fetch me.. n i wait in d buk store, n den i saw pei yi cum out, n i was surprised y she end her class so early, n she say many ppl tek off n nt takin it.. go bek n think abt takin account subject anot.. n den we tok a lil, she is thinkin wantin to tek up d account, and den we oso tok abt d 4B class.. den Mr.Lee pass by us n ask us wad class r we, n den he say gt teach us after i ask him.. n pei yi say is add-maths.. =) lucky.. den ltr pei yi go jor, i w8t n finally mum come n we go bek to old hse, i tek my bag.. den went watchin d movie 2012 in d car wif air-con n mum call me to w8t cuz she wan to sweep d dry leaves in d car porch.. after go bek home, juz went cook n den use com.. 1st thin is hotmail, cuz i am waiting for their reply.. u noe, do u try b4 makin poz or such lik dis? or mayb in forum to open a tok? =) well, i juz did n complain writing down a lil formally, example nt usin lik my blog style, all full word.. n den, thx in d end.. bt still i kinda write a lil loong in d forum poz.. =/ well, juz hope it can retrieve bek my own hotmail.. = ="
ltr tuition bm in dat igloo room i mention in d laz poz.. haiz.. again, suffer? bt today i'm gonna wear jacket n long jeans.. haha.. juz no shoe.. =/ i mean d whole cover type, lik sport shoe.. anyway, cnt sleep n lucky is juz 1 class.. gonna die if bm is wif another again.. zZz.. many thin to do, my schedule is damn tight man..i today cn juz sleep for lik 4 hrs+.. mornin was so blur n lucky no late.. n ltr on juz wrote myself as QM today, duno if is full or nt, bt if is, i oso duwan to go.. =( and d skul fee oso, they want us to buy d magazine n d laz years magazine haven't even came out yet, wth.. anyway, juz mumbling stuff n such, ltr cum bek from tuition mayb got? i duno.. anyway, hope i cn catch up to dis class as an exchg for goin to tuition.. well, dat is wad i think.. bt i guess is nt possible, all genius there.. bt my sleep time reli got affected.. no time.. n ltr got co-curriculum, i think i'm reli gonna die for nt sleepin enuf..  gonna sleep a lil nw, kinda tired reli, bt i cnt sleep in skul.. no peace.. thx for readin, n i will end nw, ttfn den.. =)

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