Saturday, January 15, 2011

part 2 of d poz b4, plus, live ur life~~!!

i juz update my blog lik ytd late at nite n nw is d second one(go c if u haven, is still "fresh" i guess??), well, if u stay here of cuz is nite.. in other places mayb there is mornin n such.. anyway, nw, is early mornin 6am n i woke tot dat i hv skul ltr, stupid rite? is saturday n no skul, i lack of sleep n worry too much for gettin late, well, i din gt late b4 lar.. =/ currently, i tok abt d day today nw, for d day 15 jan, so is lik i ltr will re-poz some day b4 dis dat i haven poz.. den pic.. ok, turnin bek in time, rewind.. ytd nite went tuition, 7pm to 10pm, lik history n chemistry claz, omg, i was playin com untill 6.10 n i get rdy at 6.30 den dad call my hse fon n call me to cook for dinner, n oso due my h/p gt a lil prob n s/hw, is nt contactable till ltr i fix it.. n i din expect when i was packing my bag, d van hu came to fetch me there had arrived, n i was lik, so early!!! 6.45 lik dat go.. i rush down quickly.. bt my mum go lock d door, d front gate n door, so i rush from d bek door out, bt d front was lock so i rush in n open d auto-gate.. n rush out again from d bag door, runnin in circle n went out n "manually" cloz d auto-gate, lik push it, bt my dog went runnin out when i open d gate, n i juz cloz n go, n tell my family to close d bek door n find poppy(my dog if u r confused) bek.. well, my dog ran off bt dun go runnin away, gt it? =D she cum bek herself geh.. so nt so worry for her actually, n i juz went off to tuition, reach there i use my "era card" to wave on d s/thin, i duno wad is it call, lik credit card lik dat, bt dis is wave for access to open d door n etc.. so high tech tuition centre man, i always think they hv too much money to spend, so many cctv here there eviwhere, i'm lik, if toilet oso gt, gonna sue them!! well, of cuz they dun.. anyway, tuition went up early, gt space on d sofa to sit, n i went doin my history homework for tuition, is lil easy n short, bt still, lazy n forget to do.. so i bring teks buk n revision buk to refer, n find mozly d answer.. n den we go up to d claz n it was d same teacher, same student, bt oni 3 ppl do d h/w, dat include me..(i noe, laz min rite.. =D) and den d teacher nw say, he is gonna gv evi ans for us in d latihan he gv, duwan us do cuz we all dun do, bt he will ask question, n my eyes kinda wan to cloz n sleep, i din tek a nap today oso.. usually, i dun.. bt dis is reli nt gud, too late tuition.. and den ai menn sit bside me, n shashminta was infront plus her fren.. den ltr finally ended, bcum chemi, bt d teacher ytd was diff from d b4, n he say he is replacement for dat very day.. n den his action? attitude? behavior? i duno hw to say, bt is kinda weird, no, to b reliiiiiiiiiiiiiii honez, for den, i'm sori to say dis, he acts lik he is..... gay. okok! for sure no way mistake his behavior, juz i duno is he straight or nt, dat is nt reli my problem n such, even if he reli is, i dun think anythin, cuz his personality edi very.................. anyway, he say he teach for 7YEARS! no, i dun mean to reli say he is great for teachin so long n i was surprise, no, is bcuz, he even teach us wrong! no, nt teach, is BASIC.. in science since primary, when i learn it was in 10 years old.. n dis is for sure, science hv variable, dat contain 3 type, constant, manipulated n responding.. n he wrote, fixed, responsible, controlled. c d wrong part, wad responsible man he is!! lol! evi1 was laughin, ok, oni 1 he say to d teacher when d teacher say he finally understand y we laugh, he answer "sir, i didn't laugh, i very sincere wan".. nt oni dis, there is reli many other.. i reli duno hw to say.. n when he say he teach in a girl skul, for evitime he always gt into girl skul to teach, n we noe y, he duno.. his behavior so..... ehem, sure np goin teachin there, i juz thinkin hw d student even understand wad he teach(??).. ok, bla bla.. end. no, i mean end for d tuition time.. nw go turnin bek more time to mornin, ok, sleep a lil late abt 5am+ n went gettin rdy n bla bla, same as usual, 6.20am go to skul, reli ntg special in skul, in other hand, is reli dam borin, eviwhere is tokin, well, if we oso hv tokin too lar.. juz no topic, bcum borin liao.. we over there sien here there.. n den yuki cum write her novel in our place, n den since is lik ntg to do, reli, is ntg to do, no teacher teachin, n lik, i ask abt anime, since yuki seldom read manga.. n as expected, i din c her type, i din say i will nt, juz i didn't, cuz i cnt say i will n will nt, hu noes rite? bt hey, seriously, is is got, i guess is nt nw, sure in hols when there is ntg left, den oni go for back up lik those, n if dun lik, dropped it, so easy.. tok abt droppped anime, i juz dropped 1 anime ytd afternoon, same lik d manga of it 1 or 2 years bek ago, i dropped d manga of it n nw they release d anime one, i went watch, bt haven even 5 min, i dropped it.. no feelin to watch down, cuz i read b4 d manga edi, it was when it was lik dam popular n if u noe me, sure will noe i read dam lot, did i reach thousand? i guess i did, include those dropped ones n readin ones, all add up cn b more den thousand.. chapter of cuz, mayb more den million? bt too bad, many manga is lik some no names, no listed b4 in internet, so dun get to rmb them in time.. since i oso have bad memoriz.. anyway, i duwan to say d name, since is s/thin dat many ppl oso adores it, so there is ppl dislik n lik it, since i think i kinda say too bad abt, i guess i should nt juz say d name for better, since i noe many ppl bside me dun read/watch dis anyway, is kinda borin n more........u noe, educational? i duno.. i watch till lik credit part oni, off edi.. =( d startin credit where usually u watch movie oso lik dat, bt anime usually is opening song, dis anime is i duno gt anot, i haven reach there, luk lik dun hv.. anyway, skip dat part, bt today i was dam glad dat s/hw, i manage to find a person hv same likin lik me! =D well, wenn oso, oni she nw into her novels, reli gud girl, u noe, novel is better den manga, cuz manga oni cn read wif pic, n novel contain millions of word, nice word, pretty grammer?? anyway, s/thin dat is alik wif u're readin buk for improving in studies n such, dat's y, u c her chinese exam, damn gud lor.. is essay, bt u read is reli lik u're readin novels, bt is nt novel.. reli very special n nice.. =) for me, manga was my life, no manga, no me?? no, nt reli dat bad, i've been readin sooo dam lot of manga dis 2 years.. i still cnt blif i form 1 still duno wad the heck is anime, nt to say manga, n nw, i was takin so much of it, cn u blif i am an otaku from d luks of me? well, 2day wenn tell me, i dun luk lik s/1 hu luv manga or s/thin, otaku in short.. i'm a manga one.. n durin d laz skul hols for 1month plus, i have fin manga cuz there is ntg left nice for me, too much i seen, to lez to read n i went for anime, since i always put aside anime, juz watch lil lil.. n durin d hols, i went wathin finish more den 20 anime, i lazy to count, bt episode is more den thousand.. is it?? yea, if i'm nt wrong.. thousand ep of anime, each ep anime is 25min usually.. well, i in d same time wait for manga update of cuz.. n d shoujo comic lover went tek likin in fan-girl genre, bl.. =3 is s/thin u will surely DON'T accept it in d start, lik me, i dislik them n even say nt to read dat for d rez of my life, n ended up goin there.. stupid me.. =) nt oni me lik dat, for otaku, specially girls, abt 80% luv bl, include for some of them is yaoi, bt for me still bl.. yaoi is kinda.. bt i watch, juz a lil swt.. well, dis me after d zombie mode wif no life durin d hols, i have been brainwashed by d boredom n goin d wrong path i made, n ended up likin them.. haha..!! is juz fantasize it, i dun reli noe i cn accept d reality type ok?! n i'm nt reli in concern cuz i am nt reli a guy or s/thin.. no hurt.. juz dun c yuri(gl??) for sure.. dat genre is meant for guys, nt girls for sure! eventho d main character is girl plus girl......... (swt, 100% dun go watch if u're girl, i hope we will maintain dislik them.. sori for ppl hu is girl yet lik them.. mayb u guys r great to reli dare watchin it.. =]) and den, continue d part i said i found d person hu oso lik wad i prefer too.. dat is mia! i didn;t think she will have d same thought in lik, a million years! i tot she was yuki type.. d shounen one.. bt not, she oso prefer manga lik me, prefer shoujo lik me, lik fan girl bl, lik me, lik knt, specially oso read it, lik me, hv d same urge to watch d same thin i lik too.. =D wad a dam nice tok dat time... i tot i am d oni 1.. haha.. =D bt nt d oni 1 in earth, i nw reli find wad i mention b4 in d poz lik respect ppl likin n such, i mention when u hv a likin to s/thin special, precess s/thin special, it doesn't mean u r d oni 1.. even nt among ur nearez ppl, bt there is ppl too hv same condition u hv under dis 1 big piece of sky we luk up to.. rite? n i found nt likin condition, my sicknez condition, i met 2 nw, n they were reli great ppl.. wenn, she is nt serious, bt i hope her for d bez to b okay till d very end.. =) n oso jia en, after read her poz, mayb s/hw, she hv d same feelin i hv b4.. is a guess, cuz evi1 is diff, even hv same part, does nt mean is same.. is juz a lil part i think is same.. =) bt for me, even scared, i dun reli care.. in d end, dun laugh, i even hv my manga as my laz.. reli.. =( i brought them to d hospital u noe!! u c, i mayb bcum reli likin them since dat time.. manga, reli is my oni world dat time, wenn is s/1 hu reli mek me moved as a great fron i hv d next year i met her.. form 1 is meetin yuki, durin july i went watch anime, lil a lil lar.. n den i found d existent of manga.. and form 2, bcumin crazy for them.. haha.. i am nt d shoppin type, or lik my sis hu is pretty n popular in her skul, i lik stayin in my room alone reading manga n such.. i accept d fact i am an otaku, is ntg reli bad.. is my likin, hu dun hv? i am a lay low person.. bt add on, i kinda hv bad memoriz for shoppin out cuz d first time n d LAST time i went wif my sis to mid valley, she went go north to east n went to south n north again.. d whole shopping centre edi wok lik so many time, duno hw many kilometer i have wok.. dam big n she wok round n round, n dat time i haven went thru operation, i had hard time breathin, including eatin, i usually very hard to swallow my food down to my throat cuz it affect my lung evitime i swallow down d food n it feels lik my breathin cnt better n my lung was in pain, i mean i was sufferin.. =) or mayb my heart was oso in pain too.. is around d chest there n d pain reli cnt let me differentiate which is which.. u cn say, suffercatin in a place where is juz me.. bt i dun get any word from any1, no1 ever care to notice me for dis, n i din expect them to do dat anyway.. is nt i dun wan to worry, cuz i noe my parent dun hv d extra time to always do dat, my 2 bro dun reli care for me, n my sis mayb d nearez to me, bt s/hw, she is a far away person, hu dun understand my feelin.. bt i noe, my parents n sis reli care, my sis even cry for me when i was in d bed lik dead ppl lieh! is s/hw a bond dat i hv wif her, she once had a great fall from her stunt in cheerleading n fall from gettin flyin up, n her around her eyes went black, reli un-normal, n leg was oso too.. she told me s/hw is d ppl in there gt a lil nt hapi wif her, n when i see her luk, it reli made me cry out, it reli is nt normal for ppl have a face lik dat if dat cnt b heal.. she stayed in d house for lik more den 2 days n she force herself to go skul cuz her skul was very strict n cnt off for more den 3 days in a whole year.. stupid elite skul dat i cnt go to.. =( well, dat time my bro was oni at home playin com, he even say dat himself.. i mean 2 oso same.. anyway, duwan tok dis thin, dat is paz, next time if gt d time or rq to write, den oni do, i lazy to write long.. =( bt wad i mean for tokin soooo long nonsense is, YOU are not alone, always and never be.. even u r juz alone there, even wif other million types of condition u hv, it is s/hw u r juz d special person there in ur place, bt there will always b ppl same lik u in d same world u live in.. dat is y, i startin tot y am i d oni 1 to hv it, bt ltr i knew abt ppl hu are more worst, n i was so stupid to say dat when i still dun hv d quality to say i wad "worst", my worst is juz s/thin ppl hu have d "worst" wished for, even juz bad, they accept, n y nt me? when u think u gt d chance to live, oso hv d chance to die one day, even wif scared heart, bt smile face, n den u oni noe, they is reli ppl care.. =) even if u dun, they is always be one day in d future.. u live to meet them, live till then, till dat very time, den oni decide r u hapi or not.. oni decide, u r reli reli lucky.. bt sori to say, i cn say all dis, bt i oni cn do dis abt 50% oni.. =/ cuz my lazinez s/hw is bein irritated by some ppl.. so i dun think i am a 100% gud person or s/thin, no, i mean i am NOT, dat is y, i wan ppl lik u guys understand, live ur life, life is short, live it ur way, life is oso long, so live it beautifully, life is unseen, bt live eviday is ur last, life is precious, so dun go waste it, untill d time u regret, it was always too late.. ur way, if u lik s/thin, go for it as long is s/thin dat is nt wrong at all, is ok to cry, dun care u r a girl or guy, dis is y, ppl is reli special, so if other dun lik, does nt mean u juz cloz ur lik for them, is ok to show out, dat is d bravery u show, n is ok to speak out, dat is d word dat u let ppl understand wad ur heart reli wanted to say thru ur voice.. dat is y, except me lar, u guys r reli perfect, so y nt live more coulouful? =] for me, i was lazy in reality, sori i was dis kind of lazy person, bt i hv an aim dat i wan to repay my parents n other hu care for me in d future, well, i hope i won't chg.. =) n live my own world, my life! well, if u say to consider in malaysia, is impossible of cuz.. bt end of d world id cumin, do u blif it? till den, if it reli is, dun regret, stop wad u hesitation, if is nt s/thin bad, den go for it! =3 s/time, evithin nids a lil bravery to do.. so, determine ur heart, dat is where u belong.. the real u for hu u reli r..
hey, y am i tokin nonsense again, arghh!! my picture nid to poz in another poz edi!!!! =( anyway, add on is after skul, wok bek to my old hse n den mum din fetch me, untill 1 hour later, say my bro went close n accidentally locked from inside d room n den they use so much time to pick lock from d toilet window to open d toilet to gt thru.. n ltr eat chicken rice, den bla bla bla.. well, d bez thin dat day was d talk wif mia, i din hv dis kind of hapi feelin findin ppl hu oso agree.. b4 when i tok to yuki, i din say out cuz b4 i even say, she was sayin y do ppl even lik dat?! oso nt wad wad wad.. i dun blame her, cuz i oso felt d same before.. so i din tell her i lik them, juz in poz here, where is kinda private from reality ppl i knew, i oni gv to few ppl in reality, they r ppl i trust i guess.. =) n ppl from internet cum here, they were reli lucky to cum by, n i am reli grateful they did.. =) specially tellin me to keep it up, even nt knowing each other, diff world, bt i noe, i was glad to hv u all.. well, juz nw i say yuki was kinda, luk down into bl n such, bt well, for sure i watch shoujo n shounen oso.. anime lar, cuz she luv them, i tek out them to tok to her as well, bt of cuz she is d shounen anime type.. i oso gt watch, juz not reli into it bt noe nt lez.. =3 cuz i oso luv some of them, nt reli d fully shounen one, a lil dat shoujo too.. n shoujo, she dun watch usually, i was tokin abt KNT, kimi ni todoke la.. finally it cum out season 2 n i was nw currenlt watched their latez newly 2 episode.. =) hw nice.. n i went re-read d manga from then again!! so cute la wei!! bt due to no time n slow internet, i use 2 day to read fin.. n oso finished watchin kobato anime dat i lik half dropped? bt still ended watchin down bt nt reli sad lik i lukin forward to, din reli get moved much.. =/ mayb i dun reli into d girl, kinda nt reli, duno hw to say, bt well, is nice show, juz mayb nt reli reachin to 60% of my style, i expect more sadnez inside when ppl say is sad, bt for sure hapi endin la.. fullmoon wo sagashite is sad den dat lik more den 3 times! is juz different in new n old, artwork? anyway, i lik d part when other anime appear inside d anime kobato, it luk lik advertising to watch dat anime when u're watchin kobato.. bt i din watch, i juz read d manga, specially xxxholic manga was once i liked, reli nice, i think i read more den 160 chp plus, bt i dun seem to rmb is where.. duno gt over 200? or haven published yet? >_> anyway, seriously is nice.. bt nt reli in my fav list i currently have, i change my fav time to time, dun tell me u can eat d same thin over n over again w/out changin for a year.. if me, i will nt even laz for 3 days. bt manga is diff, is nt 3 day so faz of cuz! anyway, watchin fin kobato n readin fin knt manga till d latez chp, slow internet n oso tuition, dat is d reason y i din poz in my blog for days due to dis.. hahaha.. =D ok den, seriously, if u reli read all so far, u're reli gud at endurin i guess, n u r reli a great fren!!
thx for readin, specially those stupid nonsense i wrote when i was following d flow n ended up lik dat.. tyty n ttfn!! always my laz line.. =) ta ta for now~~!!
ps. pic, should i even nid to poz in a new poz? bt in here seem so loooooooong edi.. noe by seeing it.. anyway, duno.. =/

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