Tuesday, January 11, 2011

d day seem to hv chg bt pressure.. neh..

today ntg much to say, juz dat d main thin happen in d skul is class chg, nt me larh.. and moral, gonna mati.. ><" anyway, ytd was lik, gettin trap lik mouse? duno, cnt use com openly, haha.. bt i still use it anyway, secretly.. n den ytd nite go for tuition n well, add-mt was lik, lolx? d teacher is diff n reli.. weird.. den ltr 7.45 lik dat d laz time original teacher came.. bt we still revisionin d same old topic on chp 2.. and den bio was lik, forgot forgot.. haha.. all name n function.. today is gonna b bm, haiz.. n ytd fin class, dun hv car to go bek, mum call me folo d van, bt i ask d teacher b4 leave n she say cnt.. ><" bt d uncle reli gud, when i w8t my dad cum, he ask me wan to folo oso.. reli is very gud person.. =) bt dad samo complain say y dun u wok home n such, few km oni mar.. n dat time is lik 10.30pm, he expect me to wok alone in d dark cross d busy road n such, wif looooong distance n up down d hill?!? wad kind of father is dat! =( if wok untill dat time i reach, edi 12am jor, gt time to sleep meh??
today mornin mia gv me a present, n den we ltr mornin gather thingy dat time, we form 4 student stay bek, n well, as expected, is d decide which class we're going for sure.. n den i as usual, in d same old class.. =) 4B, bt pei wen, pei yi chg to 4A.. cuz they gt full A.. n oso manyyyyyyy 3A student wans go to 4A, lik almoz 90% man! bt oni a girl from 4A, which she laz time is 3A cum to 4B, n was reli lonely, bt ltr bcum fren wif hong shen teng.. so faz bcum lik frenz? anyway, d stupid thin dis day is d moral which, we nid to do presentation, n well, we did nt do of cuz.. =) bt due to changes in class dat many student change, it bcum dat we re-arrange d moral n some ppl team wif another, some is individual, depends.. n well, we do "keadilan" topic, it means fair.. nt d white white fair fair skin, i mean lik fair n square.. =) bt oso stupid cuz nid present n d first hu present was kingston, individually went in front n tok, n ended wif teachers complaint of nt reli gud.. = =" wad man! dat teacher samo call us to memorize like all 36 moral thing n is so.. wth!! u noe, is reli hard, i oso no eyes see liao.. cn i even stay in dis class?? gt ppl chg class, bt oso pei yi n pei wen gt chg bek to 4B of cuz, shen teng oso bt i duno wad she reli thinkin, cuz i kinda find her.... *whisper* weird;.. i duno lar, is lik she went 4A n chg to 4B n den she say cuz moral she wan chg bek to 4A, den say when other den moral den cum bek to 4B, n den say she wan to change to sub-science class.. =/ den ltr she wif fren wif d girl, chia wen n den lik no chg liao?? i duno?? O_O" n well, i duwan to b doin d stupid secretory job, n d secretory is tan chee liang, i duno wad to say.. = =" d moral teacher call him do thin n he say he quit d job n ltr yuki is vice treasurer n den ltr she wan b secretory bt d claz teacher is reli more puttin high poz/main poz to d guys n d vie are girls.. = = i dun think he will gv, n oso our claz lik mek fun of him bt nt in front of d actual real person lar.. den actually tot dat d acc tek no nid to tek exam den we will choose to tek, den it say cnt, den ltr we were stuck on decision till d teacher call some student from sub sc to return d buk, they say d acc text book muz buy ourself, so we decide dat very second we choose not to take it.. =) and when moral class, suddenly got ppl say got lik educational talk or s/thin n d teacher was lik, unhhapi?? bt den nt even 1 min we tek our chair wan to go to d place, they say cancelled edi, turn bek n continue d presentation.. we nid to use our money to fotostat those stupid brochures or s/thin for d whole class.. waste moeny.. =( she go black, no green, no kind heart moral lik she admit so herself.. anyway, i lazy to write more, i nid to bring back d thin dat i nid to poz d pic.. ytd mornin pei wen gv me a big nice cute cuddling plushy n 2 wishing bottle.. =3 i luv it.. <33 n i oso scared get cught when they spot check cuz i think my nail is long dat time, nt reli long, juz 4gt cut since lez week of it.. bt lucky to check.. =D ok, ltr gt tuition, duno mum hw.. is she gonna let me go anyway? i dun care lar.. >_>" sleep.. reli tired d whole day.. = ="
thx for readin, thinkin dis is reli ntg interezting n such, so thx for reading till here abt my blabing nonsense.. =) k den, end here.. thx 4 resin, ttfn~ =P

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