Thursday, January 20, 2011

pass few days, my 101th poz..

ytd nite post my 100th poz, did u c? =)
ok, let's start wif 2 days ago, i hav forgotten wad reli happen dat day.. bt there's 1 thin for sure, i made a major decision on my subject taking.. i dropped my chinese subject.. for me, a not so clever person, hu tek bio,chemi, physic n yea, stupid bm cuz i suck at it, english n etc.. n to prepare for next year's major major major examination.. =/ and i have bad result in chinese always.. is either C or B lik dat, no improvement, no future for an A, is kinda wastin my time to learn it since i am not a clever person or LOVE chinese or wadeva, u cn scold me "chinese ppl muz take chinese language", etc, cuz i admit, i am a "banana".. u noe wad "banana" mean?? dat is chinese hu tok english, dat is y.. =) i appreciate chinese alot, but i dun love them nor hate it.. is juz for me to maintain a B or C next time, is reli hard for me.. it may turn our a fail n i reli cnt accept it.. my potential is nt reli into chinese.. or mayb i dun even hv any of those.. i am lucky i noe hw to read chinese, d major thin abt learnin them is dat i cn watch faz updated anime in chinese web, or even bunch of new updated manga dat is oso in chinese, or even buy new release manga in chinese dat is cheaper den other.. u noe, english translation manga cost 4 times d cost of d chinese one.. cruel man!! =( is lucky i noe chinese bt i totally suck at it, so cnt force me to juz gt an A in lik a split second or s/thin, if nt i oso want.. >_>" ok, den ltr part i reli forgot wad happen anyway.. juz skip them..
nw to ytd part, since i nw rmb, ltr i forgotten.. = =" ytd skul, well, since i dropped chinese, is dam bored.. - -' reli, very very sienzzz.. n den i was lik sit in yuki's place n write write write thin, n den there was lik d A class ppl cum wad.. and d crazy thin is dat d guy bek there is lik tokin 18+ thin, n porn here n there, actually i duno wad the heck is happenin bt when d MKK(a student from a claz, nt reli very sure hw to spell d name, so i juz short form it) juz stand up n start scoldin them b "clean" n stop tokin abt porn stuff, n well, they even say out so many word "kok", dat is ltr on s/1 add on d "scientific" name of "kok" is er.. (guy's part).. and den they were lik tokin crap i am nt reli interested in it bt reli noisy.. n when MKK start givin his reason for y he nid to b so sensitive to dos topic n scoldin them, he blurt out sayin "i hear dis thin edi very sien(bored) edi.. u all tok tok tok, cnt tok s/thin "clean" meh?? muz tok porn n dis stuff.. i c oso sien edi.. (or s/thin lik dat).." den d ppl juz tuk his word n ask, "u see so many B4 edi?" n den MKK add-on, i duno is mad or juz dun wan to lose, he say somethin lik "i cn even draw "it"(d guy's part) perfect for u.. (s/thin lik dat)" n evi1 one was lik, zzz.. = =" i duno wad to say, n all mia tell me is, dis is hw 3A class n 3K class combined each other, get use to it".. i was lik, huh?! n den i seriously was damn bored, n i write sien edi, n i juz start drawin, bt d place i draw, reli, is on yuki's table.. = =" since i am sittin over there, n well, i drew her fav character, juz in a more shoujo type kind of pretty boy.. =/ too bad i cnt copy in my buk, cnt draw d exact same thin again.. =( n mia call me to draw for her too, after seein wad i did to yuki's table, n i draw for hers, to me is nt reli satisfied.. n den ltr on d MKK was lik findin mia to tok n suddenly i duno wad reli was up to them bt he juz sing korean song to mia.. i noe, is normal to them, not reli normal to me.. as expected, 3K claz was lik frenly n open minded n 1 big family kind, s/1 told me lik dat.. 3B, kinda disciplined type.. except some lik me.. =) well, i dun reli hv gud impression on him when i was form 1 from hearin "s/1" sayin his bad word in d bek, reli, after hearin, i gt no comment.. n i dun even dare to go front n tok to him, nt dat cuz d bad word for all, oso cuz...... >_>" better dun say, bt nw chg liao lar, i dun reli wan to c ppl by appearence, bt their personality.. i am tryin so.. bcuz i noe i always act stupid for it.. u noe, even if there are indians, i probably have knew 10+ fren lik them.. =) so appearance dun matter actually, frens cn cum easily, juz c urself hw u acted to them.. evi1 is my buds, except ppl hu dun reli lik me(i duno hu, sure there is i guess) or ppl hu pissed me off or ppl hu er.. do bad crime.. dat is nt reli my fren.. =) so den, juz to say, i am kinda tokin crap nw.. ok, skip to next..
bla bla bla, and when d time where there r no teacher, juz replacement? i duno.. never teach la, juz sit there.. den suddenly a prefect juz went in n call onto me.. i was lik freakin shocked when it was encik.shokeri hu call upon me.. i was lik wad?! n is d stupid letter endin myself here.. n i went up alone to d office, n den he was lik tokin to pn.puspa.. n i dun dare to interrupt.. n den he saw me n call me in, den he first thin ask me, "why did u giv me dis letter? wad is d reason for u to do dis? wad do u wan from me?" n i was lik, huh? n i reply him dat he said that if any "sick" ppl juz gv d dr letter for him.. n no more.. i din say i am gonna skip or s/thin, bt i reli skipped till nw.. reason ltr.. n den he was lik tokin tokin tokin, blurtin out words n such.. n sooo long, his conclusion was, "if u r human, den u MUST come" s/thin lik dat.. =) i mean IS lik dat, juz he din say human or such.. n i juz nod nod, den went off.. = =" i am lik, wth, do u even nid to call me up for dis?! well, i wanted to go, really, i was lik wantin to go juz my mum.. = =" when my mum fetch me while sendin my bro, i was lik tellin her i nid to stay back for dat day.. n den she juz change her face.. start angry n say lik so ma fan n such.. for me, she dun reli care i gt sick anot, dat is nt d problem.. even if i dun, she oso will oppose me going, for her reason, was she duwan to fetch n send me to skul.. i noe it from d beginning she was lik dis anyway.. n den after hearin en.shokeri nagging, i juz tot i should b going n tell her, bt she juz as usual, furious for sendin me here n there.. well, is nt reli so annoyin, i juz go for it, if i cn dun go, i will choose so.. since i dun intend to go university, but to college.. wad for takin much co-curriculum marks n was ntg gud for me.. n den she satrt scoldin sayin gv d letter anot, n i knew dat was juz an excuse for nt goin, bt is denied.. cuz EVERY student nid to go, even if u cnt sport, or wadeva, if u r nt a human, den oni dun go.. =( n i even planned to tek up st.john club, bt after seein wad my mum gv for her "support", i guess wad i do is juz ntg anyway, i am gonna get scold by teacher if no go, or scold by her if i go.. n wad she tell me ltr, is kinda sad to hear, i mean nt reli, juz depend.. dat is i hv no insurance for my sick, and i am gonna die w/out insurance anytime for dis stupid sick.. all cuz my parents juz dun reli concerned much of me n kinda nt aware of my insurance for my sick thin.. n end up lik dis.. d laz, i am d person hu is sufferin, nt them.. i noe they work hard and all, they oso nt intend to do lik dat.. bt compare to my bro, i was lez bein concerned of n yet d person hu hv dis damn freakin sick dat juz i suffer in them, they dun even understand hw i feel.. =( so, if anythin happen to me, i reli am goin to die lik dat, ntg.. haizz.. wad a life.. i am totally depressin.. arghh!!
anyway, i juz gv up goin to skul since she was scoldin me, n den my sis was bek, i dun even hv d energy to smile bek to her.. = =" i was lik, wth, even once, u dun act supportive enuf for me.. all she do is pressurin me, juz seein me study n such, n wad my bro do was playin n they juz.. i duwan to say, i am nt jealous, dun mistuk it, i am nt satisfied for y she always scold me.. n my bro was always nt bein d one.. ok, is nt lik i wan them to b scolded, juz i reli dun get d heck dat is my bro so young dat they still remain ur "baby" untill nw? and i juz duwan to listen, i juz gv up goin, if teacher gonna scold me, i reli duno wad to do.. - -' i am scrificin for her, hw she even noe it for lik once anyway? anyway, there is no excuse for nt cumin to d activity, even if u blind or wadeva, juz cum, sit, wait, do ntg, untill it end.. stupid skul.. he even say dat d letter was told to b when i was form1, and den he say, even if u gv wan was 2011 doin them or bla bla bla, he say still MUST come, tokin so much crap.. is my freedom to choose where i wan to b, if i get 0%, den wad?! i dun care!? bt i reli hate seein ur face again, so i wan to go as for takin my marks, juz so, my mum dun approve.. support n such.. i din say i duwan go.. haiiiizzzz.......
till d end, nvr go, i slept lik few hours, n den tuition.. ytd nite was physic.. n d teacher, (sori)suck.. i am reli sori sayin dis, she should nt b teachin there.. n well, she told us she is an engineer, nt teacher, juz home tutor.. n we all were lik, wating our 1 hour n half on dis class..- -' she juz tek exercise copy down n bla bla... no diff wif skul, juz worse den skul.. even wippin d white board os luk lik wastin time, slow n no energy.. she even gv us do graph thingy when we dun hv one.. n d syllable in d exercise we dun understand n haven learn.. she juz gv d stupid ans n hw do u expect we noe?! bt d teacher is nt fierce, so she's gud.. =) sori for critisizin, bt i am juz tellin my opinion.. dat teacher is frenly? anyway, end d day, ytd dinner was hamburger btw.. lolx.. =/
end here.. i duno wad to do today.. too lazy to watch anime or manga.. c 1st.. ok den, sori tokin abt nonsense for so long, gonna end here.. thx for readin, ttfn~ =]

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