Friday, December 3, 2010

tryin lil by lil..

i'm goin from lil by lil puttin effort changin my blog myself wif my own stlye.. as u noe, u dun lik ppl copyin u so am i.. but some cases is nt our fault, is cal sharing.. yup, some were very er, coincidence? dat it happen to b same, bt if can, ppl dun lik it.. =] so, to me, i'm tryin my bez changin my blog lil by lil in minor parts.. juz d major layout thin was d prob.. n yea, i try doin my own stlye bside sharin wif other same layout, paiseh~~ =P eventho oneself dun wan to, it may s/hw turn out likin same thin, awkward when met up same, bt in some cases, it was great to noe dat s/1 was sharin same interest, but it is in some part, example, sharin admire same idol or character, mov or story.. dat is sharin.. i nt say same 100%, it was lik oso part lik sharin same web of layout? well, it may seem nice, i too wanted try it out, bt ltr on i wanted to myself wif my very own style n creation other den bein same as other hundreds ot thousand ppl.. =D n it was a hapi thin dat is ur own, well, if u c ppl copy oso will nt b hapi lar.. for sure.. haha.. but anyway, moz important was i am goin to my own style road, i'm puttin time in blog for juz lil thins.. =] juz hopin it will fin soon, but my heart still cnt gv up on my current layout, sad.. part of me wanted to go for s/thin new.. n wenn say is nice for d new style.. =P so den, i gv up on d scrollbar, givin me headache.. n i started puttin changes nt oni in d outside(dat is s/hw ppl say physical to a person) n i'm tryin d inside too(i dun think i cn say is mentally, is weird, blog dun think).. 不止外表。d function?? i duno hw to explain.. = =" duh, i'm nt clever.. =[ bt is s/thin nt related to appearance, juz puttin effort even d thin abt poztin, bt nt nw lar.. nid think twice b4 poz.. - -' i dun hv d confident to continue after dis long skul hols end.. =/ i mayb will abandoned it lik b4... so i duno should i reli put effort so much in it.. bt once in a while, duno will i continue dis blog till i was an adult? tryin.. =] well, i wanted to put some soft song in d playliz, bt i listen pop, i mean popular modern in-song.. so i kinda think it dun fit wif them.. sad.. well, i lik pop.. bt soft oldies was nice.. =] i once lik usher's dj... den oso gt ts's ..december, gt plentyyy of song.. n yea, many, nw, i kinda lik anthony song.. well, congratz him for his 1st album(tho nt reli into d song, okok..) bt 1 song made me reli lik it, n i lik d flood, or mayb higher too.. =P well, nw was nt known.. i bet it will next month s/hw.. (nt reli sure).. alot of song hear so long time ago ltr on popular, duno is them slowin themself? i got soo many new song i get into it, bt i listen moz was anthony's well.. 1 english song.. yea, i'm nt into chinese song much, bunch n lots of english ones in my mind.. gt listen(gua) chinese, bt lez, i juz put n d list, but english song is top, duno y accidentally delete off d whole list of song, dammit, but i load new top song, so dun care lar.. = =" i reli get a stab from d shock 100++ of song when kosong in 1 sec for no reason i can remember.. = = anyway, english song soooo damn many on top popular music plus i found some slow song, well, both nice.. i duno when am i goin to reach to d chinese part, tho i HATE chinese, wow, nw i rmb... =] i reli 4gt hw i hate chinese.. cuz i noe i suck at it.. yea.. opp of love is hate huh.. if i cnt get gud to luv it, mean i nid to hate it when i got bad.. =D ok, i was tokin ntg till here.. juz a lil thin to say oni..
anyway, thx for readin, ttfn!

well, i noe is sudden, juz wan ask another suggestion which is better.. comparin wif d other one i poz b4.. i'm tryin this too..

well, which is better?? dis wan is plain a bit..=)
pls gv me some opinion.. it reli helps me hv d confident to do it.. TT
comparin them, which is better?? thx~~!!

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