Wednesday, December 15, 2010

is over~~!!

my hse renovation is finally over~~ well, tuk 1 week+ to fin it.. and yea, i can finally sit in my chair and stay in my room for d whooole day playin com.. tho it was borin for sure, no life at all.. nw is december 15, another few weeks and skul almoz start in january, well, in my country.. cuz we dun hv winter, autumn etc.. same as singapore.. so we hv our long skul hols durin end of november and december.. juz in case u're nt sure of d situation.. well, after fin PMR(gov paper), finally a burden is bein released from my mind, but i still cnt relax my head, cuz 1 day paz and 1 day cum, my PMR result is cumin soon and i'm goin to b dead if i didn't tek 5A and above.. my mum is goin to kill me, dat is s/hw same kind of word she's tryin to explain out to me.. well, she said "u better get 5A and above, my child, specially u, muz get more den 5A+(like my sis who did when she went thru PMR), i duwan lez den 5A, better get more den dat, blah blah blah" tho is lik ntg, bt is reli s/thin if i dun get, she always say hw clever i am dat it beats my sis, and s/hw givin me pressure to surpaz her as well, but i noe, i absolutely cnt do dat for sure.. = =" no way! i am nt clever, if i am, i will nt fail b4 4 subject anyway.. = = is dat clever at all?? i dun think so.............. and my sis she was in elite skul, n me, a lousy one(shhh, dun tell any1, haha), bt is d truth, is reli lousy untill i cnt even explain..or describe.. all i noe is ppl hu dun care, teacher hu dun care, place where oni unfairnez reli do exist for each malays.. reli, i dun mean sayin them bad ok, juz say d skul bein so selfish for them, and it will result them bein more *beep* when they duno dat u hv to study.. i dun mean those gud malay student of cuz.. so as chinez n indian n such oso gt gud and bad, i didn't say oni them, but d diff of evi1 is always oni b more, hw to say, care for them in d wrong way.. if d skul reli care more for malay, they should put more effort to teach them, if they reli pt special care to them, they should b reli strict to them as well.. and their special care is nt to bother them much even their study was zero marks all d way, they juz act lik din c and put in it d second claz.. is dat reli care? is juz bein a burden to d claz to let them keep up, is a bad thin d d actual student n a bad thin to malays too, but tho they dun realize or even bother.. w/out study, still keep in second claz from time to time.. and their attitude for study will b more lez n tend to play much, and their thinkin of study is ntg but juz even get fail oso get in front claz.. and ind future, d ppl hu mek their future bein lik dat is also bcuz of d skul.. well, u cn say d country dat pt special care to them, even in d skul.. they didn't think of d consequences for all their doin of thinkin dat is gud to them, bt in 1 case that when they duno, it also harm them.. i understand them havin malay rights and such, bt if is too over, in dis country, it will appear more lez elite ppl from d citizen specially from malay and keep decreasin from time to time.. well, since they also decide puttin maths and science in malay language, their special care for malay is reli very simple-minded w/out thinkin twice, oni for their own gud.. pls b exact, i dun mean malay hu is normal n ntg to do wif it, there is also them hu r gud.. =] pls dun misunderstand, 'm nt pickin a fight or wadeva, i juz wan to gv my opinion dat if they keep doin thin lik dat, it will harm d future of evi1 of d malay more n more, and so goes to chinese n indian n other malaysian.. specially in study, when they were a child, evi1 of d citizen, u're nt helpin malay, u're harmin their future for a student as a child.. they dun deserve to b lik dat, y there isn't a choice to mek for them? y nid to set rules when u dun get ppl oppose them from hurtin their child's future.. y cn't juz think further ahead other then d thin infront of u dat mek u think is gud for urself.. ppl are selfish, evi1, no1 is left bhind, bt they also hv hw selfish u are.. and bcuz of dis selfishnez, think abt hw many ppl u've kill for d future when they were a child.. (well, i dun mean kill lik die ok?) and hw many future u can chg great by doin it? hw many ppl will suffer when u're doin it? i juz wan to think dat way, nt in d way u're gettin d gud or wadeva, eventho is unfair, yet, we hv no rights to say rite? bt my way of thinkin is dat u're harmin those child, future generation in d future.. n wad i tot was y cn't u think more towards them? is it so hard to understand? i noe malaysia nid to learn malay malay malay, malay muz paz and such.. but u oso do noe, english is d international language.. if u tuk away them from math and science, can i ask, hw is their future gonna b when they cnt stay long in other country when they lack of english n bm(maly language) is nt known in there.. and even hw much a they hv, a bad grade for english, is reli serious matter.. but if u say for malaysia, of cuz is gud, evithin malay lik they wanted, and if other country is movin forward, when d future of dis country is lack on english language, may i ask r we gonna ju sit n wait for d ppl hu are elite dat came to b great in both of d language to understand, or wad else? they isn't much left.. and if they reli exist, i bet, their mind will keep movin forward wif other den stayin down too.. and hw many ppl, great ppl u will lose in d future? well, is reli a big issue den.. bt future is future.. is also depend wad gov thinks, wad malay(all dun mean evi1 specially gud malay.. =] ) thinks n such.. we all hv no right to choose.. if u're malay, i bet if u're clever n understandin, u will understand wad i wan to exprez out to say dat those future children is innocent.. bt is nt depend on u as well, is all depend on higher up n gov.. bt if is a malay, stayin in malaysia for d rez of ur life is a gud thin, d special rights n such in evi angle, lik work, hse n etc.. bt for others may nt b much easy.. well, i'm still a student, so i dun wan to go towards d case of work and such, tho they is also consequences for doin dat for d country.. dat is by doin it, they will keep stayin in a low standard compare to other country.. i say d ans bt lazy to explain, if u're understandin, u will surely noe wad i mean anyway, is nt hard at all.. bt depends of ppl hu juz see d benefit in front of them or they oso luk in d bek of d benefit as well.. =] if there is gud, there always hv bad too.. if they is ppl agree, also ppl hu disagree.. so well, i dun nid ppl to disagree n such, bcuz all i wanted to say is juz MY OPINION.. my blog, my thinkin.. if u dun lik it, is ok u share bt nt bein rude.. juz to tell u dat(if u r).. and well, i dun mean to criticize any1 or wad, is juz opinion, k? dun get d wrong way dat i wan to go against d country n such, i wan to lay-low profile.. y do i nid to b in d big issue? bt all i wan to say is wantin ppl to understand d bad side too.. bt i noe if i say loud, i'm gonna reli b kill to dead, no kiddin.. mayb nt kill, jail i guess.. cuz is harmful to malay, bt to me is also harm for evi1.. =) so i dun mean to harm them, bein bad to them, juz givin opinions, is opinion ok?? dun get d wrong way, i duwan to die so young.. =D 
kk, due to borin, i wrote so many stupid thin.. = =" hw i noe, i juz folo d flow writin down, n walah, cum out lik dat.. so is nt my intention writin all those anyway.. >3> 
so den, thx for readin till here, ttfn!!   

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