Wednesday, December 8, 2010

juz some thx

well, i dun have much time to stay here, i mean into com n blog such these days.. my hse was still on renovation, n i am usin not-my laptop.. well, usually i was hidin inside my room lik a rabbit in it's hole for a whole day and u cn c me when i'm findin food to eat.. nw, w/out my room, i duno where to go.. well, for a week? few days? i'm not reli sure.. but i'm gonna b bek!! wait for me ar~~ haha.. juz kiddin.. but d fact i'm gonna cum bek mayb true.. so den, wad i'm gonna say too is also i'm reli grateful to u guys hu support me or even leavin me a msg for me, i reli appreciate it! u guys reli gv me think dat i reli should put effort in dis blog.. well, eventho i cnt promised even to myself dat i can continue it lik dis for mayb few years? 20 years? or eternity, same for u guys, but i can tell u, dis memory in dis very moment, i reli am thankful to u guys, n i hope not to forget it as well.. well, eventho i cnt seem to contact any of u as well, i guess is my place prob? i duno, it keep givin me some add dat i duno where it was, n all was almoz d same.. i tried but i couldn't, i mean i was not clever enuf to find where to start from, so sori if i cnt keep in touch wif u guys, n hope u will continue support me by leavin down some msg n comment, if u hv blogger, is better too~~ =) well, i can't seem to noe when i was goin to cum bek, mayb tomolo, or next week, but for u guys, definitely goin to try my bez(no confident to say for hw long~~ TT).. well, at liz my heart is tellin d truth, i thx u guys.. blif it.. =P
ok den, ty for readin, ttfn!

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