Sunday, December 19, 2010

food.. plus bakin cake n er.. dumpling

mornin is borin, cuz wake up is not com means eat, if nt sleep bek.. my life.. haiz.. bt today, i went down n 1st thin my mum ask me is, y ytd i din bake cake dat my dad told me, if u read my ytd poz, when i was bein wake by noisy sound n dad request of bakin cake that well, i dun wan to.. lazy of cuz.. and den, today breakfaz, well, nt so into d food.. it hv my dad so call home made "mee hoon kuih soup" and oso gt buy "g-jiong fan".. 2 thin dat i, felicia dun lik to eat, bt i eat.. i have food dat i lik n dun lik.. n oso fud i dun lik bt eat n fud i dun lik n dun eat.. should i draw a table to put which food in which corner.. well, fud i lik can say lik......... actually i dun hv a reli lik one, cuz if i reli lik, means hw much i eat, i can still stand d taste for 1 day or 2.. bt i dun think there is except one  home dish i ever know.. i can eat that n laz for days eatin d same thin w/out bein bored of it.. bt i duno wad name is dat home dish call, cuz 4 d 15 years of my life, i oni eat it b4 in my home, dat is reli nice, n outside gt d same vege, bt diff dish.. so i call it my-fav-home-dish-vege? well, is vege.. and i lik ice cream n many thin, bt for sure, i cnt laz eatin dat 4 1 day.. =[ thin i dun lik bt eat is mac hamburger, mornin 2 breakfaz, etc? cake, evi cake in bakery except jelly cake.. i dun count dat as cake tho.. thin dat is sweet.. if u say choc, i count it oso.. juz so i eat, bt i dun eat much.. i lik it as flavour.. i lik black choc, d bitter one.. dat is diff.. nt milk choc or white choc.. these r some of d example of my taste, i eat bt if can, i choose nt to eat in some point.. thin dat kill me is too sweet, too bitter, tastelez, too sour.. too salty oso cn die lar.. bt lez.. do u eat mamee b4? if u put d powder packet, cn i say dat is salty n unhealthy to u? cuz, i dun put it.. =/ i lik sweet n sour, nt sweet lik cake, sour lik s/thin?? i duno.. bt if d bez, i lik spicy.. =] spicy is nice, chili is eatable.. bt it depend hw it was cook.. i lik bitter n sweet, so i lik black choc n black coffee(gt add sugar a lil).. my sis dun lik lar.. opp?? many ppl, diff taste, hw diff is d world.. =D i lik jp fud, i lik western fud.. bt i dun lik spaghetti.. tho i eat, bt i dun lik.. = = meat i lik mutton, ytd i eat bunch, i oso lik malay's dish dat consist mutton oso, or is indian's dish?? i duno.. mutton is nice~~ bt oso, depend on wad dish.. so many food in d world, if u say out exp dish, i dun reli lik oyster, to say it clear, i choose nt to eat if cn, cuz i hv nightmare b4 abt eatin them.. mayb 1 day in d future i cn face them? haha.. i hate "xi ham", wad is d english name call?? i see many dish here n there oso gt, i try eatin it bt reli cnt stand.. >_> i noe many ppl lik it, is juz my taste gt prob.. dun bother me.. bt i dun lik it.. my dad, mum, sis lik.. so i can juz gv them if i hv dat thin in my fud.. i lik cold den hot, nt oni drink, weather oso.. i cnt stand hot temp.. eventho i stay in malaysia.. ><" cn i stay in other place, nt so hot n nt sooooo cold lik north n south pole? well, i say too much my lik n dislik, well, eventho is juz lil part of me.. cuz so many thin in my mind, i juz cn say lil of it.. =/ say too much, write too much, equals nonsense too much oso.. i mean nw oso lik dat..

well, bake cake ar.. after eatin "g-jiong fan", i tek very lil oso cnt fin, cuz i dun lik mar.. i tek many other lik fish cake, crab stick and all bt oni 3-5 of d white thin(i duno wad is it call, d main thin in d g-jiong fan..) den ltr my mum call me to bake cake, n i hv a deal wif my dad, i bake, he wash.. a deal is a deal, i made d cake, n den he help me wash all d thin i use to bake d cake.. n help out wif d bakin powder oso.. n i tuk out d bakin choc out, white n brown choc for bakin de.. nt eatin lik calbery or wad.. ask my sis to cut it.. well, ltr on she went argue wif me abt when puttin it.. nt a big fight, juz er, she went off n slam d door? =/ is nt argue, cuz we're juz tokin, n i explain to her, den she went off din say anythin, dat freak me out s/time n slam d door? dun go wrong, no1 tok bek or usin load voice or anythin lar.. well, i juz continue makin d cake.. and den my mum ask my sis to make d dumpling, dat is nt reli call dumpling actually.. is lik in ball shape thin dat is in soup.. i duno hw is dat call in english bt is "tang yuan" 汤圆, in december nw n i think is tradition chinese do dat, so i am counted in too.. bt cuz is in tue i guess, cuz my mum say today do cuz my sis is nt around in tues, so we're makin it today.. is eat wif family de, so my mum brin it earlier.. well, laz time, we always make shape lik many kind n cook inside.. is lik play-doh, makin diff shape.. originally is round.. i am nt so into d tradition background, so i duno abt it much.. bt is s/thin dat we eat.. =) my sis know he to mek d soup, is sweet kind.. well, d cake baked fin, bt is sweet cuz is choc eviwhere.. >< specially d bottom part, dat we eat 1st.. i eat lil n cnt stand jor.. well, if u ask me hw to bake it, i juz put d ingredient n stir it wif d machine to handle, n ltr d laz put d choc.. butter n sugar, den flour n egg.. after fin den use hand, nt machine, tek d ladder n stir wif d choc bits.. den put in d mole n bake in d oven dat is heat 10 min b4 puttin d cake in.. abt d choc, my sis cal me to miz it wif d butter together, bt for me, i say is d laz den put in, cuz i duwan it to b mix together.. - -' well, she wanted it to b one i guess, i duwan.. n mixin it may cause d cake to b more hard or s/thin.. cuz if it melt, is nt counted as water oso.. liquid kind lik milk n water, or mayb fruit's juice.. bt choc is diff.. and i duwan d whole cake to b choc, i juz wan it to b 1 lil part juz lik choc chip lik dat.. bt i duwan to argue much.. i juz say hear wad she say well she said she is right den right.. i've done fin d cake, juz keep nod my head oni.. duwan tok much.. =) is d bez way to communicate~~ speak lez wad u're thinkin.. specially elders dat think they r older den u.. gv respect n face to them.. if nt i'm gonna b dead if i dun.. suffer? well, is oredi fin, so oso cnt chg bek, so wad they say juz okok lor.. i dun mean next time i will folo wad they say oso.. haha.. can eat den ok ler.. diff thinkin mar.. dat way oso can, bt i duwan.. i din intend to argue, so let it b my way, d tokin b ur way.. =] gv n tek.. after fin, i juz say is my wrong to her, bt i din say next time i will folo wad she said wad.. cuz my way is wad i prefer, is better.. i hate d cake all sweet n kind of.. i duno wad to say.. >_> so if cn b, i dun folo.. is ok wad.. sweet enuf edi.. i mean nw is oredi too sweet to me, if reli is her way, d whole cake can throw away in my opinon.. = =" well, my lil bro jeremy lik sweet.. i cnt stand.. =/ n wenn oso lik cake n speghetti, diff taste.. bt same lik jeremy.. n sis.. =] well, i eat, bt lil.. if u lik, eat lez.. i mean sweet stuff.. lez sugar.. >< hw they cn stand d sweetnez of it..?? reli very great.. if me, haiz... no way.. mayb my taste bud gt a lil prob?

and nw, i juz cum bek from my so call lunch.. n is another 1 more food i dislike.. "wantan mee".. grr, hw i dislik it.. i told them i dun lik, bt they still buy, y? bcuz they lik.. when they dun lik, we cnt eat, when they lik, den even we dun lik oso nid to eat.. mum always lik dat.. wad is so nice abt it?! arhh!! sori, i dun mean to disagree d ppl hu lik to eat it.. juz my prob....... i dun lik, my opinion.. i hate d luk of it, oso my prob cuz my family mek me lik dat.. evithin they lik, muz folo.. i dislik it makin me hate it.. same goes for speghetti.. slowly, i'm gonna hate 'kuih tiao soup".. eventho i lik them at first, i hate them nw.. eatin d same thin here n there, bcuz they lik, i dislik oso cnt choose other.. wad man! ppl hv choice!! dun u noe?! well, they r mum n dad, so cnt argue.. ><" u guys make me dislik them.. haiz.. i rather eat rice.. well, pls dun misunderstand me for unagree ur likin, if u lik wad i dislik, lik i say, evi1 hv choice, u too hv fud u dislik, same goes for me too.. so is juz my simple dissatisfied for thin in my mind eatin fud.. well, i dun blame ppl dislik wad i lik, so i dun disagree u likin them.. bt if is lik my family case, is diff.. cuz they dun gv me freedom to choose wad i lik n dislik.. = =" diff thin.. i hv to say, i hate rules lik dat in my hse.. lucky i dun hv cake eviday, if nt i'm gonna die eatin dat.. i mean, i cn even oppose havin them for my b/day for d rez of my life if dat reli happen.. lucky they dun hv fav for cake.. phew~ hopin dinner will nt b s/thin i dislik again.. if nt i'm gonna scold "wth! wad day is today.. dislik-fud day?!" s/thin lik dat.. from mornin untill nw, i dun see any fud, includin d cake is wad i tend to hv likin towards it.. =)
k, end here.. today reli is non concern wif anime bt food.. haha.. cuz i fin d anime mar.. nw nid find another new anime.. or bez, manga.. well, pmr result cumin soon........ = =" is dat a gud or bad thin.. hopin 5A++.. prayin to god... thx 4 redin till here den, ttfn!

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