Thursday, December 23, 2010

5A, hv a C

d result cum out~~ n well, to say it clearly, i duno nid hapi or nt.. bt i'm enuf wif d result.. juz dat i cnt b hapi cuz is nt reli up to my mum expectation.. d real one.. she think i can get 6A, n well, i didn't.. if she say i nid get 6A b4, for sure i will argue.. haha.. cuz i noe myself cnt.. and manyyyy ppl got 7A.. hw great, i cnt even reach 6.. n my mum was lik, disappointed a lil n in d car say go tuition.. =[ well, ok, i will go.. in d laz i dun hv free time edi.. when i first gone in d skul, i met yuki n mia, plus auntie kitty, yk's mum.. and den d result haven cum out, is lik 1 bunch ppl duno do wad.. den yk went buy buks, n i try callin wenn cuz i reach le, bt cuz my mum went out in 9.30am n we went tesco n eat.. =P so i nt sure d time, juz reach d den call her.. sori ne.. TT
bt tok abt eat, my bro wan eat mac donald burger, well, dat time is breakfaz.. so we go other place.. n den it cum to d laksa restoran opp d poz office.. n well, nt reli nice.. 1, nt spicy at all!! reli, laksa muz b spicy, dat one no tasty enuf.. = = where is d spicinez? n 2, i think mozly there is overnite? means, nt fresh, d drink taste, nt nice.. n d egg, my bro say he eat is cold inside.. - -' all nt fresh de.. i lik d sunway pyramid there one.. very nice~~ juz 4gt d name liao.. =P well, if we din eat there, mean is go sushi king.. so i ask mum to go n c eat there more cheaper, we're nt lik rich fellow or s/thin, dun get us wrong.. =/ nt rich at all.. n well, dun spend too much.. =) bt somehow turn up dat decision is bad.. = =" nt nice de..
anyway, bek to topic, den i n yk tek d result together, n we noe pei yi gt full A liao.. she sure is geng.. den i tek de time, i lik, see so many time is it 5A anot.. haha.. n den kingston suddenly appear n he was lik say he hv 7A, if i rmb correctly, well, reli geng.. n den tj was lik in d side, startin call out for yk, den he saw me n saw samo tot hu i am juz nw, tot i am s/body else or s.thin.. = =" den he gt edi lar, juz smile smile there.. den i c d paper, he say his mum is hapi cuz he paz evithin, well, he hv 1 A and 1 E!!.. is E fail rite? o_O dat is his kh.. bt he wan go d ert class, nid kh gud result.. duno lar.. bt den we went flyin to our mums n my mum hear d result, she was lik, "har? nt 6A ar?" n i was lik stunned n dun dare to say my bm was a C... >_>" bt still nid to tell her.. n d buk we buy was lik fallin down 1 by 1.. d plastic bag broken down.. - -'.. comfirm cn go sc class, bt i duno i wan to anot.. my mum was lik questionin me..should i? n well, d moz freakin thin i ever saw today was wenn's result..! all A, straight A!! n my mum was there, dis is d worse.. = = well, i admire her jor.. so great.. well, she is clever for sure.. haha.. bt my mum ltr go jor n say here there liao.. say me, i duno is compare me wif wad, bt for sure d bm gt a c is a problem in it.. TT i oso duwan to, i dun intend to live in malaysia anymore.. nt nw of cuz.. in d future.. bt i guess, reli is troublesome if there is bm in d world.. = =" in my world.. ahh, samo tot will go salon today, bcum no mood go liao gua.. >_> well, weird thin is my mum tok to tj say hor, "get nt gud nvm, at liz try ur bez evithin", den i was bside n say, "y u didn't even tell me lik dat?".. so diff word.. = =" bt tek den tek d, cnt chg, i was damn freaky when my bc was lik, a B... = = y?!?! is gud, bt dis mean i cnt gv up bc liao ma?? ><" well, i dun intend to tek for spm, juz normal class gua.. duno, c 1st.. haiz.. see all ppl so geng den me, i bcum a lil snail in d corner self depressed liao.. haiz.. wenn ar, u so geng untill i dun think i cn b wif u in d same class next year, so sad.. TT haizzz... well, nw better find thin to do b4 skul's gonna start soon.. arghh!! i hate studies, i suck at it!! >A<"
well, today paz by d guard hse dat turn in tempua, i saw my class's student, well, is d mouth cum out smoke, if is nt smokin, is it fire burn ur tongue? well, obviously is smokin.. wad man! uselez brain go smoke for no reason, juz 15+ n smoke edi, reli hateful.. their studies were worse den normal student, i mean they dun even care n they smoke so obviously juz near d skul.. = =" i reli hope d teacher find out n mek a gud punishment for them.. stupid.. i am so disappointed i'm wif in d same class wif dis kind of hateful n brainlez ppl.. = =
well, end here.. juz wanna say ty evi1 for dis result specially my mum n dad.. well, my mum promise a fon for me.. bt i think i will mayb let it go.. i'm nt reli into fon anyway.. well, eventho d fon i usin nw was goin insane n will boom in a few more time.. bt i understand if they reli cnt afford, i dun mean to spend their money.. i juz ask for cash mayb? well, i noe, i'm greedy~~ bt depend on my parent, n sis of cuz.. she was lik, unhapi when mum promise me a fon, so i dun reli care much if is nt.. =P bt if gt, sure hapi lar, hu won't? still ty them, they reli spend alot of money in d tuition fee, about RM2000(exclude my bro) in d mr siew tuition +1250 in d 10 classes on bm laz min tuition.. = =" arounf RM 3250 spend on me.. well, i think lez den dat.. abt RM3000.. i think dis reli is big sum.. sp if reli is a burden for them to nt gv a fon, i dun mind.. hoho... bt for sure i wan s/thin.. i'm nt kind person oso.. =) hey, i'm still a child! ok, juz kiddin, a teenager n goin to b my 16th b/day few weeks later.. ppls say sweet 16th.. bt i dun think so, dat's y i dun lik my b/day in january, so front till no1 remember.. >< well, tok abt my b/day, i rmb wad yk present me laz year, = =... it is reli swt...... i admire my sis lor.. her 16th b/day is reli sweet 16th, eventho she oni hv 4 year 1 time b/day.. bt her fren(or may is junior n senior?) went givin her surprise party.. well, she cum bek laughin whole nite tokin to me, or is it showin off to me.. = =" sis is sis, normal.. bt 17th b/day of hers is oso great, reli.. she gt a surprise party again, n dis time, wif d 3 big bear.. reli big bear! nt big den human size bt is bigger den a children.. samo 3 bear!! dammit, hw i want it n she dun boro me.. she promised de~~ TT well, my sis is my sis, reli many ppl noe de person.. >< cnt say much.. i dun expect much anyway..
k den, result was off my head for d moment, i guess.. nw, went find s/thin to do.. thx for readin till here.. ttfn!

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