Wednesday, December 29, 2010

skul cumin near, wth

arghh!! d very moment we hv fun, time flew so faz, n yeah, lik nw.. n well, to say clearly, eviday i dun even noe wad day is it, nt to say even the date.. 0_0 well, all i noe was lik, goin to skul~~!! >_>
well, for me, i din buy any stationary or wadeva, bt well, juz few hrs ago, well, cuz nw was midnite 2am, so i think is say ytd gua.. well, went tesco.. day b4 dat went ioi rite, i lik say b4 in poz b4.. well, another day b4 dat, i 4gt to mention my cousin bro, brandon n aunt n aunt's relative n fren cum to malaysia from singapore.. well, for 1 year i din c him.. many thin happen to him, my mum always ask me to luk out for him.. i hope he reli can rely on s/1 when he hv prob, den at liz cn feel better more.. well, is oso dis dat my mum always bring out my ex-classmate, mum old fren's son, tj.. sayin same situation n s/hw, always lik dat.. = =" well, i din say wad, juz she always brin it out, i dun reli think d ppl themself reli so cham untill lik dat.. bt i reli hope cn c brandon again, well, dis time juz meet lez den 30min n they go liao.. bt i heard dat my uncle, brandon's dad cum to malaysia.. well, is sad dat brandon they all went bek day b4 ytd.. well, they hv family prob, well, my mum n sis reli bcum... >_>" mum even say even sis apologize, oso duno cn forgv her.. =( well, lucky mum was nt reli so unreasonable untill lik hw i scared.. - -' well, at liz i gt new uni(bt is all white de, no blue.. TT) well, i dun reli buy new new here n there, waste money samo.. - - i will gt scold for sure.. anyway, n shoe oso.. hehe.. nw i nid is oni left a bag.. so bad luck, dat time ioi i missed d chance, hope i gt another lil once more.. >< well, if cnt oso nvm, bt hope cn.. =) cuz cnt buy carry de, very lez is cheap n nice.. >_> bt d moz lez is oso 40++ lor.. bt i think lez exist.. and well, mum say fri go salon, well, cuz c feng shui which day bez, n well, she choose dat day.. =/ yer, i duno wan wad style.. well, i dun think she gv me rebondin my hair again.. =[ laz time juz once abt 200 liao.. well, i wan a bag mar, bt oso cnt say out.. anyway, i noe she dun gv.. short hair? well, i dun think fit me gua.. >< weird.. well, if long hair i always lik tying up.. bun or ponytail lik dat, so simple n well, no effort of being a girl lik dat.. = =" y i say untill gt dis feelin har.. too lazy jor.. >_> well, i gt try b4 learnin hair thingy, i noe i'm nt gud, i once even tot wantin to learn hair stylist, NOT for living of cuz! is nt my dream, juz interez.. well, bt i dun hv dat kind of effort n well, nice hair oso.. so is impossible for me.. haha.. bt i reli lik doin when ppl hv nice hair around me, example i cn gt, wenn, mei kwan, yuen yen or mayb shirjin.. =) hey, i'm serious! hw i envy them havin nice hair.. TT sad face.. well, ntg to do wif me oso, cnt chg d fact me is me, u is u.. hmm.. thinkin by d time, if cn, suggest for me? =D well, i will b glad to hear! well, i mean suggez wad style bez? or in trend? haha.. mayb i should colour my hair? but i guess duwan, i hv a feelin i will b diggin my own grave in d futher from d skul prefect lik again n again.. =/ hmm.. reli headache.. ok, well, many nonsense, bt a lil hapi feelin today.. =) i hv a wish nw dat is for a bag.. is a wish, cnt expect much..
well, thx for readin, ttfn den!

to wenn ar, pls gv suggez to me, well, i nt reli 100% sure i gt go, 90%.. wan noe ur suggestion moz imp to me oo.. =) cuz u noe me well gua.. well, among evi fren.. o.o (i duno where i gt d confident to say dis tho.. weird me..  ignore ignore) nt include interez la.. haha.. muz reply oo... oh ya, i duwan u say duno or simply.. limited from dat.. =( pls oo.......... veryyyy~~~ important to me, ur word, or support u gv me.. =P bt sori if it's a bother.. ><

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