Wednesday, December 22, 2010

dammit! PMR result 1 day left!!!!!!!

omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! omg!
lez den 1 day left!!!!!!!!!!!! tomorrow is d day!!!!!!!!! arghhhhhhhhhhh~~!!
tomorrow is d day that we piglets get our pmr result.. the big day for us.. i dun think we r counted as piglet anymore, old jor... bt i am dog lieh.... nvm, 1995 zodiac is pig.. y muz it b pig?! grr~~ >3> anyway, i'm awake in my bed dis mornin oso been thinkin of d result tomorrow!! omg! if i dun get 5A, i'm gonna b dead!!!! =( sad face....
well, hw can i lay down n rez tomolo facin my mum.. grr...... i oso wan hapi go lucky lik wenn... TT bt cnt, ahh!!! pls god, 2molo is d day jor, d day i'm waitin for dis whole year~~!! all the hard work i do, well, i admit is nt so much effort i put on or s/thin, i'm nt hardworkin or wad, bt i hv a lil heart to pt a lil effort into it.. dis year.. so please, i beg u, gv me a miracle....!!!! TT
and hor, duno nid wear uni go or normal shirt go skul n tek result.. well, usually dis time will wear hse shirt lik dat, bt i saw ppl even ask teachers n fren, n they say uni wor.. bt nt confirm geh.. well, i duwan to wear uni, so if reli duno, nt confirm, i think i will wear half half gua.. pjk shirt(is oso counted as skul shirt wad, gt d skul logo mar, wait, or is it juz d name?) well, i dun care.. but if MUST uni, den uni lor.. sure gt ppl wear other den dat de la.. lol... >_>
bt still, i hope god reli hear me out, at liz 5A for me.. i dun expect full As, well, i noe for me is impossible.. i understand dat for sure, bt at liz pls help me out wif my mum's expectation for me.. i reli mean it.. TT i beg of u....
tomoro is do or die.. either is gud or bad.. if lose 1 A, dead meat....... >< hopin evithin go well.. god, pls bless me, n if too, other ppl dat hope so as well.. reli grateful...

today poz is random beggin for blessin... well, i hope it gv confident as well as hope..
anyway, today's pass time ar.. ytd i watch fin another anime, 2010 july anime.. and again, fukuyama jun desu~~ =3 as d main lead de voice actor.. <333 well, anyway, watch till midnite, den ZzZ.. den today mornin, early mornin 6AM++, my mum suddenly bang in d door n wake me up, n ltr ran out n wake my 2 bro.. u noe today is wad day? er, "dong zhi" is it? i duno wad name, bt is eat d "soup circle", okok,  is "tang yuan" dat i mention b4 in d poz b4 when i hv it on sunday wif my sis.. well, cuz my dad mornin wan go work, so we eat together in d mornin, bt not d "tang yuan", cuz eat b4 ler, dat one gt on d table bt is juz for "see" bt nt "eat".. no taste de.. cuz is use to pray it for ancestor de.. so my bro tek den duwan eat liao.. n well, we are eat d so call "lin zi mei pau" or s/thin.. i duno wad they call it, bt is actually a veryy big "pau".. erm, diameter mayb lik 20cm.. bigger den d normal big "cai bao" dat is big den "cha siew pau".. n well, they cut to six n i eat 2.. =P bt nt reli dat nice, prefer cha siew lor.. anyway, today watch another 2010 fall anime, well, till d latez ep, n d next is d laz ep..  gt mozly d anime oso left few ep den end, mean b4 2010 jan, lik dat i can stop more better.. ^^ scared next year watch too damn much.. = = arghh, y d manga so long update.. geh....

k den, gonna end here.. hope it reli hv miracle happen in my life.. TT pls god, beg of u..
thx for readin till here, ttfn~~ =P

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