Saturday, December 25, 2010

result ended up?

well, i have somethin happen after dec 23, dat day we tek d bomb dat is our pmr result for 2010.. and well, u knew from d poz b4, i have 5A, bt nt reli very satisfy, there is 2B n 1C.. i dun mean to say others, is juz myself i'm nt satisfied abt.. pls dun misunderstand.. =) well, my mum hv high expectation i get 6A, dat is shokin i guess after i tek, her expression is dat.. =( well, i am sad abt d C bt oh well, i knew i will nt survive from dat hell of BM..!! i dun even rmb i cn even hv a dream gettin an A for dat, dat is too much for a dream too me, cuz it won't happen in a million years anyway, i dun mind.. bt wad i mind was dis C mek 2 thin worse, 1, i ended up decided by my mum, hv d fate to go tuition next year, well, i dun wan to of cuz, hu luv dat?! and 2, it mek d whole result paper sheet spoiled... well, when u tek a luk, there is row of A's in 5 den d laz 2 was B.. well, is easy to pass by d C w/out seein so clearly in d first glance.. u noe, d A word was lik, so called "imbangan" in art subject, if u ever read d frickin buk n study d frickin subject, u'll understand.. it hv in form 1 and 2.. well, d A made a nice row one shot n well, i nid to c more den 2 times to confirm hw many a r there.. reli.. i even missed d C in d start.. = = well, art reli s/how marvelous huh.. there is illusion art and so.. bt well, dat C reli spoil my appetite from d start.. eventho i'm ok wif d BM gt C, i juz dun lik d sound of 5A bt gt C.. n my mum went nag abt tuition n my bm very weak, muz improve, tok bm in d hse(end up juz laz for few second).. n lez bt nt liz, i lnew dat from d start, comparin me wif pei wen-the genius hu gt straight A n well, i acknowledge dat she cn do it anyway, juz is horrible when my mum noe.. gah!! well, i noe bm cnt b turn 320 degree from fail to A wad.. bt well, i cn asure u i cn do it in other subject.. =) well, d laz time i fail my sc subject was on form 2 and well, d next year, form 3 first exam, i hv an A n it was d highest in d claz, wad a stupid reality i ever face.. well, oni laz for few days n there is no more next time, i am lazy.. i am nt a study person holdin a buk for 24 hrs a day.. dat is ridiculous for me to do, n wad i hate d moz, BM.. so wad sub involve bm, is oso wad i kinda hate too.. well, other may lik it, other ppl s/where livin in d earth dat is other den me..
anyway, i haven gt to d main point, am i tokin nonsense till nw? o_O wad a long tok i hv huh.. anyway, after dat day, well, i hv nag abt my result.. 2nd, a tragedy end up fate to goin tuition, 3, ppl congratz me, both relatives n dearez frenz.. 4, of cuz, my reward~~ yay...! well, nt so gud bt better den ntg.. =)
well, i reli thx 4 likin my status in fb..n d ppl hu comment them.. eventho is nt reli a great result to say out load.. well, i mayb a lil happier if i hv 6 so my mum would hv been better thinkin.. bt it's ok, i dun intend to tek d for sure i'm better den sis place anyway.. so hard work.. i'm lazy n i noe my place, i duwan to gt myself involve thin in such a stupid way..
n well, i today went readin majin tantei nougami neuro manga.. well, after d renovation, my com reli is SLOW in internet.. cnt conek well, where is d prob? ><" anyway, so is nt reli gud connection n it tuk sooooo long to read fin a chp.. and well, it hav 202 chapter there.. i fin d anime, bt i start readin it from d start.. well, it has been long since i read a manga dis loooong n so far, it was completed, no nid to waste my time waitin for it to upload, n well, reli nice, cuz is detective, solvin mystery n oso, comedy, a lil add up in d story.. no wonder is such a hit.. cuz is nice.. juz odd art.. bt it paid off.. =P well, n wad i mean was afternoon i went down n my mum was in time cumin bek home.. saw my sis cum bek, is it me blur abt d time, n well, i dun reli noe d actual day is today till i was told at night.. n my mum bought a bunch of grass, i mean lot n lot of grass, abt 70++ of it.. and well, heavy, muddy grass.. and we pile up on a trolley n it was well, cnt move an inch.. nid use much strength to move d trolly goin.. i dun mean d shoppin centre trolly ar.. i am at home.. d carry thin wif tyre in a convenirnt way of keepin it dat kind of trolly.. or mayb is nt call trolly? well, in my case, we call dat n i dun hv a more suitable name for it.. and well, it pile up much space den d original size d garden was.. bought more.. and well, den we eat chicken rice, i eat duck rice la.. outside near d garden sittin on d table n stool for d garden wan.. cuz my bro, brian was lik wantin to eat there, he even tek d whole food out.. no choice bt to tolerate anyway.. and den, i went readin manga again when i cum bek.. den, in abt night, mr.siew went callin me n congratz, well, i think was my mum tellin him or either my bro, jeremy hu is well still in his tuition centre tell abt me.. n for sure, he is oso me n pei wen, n oso b4 was cindy tuition teacher.. =) well, he juz congratz me gettin my target, n for wenn, he knew dat wenn can do dat anyway, cuz she was way too geng.. proud to b her fren~~ TT bt too geng oso mek me cnt reach her, so far away liao.. i mean far away in study dat may s/hw, kinda affect dat next year will nt b in d same class again... haiz.. i should hv known.. TT well, i am nt reli havin d confident to tek 5A from d start.. well, nw i reach my target, i should b hapi yet, i'm ok wif it.. juz dat i kinda think i gt greedy, reli, wad a person i am.. lolz..i cnt b greedy of wantin to go in d gud claz wif her for sure.. even me won't b so stupid to let d lazy me go in a trap i am lazy to bother on.. too much hard work for me if i reli gt to.. i mean, i kinda wanna chg claz if i reli do.. >_> bt in a way, greed hv many ways.. bt is s/hw gud or nt gud.. well, for sure i am nt a satisfied person.. bt in my mind, i told myself i should b.. =/ wad a weird person.. anyway, at after dinner wif an extra member in d dining table, dat was mun keat, my sis bf joinin us except brian hu was in tuition.. after dat they went IOI mall.. and well, my sis say she wan go watch rapunzel movie, n jeremy heard n say he wan to go, n my mum was lik, u wan to bcum light bulb ar?? d laz din go, bt demand buy cd bek, sure dun hv for sure.. haha... and after dinner ltr on, i gt bek wif d manga.. n den my mum suddenly knock in d door n say abt time to claim my reward.. den, well, i hv an angpau fill wif $.. and well, after dat i felt strange when my mum say dat she oso counted B in it.. and it did nt add up d number.. n i ask again, my dad actually took it secretly away from me b4 passin it to me.. = =" wad a lousy promise keeper he is.. bt ended up, my mum 4gt i gt 2B n she juz gv me 1B amount.. well, i din wan to ask more anyway ltr on.. it was nt over thousand for sure la, i am nt silly rich ppl, n i dun wan to lik burden my family wif these kind of reward.. if gt den ok liao.. well, is lez den d amount of buyin a h/p for sure.. = =" nt those cheapskate type la.. i dun reli nid a h/p desperately, money is enuf.. hoho.. =P
and oh well, c some drama, tok tok tok, n den i oni noe is friday dat very moment.. n well 25 is sat, i alomoz gt cheated by my dad, sayin he hv work on 25.. well, we're nt christian, bt we're mayb goin to celebrate wif a neighbour hu open a party.. bt i dun think we'll hv present lik tales say santa claus gv it.. lol.. =) bt we dun go vacation or trip, well, ppl hu gt to enjoy dat they, hope u guys hv fun.. =]
n so, i end my poz here, thx 4 readin, ttfn... Merry Christmas!! =)

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