Friday, December 10, 2010

MS = maple story OR more sulking

well, i was sooo dam bored these days when my hse was still on renovation.. well, my com time decrease from more to lez.. due to my com, yea, it's desktop, was located on 1st floor in my rum, well, renovation was on 1st floor + outside d hse, bt nt in any of d room.. so, limit time using com.. well, unlik my 2 bro, fan of maple, i mean they're totally addicited and well, 24/7 playin non-stop.. guess u can say, ppl live from addiction on things from one and another.. or mayb dat is wad oni i think? well, if a person hv no addiction on s/thin, i dun mean addict to drug or smoke lik dat, dat is a NONO.. life muz live healthily, all those juz make u suffer lik secondary hell, or mayb is d consequences dat provide u dat kind of service.. i duno, i dun tek it, i dun wan to die young, die faz, die in a stupid reason lik dat.. kill my pride for dyin so stupid.. = =" i dun mean evi ppl tek dat will die or s/thin, juz if reli tek it, sure is better die den live on tekin dat.. illegal n nt healthy.. ok, when did i tok untill dis topic? bek bek, well, i was sayin, 2 bro play maple story, MS in short, kinda lucky dat they get to play as d com was downstair d n laptop too.. nt lik my com, no leg to wok, so heavy to bring down, all i can do is ntg.. well, i dun mean my com was heavy lik laz time those com wif few kg monitor, mine at liz is lcd, bt i still consider it as heavy, nid brin up n down? waste time.. = =" and den, sulking wad? em.. no com to play lur.. but den my bro invite me playin dat legendary game i din play for a long long long long long long time ago.. well, i dun rmb when i laz played, bt since is soo borin, i cnt rejek havin s/thin to do den havin ntg to do.. well, i duno y, s/hw is juz s/thin u paz time.. mayb some ppl like it soo much, lik my 2 bro, dat they play untill i duno hw to say, i can reli say they reli r 1 tough ppl hu can paz they're time on it for soo long..  i was laz brin lvl 41 n for dis 3 days, i was able to up till lvl 47 nw, n whew, hard..(to me, i noe, i'm nt pro..) i dun play much, to me, i dun lik character-game.. wad is character game? s/thin u nid to depend oni ur character, or even ur money or s/thin.. dat mean, if u're lvl 1, u cnt do anythin but start from d start killin d lil snail.. dat is borin.. but when u reach high lvl, u will get more excitement, true but 1 thin, hard to lvl up..
[well, here mayb many nonsence abt ms i hv, so if bored readin down, is ok to skip] n since i'm a noob hu duno abt ms much, always depend on my 2 bro, i dun even play mc or party quest.. well, cuz i duno.. n second, i hate ppl hu lik scoldin here n there, many ppl there reli dun hv a gud attitude.. i dun mean to offense, i dun mean u or hueva, i juz say mozly.. if a mistek,, blame others, if a lil prob, kik other, some scammer, some hacker, evithin oso can see in there.. = = wad ppl are made of.. well, i dun mean i am gud or wad, is all juz my opinion.. well, oso got ppl dat r gud too, dun worry, i dun mean evi1 is lik dat.. juz see lucky if u can get to meet them.. but well, hacker n scammer r d worse.. wad is d benefit of doin dat, makin hatred? o.o specially d event, all i c is hacker gettin all gud stuff.. no end..
well, i lik those dat depend on self potential kind.. dat doesn't depend on character n such.. is depend on self skilled.. well, is lik, u play, dun bother is lvl 1 or 100 in d outside, u are u, ntg can tek over, cuz it doesn't depend of character or lvl n such, d lvl is juz a outside part ppl luk at.. doesn't matter if u're lvl 1, still can beat d highest lvl ppl.. juz c u gt d skill n potential to do dat.. well, nid practice or s/thin mayb? ntg cum for free, they dun drop down from sky n such, eventho i myself wish lik dat, but they don't.. =] it can also mean dun juz a buk by it's cover, or not so suitable, well, nvm.. so if lvl is low, doesn't mean dat person is nt a pro in d inside.. dat is wad i'm tokin abt..
but well, i admit, diff ppl hv diff taste, i hv no offense on anythin but is my personal opinion in my blog.. i hop no 1 will b rude anyway here.. any opinion is free to tok, nt d other way.. diff ppl lik diff thin, dat's y d world mayb fill wif diff colours, but evi1 has diff taste on them, n dislik too.. ntg cum wif likenez of many yet no dilikenez.. u dun mek million of frenz w/out an enemy.. mayb lay low is bez, i prefer dat.. *small volume*lay low~~ =P
well, since no time to stay much, i guess renovation will end soon, nt tomoro for sure, but some day.. yup, some day.. den i can keep myself in my room sittin bek in my chair n stayin up usin my com for a looong time in a day.. well, i missed some ep of animes these few days, they went uploaded n i went downstair-ed? so sleepy, juz watch fin an ep late nite n hope to get update my blog soon as possible, tryin... b4 midnite, dat equals to tomoro.. so, here to say, thx for those ppl hu support me, or leavin down msg, n also, viewing my blog n dis poz as well till d end, thx.. my nonsence ends here, tho i haven say abt d gathering my claz, or ex-claz??
well, in short(tho i understand is nt gonna b short at all), they planned havin a gatherin in d area, eventho i duno hu ever plan dis from start, n well, duno hu is cumin..normal ppl: *i dun feel lik goin, can i nt to? bt if i dun, dun it feel lik is nt reli gud to do dat?* "i duno yet, let me think for some time"... active ppl//un-normal ppl//i-duno-wad-to-cal ppl:*omg! gatherin, finally!! i will cal clamate A, B, C ,D ,E ,F ,G...etc wanna join in d big circle together.. yayy* "ehem(stay cool) .. when is it den? should v also do xxx, go xxx, etc(givin more more more more suggestion)" well, i dun mean they are bad, bt hey, our claz?? - -' i think i mention b4 abt it in a poz some time ago.. if is a diff scenario, dat is a better one, i'll say d un-normal is normal, but if end up dis? i dun think is normal is u do s/thin havin d reaction lik dat.. well, since i dun hv anythin to sat abt it, i dun reli think fittin in is gud in there, well, ppl hv many type, so, to me, choices u made u decide, so opinion, diff faces diff expression n feelin.. nt all is same.. get a grip, u think is A, dun let thinker B's or B's fan or supporter word confused ur decidion.. u lik it, no wrong, they dun lik it, they're freedom.. in dis world nt oni u 1 person alone will choose A, they is always ppl u cnt imagine may do d same thin lik u in d very same moment.. =] there is always diff n same, dun let other chg u, u chg urself.. dat is hw u nid to live to b in ur way, ur path, ur life..
wad ninsence i blab after i even say i end there.. ok, nw reli end.. so den, sleepy+no time stayin in front of com long, well, if u reli read from top to bottom, i reli am grateful to u n am greatly delight on hw u cn reli read all of them.. well, ty so much den, end nw, ttfn..

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