Monday, December 20, 2010

24hrs uneaten hunger.. none

today, i hv juz eaten few chips n half cup of neslo.. well.. i almoz wan to 24hr=1day juz eat dat lil, or to say, eat ntg.. again.. i din sleep for d whole nite, juz pt all my time in watchin d anime till end at ep 24.. n well, for sure, d endin suck, no endin at all again.. i duwan say much abt it.. is "the legend of the legendary heroes" n d main lead voice actor is Fukuyama jun.. nt bad, 2010 anime.. waitin for 2011 anime, code geass r3 to reli exist in d screen.. well, till nw i haven eat dinner oso.. for sure my breakfaz n lunch dun hv la.. few min ago, i juz tek a mini-kitkat n eat.. is mini, ntg to expect much.. ahh, another 3 day left.. i duno if i cn reli get 5A.. well, i noe if tek den tek, bt for me, even if i din tek 5A, sure will b sad, nt oni let my mum disappointed n scold n etc, i myself oso too think myself.. well, if i reli happen to get 5A+, i oso dun think my mum will buy anythin as gift for me anyway.. they juz ran away from promise n say is paid off in my tuition fee.. i gt it, i dun expect much anyway.. is result so important? it is, is nt.. some ppl say, try ur bez, den ok liao, at liz u work hard on it, n left wif no regret.. and for me, dun care i try or nt, all they nid is my performance n d result.. juz b regular student n gv result, no big prob den ok jor.. dun reli care much.. i duno wad to say if i get lez den 5A, bt for sure, i won't b hapi.. it may s/hw depend on my mum.. if she reli cn accept n forgive me, den mayb i will hv chg.. bt i dun think dat is gonna happen.. is hard to imagine if she is reli understandin.. even if i get C or wad, i juz nid more den 5 A's den ok jor.. so i hope god help me ar~~ i'm no kidding u.. reli... pls help......!!!!! i'm bein a lazy n lazy n er, lazy person, bt pls help me ar~~ it will b my end if i dun get wad my mum requested.. well, i mayb takin science subject lik bio, chemi n physic.. juz mayb.. bt if i was put in d acc, i oso cn accept.. =] other den dis 2, i'm nt goin anywhere.. so depend on d skul lor.. i went check on biology buks n it was givin lik cell n such, many names n thinkin, bt i kinda hv no resistance towards it after readin some pages, bt mayb it may kill some day or regret.. i guess........ bt after c my sis result in her colledge, i think acc is nt bad either.. well, my sis hv 3A, no A-, bt 2 B+, no B, B-.. so to say, she hv 3 is d highest grade, and 2 third highest grade.. n i was lik, wad?! walau, so geng..! bt she say she expect 4A.. well, she was puttin time other in her studies since she was in skul days, n yet she is clever, tho my mum dun wanna admit she is, puttin d pressure on me, while i am NOT clever den her.................. >_> juz mt i noe.. my bm suck... n her bc is better, cuz in catholic high skul, sure bc geng.. tok abt bc, i think i'm gonna gv up on bc, gua....... ><" if my result for bc is C, i reli duwan to tek down edi, i mean d mind oso wan spoil puttin it in... bt oso nid ask my mum to c first..... >< ok ba, waitin for dinner to rdy. i'm lik a pig sleepin n waitin for fud while playin com to paz time.. tho i dun rmb any pig cn do dat, bt hey, ppl born in 1995 is pig zodiac.. well, i'm dog tho.... cuz jan an exception... chinese calendar thingy, plus my mum n dad feng shui here there, ba gua lar, dis la, dat la.. very superstitious.. n gt 1 time she even buy a stupid damn uselez buk dat cost $98, is nt RM u noe, if is RM, hw much does it cost? times/multiple wif 3.7? = =" damn, i reli wan to burn dat buk after readin d price.. they din use their mind wastin buyin dat.. fenf shui here there enuf, dat buk is for study de, is s.thin lik, "the way to sucess is to think you can, YOU CAN!" (well, u CANNOT!!) wad stupid thin is dis? if i think i can fly, i CAN????!! den evi1 doin ntg juz think oso cn do it? bt hey, if reli cnt, is it u to blame?! or s/thin lik "noe ur ambition n keep goin towards it as an aim or a goal" s/thin lik dat, nt sure, duno is s/thin i create bt is s/thin lik dis.. well, if u r a child, hw will u noe ur future?! i noe some ppl may hv big ambitious dream in childhood time, bt if 10 ppl, 9 ppl don't.. they dun hv reli an exact aim to go on.. lik me.. moz ppl juz folo lil by lil d path they go slowly after years.. even nw, we duno which way to go.. bt after havin a proper base, den oni cn build d top.. is juz lik nw, form 4 is 1 of d base i guess.. if u were to get in scince class, doctor n such mayb 1 of d way u cn go, well, u cn choose other oso for sure.. bt at liz u're closer to ur future.. = = no1 can predict future! except those other lik i duno? some ppl dat reli do.. bt no1 reli does noe wad will happen tomolo.. n well, an aim is gud, bt for d rez 9 ppl, there is none..! wad a useless buk.. and d mt they put untill "square" bcum swan.. wad man! hu u think we are? cn't we even differentiate wad is number 2 n swan?! d alike in shape, bt wad swan gotta do wif it? u think evi 2 we see muz think puttin swan, is more irritatin den doin add-mt while it is reli dam hard.. n u put duck, swan, lamp, here there, wad oso gt.. is dat even call as maths already?! is earnin money lik dis great? - - is nt even effective at all.. useless, u train from lil 3 years old cn, gv a normal child, no way u cn do dat.. = ="

ok de, thx 4 readin till here, haven for 1 day.. wan to 24 hrs d.. and walah, gonna end here..ttfn! =P

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