Friday, December 31, 2010

laz day of 2010, dec 31st!!

i almoz forgot, is my ex-pet rabbit death date.. rez in peace.. 
k, nw, i should say, hapi new year, another few hrs ltr.. and well, eventho is hols, i was force to wake on earlyyyy mornin cuz d dam security guard tellin us evi1 cumin to skul today.. = =" i dun gv a damn.. is lik no1 even noe abt it.. n well, my mum set her mind on goin, no choice.. bt i dinw ear uni, juz wear casual clothes.. i dun care.. and well, my bro wear uni.. and den we go to skul, gt quite many car parking.. bt no jam untill lik usual day.. den we go in, saw a teacher n well, ask her n she say oni for form 1 n peralihan.. as expected.. den ltr  we saw in d board form 3 n 2 class next year.. n well, i nw oni knew my bro was teknikal class.. - -" n he does nt even noe wad is dat!! wad is he studyin dis whole year?! n den ltr on we saw manyyy student in d tapak perhimpunan there.. so we din bother, bt den saw d board far away, in d prefect room there.. got form 4 one.. n i was surprise, cuz dis year form 4 was lik except 3A, lik all oso usin sc lab or wadeva dat is nt in class to wait for their class to b prepare.. so cham.. = = n den, i juz see n well, is reli 2011 one.. n i find my name 1st for sure.. n d first was Ferlicia foo.. n well, since i saw, is in sc teknikal... den i check there all dun hv.. gt 3 section, and d left was into 2 part, sc tulen n sc teknikal in d bottom.. centre was lik sistera or s/thin, i duno wad it mean, n d right was mpv.. i duno wth is dat.. bt d person i saw in mpv was tj.. wad is d com one?? and den i go to d sc there, n i saw pei wen name first, n well, juz a glance.. den i find my name, well, there it is, n i check again, n i saw zhi yinn n pei yi name together, bt i cnt c pei wen name.. nt together wif zhi yinn eventho d list is according to A-Z.. n den i check again, cuz gt pei yi, full A.. den i finally saw pei wen de!! and i was same class wif them.. =) bt i guess is d worst one among them.. = =" my mum was lik, u cn catch up anot? after i c d list, is lik all was so geng one, oni 7 ppl from 3B cum up to 4B.. ><" me, pei wen, zhi yinn, pei yi, kingston, daniel, yam jian wei.. and there was lik ppl from A class n K class.. hear d name oso lik gt 7A surprised.. =] bt wish finally slowly cum true.. is real.. reli god, i thanks u so much..!! muacks~~!! >3< bt well, i wan rebonding my hair ltr. bt i guess if my mum nw go fetch my sis, she sure disagree wan.. - -' she will wan to do it on herself n dun gv me.. eventho if she reli gt do, she oso dun gv me.. = =" always lik dat wan, y nid to stop me even she gt edi.. lik wad the hell, r u d boss of me?! so if sis around, i dun think i can, juz another wish.. >< my sis will complain to mum dun gv de, bt she will use me, my name say me untill i cnt n she can cuz say her more cham den me or s/thin.. she's usin me n i was lik, i din say anythin.. afterward she cum bek, i gt a feelin she will glare at me.. = =" wad kind of sis is dat?! anyway, ltr go salon, juz wishin can, bt i guess is juz 1% chance when sis is around.. dat wicked person!!!! =,( sad face.. no choice, all i cn do was sit there, listen to wad she say, n say out in here oni.. = =" duno ltr samo gt any big matter happen den, specially wif her hu is nw cumin bek home.. = = haizz... big sigh~~!! 
k, nw, thx for readin, ntg much actually, moz was skul.. so den, ttfn.. duno ltr gt poz? juz sayin..

Thursday, December 30, 2010

hapi yet unhapi

well, juz drop a few tears gettin blame at for a stupid dam reason i dun even wan to hear anymore.. well, dis time for sure, nt my businez, 100% nt my fault at all, it does nt even related to me, and all d thin i do was gettin blame for, wtf!!
well, today is lik ordinary day, find s/thin to do.. ok, i guess i reli hv ntg to do anymore, my hols is up? well, i can tell u, till today, i oni notice next week start skul, hw stupid.. - -' well, lucky today went ioi.. and well yea, went there n for sure is up to mum of cuz.. and we cal for dad to go straight to ioi and eat dinner there, sushi king.. well, start we go to jusco, my mum wan to buy shirt or c shirt.. den she bought a shirt.. well, s/hw nt reli my taste for sure, specially d colour n pattern.. yer.. and den, i finally gt mum to buy me a bag.. dat's all i ever wanted this day.. bt den go to d stall, for me, i cnt use carry type of bag.. spine prob, well, i duno after these years, mayb is reli bez nt to.. eventho i went sleepin, i kinda feel my spine aches s/time, bt i dun dare tell my doctor, all i juz say is oo, em, yes no.. ntg more.. i duwan to mek myself havin appointment n stupid x-ray for lik d time bek den.. grr, 3months 1 time, or 2, i 4gt.. bt is nt s/thin hapi to say.. i hate goin to hospital.. u will nt noe d feelin of a sick person went to hospital evitime often, eventho i'm nt d kind so serious case, bt i reli hate d feelin goin there.. anyway, means i cnt hv carry type of bag, juz d 1 side type.. well, i saw 1 brand, well, is d brand of my current cursor.. u noe rite? is nt cheap at all.. if u noe playboy brand is nt reli s/thin cheap to buy of, eventho it reli is nice n quality one.. yer.. i lik it.. TT juz so, d moz cheap i saw there was RM100++, is exp to me.. well, i kinda target a bag dat last abt RM60.. and well, i cnt find any better kind, den i saw a white bag, is nice, juz dat white easy dirty, n tuk d dark brown, no black.. TT and den is nt reli s/thin dat can laz reli long, mayb half a year gua.. unexpectedly cheap mar.. well, dat is y is nt reli gud quality.. ok lar.. ntg i cn say.. at liz gt a bag.. =) well, den meet up wif dad n we go eat sushi king.. when cross over saw some offer in luggage bag n such.. n well, i suggez mum to buy a luggage bag for dad since he was wantin for one laz time when we go "giant" supermarket.. n well, i tell mum abt it n well, they luk up to some of d bag there.. d moz lez price was oso RM105++ after 70% discount.. well, n dad bought a RM550+ and 70% luggage bag, polo brand.. well, there oso gt bag bt oso expensive den d bag i bought, dat is cheap untill..... lol... n den, my dad cnt decide, so we go sushi king first, there was alot of staff.. we're all so surprise.. and den saw some new faces.. n den my mum ask them, n they say they are from d HQ wan.. dat is d main staff n cum inspect or s/thin.. dad say cuz fud poisonin.. i duno to blif anot.. n den they check d fud n such... n den i eat unagi set.. lik usual bro eat udon, n we cal 8 plate of salmon.. n den takoyaki of cuz.. n some sushi from belt.. den ltr brian boro mum hair band n made a chopstick dat is easy to hold for jeremy hu untill nw dat live for 11 years dat duno hw to use chopstick well.. n den d laz fin, they 4gt to bring bek.. n go bek edi missing edi.. and den they go bek to d luggage bag place and choose.. my mum suggez dad to buy d brown one, bt dad lik d polo black one.. den it was lik, dad scared mum, n duno wad to choose.. den ltr we saw a same back polo one in d other side dat is heavy from other, n when i open, there was another same polo one juz in a smaller size was fit inside d bag.. dat it made it heavy, bt dad tuk from another place de polo, i duno when he do dat n gv d salesgirl say he choose dat... den ltr on, he still wan to buy shoe n work bag.. bt den, we go bek car first, n mum went wif dad, n my bros n me stay in d car, watchin d credit part of ice age3..ntg to do.. n my bro was lik want to buy PS2 cd game, n den they went down, takin d chance mum n dad went to buy thin.. n well, they all cum bek n den is pay parkin ticket, bt eviwhere oni accept coins, makin dad frustrated.. den fin we went bek home, my mum actually wan go ACE there.. bt she forgotten n den ended up nvr go.. den we all go bek, n den my mum say she duwan see d luggage bag dad choose cuz is nt d brown one she suggez, den dad cum scold me n blame me for callin him choose dat.. and i say is nt my prob, is he choose, wth is wrong wif him!! always oso lik dat! cuz mum blame him, he blame me, mum say lik dad.. u think is nice to get blame?! damn fackin stupid!!!! well, i dun mean to b rude, bt i blif no1 will lik gettin blame, if u do, den i'm sori for bein rude here, n dis is nt d place u're lukin for either, cuz i'm nt a mesochist dat lik dis kind of treatment of being stupidly blame for a damn reason.. well, from d start i should nt hv help my dad to tell mum to suggez buy for him dat, if nt i will nt suffer in d end.. wad a family! = = well, i cn assure i'm no wrong in there, nor even it concern wif me..
bt b4 goin to ioi, we went bek to tempua hse, cuz my mum wan tek letter.. n my bro, jeremy tek d letter from d outside, cuz mum forgot her keys.. his hand cn put inside d poz box will his elbow.. so tiny hand.. den well, pass by one neighbor n she tok wif d old auntie for s/time, n noe abt from 2 was afternoon class, den she go our skul n ask d security n he say dat 2molo gt skul, orientation, den i was confused since dat oni form 1, new syudent is goin bt y he say ALL form 1 to form 5.. and oso, form 4 late go for 1 week? o.o actually i duno.. bt i noe no1 noes abt it dat 2molo all student r goin.. - -'' bt i duno my mum set her mind? 8am in d mornin.. wad a day.. =(
anyway, very tired, wan sleep.. still left ps n off i went to bed.. ok den, thx for readin, ttfn.. =]

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

skul cumin near, wth

arghh!! d very moment we hv fun, time flew so faz, n yeah, lik nw.. n well, to say clearly, eviday i dun even noe wad day is it, nt to say even the date.. 0_0 well, all i noe was lik, goin to skul~~!! >_>
well, for me, i din buy any stationary or wadeva, bt well, juz few hrs ago, well, cuz nw was midnite 2am, so i think is say ytd gua.. well, went tesco.. day b4 dat went ioi rite, i lik say b4 in poz b4.. well, another day b4 dat, i 4gt to mention my cousin bro, brandon n aunt n aunt's relative n fren cum to malaysia from singapore.. well, for 1 year i din c him.. many thin happen to him, my mum always ask me to luk out for him.. i hope he reli can rely on s/1 when he hv prob, den at liz cn feel better more.. well, is oso dis dat my mum always bring out my ex-classmate, mum old fren's son, tj.. sayin same situation n s/hw, always lik dat.. = =" well, i din say wad, juz she always brin it out, i dun reli think d ppl themself reli so cham untill lik dat.. bt i reli hope cn c brandon again, well, dis time juz meet lez den 30min n they go liao.. bt i heard dat my uncle, brandon's dad cum to malaysia.. well, is sad dat brandon they all went bek day b4 ytd.. well, they hv family prob, well, my mum n sis reli bcum... >_>" mum even say even sis apologize, oso duno cn forgv her.. =( well, lucky mum was nt reli so unreasonable untill lik hw i scared.. - -' well, at liz i gt new uni(bt is all white de, no blue.. TT) well, i dun reli buy new new here n there, waste money samo.. - - i will gt scold for sure.. anyway, n shoe oso.. hehe.. nw i nid is oni left a bag.. so bad luck, dat time ioi i missed d chance, hope i gt another lil once more.. >< well, if cnt oso nvm, bt hope cn.. =) cuz cnt buy carry de, very lez is cheap n nice.. >_> bt d moz lez is oso 40++ lor.. bt i think lez exist.. and well, mum say fri go salon, well, cuz c feng shui which day bez, n well, she choose dat day.. =/ yer, i duno wan wad style.. well, i dun think she gv me rebondin my hair again.. =[ laz time juz once abt 200 liao.. well, i wan a bag mar, bt oso cnt say out.. anyway, i noe she dun gv.. short hair? well, i dun think fit me gua.. >< weird.. well, if long hair i always lik tying up.. bun or ponytail lik dat, so simple n well, no effort of being a girl lik dat.. = =" y i say untill gt dis feelin har.. too lazy jor.. >_> well, i gt try b4 learnin hair thingy, i noe i'm nt gud, i once even tot wantin to learn hair stylist, NOT for living of cuz! is nt my dream, juz interez.. well, bt i dun hv dat kind of effort n well, nice hair oso.. so is impossible for me.. haha.. bt i reli lik doin when ppl hv nice hair around me, example i cn gt, wenn, mei kwan, yuen yen or mayb shirjin.. =) hey, i'm serious! hw i envy them havin nice hair.. TT sad face.. well, ntg to do wif me oso, cnt chg d fact me is me, u is u.. hmm.. thinkin by d time, if cn, suggest for me? =D well, i will b glad to hear! well, i mean suggez wad style bez? or in trend? haha.. mayb i should colour my hair? but i guess duwan, i hv a feelin i will b diggin my own grave in d futher from d skul prefect lik again n again.. =/ hmm.. reli headache.. ok, well, many nonsense, bt a lil hapi feelin today.. =) i hv a wish nw dat is for a bag.. is a wish, cnt expect much..
well, thx for readin, ttfn den!

to wenn ar, pls gv suggez to me, well, i nt reli 100% sure i gt go, 90%.. wan noe ur suggestion moz imp to me oo.. =) cuz u noe me well gua.. well, among evi fren.. o.o (i duno where i gt d confident to say dis tho.. weird me..  ignore ignore) nt include interez la.. haha.. muz reply oo... oh ya, i duwan u say duno or simply.. limited from dat.. =( pls oo.......... veryyyy~~~ important to me, ur word, or support u gv me.. =P bt sori if it's a bother.. ><

Monday, December 27, 2010

being satisfied n feel contentment of ur life

well, is s/thin i should mayb learn in my life.. n if possible, i wanted my family to do so.. satified wif evithin, is nt easy for evi1 to be.. even in d debate comp where my fren went compete in few months back, the winner was discontentment in life is rather better den being content n satisfied wif evithin we hav.. reason was chasin on dream dat we dream for in d positive way.. wad we ppl think is impossible, if we get d dissatisfies in it, we will continue nt givin up goin forward.. bt dat is juz a stupid excuse they ever had, i dun mean to pick a fight, is juz my prob if it is, is juz my opinion.. do u ever c ppl lik dis bside u? well, i tell u, in dis whole world, is 1 in a million will b like dat.. all example they took was lik anderson n such.. nt givin up n such.. makin a light bulb in d end.. dat is nt reli an answer i can approve by d subject given.. when u put it in d real world, if evi1 was dissatisfy wif their life, won't it b hard for evi1? i noe evi1 is selfish, so am i, hu doesn't? well, of cuz other den those reli kind ppl i duno of.. bt den, i hope ppl will juz b open n get a lil satisfy wif wad they had.. unsatisfiable heart is reli s/thin i despise.. even if i do, i too do to myself.. i dun mean d positive side of it, is d normal way of unsatisfied feelin.. y am i sayin all dis thin, is bcuz my sis was kinda unsatisfied wif evi lil thin she  had.. n after so many thin when ppl was eager to want while she had, she isn't reli satisfy wif evithin she had on her hand.. well, i dun mean to say oni her, i oso for sure.. bt dis attitude of her mek evithin worse.. n well, i was sleepin d early nite ytd, n i hv a reli bad(or may abnormal) habit dat well, i dun reli concern much wif my phone.. i noe, in dis kinda time n century, ppl use fon lik is their life, 24/7 wif it, well, i kinda think is important when i cn contact my fren, n well, d hse fon was useless to me, cuz i will usually b in my room lik forever.. so it may oso nid wif my family... well, other den dat, lil not veryyy important to me.. except usin cam or writin some important thin to let me rmb ltr, i am a very oblivious person.. = =" other den all those, is useless to me.. well, main point is, i dun usually get track on wad my fon has evi min or sec.. well, if u noe me well, u will noe, so muz reli is s/1 reli understandin to b fren wif me.. haha.. =D wow, nw i think bek, well, wenn, u reli is great lieh.. haha.. anyway, since i'm a lik-dat person, so i din notice dat nite reli a bomb was activated in s/where when i was in my dream.. well, next day, dat is today, i was lucky i went down w/out bumpin wif my mum, hu was dedicated to her gardenin since mornin outside.. n well, i still duno wad happen den.. n i went to read manga, i mean continue d manga i left off.. n well, gt a sms ringtone.. n i went findin it hv 5 of it.. n well, 4 was ytd nite.. all was nt reli s/thin i i noe, is ntg gud at all..

MUM sms 1: due to complaint+ discontentment.frm ne on no reward on exam result as all expenses fully paid. hostel fee paid. unfilial children
MUM sms 2: exam result c.d.e. stop schooling. find a job to earn ur own livin.. wef(i duno wad wef mean) 1.1.11, will disconek hp n internet line
SIS: u hapi nw? bcoz of u, evithin chg, i'm nt ur sis anymore
mum: dun worry, u won't hear from me anymore. no nid to stress for ur exam cuz u tok dirty lik a low class whore on d street. u dun deserve to b a student.. my final msg for amy(my sis) after she use d 'fuckin' word in her laz sms
DAD: dun mek mum angry. dun stay in ur room or otherwise she is goin to cancel d internet. help hse work n do cleanin n deco for d cumin hse warmin party mid next month
ME to DAD(since dad was d calm of all in d sms): wad happen? i duno wad happen oso.. suddenly u all send sms scold me.. wad happen to u guys? y nid to put d blame on me? i duno anythin at all
DAD: chg 4 betterment. detail check wif mum

i gt a feelin my sis will sure nt satisfy wif it.. since i gt a C in bm, well, should dat mean i nid stop schooling oso? bt i was confused by my mum sms, is she even tokin to me anyway?!? i dun stay in hostel.. n i din even say a breath in dat argue they had dat time.. n well, for sure my sis was directly shoot to me in her sms, n i duno wad happen at all.. = =" well, i get cash for reward, bt i din get any fon or wad my mum promised b4.. well, i'm satisfy wif d money i guess, eventho i lost track to hv a new fon.. bt d cash was less den d cost of a new fon anyway.. y is she so high-per up wif juz a stupid lil thin dat she is nt even wantin to let it go when i hv dis.. = = when is fon, she say her complaint, i din speak out anyway.. n nw is lez den a fon, she still duwan to let me.. y isn't she even a lil caring for her younger sis? for all d time, i dun mind cuz i respect her.. she was eldest n such, i do reli.. n i try to lez mek argument wif her anyway.. if is possible, i let her.. bt i oso hv rights ok? i dun mean i was better or wadeva, for evitime, i think she was d bez of us for bro n sis.. n well, i oso hv right to b selfish for myself too! i am nt a stupid generous person evitime, even i try to evi lil detail to prevent argue, u will nt even care to understand wad i do.. wad i wanted, u always say i gt wad i hav, n well u juz have d bez n more den me while sayin dat, i din speak out anyway.. i hate d stupid attitude u and mum share.. d stupid hot tempered w/out thinkin.. eventho u 2 dun agree both of u share them, is d same, from other ppl point of view.. mum say her, she say mum.. well, both r d same, juz u dun seem to understand on urself.. d bad side u guys hv, u juz dun admit dat.. and i juz damn hate dat stupid attitude u guys have! y dun u guys juz hv a lil understandin for juz once in a lifetime!! y u guys juz dun seem to think b4 u even do s/thin..!! for evitime, i try n try, i cnt b a perfect person, bcuz i am nt.. i oso hv time i hv anger n sadness..!! when ppl r blinded wif greed n selfish or even feelin, can they nt c wad is in front of their very own eye? wad the heck sendin stupid u r nt my sis anymore?! insane in ur stupid simple minded brain! one day u reli dig ur own grave wif dat attitude of urs! even if u reli do wan to break up dis bond, i dun think i can calmly say yes to u.. u noe, u reli hurt evi1, bt all i can say was u r reli stupid for sayin dat.. for tryin to break dis family.. is dis nt satisfied for u for havin a family? or as an orphan is better for u den? i dun understand where u reli went so far to? i noe ur attitude, bt s/hw cuz i can reli hate u for havin them, bt mayb i juz cn't.. cuz u're my sis, all i do was smile lik ntg happen n let it go in my heart, evitime, do u guys, as a family, understand hw i once felt, for thinkin of keepin a family? i noe i was nt reli a gud great child for parents, i'm lazy, for sure.. is nt reli a gud thin.. i'm nt a gud sis, rite? n well, i duno wad i done wrong in, bt i dun kinda fit wif ur taste.. n dun even seem to lik my family s/time.. mum was oso same as my sis, reli unreasonable.. i understand i was nt a gud daughter, may i oso add dat i never once say i am from d start.. i dun actually think i was myself, all i find inside me was bad place i had, bt i juz lik bein myself.. u cn't chg ur personality in 1 day.. bt i noe if i done bad, well, if i reli done it, i may felt sori inside.. is stupid for if i was a criminal, i would kill n yet pray for them in my heart dat kind of person.. no1 ever understand ppl, since we dun read mind.. i understand, bt i reli hope my family juz understand me.. after 16 life i'm goin to b wif them in my life, they juz dun get wad i think.. by mum msg, i think was mozly sayin to my sis, well, my sis was surely to me den, n dad, i noe he gt pressure from my mum attitude, dad was lik a slave to mum, he cnt tok bek to my mum, so d oni way to release his pressure he hv to us, specially me or brian, well, jeremy was youngest  n was my parents' big baby.. i get it, i lik hidin in my room hole, hidin inside can oni c me when i was findin food.. juz cuz i duwan to mek any relating much wif them, specially mum.. it will end up s/thin nt reli gud.. i gt help out wif d work, well, bt y nt my bro too.. cuz i oso lazy person, wif lik lazy person untill duno hw to say.. lol.. bt well, i was wth is wrong wif them when my dad reply my msg, i dun dare to luk any further.. well, d main thin i noe was my sis nt satisfy wif me, n well, in a place i am nt even there..
well, ltr on went to ioi, eat mac donald, n s/hw, i kinda mek me feel dislike for it.. rest assure, i dun mean it taste bad for mac lover.. well, juz dat, bored of eatin it till lik stuff wif them untill there was dislik feelin for it.. hu noes, if a normal person continue eatin mac burger for 1 month, dat is nt reli wad u luv from d start, will u nt gettin d feelin of dislik n bored of it.. = =" n well, dis time, d fries taste bad there.. fry too long? i duno, bt d taste is nt reli s/thin nice, n well, my bro say keep it n save for ltr when they went hungry, they will eat eventho is nt reli tasteful lik usual.. well, lik when u're hungry, even a simple dislik food will taste delicious.. =) i dun mean other thin dat cnt eat.. den my mum go wif her fren together n us, to buy pot.. d plant one.. n there gt some flower n such.. n is kinda er, special to us, dat d pitcher plant appear for oni RM19.90!! bt kinda incredible hw it even eat insect when inside is all reli NOTHING at all.. hw it even digest it?? incredible!! i tot i will see it in d amazon or deep forest high up d mountain.. din tot i can see it juz bside d highway.. bt i kinda doubt it was even a pitcher plant, cuz i duno if it reli is.. bt shape lik it same as d book we saw picture of it.. i even go google.. well, i think is gua.. juz d low class type, can sell for less den RM 20, hw cheap.. i tot is exp when i tot is deep in mountain.. haha, city ppl lik me.. i mean silly ppl lik me.. =P lik ppl say, u nid to c d real thin if nt u reli duno.. haha.. lik if u reli din c a real alien, hu noe u might even think of a new species! bt sad thin was, bcuz of 'saving' my bag from bein squeesh into d seat, i tuk it out n well, it kinda 'broke' for dat moment.. wad a fragile bag i hv, hope to get a new one, bt wif dad around, i dun think i can handle even wif juz mum around.. TT sad, is it juz a dream den? =( bt well, din expect much, i duwan to force them buy me one or wadeva.. wad a family.. =] see d bright side, see d bright side, s/time i cnt even c it when i was reli wantin to find where d bright side is.. well, family is family, no argue sure is nt family for sure.. cuz is nt normal.. well, s/time overboard oso nt gud, cuz breakin family realation is possible, example lik my dad's older bro n dad's younger sis.. they broke edi.. nt my dad la.. bt nw is my mum wif my dad's family.. gt argue n well, we children very unlucky, less andpau during chinese new year.. TT laz time evi year will go eat in restoran wif lik a big feast, nw i guess cuz my mum n my granma(dad's mum) r nt reli in a peaceful relation, n lik, er causin till here.. well, my mum attitude of her n oso grandma.. i duno hw to explain.. many conflict.. complicated.. bt if u r in a gud state nw, ppl should b content wif wad they had.. well, i dun say i am, i oso nid to learn to.. =) in a positive way.. so den, i dun mean u cn b content n hapi n gv up life bcum a beggar.. nt dat way ar.. pls dun confuse.. ><""" dat is nt 1 bit positive at all..
well den, goin to end dis long tok here.. mum say goin to b goin to ioi again tonite wif dad, duno real anot.. well, i juz finish off majin tantei naugami neuro manga, 202 chapter!! yay! i tuk 4 days to finish it, due to d stupid slow internet signal i have.. >_>" if is a buk, i cn read it more den twice completely in half a day.. = =" well, i guess i understand some ppl juz dun lik readin on9.. bt well, is free.. =) is nice, bt wad end was dat? i duno should i tek anime or manga for d rez of my rez day, another 1 week n cum skul edi.. arghh!! skul again!! goin to start soon, hopin is s/thin gud, lik er, same class wif wenn, or even great teacher lik Mr.Lee or s/1 nice n great in teachin.. well, i hope Mr.Lee teach me, n anti-Pn.Tan 4 sure.. sc n mt muz b gud teacher.. =) okok, i reli end here, den thx for readin dis poz, i duno i can say i am nt reli hapi in d start part bt i duno y i dun kinda see myself, d reality me sittin infront of d com havin d tought of it, i mean din show at all.. well, i guess mayb reli ppl cnt understand wad i think cuz if i am d reflection in d mirror, i cnt understand wad i am reli feelin too.. hahaha.. anyway, i reli thanks u guys for readin it, appreciate is wad i wan to say.. me to u, n u to all bside wad u hold, appreciate them n b satisfy d current u hv, cuz life is short, so mek it a thanks to all u indebt to,  b4 life goesn regret.. live ur life ur way! (well, pls b sure wad u're doin, no offense on likin, bt i am nt responsible for teachin kid doin bad thin lik they think is play time.. no criminal act!! no terrorism!! if u reli do those stupid bad act, r u a kid?! well, pls b sure 100% to differentiate.. den freely go on wif ur likin! ^o< ) ttfn!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

i hate gardenin, so as d sun

i juz finish helpin wif d gardenin my mum n dad was said to b wake up durin 6am n do d soil.. they bought 72 piece of grass, is damn heavy n nt kinda a gud thin.. well, n we were nid to help from d mornin.. i wake up late cuz ytd i sleep at 2-3am lik dat.. n yes, i was tired.. i ltr wake up, d breakfaz was nt so my fav, speggetti.. i noe dis is my sis n bro or even my parents too.. bt for me, i think is bcuz is lik dat, causin my eviday life puttin in speggetti n makin me kinda dislik it when i luk on d plate.. ok, can say is bored, makin me nt reli wantin to eat it.. dat type of feelin, bt yea, i eat it off, d small bowl of it.. >_> well, there is 90% i will hv to suffer eat speggetti whenever my sis is around.. =( n after eatin, my parents call to help out wif gardenin, n well, all i c was my 2 bro playin com.. n my sis, at d bek rdy to eat her century duck egg.. = = den i go help out, d damn sun reli kill ppl.. hw many he kill durin a year wif dat?! n after a while, my dad was takin d excuse wantin to chase bek my dog, poppy hu ran out a while ago.. n well, as expected, after dat, he was gone, n my sis say he went watch tv.. my bro den cum in n well, play a fool oni.. i saw 4 earthworm, hundreds of ants, some centipede, a dead one.. well, d grass is takin d quarter space of d main parking lot.. erm, size abt more den 2 car.. bt still there is alot space left for parking anyway.. n my sis was complainin she will nt do gardenin or even a gardener for her life.. wan do oso ask ppl or pay them to do.. well, is reli hard work, i respect them for stayin under d sun for so long.. they hv reli much love for plants? well, i noe nt all of them.. bt bcuz we lost to d sun, we gv up continue bt juz put d space up d garden oni.. seem to b there is a part 2 in d evenin, abt d gardenin anyway..

well, ytd, was christmas rite? hw faz time passed? reli in a blink of an eye, it juz pass.. n well, ytd i went to my  neighbor hse, uncle nicki pourtny.. well, by d look of his name is nit reli malaysian blood.. and he was takin ads b4, same goes for his son, there are 3 and a baby daughter.. gabriel was d boy hu tek ads n nw, he was sign for d "yu yan sang" catwalk for hampers.. d latez was on 24/12.. n well, nid continue till jan.. n their pay was damn gud.. =/ well, if u happen to go to a shoppin centre havin it, for sure he was d oni boy there.. well, even enfagrow A+ ads on d billboard has his face in it.. haha.. anyway, we went to stop by.. n well, uncle nicki made some diff cocktail for me n my parents, n my bro was flyin upstair wif d rez of d children to play.. and well, nt bad.. d drink i mean.. he said he work as a bartender b4.. haha.. and well, i try my mum n dad, both diff, it taste nt nice, lik gt alchohol one.. = =" their hse was soooo nice.. well, they reli put effort in d hse.. =)  juz so, my mum dun reli gt it, she always put in together wif feng shui here n there, makin evithin a mess.. = =" and well, we went seein their hse, n in d bek, there was lik tv n stereo, n d dining table was nice n there is a bar stand too.. n uncle say he plan to mek doors on both place where ppl cross thru, n it mek a perfect lik karaoke room, includin d dry kitchen, d dinin n bar stand.. n it put lightin n so on, reli it cn mek one.. and den they started playin music n so on, n karaoke of cuz.. =D n well, is my sis.. haha.. well, she reli cn sing really well bt oso gt prob wif her flu.. anyway, den we hv pizza hut delivery cum in, n well, 3 type of taste, tuna, macaroni, and of cuz hawaiian chicken.. and well, i tek d hawaiian chicken, n within few min, fin off, n den i eat a tuna, n ltr hawaiian chicken, den macaroni..well, i oni noe my sis was still eatin her 1st piece after i ate d third.. 0_0 and well, very nice.. =) hope to eat it someday in d near future again.. =D well, after den, they went chit chat, kinda borin ltr den, bt b4 goin bek, we gt lil present from auntie.. well, n i guess was a doll, certainly it was.. it is a figurine.. well, den my mum car cum bek again, well, i duno when she brin it "out" again.. bt nw, it turn out dat d seat n lightin chg.. so call half new car.. = = well, if is me, i will buy a new car other den lik add on thin.. bcuz d machine was still there.. bt oh well, since is my mum, she luv her car.. =/ no comment abt it.. n yea, we ytd eat dinner outside, it was s/hw a car park bside was a red one.. wif white pattern.. n my bro say d red colour was nicer.. n well, dat red reminds me of ferarri.. bt i anythin, nt reli my car.. bt ppl will chg their stare at it anyway.. diff from other.. cuz d colour well, cnt c d diff from TM car.. telekom ar.. bt if u reli noe abt colour, i cn c d diff abt it, it was s/hw an expensive colour compare to other, was kinda pearl n metallic kind.. n is reli exp dat well, usually see on exp car, i duno y my mum lik dis car so much.. haiz... anyway, cn sit as a car den ok liao le.. >< when cum bek, watch home theater together, well, juz a random normal astro b.yond movie, cantonese n of coz, i set chinese sub.. haha.. den ltr on use com, cuz i read manga haven end, bt cnt 4gt abt ps, today was laz day.. >_> end up till so late oni fin..
ok den, till here i end.. thx 4 readin till here, well, d down part was a request from my dear wenn abt some info, so is end here.. thx n ttfn!

to wenn, u ask me to check abt d price of phone u wanted to noe, dis is wad i search in d net, bt i think u go to s shop n c more better, cuz in internet duno is second hand de price or wad..
Price of w995, cheapez ever offer in malaysia.. RM915-945, if u ever c it offer, or otherwise is second hand.. there is even offer yet was RM993.. so i duno wad is d original price..
Price of c905, cheapez ever was RM850, bt i guess d original price should b more den w995.. well, there is even offer reach to RM1000.. abt d same as w995, dis 2 is very exp, so if i din guess wrong, their price should b more den thousand over.. cuz dis price i refer in internet is nt reli specific of wad it was original price, bt for sure there is second hand one.. =/

Saturday, December 25, 2010

result ended up?

well, i have somethin happen after dec 23, dat day we tek d bomb dat is our pmr result for 2010.. and well, u knew from d poz b4, i have 5A, bt nt reli very satisfy, there is 2B n 1C.. i dun mean to say others, is juz myself i'm nt satisfied abt.. pls dun misunderstand.. =) well, my mum hv high expectation i get 6A, dat is shokin i guess after i tek, her expression is dat.. =( well, i am sad abt d C bt oh well, i knew i will nt survive from dat hell of BM..!! i dun even rmb i cn even hv a dream gettin an A for dat, dat is too much for a dream too me, cuz it won't happen in a million years anyway, i dun mind.. bt wad i mind was dis C mek 2 thin worse, 1, i ended up decided by my mum, hv d fate to go tuition next year, well, i dun wan to of cuz, hu luv dat?! and 2, it mek d whole result paper sheet spoiled... well, when u tek a luk, there is row of A's in 5 den d laz 2 was B.. well, is easy to pass by d C w/out seein so clearly in d first glance.. u noe, d A word was lik, so called "imbangan" in art subject, if u ever read d frickin buk n study d frickin subject, u'll understand.. it hv in form 1 and 2.. well, d A made a nice row one shot n well, i nid to c more den 2 times to confirm hw many a r there.. reli.. i even missed d C in d start.. = = well, art reli s/how marvelous huh.. there is illusion art and so.. bt well, dat C reli spoil my appetite from d start.. eventho i'm ok wif d BM gt C, i juz dun lik d sound of 5A bt gt C.. n my mum went nag abt tuition n my bm very weak, muz improve, tok bm in d hse(end up juz laz for few second).. n lez bt nt liz, i lnew dat from d start, comparin me wif pei wen-the genius hu gt straight A n well, i acknowledge dat she cn do it anyway, juz is horrible when my mum noe.. gah!! well, i noe bm cnt b turn 320 degree from fail to A wad.. bt well, i cn asure u i cn do it in other subject.. =) well, d laz time i fail my sc subject was on form 2 and well, d next year, form 3 first exam, i hv an A n it was d highest in d claz, wad a stupid reality i ever face.. well, oni laz for few days n there is no more next time, i am lazy.. i am nt a study person holdin a buk for 24 hrs a day.. dat is ridiculous for me to do, n wad i hate d moz, BM.. so wad sub involve bm, is oso wad i kinda hate too.. well, other may lik it, other ppl s/where livin in d earth dat is other den me..
anyway, i haven gt to d main point, am i tokin nonsense till nw? o_O wad a long tok i hv huh.. anyway, after dat day, well, i hv nag abt my result.. 2nd, a tragedy end up fate to goin tuition, 3, ppl congratz me, both relatives n dearez frenz.. 4, of cuz, my reward~~ yay...! well, nt so gud bt better den ntg.. =)
well, i reli thx 4 likin my status in fb..n d ppl hu comment them.. eventho is nt reli a great result to say out load.. well, i mayb a lil happier if i hv 6 so my mum would hv been better thinkin.. bt it's ok, i dun intend to tek d for sure i'm better den sis place anyway.. so hard work.. i'm lazy n i noe my place, i duwan to gt myself involve thin in such a stupid way..
n well, i today went readin majin tantei nougami neuro manga.. well, after d renovation, my com reli is SLOW in internet.. cnt conek well, where is d prob? ><" anyway, so is nt reli gud connection n it tuk sooooo long to read fin a chp.. and well, it hav 202 chapter there.. i fin d anime, bt i start readin it from d start.. well, it has been long since i read a manga dis loooong n so far, it was completed, no nid to waste my time waitin for it to upload, n well, reli nice, cuz is detective, solvin mystery n oso, comedy, a lil add up in d story.. no wonder is such a hit.. cuz is nice.. juz odd art.. bt it paid off.. =P well, n wad i mean was afternoon i went down n my mum was in time cumin bek home.. saw my sis cum bek, is it me blur abt d time, n well, i dun reli noe d actual day is today till i was told at night.. n my mum bought a bunch of grass, i mean lot n lot of grass, abt 70++ of it.. and well, heavy, muddy grass.. and we pile up on a trolley n it was well, cnt move an inch.. nid use much strength to move d trolly goin.. i dun mean d shoppin centre trolly ar.. i am at home.. d carry thin wif tyre in a convenirnt way of keepin it dat kind of trolly.. or mayb is nt call trolly? well, in my case, we call dat n i dun hv a more suitable name for it.. and well, it pile up much space den d original size d garden was.. bought more.. and well, den we eat chicken rice, i eat duck rice la.. outside near d garden sittin on d table n stool for d garden wan.. cuz my bro, brian was lik wantin to eat there, he even tek d whole food out.. no choice bt to tolerate anyway.. and den, i went readin manga again when i cum bek.. den, in abt night, mr.siew went callin me n congratz, well, i think was my mum tellin him or either my bro, jeremy hu is well still in his tuition centre tell abt me.. n for sure, he is oso me n pei wen, n oso b4 was cindy tuition teacher.. =) well, he juz congratz me gettin my target, n for wenn, he knew dat wenn can do dat anyway, cuz she was way too geng.. proud to b her fren~~ TT bt too geng oso mek me cnt reach her, so far away liao.. i mean far away in study dat may s/hw, kinda affect dat next year will nt b in d same class again... haiz.. i should hv known.. TT well, i am nt reli havin d confident to tek 5A from d start.. well, nw i reach my target, i should b hapi yet, i'm ok wif it.. juz dat i kinda think i gt greedy, reli, wad a person i am.. lolz..i cnt b greedy of wantin to go in d gud claz wif her for sure.. even me won't b so stupid to let d lazy me go in a trap i am lazy to bother on.. too much hard work for me if i reli gt to.. i mean, i kinda wanna chg claz if i reli do.. >_> bt in a way, greed hv many ways.. bt is s/hw gud or nt gud.. well, for sure i am nt a satisfied person.. bt in my mind, i told myself i should b.. =/ wad a weird person.. anyway, at after dinner wif an extra member in d dining table, dat was mun keat, my sis bf joinin us except brian hu was in tuition.. after dat they went IOI mall.. and well, my sis say she wan go watch rapunzel movie, n jeremy heard n say he wan to go, n my mum was lik, u wan to bcum light bulb ar?? d laz din go, bt demand buy cd bek, sure dun hv for sure.. haha... and after dinner ltr on, i gt bek wif d manga.. n den my mum suddenly knock in d door n say abt time to claim my reward.. den, well, i hv an angpau fill wif $.. and well, after dat i felt strange when my mum say dat she oso counted B in it.. and it did nt add up d number.. n i ask again, my dad actually took it secretly away from me b4 passin it to me.. = =" wad a lousy promise keeper he is.. bt ended up, my mum 4gt i gt 2B n she juz gv me 1B amount.. well, i din wan to ask more anyway ltr on.. it was nt over thousand for sure la, i am nt silly rich ppl, n i dun wan to lik burden my family wif these kind of reward.. if gt den ok liao.. well, is lez den d amount of buyin a h/p for sure.. = =" nt those cheapskate type la.. i dun reli nid a h/p desperately, money is enuf.. hoho.. =P
and oh well, c some drama, tok tok tok, n den i oni noe is friday dat very moment.. n well 25 is sat, i alomoz gt cheated by my dad, sayin he hv work on 25.. well, we're nt christian, bt we're mayb goin to celebrate wif a neighbour hu open a party.. bt i dun think we'll hv present lik tales say santa claus gv it.. lol.. =) bt we dun go vacation or trip, well, ppl hu gt to enjoy dat they, hope u guys hv fun.. =]
n so, i end my poz here, thx 4 readin, ttfn... Merry Christmas!! =)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

5A, hv a C

d result cum out~~ n well, to say it clearly, i duno nid hapi or nt.. bt i'm enuf wif d result.. juz dat i cnt b hapi cuz is nt reli up to my mum expectation.. d real one.. she think i can get 6A, n well, i didn't.. if she say i nid get 6A b4, for sure i will argue.. haha.. cuz i noe myself cnt.. and manyyyy ppl got 7A.. hw great, i cnt even reach 6.. n my mum was lik, disappointed a lil n in d car say go tuition.. =[ well, ok, i will go.. in d laz i dun hv free time edi.. when i first gone in d skul, i met yuki n mia, plus auntie kitty, yk's mum.. and den d result haven cum out, is lik 1 bunch ppl duno do wad.. den yk went buy buks, n i try callin wenn cuz i reach le, bt cuz my mum went out in 9.30am n we went tesco n eat.. =P so i nt sure d time, juz reach d den call her.. sori ne.. TT
bt tok abt eat, my bro wan eat mac donald burger, well, dat time is breakfaz.. so we go other place.. n den it cum to d laksa restoran opp d poz office.. n well, nt reli nice.. 1, nt spicy at all!! reli, laksa muz b spicy, dat one no tasty enuf.. = = where is d spicinez? n 2, i think mozly there is overnite? means, nt fresh, d drink taste, nt nice.. n d egg, my bro say he eat is cold inside.. - -' all nt fresh de.. i lik d sunway pyramid there one.. very nice~~ juz 4gt d name liao.. =P well, if we din eat there, mean is go sushi king.. so i ask mum to go n c eat there more cheaper, we're nt lik rich fellow or s/thin, dun get us wrong.. =/ nt rich at all.. n well, dun spend too much.. =) bt somehow turn up dat decision is bad.. = =" nt nice de..
anyway, bek to topic, den i n yk tek d result together, n we noe pei yi gt full A liao.. she sure is geng.. den i tek de time, i lik, see so many time is it 5A anot.. haha.. n den kingston suddenly appear n he was lik say he hv 7A, if i rmb correctly, well, reli geng.. n den tj was lik in d side, startin call out for yk, den he saw me n saw samo tot hu i am juz nw, tot i am s/body else or s.thin.. = =" den he gt edi lar, juz smile smile there.. den i c d paper, he say his mum is hapi cuz he paz evithin, well, he hv 1 A and 1 E!!.. is E fail rite? o_O dat is his kh.. bt he wan go d ert class, nid kh gud result.. duno lar.. bt den we went flyin to our mums n my mum hear d result, she was lik, "har? nt 6A ar?" n i was lik stunned n dun dare to say my bm was a C... >_>" bt still nid to tell her.. n d buk we buy was lik fallin down 1 by 1.. d plastic bag broken down.. - -'.. comfirm cn go sc class, bt i duno i wan to anot.. my mum was lik questionin me..should i? n well, d moz freakin thin i ever saw today was wenn's result..! all A, straight A!! n my mum was there, dis is d worse.. = = well, i admire her jor.. so great.. well, she is clever for sure.. haha.. bt my mum ltr go jor n say here there liao.. say me, i duno is compare me wif wad, bt for sure d bm gt a c is a problem in it.. TT i oso duwan to, i dun intend to live in malaysia anymore.. nt nw of cuz.. in d future.. bt i guess, reli is troublesome if there is bm in d world.. = =" in my world.. ahh, samo tot will go salon today, bcum no mood go liao gua.. >_> well, weird thin is my mum tok to tj say hor, "get nt gud nvm, at liz try ur bez evithin", den i was bside n say, "y u didn't even tell me lik dat?".. so diff word.. = =" bt tek den tek d, cnt chg, i was damn freaky when my bc was lik, a B... = = y?!?! is gud, bt dis mean i cnt gv up bc liao ma?? ><" well, i dun intend to tek for spm, juz normal class gua.. duno, c 1st.. haiz.. see all ppl so geng den me, i bcum a lil snail in d corner self depressed liao.. haiz.. wenn ar, u so geng untill i dun think i cn b wif u in d same class next year, so sad.. TT haizzz... well, nw better find thin to do b4 skul's gonna start soon.. arghh!! i hate studies, i suck at it!! >A<"
well, today paz by d guard hse dat turn in tempua, i saw my class's student, well, is d mouth cum out smoke, if is nt smokin, is it fire burn ur tongue? well, obviously is smokin.. wad man! uselez brain go smoke for no reason, juz 15+ n smoke edi, reli hateful.. their studies were worse den normal student, i mean they dun even care n they smoke so obviously juz near d skul.. = =" i reli hope d teacher find out n mek a gud punishment for them.. stupid.. i am so disappointed i'm wif in d same class wif dis kind of hateful n brainlez ppl.. = =
well, end here.. juz wanna say ty evi1 for dis result specially my mum n dad.. well, my mum promise a fon for me.. bt i think i will mayb let it go.. i'm nt reli into fon anyway.. well, eventho d fon i usin nw was goin insane n will boom in a few more time.. bt i understand if they reli cnt afford, i dun mean to spend their money.. i juz ask for cash mayb? well, i noe, i'm greedy~~ bt depend on my parent, n sis of cuz.. she was lik, unhapi when mum promise me a fon, so i dun reli care much if is nt.. =P bt if gt, sure hapi lar, hu won't? still ty them, they reli spend alot of money in d tuition fee, about RM2000(exclude my bro) in d mr siew tuition +1250 in d 10 classes on bm laz min tuition.. = =" arounf RM 3250 spend on me.. well, i think lez den dat.. abt RM3000.. i think dis reli is big sum.. sp if reli is a burden for them to nt gv a fon, i dun mind.. hoho... bt for sure i wan s/thin.. i'm nt kind person oso.. =) hey, i'm still a child! ok, juz kiddin, a teenager n goin to b my 16th b/day few weeks later.. ppls say sweet 16th.. bt i dun think so, dat's y i dun lik my b/day in january, so front till no1 remember.. >< well, tok abt my b/day, i rmb wad yk present me laz year, = =... it is reli swt...... i admire my sis lor.. her 16th b/day is reli sweet 16th, eventho she oni hv 4 year 1 time b/day.. bt her fren(or may is junior n senior?) went givin her surprise party.. well, she cum bek laughin whole nite tokin to me, or is it showin off to me.. = =" sis is sis, normal.. bt 17th b/day of hers is oso great, reli.. she gt a surprise party again, n dis time, wif d 3 big bear.. reli big bear! nt big den human size bt is bigger den a children.. samo 3 bear!! dammit, hw i want it n she dun boro me.. she promised de~~ TT well, my sis is my sis, reli many ppl noe de person.. >< cnt say much.. i dun expect much anyway..
k den, result was off my head for d moment, i guess.. nw, went find s/thin to do.. thx for readin till here.. ttfn!

pmr results, dec 23 2010!! today is d day~~!!

evi malaysian hu is takin PMR in dis year, 2010, is finally reachin d end of all our nt-so hard work n effort we put in dis whole year for dis very important day.. d RESULT~~!! n evi1 of us are so scared of takin d result, other den d pppl hu is confident wif their result or some hu dun care.. well, n mornin, i went pray for god too.. bcuz to day is do or die.. ><
PMR is reli very important to us dis year, i mean, if there isn't pmr, i dun think we'll b able to understand anythin we learn in dis 3 year.. i mean, dis aim for gettin targets in pmr show some effort in puttin on study.. if there isn't pmr, i dun think i will b takin my buk n read, n oso duwan to understand.. juz lik wad we hv laz year n such.. well, dis year reli is very diff, no fun or anythin.. for d paz 2 years, all we hv is fun fun fun.. bt dis year d atmosphere bcum more tight.. well, other den those ppl hu dun care abt their result n such.. n ppl lik me hu is lazy yn was playin for paz year, dis pmr experience chg a lil.. if nt i dun even noe wad sejarah bab 1 is tokin abt till now.. = =" haha.. well, nw i think my mind edi bcum kosong jor.. 4gt evithin liao.. bt pmr is still no gud at all.. = =" hey, hu love exam anyway?!? dat is insane!! bt i think next year is reli gonna b a hard year.. definitely hv d feelin of dat cumin soon....... specially spm is cumin near, damn near!!! =(
bt well, i wish evi1 hu is gonna b takin their result gud luck, me oso.. =P today is a battle, big day.. hope evithin goes well.. pls god bless me.. n u guys too.. =P
till den, wish me luck, u too, thx 4 readin, ttfn~~!!
ps. mayb today gt more poz? well, mayb abt my result? arghh!! think oso scared jor.. ahhh!!!!!!!!!!!)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

dammit! PMR result 1 day left!!!!!!!

omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! omg!
lez den 1 day left!!!!!!!!!!!! tomorrow is d day!!!!!!!!! arghhhhhhhhhhh~~!!
tomorrow is d day that we piglets get our pmr result.. the big day for us.. i dun think we r counted as piglet anymore, old jor... bt i am dog lieh.... nvm, 1995 zodiac is pig.. y muz it b pig?! grr~~ >3> anyway, i'm awake in my bed dis mornin oso been thinkin of d result tomorrow!! omg! if i dun get 5A, i'm gonna b dead!!!! =( sad face....
well, hw can i lay down n rez tomolo facin my mum.. grr...... i oso wan hapi go lucky lik wenn... TT bt cnt, ahh!!! pls god, 2molo is d day jor, d day i'm waitin for dis whole year~~!! all the hard work i do, well, i admit is nt so much effort i put on or s/thin, i'm nt hardworkin or wad, bt i hv a lil heart to pt a lil effort into it.. dis year.. so please, i beg u, gv me a miracle....!!!! TT
and hor, duno nid wear uni go or normal shirt go skul n tek result.. well, usually dis time will wear hse shirt lik dat, bt i saw ppl even ask teachers n fren, n they say uni wor.. bt nt confirm geh.. well, i duwan to wear uni, so if reli duno, nt confirm, i think i will wear half half gua.. pjk shirt(is oso counted as skul shirt wad, gt d skul logo mar, wait, or is it juz d name?) well, i dun care.. but if MUST uni, den uni lor.. sure gt ppl wear other den dat de la.. lol... >_>
bt still, i hope god reli hear me out, at liz 5A for me.. i dun expect full As, well, i noe for me is impossible.. i understand dat for sure, bt at liz pls help me out wif my mum's expectation for me.. i reli mean it.. TT i beg of u....
tomoro is do or die.. either is gud or bad.. if lose 1 A, dead meat....... >< hopin evithin go well.. god, pls bless me, n if too, other ppl dat hope so as well.. reli grateful...

today poz is random beggin for blessin... well, i hope it gv confident as well as hope..
anyway, today's pass time ar.. ytd i watch fin another anime, 2010 july anime.. and again, fukuyama jun desu~~ =3 as d main lead de voice actor.. <333 well, anyway, watch till midnite, den ZzZ.. den today mornin, early mornin 6AM++, my mum suddenly bang in d door n wake me up, n ltr ran out n wake my 2 bro.. u noe today is wad day? er, "dong zhi" is it? i duno wad name, bt is eat d "soup circle", okok,  is "tang yuan" dat i mention b4 in d poz b4 when i hv it on sunday wif my sis.. well, cuz my dad mornin wan go work, so we eat together in d mornin, bt not d "tang yuan", cuz eat b4 ler, dat one gt on d table bt is juz for "see" bt nt "eat".. no taste de.. cuz is use to pray it for ancestor de.. so my bro tek den duwan eat liao.. n well, we are eat d so call "lin zi mei pau" or s/thin.. i duno wad they call it, bt is actually a veryy big "pau".. erm, diameter mayb lik 20cm.. bigger den d normal big "cai bao" dat is big den "cha siew pau".. n well, they cut to six n i eat 2.. =P bt nt reli dat nice, prefer cha siew lor.. anyway, today watch another 2010 fall anime, well, till d latez ep, n d next is d laz ep..  gt mozly d anime oso left few ep den end, mean b4 2010 jan, lik dat i can stop more better.. ^^ scared next year watch too damn much.. = = arghh, y d manga so long update.. geh....

k den, gonna end here.. hope it reli hv miracle happen in my life.. TT pls god, beg of u..
thx for readin till here, ttfn~~ =P

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

havin d christmas feelin coming soon

just kidding.. i cnt b celebratin christmas anyway.. >_> i'm nt a christian or s/thin, juz normal ppl hu wan to celebrate.. haha.. well, hu noes? bt ay liz i put a lil feel of christmas in blog and PS too.. i cnt get hv it in reality.. =P bt hey, c d bright side, well, tho i duno where is d part dat is gud.. >< anyway, chg music, cursor.. hv a lil chrismas spirit.. david archuleta's christmas from d heart, selena gomez, ashley tisdale, celine dion, britney spears, lady gaga, jason mraz, glee, festive song, orchestra music, popular christmas song.. well, lik dat oni.. i 4gt abt mariah carey jor.. anyway, mozly lik dat..other singer i 4gt wad name liao.. all d above is popular de ppl so i rmb.. haha.. david is so cute~~ >w< a lil lik anthony leeny i guess... anyway, enjoy d song..
all i wan for christmas, pmr result more den 5A's... ><" pls pls pls... santa if u reli exist, pls mek me hv my wish cum true~~ =P skul gonna start soon, any feelin of goin bek skul? well, no1 will lik goin skul, bt stayin home lik an un-dead oso no life.. = =" haiz... life so borin... duno when my life will b colorful 1 day in d future.. haha..
btw, till nw i still haven fully mek effort in my blog.. = = hw lazy am i? i duno can i survive in d future in pile of studies i'm gonna face next year.. TT oh my god!!!! if i keep goin lik dat, i guess i reli cnt survive more towards studies.. specially damn bm subject.. - -'' any1 cn gv me some tips on doin better in bm?? i hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =( well, i suck at it.. 100% cnt get A type.. so i dun intend get full A in result anyway.. dat is impossible for me.. i wan to give up takin chinese sooner.. nowadays all teach hundreds years ago de chinese, i reli duwan to luk down edi.. i noe chinese is important n such, wad d second international  language n such, bt hey, i dun think dis kind of day will use ancient chinese wad...! u say oso no1 understand.. = =" so hard for me, i cnt stand it, samo i very lazy............ my brain will stop if i conyinue it.. >< i'm nt lik wenn, yk, pei yi, cindy, etc, u guys so gud in chinses.. TT arghh!!! i duwan to continue anymore!! bt if my mum refuse oso cnt gv up lor.... well den, ntg much happen here, since is ntg much, i kinda wan end here..
well, still duno wan continue wid editin my blog, bt i think i will find anime to watch, juz fin readin manga.. ltr is fb, nw gonna end jor.. so thx for readin till here..
~+~2 days to go till PMR result!! 5A+ 5A+ 5A+!!! ~+~

Monday, December 20, 2010

24hrs uneaten hunger.. none

today, i hv juz eaten few chips n half cup of neslo.. well.. i almoz wan to 24hr=1day juz eat dat lil, or to say, eat ntg.. again.. i din sleep for d whole nite, juz pt all my time in watchin d anime till end at ep 24.. n well, for sure, d endin suck, no endin at all again.. i duwan say much abt it.. is "the legend of the legendary heroes" n d main lead voice actor is Fukuyama jun.. nt bad, 2010 anime.. waitin for 2011 anime, code geass r3 to reli exist in d screen.. well, till nw i haven eat dinner oso.. for sure my breakfaz n lunch dun hv la.. few min ago, i juz tek a mini-kitkat n eat.. is mini, ntg to expect much.. ahh, another 3 day left.. i duno if i cn reli get 5A.. well, i noe if tek den tek, bt for me, even if i din tek 5A, sure will b sad, nt oni let my mum disappointed n scold n etc, i myself oso too think myself.. well, if i reli happen to get 5A+, i oso dun think my mum will buy anythin as gift for me anyway.. they juz ran away from promise n say is paid off in my tuition fee.. i gt it, i dun expect much anyway.. is result so important? it is, is nt.. some ppl say, try ur bez, den ok liao, at liz u work hard on it, n left wif no regret.. and for me, dun care i try or nt, all they nid is my performance n d result.. juz b regular student n gv result, no big prob den ok jor.. dun reli care much.. i duno wad to say if i get lez den 5A, bt for sure, i won't b hapi.. it may s/hw depend on my mum.. if she reli cn accept n forgive me, den mayb i will hv chg.. bt i dun think dat is gonna happen.. is hard to imagine if she is reli understandin.. even if i get C or wad, i juz nid more den 5 A's den ok jor.. so i hope god help me ar~~ i'm no kidding u.. reli... pls help......!!!!! i'm bein a lazy n lazy n er, lazy person, bt pls help me ar~~ it will b my end if i dun get wad my mum requested.. well, i mayb takin science subject lik bio, chemi n physic.. juz mayb.. bt if i was put in d acc, i oso cn accept.. =] other den dis 2, i'm nt goin anywhere.. so depend on d skul lor.. i went check on biology buks n it was givin lik cell n such, many names n thinkin, bt i kinda hv no resistance towards it after readin some pages, bt mayb it may kill some day or regret.. i guess........ bt after c my sis result in her colledge, i think acc is nt bad either.. well, my sis hv 3A, no A-, bt 2 B+, no B, B-.. so to say, she hv 3 is d highest grade, and 2 third highest grade.. n i was lik, wad?! walau, so geng..! bt she say she expect 4A.. well, she was puttin time other in her studies since she was in skul days, n yet she is clever, tho my mum dun wanna admit she is, puttin d pressure on me, while i am NOT clever den her.................. >_> juz mt i noe.. my bm suck... n her bc is better, cuz in catholic high skul, sure bc geng.. tok abt bc, i think i'm gonna gv up on bc, gua....... ><" if my result for bc is C, i reli duwan to tek down edi, i mean d mind oso wan spoil puttin it in... bt oso nid ask my mum to c first..... >< ok ba, waitin for dinner to rdy. i'm lik a pig sleepin n waitin for fud while playin com to paz time.. tho i dun rmb any pig cn do dat, bt hey, ppl born in 1995 is pig zodiac.. well, i'm dog tho.... cuz jan an exception... chinese calendar thingy, plus my mum n dad feng shui here there, ba gua lar, dis la, dat la.. very superstitious.. n gt 1 time she even buy a stupid damn uselez buk dat cost $98, is nt RM u noe, if is RM, hw much does it cost? times/multiple wif 3.7? = =" damn, i reli wan to burn dat buk after readin d price.. they din use their mind wastin buyin dat.. fenf shui here there enuf, dat buk is for study de, is s.thin lik, "the way to sucess is to think you can, YOU CAN!" (well, u CANNOT!!) wad stupid thin is dis? if i think i can fly, i CAN????!! den evi1 doin ntg juz think oso cn do it? bt hey, if reli cnt, is it u to blame?! or s/thin lik "noe ur ambition n keep goin towards it as an aim or a goal" s/thin lik dat, nt sure, duno is s/thin i create bt is s/thin lik dis.. well, if u r a child, hw will u noe ur future?! i noe some ppl may hv big ambitious dream in childhood time, bt if 10 ppl, 9 ppl don't.. they dun hv reli an exact aim to go on.. lik me.. moz ppl juz folo lil by lil d path they go slowly after years.. even nw, we duno which way to go.. bt after havin a proper base, den oni cn build d top.. is juz lik nw, form 4 is 1 of d base i guess.. if u were to get in scince class, doctor n such mayb 1 of d way u cn go, well, u cn choose other oso for sure.. bt at liz u're closer to ur future.. = = no1 can predict future! except those other lik i duno? some ppl dat reli do.. bt no1 reli does noe wad will happen tomolo.. n well, an aim is gud, bt for d rez 9 ppl, there is none..! wad a useless buk.. and d mt they put untill "square" bcum swan.. wad man! hu u think we are? cn't we even differentiate wad is number 2 n swan?! d alike in shape, bt wad swan gotta do wif it? u think evi 2 we see muz think puttin swan, is more irritatin den doin add-mt while it is reli dam hard.. n u put duck, swan, lamp, here there, wad oso gt.. is dat even call as maths already?! is earnin money lik dis great? - - is nt even effective at all.. useless, u train from lil 3 years old cn, gv a normal child, no way u cn do dat.. = ="

ok de, thx 4 readin till here, haven for 1 day.. wan to 24 hrs d.. and walah, gonna end here..ttfn! =P

Sunday, December 19, 2010

food.. plus bakin cake n er.. dumpling

mornin is borin, cuz wake up is not com means eat, if nt sleep bek.. my life.. haiz.. bt today, i went down n 1st thin my mum ask me is, y ytd i din bake cake dat my dad told me, if u read my ytd poz, when i was bein wake by noisy sound n dad request of bakin cake that well, i dun wan to.. lazy of cuz.. and den, today breakfaz, well, nt so into d food.. it hv my dad so call home made "mee hoon kuih soup" and oso gt buy "g-jiong fan".. 2 thin dat i, felicia dun lik to eat, bt i eat.. i have food dat i lik n dun lik.. n oso fud i dun lik bt eat n fud i dun lik n dun eat.. should i draw a table to put which food in which corner.. well, fud i lik can say lik......... actually i dun hv a reli lik one, cuz if i reli lik, means hw much i eat, i can still stand d taste for 1 day or 2.. bt i dun think there is except one  home dish i ever know.. i can eat that n laz for days eatin d same thin w/out bein bored of it.. bt i duno wad name is dat home dish call, cuz 4 d 15 years of my life, i oni eat it b4 in my home, dat is reli nice, n outside gt d same vege, bt diff dish.. so i call it my-fav-home-dish-vege? well, is vege.. and i lik ice cream n many thin, bt for sure, i cnt laz eatin dat 4 1 day.. =[ thin i dun lik bt eat is mac hamburger, mornin 2 breakfaz, etc? cake, evi cake in bakery except jelly cake.. i dun count dat as cake tho.. thin dat is sweet.. if u say choc, i count it oso.. juz so i eat, bt i dun eat much.. i lik it as flavour.. i lik black choc, d bitter one.. dat is diff.. nt milk choc or white choc.. these r some of d example of my taste, i eat bt if can, i choose nt to eat in some point.. thin dat kill me is too sweet, too bitter, tastelez, too sour.. too salty oso cn die lar.. bt lez.. do u eat mamee b4? if u put d powder packet, cn i say dat is salty n unhealthy to u? cuz, i dun put it.. =/ i lik sweet n sour, nt sweet lik cake, sour lik s/thin?? i duno.. bt if d bez, i lik spicy.. =] spicy is nice, chili is eatable.. bt it depend hw it was cook.. i lik bitter n sweet, so i lik black choc n black coffee(gt add sugar a lil).. my sis dun lik lar.. opp?? many ppl, diff taste, hw diff is d world.. =D i lik jp fud, i lik western fud.. bt i dun lik spaghetti.. tho i eat, bt i dun lik.. = = meat i lik mutton, ytd i eat bunch, i oso lik malay's dish dat consist mutton oso, or is indian's dish?? i duno.. mutton is nice~~ bt oso, depend on wad dish.. so many food in d world, if u say out exp dish, i dun reli lik oyster, to say it clear, i choose nt to eat if cn, cuz i hv nightmare b4 abt eatin them.. mayb 1 day in d future i cn face them? haha.. i hate "xi ham", wad is d english name call?? i see many dish here n there oso gt, i try eatin it bt reli cnt stand.. >_> i noe many ppl lik it, is juz my taste gt prob.. dun bother me.. bt i dun lik it.. my dad, mum, sis lik.. so i can juz gv them if i hv dat thin in my fud.. i lik cold den hot, nt oni drink, weather oso.. i cnt stand hot temp.. eventho i stay in malaysia.. ><" cn i stay in other place, nt so hot n nt sooooo cold lik north n south pole? well, i say too much my lik n dislik, well, eventho is juz lil part of me.. cuz so many thin in my mind, i juz cn say lil of it.. =/ say too much, write too much, equals nonsense too much oso.. i mean nw oso lik dat..

well, bake cake ar.. after eatin "g-jiong fan", i tek very lil oso cnt fin, cuz i dun lik mar.. i tek many other lik fish cake, crab stick and all bt oni 3-5 of d white thin(i duno wad is it call, d main thin in d g-jiong fan..) den ltr my mum call me to bake cake, n i hv a deal wif my dad, i bake, he wash.. a deal is a deal, i made d cake, n den he help me wash all d thin i use to bake d cake.. n help out wif d bakin powder oso.. n i tuk out d bakin choc out, white n brown choc for bakin de.. nt eatin lik calbery or wad.. ask my sis to cut it.. well, ltr on she went argue wif me abt when puttin it.. nt a big fight, juz er, she went off n slam d door? =/ is nt argue, cuz we're juz tokin, n i explain to her, den she went off din say anythin, dat freak me out s/time n slam d door? dun go wrong, no1 tok bek or usin load voice or anythin lar.. well, i juz continue makin d cake.. and den my mum ask my sis to make d dumpling, dat is nt reli call dumpling actually.. is lik in ball shape thin dat is in soup.. i duno hw is dat call in english bt is "tang yuan" 汤圆, in december nw n i think is tradition chinese do dat, so i am counted in too.. bt cuz is in tue i guess, cuz my mum say today do cuz my sis is nt around in tues, so we're makin it today.. is eat wif family de, so my mum brin it earlier.. well, laz time, we always make shape lik many kind n cook inside.. is lik play-doh, makin diff shape.. originally is round.. i am nt so into d tradition background, so i duno abt it much.. bt is s/thin dat we eat.. =) my sis know he to mek d soup, is sweet kind.. well, d cake baked fin, bt is sweet cuz is choc eviwhere.. >< specially d bottom part, dat we eat 1st.. i eat lil n cnt stand jor.. well, if u ask me hw to bake it, i juz put d ingredient n stir it wif d machine to handle, n ltr d laz put d choc.. butter n sugar, den flour n egg.. after fin den use hand, nt machine, tek d ladder n stir wif d choc bits.. den put in d mole n bake in d oven dat is heat 10 min b4 puttin d cake in.. abt d choc, my sis cal me to miz it wif d butter together, bt for me, i say is d laz den put in, cuz i duwan it to b mix together.. - -' well, she wanted it to b one i guess, i duwan.. n mixin it may cause d cake to b more hard or s/thin.. cuz if it melt, is nt counted as water oso.. liquid kind lik milk n water, or mayb fruit's juice.. bt choc is diff.. and i duwan d whole cake to b choc, i juz wan it to b 1 lil part juz lik choc chip lik dat.. bt i duwan to argue much.. i juz say hear wad she say well she said she is right den right.. i've done fin d cake, juz keep nod my head oni.. duwan tok much.. =) is d bez way to communicate~~ speak lez wad u're thinkin.. specially elders dat think they r older den u.. gv respect n face to them.. if nt i'm gonna b dead if i dun.. suffer? well, is oredi fin, so oso cnt chg bek, so wad they say juz okok lor.. i dun mean next time i will folo wad they say oso.. haha.. can eat den ok ler.. diff thinkin mar.. dat way oso can, bt i duwan.. i din intend to argue, so let it b my way, d tokin b ur way.. =] gv n tek.. after fin, i juz say is my wrong to her, bt i din say next time i will folo wad she said wad.. cuz my way is wad i prefer, is better.. i hate d cake all sweet n kind of.. i duno wad to say.. >_> so if cn b, i dun folo.. is ok wad.. sweet enuf edi.. i mean nw is oredi too sweet to me, if reli is her way, d whole cake can throw away in my opinon.. = =" well, my lil bro jeremy lik sweet.. i cnt stand.. =/ n wenn oso lik cake n speghetti, diff taste.. bt same lik jeremy.. n sis.. =] well, i eat, bt lil.. if u lik, eat lez.. i mean sweet stuff.. lez sugar.. >< hw they cn stand d sweetnez of it..?? reli very great.. if me, haiz... no way.. mayb my taste bud gt a lil prob?

and nw, i juz cum bek from my so call lunch.. n is another 1 more food i dislike.. "wantan mee".. grr, hw i dislik it.. i told them i dun lik, bt they still buy, y? bcuz they lik.. when they dun lik, we cnt eat, when they lik, den even we dun lik oso nid to eat.. mum always lik dat.. wad is so nice abt it?! arhh!! sori, i dun mean to disagree d ppl hu lik to eat it.. juz my prob....... i dun lik, my opinion.. i hate d luk of it, oso my prob cuz my family mek me lik dat.. evithin they lik, muz folo.. i dislik it makin me hate it.. same goes for speghetti.. slowly, i'm gonna hate 'kuih tiao soup".. eventho i lik them at first, i hate them nw.. eatin d same thin here n there, bcuz they lik, i dislik oso cnt choose other.. wad man! ppl hv choice!! dun u noe?! well, they r mum n dad, so cnt argue.. ><" u guys make me dislik them.. haiz.. i rather eat rice.. well, pls dun misunderstand me for unagree ur likin, if u lik wad i dislik, lik i say, evi1 hv choice, u too hv fud u dislik, same goes for me too.. so is juz my simple dissatisfied for thin in my mind eatin fud.. well, i dun blame ppl dislik wad i lik, so i dun disagree u likin them.. bt if is lik my family case, is diff.. cuz they dun gv me freedom to choose wad i lik n dislik.. = =" diff thin.. i hv to say, i hate rules lik dat in my hse.. lucky i dun hv cake eviday, if nt i'm gonna die eatin dat.. i mean, i cn even oppose havin them for my b/day for d rez of my life if dat reli happen.. lucky they dun hv fav for cake.. phew~ hopin dinner will nt b s/thin i dislik again.. if nt i'm gonna scold "wth! wad day is today.. dislik-fud day?!" s/thin lik dat.. from mornin untill nw, i dun see any fud, includin d cake is wad i tend to hv likin towards it.. =)
k, end here.. today reli is non concern wif anime bt food.. haha.. cuz i fin d anime mar.. nw nid find another new anime.. or bez, manga.. well, pmr result cumin soon........ = =" is dat a gud or bad thin.. hopin 5A++.. prayin to god... thx 4 redin till here den, ttfn!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

borin borin borin.. lamb chop!

hehe.. i can say, it was reli borin..
[skip here if u wan] and well, i fin watchin Saiunkoku monogatari season 1+2, total 39 ep each, 78eps.. and well, tek me abt 2 day to fin.. n well, i din sleep at all in d whole night, juz keep watchin down till it end, bt untill d laz ep, it was afternoon, i eat breakfaz oredi lar, and den i 1 drop on d bed den sleep jor.. i an rmb very noisy n callin me bt i 4gt wad they cal me for, except my dad cal me to bake a cake, dat was called by my mum, n for sure, rejected.. by me.. =] so inconvenient n mess up, time n mind i mean, n moz important is dat, i'm lazy.. = =" i went watchin n it was kinda nt reli a "great" endin(?) in d end... i mean, wad kind of endin is dat?! i duno wad to say bt it was nice, in d front, in d end, well, ntg much to b expected.. well, still lovin code geass n shinrei tantei yakumo or kkm etc? well, manga too much, if u noe wad i mean.. kinda find some manga on d way..

well, bek to topic, cuz i hv no topic mainly, so juz tok randomly untill always hv anime n such, well, cnt help it, while i was waitin time to go on, my borinez find anime to paz on as well wif d will end, mayb, untill d time i dun watch? ok, is borin.. lik d title.. and well, d lamb chop is er.. juz nw in d evenin, i was bein awake by screams, bell high tone ringin, shouts, calls, knocks on doors.. various sound.. and i was asleep when i watch d laz ep of d anime halfway, well, is said in d top edi.. and den, i juz wake up n get chg, well, i duno where we're haedin, juz gt rdy.. and den i was bein told dat we're goin to out neighbor hse.. to eat in their open hse.. i was dam tired n lay down on d sofa at d very sec i went down, waitin for d rez to get rdy goin.. and i was blur n i went knockin d table when i went walkin out.. den my mum was tokin wif some guy, outside our hse, n my bro lik monkey playin here n there.. n mum was chittin chattin all d way in d same spot.. we're lik waitin for her there for so long.. and den finally, we go there.. i mean, is juz few m away, haven even 100.. few car distance..and there is so many food, but 1 thin mek me unsatisfied other den d fried squid n d cheese prawn dat my dad say is it made up of cement or s.thin.. so hard.. = = it is d drink, is Soya Bean!! no way.. = =" y they nid to cal dat, i rather plain water.. haiz.. but can drink la, i dun mean cnt, juz so nt reli makin me havin d appetite to think is nice to drink down when u eat bunch of food.. usually will b s/thin more, un-creamy kind? un-milky kind? lik orange juice or s/thin?? well, bt i ate quite alot myself, is it bcuz i miz lunch n sleep? i eat curry, chicken, potato, bee hoon, prawn, squid, fish(i dun mean 1 fish lik dat, is it call fish cake or s/thin) jelly, abc, n etc.. and d bez of all, Lamb Chop!! d 1st time i saw they hv lamb chop for buffet!! i meean d open hse kind of buffet.. n i tuk 1 plate juz lamb chop!! i ate more den 3 i guess, 4, 5 or 6?? dunno.. my 2 bro dun lik to eat.. bt reli nice.. >w< i cnt blif i get to eat western food in a place lik dis, tho ppl dun tek cuz duno wad is dat, n nobody tek it wif d rice n bee hoon kind.. if u duno wad is it, u reli won't tek it, cuz it soesn't luk delicious to ppl except me(?).. in my family lar.. no1 tek.. they dun even noe wad is it while i went flyin to tek it when i see it.. haha.. =P except d soya bean n squid+prawn+fish(fish cake?).. it was nice.. ^^ n d garden is nice too, their hse.. den ltr fin cum bek home, continue fin up d anime n well, i wan to sleep early today, eventho i dun think nw is early, 11pm+, i still hv 1 more thin to do, PS.. = = i s/hw should let down dat for sure 1 day.. it reli mek my day worse for earnin coin evi1day.. n i even say myself shildish playin it from d start n i played it.. = =" i am reli sleepy, bt my mind oso din 4 gt i am goin to get close to my pmr result.. is it hell or heaven waitin for me? an A reli is very important.. lez 1, die, more 1, present.. (well, i dun actually blif they will keep their promise to gv me) ><"
kk, i simply end these uselez tok here, thx for readin if u do.. >< ttfn!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

too borin s/time mek ppl brainwashed

.. example= me.. [dis poz contain anime/manga opinion, so if nt interez, cn skip it as u wish..]
yea, is true.. mayb juz lik when u're reaaaaaally hungry, u will eat anythin n say that reli delicious when in reality, they DON'T..! same kind of meaning.. so when u reaaaaally bored, u reli will think s/thin u usually tot u hated it n won't ever do it in d rez of ur life for sure, n well, u went doin it.. example = me.... >_>"
i cnt bare d boredom n thin.. i bcum a zombie from a livin live person wif no life at all!! no life!! arghh!! u noe when ppl say, i actually dun quite understand d feelin, when u feel it, u reli will say out loud dat u hv no life at all.. n dis life suck!! bt well, is lil better den skul days, i guess..... mayb.. but if dis keep goin, i reli duno wad i will do next.. i duwan to b un-normal.. TT well, i think i nw am bcumin one.. noooo~~ well, d fact i say dis, well, ehem, i cnt blif i will hv a day watchin *beep*.. okok, junjou romantica.. aside from that, if u guys hu watch or a fan of it, or a big fan of it, i cn tell u, i nw understand y u guys lik watchin it, well, except that in d story, i kinda watch down bt nt a fan to dat kind of genre, i prefer light abit.. well, bt i noe many of u fans lik it, i hv no comment, evi1 hv diff likin, hu noes? ahaha.......... bt for sure, d story reli nice.. i mean funny as well, bt is too strong for me, d part of their romance.. haha...... =/ i'm still a beginner anyway, din expect i will hv a day lik dat.. ><"  well get the heck, i lik it.. =[ jz so, i hope i dun hv another time.. i'm gonna cry.. lucky i'm nt a guy..... well, mayb i'm brainwashed or s/thin.. juz to say, evi1 has each opinion.. tho i dun reli keep on track wif dat kind of genre, bt i can accept d story dat is reli pretty well.. =) nt to mention, reli is top anime..
bt well, other den dis, d biggest news i ever been so hapi abt it on anime, well, dis is special to me, is code geass r3..!! dammit, i was hopin for lelouch nt to b dead, i reli will cry if he does, well, mayb i did when he is dead(i duwan to blif, well, i dun blif nw) in d laz ep, bt hey, code geass r3!! i lukin forward to meet ZZ.. dat is wad they said in youtube video dat even fukuyama jun appear.. n well, d description describe dat there is dis person, zz hu is lik cc dat had a geass hu can wake up d dead, mayb euphie cn revive! yay~~ hw i love dat anime.. well, d manga was, slow.. - -' i freakin tellin u, is it real?!?! n i reli blif!! yea i do!! if dun, i think i myself is gonna hv a shock from knowing it.. i'm gonna cry.. well, it said on fall 2010, bt well, din appear so.. bt there oso hv lik 'the world that god only knows', 'phychic detective yakumo', 'letter bee season 2' n etc there together, dat reli do had been release, bt there is also some dat is nt lik 'starry sky'.. so, mayb it will cum out, cuz d other anime dat release gv alot of percentage dat CG r3 may cum out as well.. so juz sit down, pray n wait.. no way i'm gonna stay calm if they don't! lelouch~~
and well, went watch loveless bt fin watch junjou romantica, it s/hw is kinda.... more bl in it.. compare to other light ones such as monochrome factor, or more light one lik kyou kara maou! n such.. n well, after fin loveless n went watchin junjou romantica, reli gv me a big step forward from here to there.. well, lucky d story mek me went keepin it always funny in evi ep bt d endin, lik ntg, mayb it will hv continue too? hu noes? season 3?? haha.. hope to.. bt loveless gt no endin oso.. y anime always end up lik dat, unfinish, want us continue wif d manga n d manga is sooooo slow..
07-ghost, pandora heart.. are there gonna b season 2, so they mek it lik dat?! grr!! is explanation so hard to say out in a few min?? all we nid is ans!! well, mayb juz me.. bt continue keepin lik dis has no end.. = =" well i understand u wan to keep continue d story makin it longer, givin fans more curious abt d story.. but den, endin? = =" well, is juz my opinion..  bcuz i am impatient.. >< y? bcuz i lik it..? i guess.. =]
but nw, gonna find another anime to kill my time b4 i gone insane.. any recommendation? haha.. bt well, i'm bored.. i've been watchin anime if nt manga to paz my time.. is uselez.. n well, after dis hols, i gonna b dead suffer myself in d studies n tuition my mum force me to go.. mayb dis is d payment i have to give for goin com all day dis hols.. well, so better keep findin great anime to paz my time.. ><"
ok, dis is juz all opinion, well, so if any disagree oso cn share out.. =) so den, reli grateful u read down dis poz.. and nw, thx 4 readin, ttfn~~!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

is over~~!!

my hse renovation is finally over~~ well, tuk 1 week+ to fin it.. and yea, i can finally sit in my chair and stay in my room for d whooole day playin com.. tho it was borin for sure, no life at all.. nw is december 15, another few weeks and skul almoz start in january, well, in my country.. cuz we dun hv winter, autumn etc.. same as singapore.. so we hv our long skul hols durin end of november and december.. juz in case u're nt sure of d situation.. well, after fin PMR(gov paper), finally a burden is bein released from my mind, but i still cnt relax my head, cuz 1 day paz and 1 day cum, my PMR result is cumin soon and i'm goin to b dead if i didn't tek 5A and above.. my mum is goin to kill me, dat is s/hw same kind of word she's tryin to explain out to me.. well, she said "u better get 5A and above, my child, specially u, muz get more den 5A+(like my sis who did when she went thru PMR), i duwan lez den 5A, better get more den dat, blah blah blah" tho is lik ntg, bt is reli s/thin if i dun get, she always say hw clever i am dat it beats my sis, and s/hw givin me pressure to surpaz her as well, but i noe, i absolutely cnt do dat for sure.. = =" no way! i am nt clever, if i am, i will nt fail b4 4 subject anyway.. = = is dat clever at all?? i dun think so.............. and my sis she was in elite skul, n me, a lousy one(shhh, dun tell any1, haha), bt is d truth, is reli lousy untill i cnt even explain..or describe.. all i noe is ppl hu dun care, teacher hu dun care, place where oni unfairnez reli do exist for each malays.. reli, i dun mean sayin them bad ok, juz say d skul bein so selfish for them, and it will result them bein more *beep* when they duno dat u hv to study.. i dun mean those gud malay student of cuz.. so as chinez n indian n such oso gt gud and bad, i didn't say oni them, but d diff of evi1 is always oni b more, hw to say, care for them in d wrong way.. if d skul reli care more for malay, they should put more effort to teach them, if they reli pt special care to them, they should b reli strict to them as well.. and their special care is nt to bother them much even their study was zero marks all d way, they juz act lik din c and put in it d second claz.. is dat reli care? is juz bein a burden to d claz to let them keep up, is a bad thin d d actual student n a bad thin to malays too, but tho they dun realize or even bother.. w/out study, still keep in second claz from time to time.. and their attitude for study will b more lez n tend to play much, and their thinkin of study is ntg but juz even get fail oso get in front claz.. and ind future, d ppl hu mek their future bein lik dat is also bcuz of d skul.. well, u cn say d country dat pt special care to them, even in d skul.. they didn't think of d consequences for all their doin of thinkin dat is gud to them, bt in 1 case that when they duno, it also harm them.. i understand them havin malay rights and such, bt if is too over, in dis country, it will appear more lez elite ppl from d citizen specially from malay and keep decreasin from time to time.. well, since they also decide puttin maths and science in malay language, their special care for malay is reli very simple-minded w/out thinkin twice, oni for their own gud.. pls b exact, i dun mean malay hu is normal n ntg to do wif it, there is also them hu r gud.. =] pls dun misunderstand, 'm nt pickin a fight or wadeva, i juz wan to gv my opinion dat if they keep doin thin lik dat, it will harm d future of evi1 of d malay more n more, and so goes to chinese n indian n other malaysian.. specially in study, when they were a child, evi1 of d citizen, u're nt helpin malay, u're harmin their future for a student as a child.. they dun deserve to b lik dat, y there isn't a choice to mek for them? y nid to set rules when u dun get ppl oppose them from hurtin their child's future.. y cn't juz think further ahead other then d thin infront of u dat mek u think is gud for urself.. ppl are selfish, evi1, no1 is left bhind, bt they also hv hw selfish u are.. and bcuz of dis selfishnez, think abt hw many ppl u've kill for d future when they were a child.. (well, i dun mean kill lik die ok?) and hw many future u can chg great by doin it? hw many ppl will suffer when u're doin it? i juz wan to think dat way, nt in d way u're gettin d gud or wadeva, eventho is unfair, yet, we hv no rights to say rite? bt my way of thinkin is dat u're harmin those child, future generation in d future.. n wad i tot was y cn't u think more towards them? is it so hard to understand? i noe malaysia nid to learn malay malay malay, malay muz paz and such.. but u oso do noe, english is d international language.. if u tuk away them from math and science, can i ask, hw is their future gonna b when they cnt stay long in other country when they lack of english n bm(maly language) is nt known in there.. and even hw much a they hv, a bad grade for english, is reli serious matter.. but if u say for malaysia, of cuz is gud, evithin malay lik they wanted, and if other country is movin forward, when d future of dis country is lack on english language, may i ask r we gonna ju sit n wait for d ppl hu are elite dat came to b great in both of d language to understand, or wad else? they isn't much left.. and if they reli exist, i bet, their mind will keep movin forward wif other den stayin down too.. and hw many ppl, great ppl u will lose in d future? well, is reli a big issue den.. bt future is future.. is also depend wad gov thinks, wad malay(all dun mean evi1 specially gud malay.. =] ) thinks n such.. we all hv no right to choose.. if u're malay, i bet if u're clever n understandin, u will understand wad i wan to exprez out to say dat those future children is innocent.. bt is nt depend on u as well, is all depend on higher up n gov.. bt if is a malay, stayin in malaysia for d rez of ur life is a gud thin, d special rights n such in evi angle, lik work, hse n etc.. bt for others may nt b much easy.. well, i'm still a student, so i dun wan to go towards d case of work and such, tho they is also consequences for doin dat for d country.. dat is by doin it, they will keep stayin in a low standard compare to other country.. i say d ans bt lazy to explain, if u're understandin, u will surely noe wad i mean anyway, is nt hard at all.. bt depends of ppl hu juz see d benefit in front of them or they oso luk in d bek of d benefit as well.. =] if there is gud, there always hv bad too.. if they is ppl agree, also ppl hu disagree.. so well, i dun nid ppl to disagree n such, bcuz all i wanted to say is juz MY OPINION.. my blog, my thinkin.. if u dun lik it, is ok u share bt nt bein rude.. juz to tell u dat(if u r).. and well, i dun mean to criticize any1 or wad, is juz opinion, k? dun get d wrong way dat i wan to go against d country n such, i wan to lay-low profile.. y do i nid to b in d big issue? bt all i wan to say is wantin ppl to understand d bad side too.. bt i noe if i say loud, i'm gonna reli b kill to dead, no kiddin.. mayb nt kill, jail i guess.. cuz is harmful to malay, bt to me is also harm for evi1.. =) so i dun mean to harm them, bein bad to them, juz givin opinions, is opinion ok?? dun get d wrong way, i duwan to die so young.. =D 
kk, due to borin, i wrote so many stupid thin.. = =" hw i noe, i juz folo d flow writin down, n walah, cum out lik dat.. so is nt my intention writin all those anyway.. >3> 
so den, thx for readin till here, ttfn!!   

Sunday, December 12, 2010

juz my 1 unhapi day, and my nonsense

[1st, pls dun read if u think is borin cuz ltr on they is almoz nonsense in d way.. juz to tell u dat.. so u can skip if u wan to.. ahaha..]
well, basiclly, my hse was still in renovation till noon dat they gt emergency went bek, n well, clean d floor outside dat fin renovate.. den evenin eat jp style.. wif miso soup.. den er.. watch hong kong drama, "can't buy me love", well, i watch fin d drama, juz rewatch since my dad n sis wan watch.. n den, they decide to go out eat dinner, but i ate dinner juz den.. but den, i decide goin, but they oso wan go shoppin, to me, i dun reli wan to.. bt when i hear makan, i juz nvm juz go n end up evi1 goin.. so we went to eat claypot rice, s/thin lik dat.. bt on d way, well, in d car to b exact, cuz my mum car went "out" again, mayb for days since ytd.. and so we ride on dad car, well, beksit, squeezy enuf to put 4 ppl, lucky we 4 are nt fat, bt opp, skinny.. i cn say in us 4, i am d heaviest, or s/time nt, depend, comparin wif my sis.. bt d laz time we check, i was abt same or more lil den my sis, tho we were diff by 3 year.. and well, her waist is lil den mine 1 or 2.. but still, if u noe me, u cn see hw skinny i am dat i myself gt laugh of laz time..^^ i try bein normal bt juz end up fail, u c ppl wan to b skinny, i wan to add a lil fat.. haha.. not fat, bt from abnormal skinny to normal.. bt well, other den my dad, he's fat, mum n us all was skinny untill, no eyes to c.. nt lik african bt well, nt normal.. tho is okok.. to me is not gud.. >< well, bek to topic, dad car can read usb, and d radio juz blab out some unknown language dat sound lik hokkien bt is not.. very weird.. lik hainan or s/thin.. den, i ask dad to tek d usb reader to play d song i download n load in his usb juz few days ago b4 he went outstation.. n den storm came, it ended up a fight between me n my dad.. reason due to, he said i tuk his pendrive w/out returnin n absolutely sure i gave him d nite b4 he went out.. well, i rmb i even demand a thx from him since he complain dat i din load him song for a dozen years.. i noe my dad is kinda lik sense of humour n s/thin, but when he tok, it s/time reli made ppl from unhapi to angry.. should i say, i ended up explainin to him to clear up my right for nt takin his thin, bt in a high volume.. n i noe, we were wrong.. mornin oso my dad went quarellin wif my bro n for sure, my bro dun care lez n scolded him, n dad scolded bro, say kill den kill.. well, i duno y they end up sayin dat.. but well, if me i oso will b angry.. but if is a point of elders n youngs, i will b wrong to speak bek, i noe, but all my thought was juz claimin my right from gettin blame on s/thin i dun do.. n his word is terribly harsh n well, same goes to mum hu duno where they went wrong on themself since they dun hv to a mirror to c, so they oni cn c others wrong, yet when they r in d same situation, they're claimin them right..and i try keepin myself say lez, dun speak.. well said, bcum a dummy.. n den after reach d place, i ate 2 bowl of dat rice, vege n drank soup n drink.. well, i was not so full yet, eventho i ate dinner.. n den ok liao, lik ntg happen, i dun lik givin a damn towards dis thin.. so if one can step bek is d bez way to mek thin clear.. n well, try nt to put so much feelin towards it.. n den ltr on is goin to shoppin, bt mum oni wan buy a4 paper ONLY.. n i dun wan go since is nt much.. she startin say tesco, well, if is s/where i hv no businez in it dat interez me, i dun even care to bother goin.. so if ioi, is CT d bez, n sushi king, tesco is sushi king, bt we juz ate dinner, so i dun wan go.. den mum ask wan go jusco or giant, den jeremy say giant.. n y, he wan to eat ice-cream bt dun hv cone wan for sure, lik mac donald.. den i request to stay on d car waitin for thm, n well, they is wif me, i gt ntg to b bored of better den wokin s/thin i dun hv businez wif.. n den mum ask hu wan go, n jeremy said he wan.. den ltr on he say he duwan go.. but well, after find parkin, brian went off, n since dat 2 bro very close, i mean too damn fackin close lik hell dat reli s/hw piz me off.. if they r nt bro, i can say wad a normal ppl will say their relationship was, gay partner.. no kidding, seriously, is true.. u wouldn't blif wad they do wif each other when they play or wadeva, even bath together, bt dat mayb a normal thin to bro, bt well, they're action, reli gay in a way dat is nt girlish, bt.... i duno wad to say.. = = well, bek to topik, since brian went off, jeremy oso go jor.. den my mum dun gv me to stay bek alone, well, is ok to me, n i understand my mum duwan me to b alone in d car, but no1 willin to stay bek wif me.. specially jeremy dat said he will, makin my mum chg her mind oso him, s/hw made me nt hapi.. n well, i hate wokin no of my businez walks.. i noe, i am lazy.. but well, i hav ntg to do from d start, n my mum jz wan to buy her thin.. so wad for evi1 goin down for ntg? to me is juz waste of time.. well, normally ppl will say, if duwan go shoppin grocery, den can go window shoppin in shop lot.. well, to my family, is not.. i cnt say anythin.. if my mum say 1, u cnt say 2.. and well, my dad is always obey my mum, dun even care lez to listen our tok.. dat's y in d car he always put d pressure on us, except jeremy n my sis.. he get from mum, n he cnt refuse of cuz, my mum is very bad tempered n u say her, she will dun listen to u n reli s/hw makin ppl unhapi.. but wad to do, she is lik queen there, cnt say anythin, if nt our head oso cnt keep safe.. and dad juz put d pressure on us, n well, my bro, brian too.. mum n dad always hv other face wif jeremy, cuz reason is always he is d youngest.. nt i jealous of wad usually ppl will think, lik family love or wadeva, is d other thin, dat is always gv us pressure, specially me, and well, doin stuff oso cal me, wrong den scold, is normal, but if u say jeremy, he juz doesn't do all d hard work, he can play freely, n i cnt even sleep late abit.. ><" so wad i reli mean is, 1 word, UNFAIR.. well, i noe i'm eldest, evitime, eldest here n there, i wan die edi! my sis oso was gettin pissed off n pressured n was always tokin of gettin out d hse soon as possible, well, i am nt like her sooo hot tempered, cuz she is exacly same as my mum, juz they dun admit.. but i oso will get mad if i reli get pissed, juz dat when i reli cnt think b4 i said.. and after said den a lil regret wad i juz said but my right, dat is wad i do, well.. u cn say i am nt a gud girl or person, cuz i noe i am not.. hu say i am?? dat is y i cn say ppl, cuz i am nt a gud person at all.. i mean ppl mean those family or those hu reli get on my nerve?? well, but family sure got argument n such, hu doesn't? dun tell me u dun wad.. i understand yet i was s/time nt hapi wif d unfair-nez they gv.. well, when i was std 2, i nid help my mum wif cookin on lunch n dinner etc.. and evitime oso scold us, n to jeremy, he is std 4 now, wan to std 5 another few weeks and he was still treaten lik a big-baby to my mum n dad.. when will he ever grow to them? is he always so baby for ever bcuz he is d youngez.. he was still usin baby bottle untill dis year!! and all they cal him was big-baby.. i noe he cute, except c long den is irritatin, noe long is misunderstandin(misunderstand he is nt reli wad u 1st luk), live together long is i dun even wan to c samo.. = =" well, he dun respek elder, juz brian, cuz brian always beat or box or punch him dat was his punishment for ntg much.. bro huh? brian is violent n such, i oso dun wan care more, s/time reli get on my nerve.. bt well, he is oso my team from gettin pressure by dad.. juz mine add on studies well brian is s/hw no hope for my parent to c.. so they think i study very gud, actually not! hu say i very gud..?! i hv no gud part, dun gv me more thin sayin i was better den my sis n blah blah.. i noe i cnt beat over her, y they juz cnt see clearly wif they're eyes dat was bein cover by d thin dat my sis hv a bf.. so wad? havin bf does nt mean she is nt gud in study or such!! get a clue on it!! wad century n year n time is it nw? they juz lik speakin ppl businez thinkin n well, they dun even understand well.. geh! s/hw if 1 person gettin praised, mayb a gud thin, to me is nt.. i dun nid any lie of bluffin praises, i understand nt hurtin s/1, bt if nt bein honez, is juz kiss ass.. do u get it? is nt d truth.. i noe if knwin 1self bein said nt gud is nt reli a gud thin u're hapi abt, even to me, is oso harsh, bt is better den sayin those stupid lie makin ppl hapi.. well, i noe s/time i hurt ppl.. by sayin reli straightforward words n such, i do regret from nt thinkin den speak out bt well truth is thruth, i dun think is right to say i tek it bek.. well, they is also time sayin s/thin dat is exact opposite from wad i think n wad i said, dat may cuz misunderstandin, well, i regret, juz in my heart, i apologize evitime, bt in reality, ntg cum out in my words.. cuz mayb stubborn mek me wan to continue sayin wrong words, bt my mind juz think hw sori i am.. well, diff ppl hv diff thought.. so do i.. eventho i wan s/1 to juz understand a lil part of me, nt by wad i say out, but is hard, reli hard.. even a single family i noe understand me.. juz a lil i hoped for.. if to compare, i guess is sis, bt to say clearly from evithin, there is none.. luk at d bright side, i dun wan them to even understand anyway, cuz i dunwan to understand them, eventho i do.. they r so simple minded n easy to think out wad they think.. i dun mean evitime n precisely, bt even understandin hurts when u knew lot.. so is better off ntg den.. dun understand, dun hv any hardship, gettin bek d way it was, is better.. mayb juz lik some story said, reality is ntg but a reality, is better in a place u get dat does nt concern reality is better.. well, dat mayb a reason for me too to b s/hw gettin to find a place dat belong to me.. is nt runnin away, is a reason to let my feelin b wash away some time.. well, if u knew me well, u will noe wad i mean.. bt is there..? i duno.. juz hopin it can continue forever.. is nt a great thin to say, bt well, juz wad i think of my mind sayin those to me.. i reli very easy blif s/1, bt oso doubt s/1.. reli very complicated.. i actually blif from my heart, but there is always a wall i hav bside me.. i actually reli do, yet lil mistek juz mek those wall thinken..  mayb i should c d doctor for thinkin too much untill imagine walls n such.. lol.. bt well, hapi go lucky.. ntg to worry so much.. i was always nt in a great mood when pissed bt tried to stay calm nt to say much prevent arguement, bt in others eye juz seem to say i angry wif them n mekin them mad at me.. ><" is family reli dis hard to understand anyway?? nvm, always lik dat.. dis is wad family r, fight n such.. lol.. i blif my family, bt nt reli my bro, bt i cnt truz them.. they r important, dat's y, i dun wan to let them noe wad i wanted to reli say to mek them worry or even is nt possible to understand wad i wanted to mean, i mayb gettin scolded of, or smile lik ntg happen, tok lik is over, but i was hurt reli badly from d start.. cuz i reli do hope they will even noe wad i think in my mind for juz once w/out me sayin out, bt dat is juz dream? wish? hope? is nt reall gonna happen.. well, hu will ever noe hw to read minds?! i once blif it, reli.. bt actually now, i reli am thinkin i was so stupid for thinkin dat way.. is juz s/thin ppl bluff u wif a really great lie.. reli, i got cheated from dat stupid lie lik dat, n hw stupid i am?! well, of cuz i dun blif at 1st, but when he tek god name out, i reli think mayb cn, well, magician can rite? lik david b and such.. in d way i reli juz doubt his word, bt i try blif from d outside.. juz it end up ntg.. well, example lik read minds? haha.. ppl lie, white lie, lil lie, gud lie, bad lie, lying for oneself, so many, but lie juz hurt.. i oso lie, u too, no1 will nt, except monks or s/thin.. bt when u do, u muz tek d responsibility of dat lie wif u always, and knowin hw heavy it was, to continue it.. well, i mean if u hv a heart wif u, if nt, i dun even consider u as a human or animal, cuz s/1 w/out a heart is cruel dat may kill ppl n such.. n they dun even regret doin it.. well, till here, from when i cum from my days to killin ppl..? o.o i dun kill of cuz, except ants, bugs, er.. small creature lik gems n s.thin dat is tiny.. =) specially killin ants, well, nt wif my bare hands of cuz, i juz spray~~!! n all in few sec, all corpse of ants there.. well, i oso gt feel sori for them, a lil.. i guess.. i din say i am a very gud hearted person wad.. i oso kill ant wan mar.. =D i dun kill ppl n dog cat etc of cuz.. dat is crazy.. = =
ok den, my nonsense oso end here.. thx for readin.. till nw, ttfn!

Friday, December 10, 2010

MS = maple story OR more sulking

well, i was sooo dam bored these days when my hse was still on renovation.. well, my com time decrease from more to lez.. due to my com, yea, it's desktop, was located on 1st floor in my rum, well, renovation was on 1st floor + outside d hse, bt nt in any of d room.. so, limit time using com.. well, unlik my 2 bro, fan of maple, i mean they're totally addicited and well, 24/7 playin non-stop.. guess u can say, ppl live from addiction on things from one and another.. or mayb dat is wad oni i think? well, if a person hv no addiction on s/thin, i dun mean addict to drug or smoke lik dat, dat is a NONO.. life muz live healthily, all those juz make u suffer lik secondary hell, or mayb is d consequences dat provide u dat kind of service.. i duno, i dun tek it, i dun wan to die young, die faz, die in a stupid reason lik dat.. kill my pride for dyin so stupid.. = =" i dun mean evi ppl tek dat will die or s/thin, juz if reli tek it, sure is better die den live on tekin dat.. illegal n nt healthy.. ok, when did i tok untill dis topic? bek bek, well, i was sayin, 2 bro play maple story, MS in short, kinda lucky dat they get to play as d com was downstair d n laptop too.. nt lik my com, no leg to wok, so heavy to bring down, all i can do is ntg.. well, i dun mean my com was heavy lik laz time those com wif few kg monitor, mine at liz is lcd, bt i still consider it as heavy, nid brin up n down? waste time.. = =" and den, sulking wad? em.. no com to play lur.. but den my bro invite me playin dat legendary game i din play for a long long long long long long time ago.. well, i dun rmb when i laz played, bt since is soo borin, i cnt rejek havin s/thin to do den havin ntg to do.. well, i duno y, s/hw is juz s/thin u paz time.. mayb some ppl like it soo much, lik my 2 bro, dat they play untill i duno hw to say, i can reli say they reli r 1 tough ppl hu can paz they're time on it for soo long..  i was laz brin lvl 41 n for dis 3 days, i was able to up till lvl 47 nw, n whew, hard..(to me, i noe, i'm nt pro..) i dun play much, to me, i dun lik character-game.. wad is character game? s/thin u nid to depend oni ur character, or even ur money or s/thin.. dat mean, if u're lvl 1, u cnt do anythin but start from d start killin d lil snail.. dat is borin.. but when u reach high lvl, u will get more excitement, true but 1 thin, hard to lvl up..
[well, here mayb many nonsence abt ms i hv, so if bored readin down, is ok to skip] n since i'm a noob hu duno abt ms much, always depend on my 2 bro, i dun even play mc or party quest.. well, cuz i duno.. n second, i hate ppl hu lik scoldin here n there, many ppl there reli dun hv a gud attitude.. i dun mean to offense, i dun mean u or hueva, i juz say mozly.. if a mistek,, blame others, if a lil prob, kik other, some scammer, some hacker, evithin oso can see in there.. = = wad ppl are made of.. well, i dun mean i am gud or wad, is all juz my opinion.. well, oso got ppl dat r gud too, dun worry, i dun mean evi1 is lik dat.. juz see lucky if u can get to meet them.. but well, hacker n scammer r d worse.. wad is d benefit of doin dat, makin hatred? o.o specially d event, all i c is hacker gettin all gud stuff.. no end..
well, i lik those dat depend on self potential kind.. dat doesn't depend on character n such.. is depend on self skilled.. well, is lik, u play, dun bother is lvl 1 or 100 in d outside, u are u, ntg can tek over, cuz it doesn't depend of character or lvl n such, d lvl is juz a outside part ppl luk at.. doesn't matter if u're lvl 1, still can beat d highest lvl ppl.. juz c u gt d skill n potential to do dat.. well, nid practice or s/thin mayb? ntg cum for free, they dun drop down from sky n such, eventho i myself wish lik dat, but they don't.. =] it can also mean dun juz a buk by it's cover, or not so suitable, well, nvm.. so if lvl is low, doesn't mean dat person is nt a pro in d inside.. dat is wad i'm tokin abt..
but well, i admit, diff ppl hv diff taste, i hv no offense on anythin but is my personal opinion in my blog.. i hop no 1 will b rude anyway here.. any opinion is free to tok, nt d other way.. diff ppl lik diff thin, dat's y d world mayb fill wif diff colours, but evi1 has diff taste on them, n dislik too.. ntg cum wif likenez of many yet no dilikenez.. u dun mek million of frenz w/out an enemy.. mayb lay low is bez, i prefer dat.. *small volume*lay low~~ =P
well, since no time to stay much, i guess renovation will end soon, nt tomoro for sure, but some day.. yup, some day.. den i can keep myself in my room sittin bek in my chair n stayin up usin my com for a looong time in a day.. well, i missed some ep of animes these few days, they went uploaded n i went downstair-ed? so sleepy, juz watch fin an ep late nite n hope to get update my blog soon as possible, tryin... b4 midnite, dat equals to tomoro.. so, here to say, thx for those ppl hu support me, or leavin down msg, n also, viewing my blog n dis poz as well till d end, thx.. my nonsence ends here, tho i haven say abt d gathering my claz, or ex-claz??
well, in short(tho i understand is nt gonna b short at all), they planned havin a gatherin in d area, eventho i duno hu ever plan dis from start, n well, duno hu is cumin..normal ppl: *i dun feel lik goin, can i nt to? bt if i dun, dun it feel lik is nt reli gud to do dat?* "i duno yet, let me think for some time"... active ppl//un-normal ppl//i-duno-wad-to-cal ppl:*omg! gatherin, finally!! i will cal clamate A, B, C ,D ,E ,F ,G...etc wanna join in d big circle together.. yayy* "ehem(stay cool) .. when is it den? should v also do xxx, go xxx, etc(givin more more more more suggestion)" well, i dun mean they are bad, bt hey, our claz?? - -' i think i mention b4 abt it in a poz some time ago.. if is a diff scenario, dat is a better one, i'll say d un-normal is normal, but if end up dis? i dun think is normal is u do s/thin havin d reaction lik dat.. well, since i dun hv anythin to sat abt it, i dun reli think fittin in is gud in there, well, ppl hv many type, so, to me, choices u made u decide, so opinion, diff faces diff expression n feelin.. nt all is same.. get a grip, u think is A, dun let thinker B's or B's fan or supporter word confused ur decidion.. u lik it, no wrong, they dun lik it, they're freedom.. in dis world nt oni u 1 person alone will choose A, they is always ppl u cnt imagine may do d same thin lik u in d very same moment.. =] there is always diff n same, dun let other chg u, u chg urself.. dat is hw u nid to live to b in ur way, ur path, ur life..
wad ninsence i blab after i even say i end there.. ok, nw reli end.. so den, sleepy+no time stayin in front of com long, well, if u reli read from top to bottom, i reli am grateful to u n am greatly delight on hw u cn reli read all of them.. well, ty so much den, end nw, ttfn..