Thursday, March 31, 2011

any1 wan adopt me?

kay, serious here.. any true fren hu is helpful inuf to "adopt" me for 4 days or any of it after skul??? till 5pm.. cuz in a reli bad situation nw, mum cnt fetch me, means i'm so doom yea.. =( wow, i didn;t think abt my bro yet.. but anyway, after skul i nid to stay till 5pm+ only she cn fetch me bek? or later! arghh!! i noe troublesome n such, bt if cnt, no choice, either eat s/thin alone, alone.... =( n wait alone for few, long hours... die from boredom.. anyway, juz askin.. since i noe mozly nt available geh.. juz bein a burden to others oni.. sadly, agree..
anyway, update a lil.. since is bored... KNT season 2 finally come to an end.. wow... it was a lil more dat it reach the latez chap of manga.. n den end.. juz 1/2+ chp i guess lik dat? anyway, watch glee season 2 vol 1 part 2 fin, n definitely, waitin for d next i guess.. since i was bored n well, quite a shock when d artificial "sue slyvester" was so damn real looking lik d REAL person.. freakin epic.. o_O
anyway, skip d part, wad was it? nt much, juz today skul bored bored bored.. ntg else to say, history class cuz teacher absent no presentation, waste my time to copy down d notes for ntg.. lol.. add mt, was well, bad.. = =" n oso, gt to noe ppl i noe from other classes hv their rank in class, guess our class will b an exception dis time? o.o since well, bm eacher absent halfway, transfer away, bcum a principal there.. n we were left bhind.. my marks, is a gud thin tho, i dun nid to noe.. cuz i noe it will b nt satisfied by me wif d marks.. i noe d quiz dat ytd english class gave, today mornin i start doin them.. i was breakin my head of thinkin a way to go.. juz dat, i duwan to use guessin, is nt reli gud to say, to me, i noe answer is important, bt findin d way hw u move, is better den juz mere guessin which was 50% chance will lose or s/ i noe, still in many times, we nid use thins lik dis for other situation of cuz, juz dat dis quiz was made to let us find answer, so i think it will surely b a way.. n after borrow mia's too, she was totally awesome havin a father too hu help her.. =) and i was curious wif d where to find part.. n i gt lik a answer for it, bt i duno d equation at all.. i duno if any1 understand me.. is juz lik i noe d answer is 8 as an example.. bt d equation was x+y=8.. and to find Q, is x+9=Q or somethin.. which u nid to use "guess" for d "x".. so i try to see from d start, n after usin almoz 2 period of chinese class time, i finish d equation step by step.. i reli gt d answer wif my own thinkin.. it juz gv me satisfactions.. =) and thx to mia n pei yi.. well, mia was surely, haha... for explanin d locker quiz.. actually i juz wanted to find d main source for d answer w/out guess.. use quite some time thinkin, cuz i am slow n oso mia was teachin, reli gud of her yet i guess i dun reli get d main source was where, so when i ask, normal ppl will frustrate of cuz.. LOL! =P and oso, finally gt it.. =) skip to other part, durin physic class, teacher claims dat she hv sore throat n cnt teach, went to library, i do add mt, bt den nvr do 1 answer n i start scribblin my buk.. and wenn found a very interestin buk.. abt Greek's tale, lik Zues, hades n such.. nt bad.. =) is s/hw lik lightning thief, Percy Jackson movie/story/novel which is oso related wif story base on god in tale of it.. nt bad.. mia even told me she hv 5 book of it in her hse.. hw nice.. =) i haven heard fin hw medusa came.. =D anyway, wan borrow yet stupid library nt available.. curse it!! so no choice..
after skul was lik, mum car park in a diff place, went inside saw she tok on her fon, n i tot was a customer or s.thin.. endin up is actually sis bf.. duno wad happen between them, lover's quarrel.. anyway, go bek sien, com here n there.. watch a chinese movie.. andy lau was actin d main character..okok.. and nw, gotta sleep...
zZz.. sleepy nw, no time to think, juz d adopt thin.. juz askin.. ok, eviday, pressure, GAMBATTE!! ><"
thx for readin, c u~~ =)

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