Wednesday, March 2, 2011

3rd day of exam..

today was em.. chemi, moral and civic exam.. darn, i was usin com, chasin over a manga dat is around 46 chp and wad is dat, i din think d end was so grrr... = =" is nice, bt weird end.. anyway, was readin moral durin free time in tuition.. when i went there, saw kar yen from catholic geh.. pretty smart girl.. and 2 week din c her, laz week is cuz i slept n lalala.. no go.. anyway, tok abt my test and den we went up for bm class.. so cold... d classroom.. fin bm, went home, continue wif d manga, i reli duno wad is die.. = =" n i oni rmb 5 nilai in moral.. gt abt 11... and was readin till 11pm+.. den sleep, lik pig.. and mornin wake up late, around 5.40am lik dat.. tot i will wake lik b4, 3am lik dat to study.. i noe sure laz min, bt dis laz min choice been canceled d moment i saw my watch shows 5.40am dat i was usin d time to sleep.. and went skul wif ntg in my mind.. hw awesome.. =) i din even read my chemistry, tot it will easier den moral, seriously.. and it came wif civic paper which no1 reli ever put attention on doin dat n read it anyway.. and it was okok, after fin d paper, still left 39 min n i start writin down d moral value dat was so long we nid to memorize 11 of it wif d meanin on d blank part of my civic exam paper.. after fin, i din tot my right side clazmate, jun git oso do d same, haha.... after end, 15 min till moral start, pressure, all rmb d moral value.. and den came out quite not easy... =X i mean i cnt say is easy, mayb cn pass?? suno.. anyway, untill chemi, dis reli cham.. din read for d whole time, and left so lez time to revision for d chemistry.. omg.. and jun git was lik tokin chemi thin in front of me, some i noe, some too long i dun even rmb wad he say.. and den when chemi exam start, reli die.. 2 paper, objektif n subjektif paper.. so worst, many duno hw to do, nw mayb i realize dat chemi is hardez among d sc subject? mayb 2molo i will chg my mind to physic or so?? =( all so hard, oni mt n bi easy.. =/ haiz...... dis term exam i dun even noe hw to face my mum, i din even study man.. =( and 2molo physic, i juz use com untill d time cums.. n i juz pt d work on physic ltr since ltr was my physic tuition, bt i noe, no use wan... =( juz hope i will gud luck 2molo n friday too!! physic and biology!! gogogo!! =) no study till laz min, huray to me.. (wise child dun folo hw lazy ppl rule lik dis) i edi kinda gettin beaten over dis terms exam n i noe, i oso cnt stand if i see my result havin fail too.. =( my mum is gonna kill me for it, serious... =/ k den. wan to tuition, gtg, thx for readin, bye~ ttfn..=)
hopin s/1 will answer me in blog, haiz... is evi1 in d world busy wif exam? =(

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