Tuesday, March 15, 2011

brothers reli does hurt s/time

u noe, u hv lil sibling? s/time they r nice to hv them, s/time they r annoyin, s/time u gt jealous of them, yea.. s/time.. bt juz nw, i reli am hurt when i hv dis brother yet he does nt threat me as a "sister" at all.. well, dis time i did nt put in my 1st younger bro, bt d youngez 11 years old, hu luk lik 6years old kindergarden-er, Jeremy.. small bro, evitime mention in front of me, as a big "baby" to my parent.. well, normal.. bt he is reli reli reli disrespectful to ppl hu is older den him, except, Brian n mum... i mean, still Brian is d first, bcuz he is scared of my 1st bro of cuz.. they stick lik glue oni.. bt juz nw, haiz.... i think i better blame on me, d fault, bt wad i was gurt mayb he juz din treat me as a sis i guess.. =( he is always lik dat.. lik he is a prince lik dat, lik so ego.. = =" except in front of Brian of cuz.. juz bcuz i wan to off d modem for a sec, n he juz wan play maple cuz Brian cal him to play when he went for tuition.. and for d 2hr++, he juz din play oso.. i inform i was off-ing n since he din ply, i juz off, n he ltr dat, he laz min refuses to and as excuse say he nw wan to play.. i mean, i was waitin, n after d very laz min, n u say u nw oni wan to play?! i reli frustrated, cuz i reli nid to off, n i quit his game edi, i reli did inform n off "nicely", i mean quit properly for him, b4 i did anythin.. n when after i turn bek on for him, n put on wad was left lik b4 i close, juz d ID n p/w he nid to type oni.. n he started cryin.. if i cn add word, lik a baby.. i mean he is a boy n was 11 years old, n juz a trivial matter n he nid to cry out so load to let mum hear.. cn he nt b understandin enuf?! s/time i reli think he does nt even 1 time, ever threat me as a sis.. i noe blame goes to me, ok? dat is juz a game u r afk-ing.. n when d time i reli nid to, den oni laz min say u wan.. r u makin fun of me?? i was waitin for u 2 fin, n u wan to start after d fin time.. seriously, if i din threat u as a bro, if i was so pissed off dat time, i reli will juz off d modem w/out wantin to tok to u even a word.. u cn say dis is me, i am nt a goody person, if i was reli reli pissed off, reli u better gt it.. bt till nw, seriously pissed was when time dat was reli less.. =/ many was among family, frenz i guess dun hv.. those r juz normal.. bcuz when i was reli angry, i got stoke s/time.. it reli show d "seriousness" of my "pissed off level".. bt till nw juz minor ones.. if major i will nt b gonna sittin here typin post anymore.. bt for sure, is nt s/thin hapi to say.. is oso hard to bear.. is lik ur whole body cnt b control by urself, reli reli pain in heart.. i dun mean heart attack, bt emotionally hurt, is way hurt den physical.. i admit, bcuz when if i reli emotionally break, den oni cn reli end up lik dat... still, oni hv abt 3 or 4 times in my life i gone thru minor stoke.. bcuz i reli dun lik bein mad, bt still i am reli hot tempered, bcuz i am a straightforward person.. so if oni once u end up makin me mad, den oni i will hv hv too much oil pour.. bt if u din start d fire, den i will nt happen.. =) duno, lik i say, in my heart i was avoidin argument, yet reality is nt same.. word s/time came out, n when is diff from wad i think, n may s/time hurt ppl.. =( straightforward is nt gud at all.. haiz... still think dis time i din mad, juz sad... bt nw ok lar.. =) juz wan to let go my emotion in blog.. =)
nw d dairy, long time i din reli went to poz in blog.. lets see, ntg special of cuz.. i noe where i left off i guess is Saturday nite, shen teng came ot my hse n tek some buk n manga.. boro 2 chince novel, 3 mr mystery, since she duwan other ghost story buk, and 2 stories of comic.. "xi xue gui da ren" and "wu gai nian shao nv", all more den 10 buk of manga, n 5/6 novel.. anyway, she told me 8pm, and i went out wait for her arrival, n my family was gonna go neighbor open-hse party, n we nid to go out, i was still waitin for her, n she came after 30min+ late??... finally.... start was her sis(?) came n tek, it was night n i tot she was gonna tek from me, n s/1 luk alik lik her came to me n i hand over d buk to her, den oni i saw she came out from her car, mean d person infront of me was her sis, luk alik, mayb is d effect of d dark? cnt c clear? lol... still, tek den bb.. den ltr go straight to neighbor hse wif sis n parent, 2 bro stay home "maple-ing".. and den go there, eat buffet.. d food was, ehem... nt reli satisfied, bt drank 3 cup of soft-drink.. and den go bek finally, use com.. din tot my uncle n aunt come, n uncle bought curry noodle specially for me, n i was too full from d buffet to fit in d noodle in my stomach, bt after seein it, i was reli dun care anyway, n open n eat some of it.. u noe, damn nice..! nicer den other stall, is lik asam laksa, bt juz curry oni.. duno hw to explain.. reli different from d 16years of curry noodle i eat... dis 1 is d bez! specially d soup, reli reli nice.. =) u cn taste d diff n understand wad i mean when i say lik asam laksa, i dun mean d taste, cuz d taste is curry of cuz.. my sis say reli put heart on makin.. i reli wan to call my uncle to buy it again.. =D my uncle say he go for all d stall n ask if there is any curry noodle, even if is close shop, n i guess is juz jokin?? haha..
and den, ntg much happen, i noe juz dad went to thailand for work ytd.. n today is finally cumin bek at midnite.. n oso Japan 8.9 magnitude earthquake, i reli hope all of d relative i noe n other ppl is safe in Japan.. =) god bless them.. and oso, i rmb ytd i almoz forgot abt d time n usin com till d whole time untill mum calls n ask me i hv tuition anot.. so lucky, i almoz forgot.. haha.. and when i gt sms from tj sayin wad asia will get affected by d nuclear plant bla bla... n they say stay at home 24hrs lar, n samo cover thyroid wif duno wth... n abt 4pm.. n i gt dat arounf 5pm, i was lik, wad?? = =" sweat........ zzz.. is it over? am i dyin den?? den continue wif my com.. den gt from yuki d same sms after few min ltr.. den ltr when i was tuition-ing Add mt, told Ajeeta abt it, n she oso say she noe, stay at home n bla bla bla, n we say, we hv tuition, cnt b stay at home.. and was lik dun care la.. 4pm oso din gt, over edi oni c, no use.. n ltr when studyin, suddenly mum oso send d same thin, on 8pm?? n guess wad, today saw newspaper, juz lik wad i expected, it was a hoax message... comfirm in newspaper, n i din waste my time to even send it.. i think when they say, "send it to ut loved ones", den evi1 gt tricked... lol... is gud to noe ppl care tho.. =) juz d sms is stupid, gt after 4pm, no use wad.. >_>"
another thin, i actually said i hv a rabbit which i duno wad is his official name at all.. n he was gone after 1 night on sat.. n sunday, nt to b found.. they all hv a "rabbit hunt" bt end up ntg.. =/ and den today, mum bought 2 NEW breed rabbit.. she say d ppl told her is lion head breed which is nt cheap at all.. = =" duno got get lied anot.. mum say wad invest bla bla, n 2 bro use their money to buy, n if gt child den can sell, alot of money?? when i first saw, i was out from bath n din wear my glasses, n i saw 2 BIG eyes, n end up is their fur.. lik panda.. =) very cute.. ear oso black... n den she say buy a girl n a guy, bt when mum wan to comfirn their gender, she found out it luks lik 2 female, ROFL! where cn 2 girl born a baby?! haha... bt duno lar, duno is it c wrong, lol...
today tuition bm, i think hardez of all.. lol.. nt to say hard, bt my standard is.. cuz i suck at bm.. n dis teacher is gud la, he din reli force us on h/w or wadeva.. =) and he juz cal us to mek er... details for d essay, nt write, n he gv us some clue edi.. still, d laz he will gv answer anyway.. =) i prefer dis kind of teacher i guess, no pressure bt duno gt improve on bm?? o_O bt still, i cnt forget abt tokin to Kar Yen, reli fun.. gt tok abt exam, specially bio paper! n add mt.. compare wif her high standard skul.. haha.. n Ai menn was nt takin bm there anyway, she say d teacher there gt problem, bt i prefer dis teacher anyway.. Kar yen oso agree wif me, yet i noe she is a clever person wif 7A which study in Catholic High.. ><" my sis skul, haiz.. bt she choose art stream account class, lik my sis does.. my skul dun hv dis type of choice.. = =" cn say government skul dun hv to choose dat, oni cn b in sub science stream.. = =" n choose mean choose, cnt change, lik CHS, diff, u cn tek other language oso.. or mayb art which nid to read oso, u cn tek n study after skul, or mayb other subject which oso was available.. BUT, holiday nid to tuition~~!! haiz.. =3=  bt lucky cn sleep longer, i sleep lik a pig.. n ytd hv tuition add mt n bio, i guess ytd was d oni time i did nt feel sleepy which nid to sleep for 1 sec in class durin bio.. =) nutrients!!~~~!! =/ whew, is easy den chemi... chemi was damn sleepy.. skul oso no use.. = =" haiz....
ok, gonna go to my manga world.. =D was into minami sensei's manga nw.. =P from mecca.. haha.. if u noe den oni cn understand.. so dun bother.. manga~~!!
THX for readin, bye~~!! ttfn.. =P

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