Tuesday, March 8, 2011

hopin gud luk cums by

after all d bad luck in dat runs in my life, such as sis went in to hospital, and minor thin happen(nt gud wan la), n others for my family.. n nw, hopin gud luck will slowly cum..
start from where i left off, after went to hospital n visit my sis in d emergency ward, d first thin i see was my sis lyin in d bed, bt conscious, n aunt silvia.. i went to her n she was cryin, n was reli sad.. she was in pain n i ask her, is it bcuz her bf oso din cum visit, n she nodded.. n i send a msg to her bf askin cn he cum visit my sis, even juz a while cuz he is rlei sad.. and he den call my sis fon, n i guess my mum was nt reli hapi abt him cuz mum think dat sis in troucle, he din even visit.. =/ bt oso bcuz mon gt exam, so he cnt cum since he hv no transport, i oso understand.. n after some time, halfway thru d tok, suddenly appear a man in police uniform askin us to juz oni 1 visitor at a time, n we all was bein forced to leave n my mum juz there.. wif sis.. and aunt silvia offer us to eat in d canteen there.. went in, was so damn cold.. n c d food, there was menu on wall, yet they say not open.. den oni cn c some variety of dishes dat u cn choose to add in on wif rice.. and d moment i c dat, i was lik, *ehem*... = =" den no choice, saw left 2 sandwich n we tuk them, eventho i dun wan to.. and den call an ovaltine to drink, it means coco.. hot coco.. and juz d coco is ok, so damn cold in d canteen.. ltr mum cum, den we went out n saw my 2nd uncle wif my cousin..  n my 2nd aunt went in to visit my sis.. and den we hv to wait outside d counter there.. and bhind was a vending machine.. so there was some choc bars, or pocky/rocky or wadeva, biscuit, n such.. n my cousin wan to eat, bt my uncle hv 5 dollar, as d smallest change, bt d machine is nt sensitive enuf to detect 5, juz 1 or 2 n coins.. so we juz no choice, my bro hv 1 dollar as his smallest change, bt we wan 2.. n d laz buy a 1 dollar sweet.. den went in to visit sis, b4 dat i went bek to d car n tek her monkey doll dat her bf gift her laz time dat i brought for her n left in d car, n den go c her, saw my 1st n 2nd aunt.. so juz went to gv her sweet n a doll, den go out, cuz d "police" again cum in.. thye juz tek d same uni, bt diff job.. reli stupid.. anyway, waited long, n saw my 1st uncle, in d car outside d hospital, we went out n greet them wif my other cousin.. den oso scared d police again cum, den went in bek.. i guess my sis gt scolded by aunt, or mayb nagged by them to stay in hospital in case anythin happen.. and den i guess my sis oso gt scolded by her bf cuz her bf does nt reli agree on her to join d cheer leading activities n she ended up fallin on her head, i duno wad to say... =X and finally they fix a room, n went up to visit her.. tok awhile, n 2nd aunt oso go.. juz left us.. and den bcuz reli late edi, n monday i hv skul, nid to wake up early to gt rdy, so i rush them to go back home, i mean my dad.. my mum stay bek wif sis.. n she insist my bro, Brian to stay bek since he is afternoon classes, while me, Jeremy n dad in mornin group.. haha.. n brian does nt wan to stay, bt when mum call for him for a tok, i was goin out n call my dad.. dad n jere ediw ent to d lift w/out waitin n i ran towards d lobby, n gt scolded by d nurse there.... >_> n jere was lik, "u so slow wan, duno meh? lik dat oso duno bla bla bla...~~!!" s/thin lik dis.... lik he so big when i am older den him 5 years.. n he luk lik a five year old to others samo.. no, i am nt 10 years old ar!! is jere luks younger 6 years.. luk lik he din grow anythin...... = =" chicken little..... anyway, bt goin bek, ask to take away dinner, n we insist to hv it bought in a further restaurant.. so juz lik dat, n lalala... wait long, n hear radio music, specially english station, n untill d way bek home, i rmb d laz song we ever hear in d radio dat nite was bruno mars, juz d way u r.. long time ago, yet we sing along.. haha... me n jere.. and den ar.. ltr on too tired to open my com, is reli late.. bt bro n dad ltr went out again to d hospital to pass thins n food for them.. n i was sleepin i guess.. =D hahaha..
MONDAY!! dis suck!! wake up lik usual, n juz d uniform, i wanted to wear lik normal, bt cuz think again, n choose wear baju kurung, n did nt noe it ended up so stupid for wearin dis.. after d lOOOOOOng tok in d assembly, we cnt go bek for us girls, we were bein nagged by d teacher to keep our tidiness n such.. n all ppl hu wear baju kurung juz nid to cum out, wth!! = =" so embarrassing man!! standin in front lik dat.. n laz min, juz pull down d long sleeve i folded up since it was a hot day, n oso pin my hair up, in case... n d end , standin 4 by 4 in front.. n den finally free.. = =" n we cn finally go bek, n d 1st paper i got was english exam paper.. n i got d highest among my class.. A+.. =) satisfied i guess after hearin oni 2 ppl got A+, dat is me n pei yi, hu hv 90.. reli reli clever alot of them.. not lik me.. i cnt say is 100% luck at all, i dun lie, i dun lik ppl say lik it ALL was LUCK when gt dis n dat... = =" is dat luck??? o.o bt oso gt lar.. bt i still think mozly is bcuz dis term is easy, so many ppl juz more den C.. or no C?? bt i guess dis oso luck lar... for sure, cuz my english oso suck.. for me to my standard, cuz i cnt even folo up wif singapore standard.. i mean lik gettin A+ in singapore standard is nt reli easy, so i guess i still suck, is juz malaysia english standard was reli low, so is easy n no nid to worry, cuz will nt fail lar.. d first peek i saw my mark, i was kinda a lil disappoint at first, reli! i tot i cn gt 96 lik dat... even juz a few more marks, bt reli different.. bt still, dis term does nt mean potential was dat standard.. so i wanted to tell specially mia, u r great! so dun gv up~~!! dat is seriously juz luck! =) ur potential is more den dat!! i NOE!! =D blif~~!! cuz i noe ur bi was somethin dat may b better den me~~!! so ppl out there hu din gt marks n emo abt bi, dun worry, if u hv potential, means dat marks is juz luck.. =) understand? =D bt my bm i hv no potential, so no use if any1 say to nt cry if i gt fails in it.. cuz dat is seriously no luck nor potential there... haizz.... and ltr was so many teacher late mark, so juz 1 paper.. doin add mt untill duwan do edi.. and d last class is moral, bt we were hv to go out to choose our uniformed club.. and d last after some struggle on thinkin, n den decided to join st. john ambulance.. =) me, angeline n wenn.. and den chia wen was oso in it n was d "head" of d club.. congratz to her.. and den yuki was lik, actually was wif us, halfway den go out, n i ask wenn where she go edi, n wenn say she went for ppsm club.. n i was lik........ oo... n den finally end, den ok lor, cuz they say d time is reli convenient to me.. =) after skul den straight for d club.. end time is same as my bro's skul time on friday.. 12.30am to 2.30pm.. went bek, mum fetch me and straight to hospital.. n was eatin chicken rice at first, bt i wan to drink s./thin, so decide to go to d cafe we passed by b4 on d way.. and den went down n call for a drink, n i call for iced lemon tea while mum was a canned root beer, n a bowl of asam laksa, eventho was full wif d rice, bt dis bowl was reli nice n we juz fit it in our stomach.. d tea i drank at first to me was so sweet?? n den call them to add water inside.. my mum was lik, say i so scared to die or s/thin.. haha.. diabetes?? bt i dun lik too sweet, i noe d flavour was acceptable from evi1, bt to me, is reli sweet... ><" cnt stand.. n juz add water inside.. lol... den eat so full, bt still got take away some for sis.. and den go bek to her room, waitin for d insurance thin wif d bill.. so damn long, i waited, n i hv tuition samo.. i was so tired.. n juz watch tv program n there was discovery channel tokin abt human brain over d limit or s/thin, reli nice documentary.. =) and den ar, cnt sleep, waited, n pack some thins, n finally wait for hours n cn go out.. around 5pm++.. went home, gt chg and eat some rice, my mum cook crabs, bt still i no time, eat little oni, n go for tuition...tuition add maths at first, n he started chapter 4.. i was lik 1st time felt add maths class mek me drowsy.. n i wan to sleep.. n finally it was over, i slept on d table n rest for some time.. damn tired.. and den biology, usually was so sleepy in dat class, bt ytd was ok, i did nt reli so desperately to feel so bored till sleep dat kind lik usual.. =) biology and add maths exchange? haha.. usually add mts i was reli ok, did nt feel sleepy at all.. haha.. bt go bek, 10.30pm.. lazy to even open my com, no time, n gt rdy for bed...
TODAY~~!! ntg much lor.. gt history, i hv half marks of d paper.. 50% and chemi was 67%.. nt reli gud, bt ok lar, i duwan think much, since i was reli worryin my bm......... dat is seriously goin to hv d risk for landing near FAIL or nt... ><" and chemi i duwan to tok, so stupid!! freakin stupid.. specially d liquid thin, wth!!!! >=( i am so gonna say abt dis to d teacher hu even call me draw lik dat, KILL!!!! >< anyway, hope luck cum, pass all!!!! n oso, many frenship prob accurin in my sight.. o_O i hope it will b settle, n evi1 hapi lik usual.. =) fren is nt s/thin easy to hv, so we muz reli nt juz treat them lik ntg.. cuz is nt s/thin dat cum wif random.. is s.thin dat was fertilized by "trust" n "bonds" durin d time pass on d growth of it.. eventho i agree, i oso hv, for sure to hv dis kind of prob, specially wif dis fren hu name call yuki specially, reli problematic....... = =" too much negative aura.. i dun hv more comment on her edi, too lazy wif no energy to even waste on dis kind of thin.. = =" nid tek 3 days striaght w.out sleep to tok fin abt her.. today last period of class oso, join d spbt, d buk thingy.. actually thinkin on katerin, english society or dis.. n d laz, wenn, me n angeline in d same club.. n cindy oso, so lucky.. ytd oso c her.. ahaha... =D bt still. katering alot of ppl, lucky din go, lazy edi.. n oso we all nid to buy d "leaf" badge, duno is it a wastin on money, bt is a conveniet thin to differentiate ppl hu is mornin n afternoon session.. ><"
today is oso, BRIAN'S BIRTHDAY!! n so yet, din reli cn celebrate together.. all time clashed.. i hv to go tuition on 6.45pm, mum, jere n brian cum bek 7pm++, den 7.45pm brian to go tuition, i 9pm oni cum bek from tuition, n brian 10.30pm oni cum bek.. = ="n if 9++pm my sis edi go bek edi, nt around.. all time oso clashed together.. duno hw to do.. haiz... so duno lar.. gt bought d gift.. juz ltr gv mayb.. haiz... they sure celebrate themself when i am gone.. haizz..
ok, i lazy to upload pic eventho i hv.. random.. so lik usual, wait untill i free.. dis poz sure is long, tek my hours of time to fin dis.. ok, thx for readin dis long nagging.. ok, ttfn..

"hapi b/day to u...~~!!" (to brian n ppl hu hv d same b/day wif him)
say "cheese", cuz when u do in front of d mirror, u r smilin even u r sad.. dat s/hw was s/thin to encourage ppl to smile.. so pls do, 1 sec to chg ur mood even juz 0.000000001% of bein fine.. =) i noe is kinda no use, bt i duno wad to say.. ><" juz b hapi..

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