Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"IF" we weren't frenz..

actually i juz wanted to write dis to tok abt.. stuff.. lately, i reli see many frenship problem.. i mean, if there is lik ppl hu were lucky they actually hv frenz bt they think they're nt, n will lik say, "GET A LIFE!" abt dis.. or mayb sayin "i nid a stick to tok to"... ok, juz leave them if u dun understand wad i mean.. bt hey, if ppl of u out there think so negative, do u ever think abt dis title to ur fren, tellin to her/his face sayin dis?? o_O ok, some cruel fren deserve dis of cuz, bt for normal cases, is a reli harsh word to say, bt a reli gud word to think thru..
i too, was a fren to whom may be, n hv fren wif others.. i too hv problems, reli reli serious problem wif so called "frenship" thin dat ppl will noe wad is it, bt wad was it reli?? is it reli lik, i noe u well, ok, u r my fren.. or... we spend longer time, yup, u r my fren.. actually, to me, fren is more bein closer in distance from strangers to a close fren, and dis bond is s/thin so called "trust".. will u nt agree?? o_o i mean, nt lik er.. u lie to me, i lost trust lik dis.. is s.thin lik, if i dun gv my trust on u, will u even think i will b a "fren" to u?? i entrust my "frenship" on u.. n if i dun, wad r we anyway??
they is sooooo many ppl in dis big large world dat in ur lifetime, u cnt reli go all small corner in evi valley around d earth.. do u reli think fren is so easy to gt? ok, i think i hv no qualification to say dis, cuz i dun reli think i am a "gud" fren anyway.. bt to find a reli gud fren bside u is hard, bein fren wif s/1, is nt easy.. bt some ppl, reli dun understand rite?? they think n take it for granted, lik is rain drop from sky, n actually is s/thin dat is so hard n was bein luk high upon among d ppl hu think is important lik in desert places which rain falls, was nt reli normal.. bt juz SOME ppl, haha, reli din hv a nerve cell to connect their brain for their minds to THINK abt it.. hw funny.. =)
there is oso ppl, which were actually havin fren yet they juz dun luk at themself wad they hv.. bt they're sight was fix on others which was lik our eyes, cnt see our face.. is reli too bad dat dis world juz created a mirror juz for lukin in our face, bt nt a single thin dat cn c wad we hv.. those invisible thought, was is ntg in u guys? when they hv frens, they say no.. n layin in a side bein emo.. wad for?? u hv frenz man! bt i do agree dis thin, is dat a "fren", or a "cloz fren"? i noe, some ppl was sad abt dis.. mayb s/time me too, emo, bt i din say i dun hv.. u noe wad, when u say u DON'T, means dat u dun admit d existence of dat certain person to b a "bez fren", dat is y u don't.. do u nt agree in dis?? think nicely, if my bez fren say, i DON'T hv a bez fren, means dat I was nt a "bez fren" to her.. n there is hw u juz break ur frenship.. is nt lik, i say i dun hv, bcuz she din treat me as one, or mayb she din tok to me hell lot of time or wadeva.. if u wan a "bez fren", u hv to admit it, and eventho is juz u thinkin it, i blif if dat person also hv a heart, they WILL do d same one day.. =) u muz gv out wad u wanted, nt waitin for thin to cum to u.. even it is harsh, u muz put effort in it, nt juz tok n say, bt action is important too.. =)
bt if u say abt me, no, i cn tok, i duno hw to act, so i dun hv many frenz.. bt i hv fren n bez fren.. =) and i hv bez fren hu reli din tok for YEARS, or c each other, bt to me, i still treat them as one in my heart, cuz they made me trust them alot, they reli gv me alot, n even time flies, i din forget abt them, even if they juz dun rmb hu i might b, i will still say i still treat them as a bez fren to me.. bcuz those time we spend, d effort they put to b my bez fren, my remembrance to hv them as a bez fren is d best repayment i cn gv them.. =) even i noe, when i was old, i may forget, we may nt noe hu each other r anymore, bt still, if u reli trust them, u WILL treat them as a great fren eventho they dun.. n my repay to them still last till nw, i still DO treat them as one, eventho each other may chg, havin owns life, bt when i think bek, they're effort was d thin dat touched by me.. so i muz reli put them in my heart, eventho i noe i am nt a gud fren, eventho i were to hv a bez fren, my other 2 bez fren were still there in my bek to suppport me, there is no problem between us 3.. nt lik nw, here n there prob.. head oso pain.. i mean reli hard to maintain 2 or more bez fren, dun u think? i hate those problematic thin.. haiz.. i guess i am so frustrated dat i dun even think on puttin effort to fix, since i done it b4, i guess human's habit is d 1 most hardest thin to chg.. so even i wanted to put effort on chg-ing them, is no use.. miracle... laz time is easier, we dun hv lik wall to mek me think we will end up lik dis.. i mean i lik frens dat will b more understandin.. n juz b there for me when i wan to.. i mean a fren in need is a fren in deed.. arghhh!! mayb i was influenced by ppl around me nw, i noe i hv no rights to say anythin, bcuz i oso nid some thinkin oso, bt i hope evi1 treasure their fren nw.. smile more.. eventho i noe, i hv no rights to say dis to u.. =( bcuz i oso will emo in a corner, bein stubborn those kind.. lik a baby wantin to b pampered wif care... bt u noe, i tuk highly in frenship, so when it cums to dis, i was reli "un-standable".. bt still, i duwan to let go of my precious fren.. =) in secondary skul, i noe i hv frens i reli luk up to dis year lik wenn, yuki, mia, angeline, pei yi, cindy, cullyn, yuen yen, shir jin, tj, chia wen, feline or shen teng.. there is so many bunch off ppl i think them as fren n oso my clazmate, eventho some did nt, bt still i personally think them as 1 to me.. i wanted to gv my lil trust to them, so hopin dat they will oso do d same one day, even if some reli tuk lik, nvr gonna happen.. bt at liz i do try.. =)
n to my fellow fren hu is trouble wif fren stuff.. dun b sad, cuz i will b sad too.. nt to say physically of cuz, i am nt u, u r nt me, i will nt lie to u i say i 100% noe hw u reli feel, cuz when i do, u oso dun.. bt i understand dis dat i oso went thru dozen of time, mayb nt dat many lar, bt still, wad r frens for? if we weren't fren, there is no US... not u.s.=united state ok? if we weren't fren, there will b nt d same me sittin here, doin dis.. IF we weren't fren, i cn tell u, i will b reli sad in d future.. bcuz if there is no us, is juz me.. two, is better den one.. =) d song oso say so.. so y dun u think dat way? if ppl treat me lik dat, i will treat them d way they treat me bek if i cn.. =) so rmb, if u say u hv no frenz, does nt mean u r alone, is actually a harsh word to say out to a fren dat treat u as one.. pls rmb.. =) cuz i will b sad when my fren say so, cuz i am nt in her "fren list" when she say her list is blank.. when she oni think she was alone, actually is a bad word to say out.. =( do u ever think abt it??
bt for sure, i hv no rights to tok all abt it.. bcuz i will always b a nt reli gud fren to others.. i juz cn't seem to b a perfect fren i guess? =( so all was wad i wan to b, n tokin to u, i was also tokin to myself abt it.. to b better.. so let's do our bez for d "frenship" road... wow, dis is reli bad for heart... n brain.. cuz reli stress..
yeah!! cheer up, ran to d finish line(death??), n dun gv up... =/ nonsense...= ="
ok, dis post is stupid, seein myself writin crap dat ppl reli will nt b pleased anyway, i guess no1 will juz see wad i write n say, "damn, dis is gud!" or so obedient to reli folo wad i say.. so is juz nonsense to ppl.. ><" i noe is nt reli a gud poz, bt at first i was wantin to cheer up my frenz hu was unhapi around frenship.. n when i tok abt it, it all came wif craps i mention.. so still d laz part always save d bez one.. so i guess i should say, ppl out there, smile when u r unhapi abt it, cuz u nid to act first b4 u wan ppl to act lik wand u wanted to.. eventho some fren dun appreciate, bt i hope they will 1 day understand, ur existence to them is reli important.. =) nobody is unwanted, other den bad ppl of cuz.. go for d bright side where there will b light dat will cover ur dark corner.. =)
kk.. thx for readin dis naggin stuff.. bt still, thx.. n yea, reli hope all will hv a nice day, year, life! =) treat ur fren hw u wanted them to treat u, is a tip to mek fren.. =) oso depend on luck of cuz.. so, gonna say, i noe some ppl might think is crap, reli sori.. hopin evi1 will b hu they wan to b, bein themself is more important.. n there will always b s/1 hu accept hu u might b, dat is a true fren.. =) u noe, ACCEPT, ur bein, ur existence as a fren n ur frenship.. DAT is oni TRUE fren.. =) bez fren, was hu near hu far, bt true fren is more den anythin of cuz.. all true fren accept me for hu i am, lik my laz time frenz.. dat is s/thin dat they reli do accept.. n dat is wad i treat them as a true fren.. =) true fren, i hv some ppl in mind.. WENN, MIA u guys r in it of cuz.. bt for sakurako, is half oni.. cuz she dun reli accept wad i lik, n reli criticize abt it.. = =" bt she is a bez fren for those time we spend b4, bt half true fren.. i mean, ppl should respect wad... >_>" n oso, some ppl i may nt noe much abt them, bt true fren is s/1 reliable to tok to oso..
i reli nag alot, okok.. end here.. too long edi.. ok, bye bye.. ttfn!! "cheese~~!!"<<-hapi face
thx for readin~ <33

ps. the unsinkable ship in the world is called, friendship. so b glad for wad u hold.. =)

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