Wednesday, March 30, 2011

growing moss in blog

hey, is it moss?? or mushroom?? idk, i juz noe i weeks/days din reli update my long hibernating blog.. was it too lazy.. or mayb i was reli up to other stuff.. anyway, duno when, my blog juz din bcum d first priority.. ok mayb ntg chg, still remains d same, cuz i dun rmb havin blog as first oso.. anyway, updatin crap dat i reli forgot wad happen..... zzzz......  kay, fin "scan" rereadin d laz post in blog..
hmm.. thursday did anythin happen? >< oh, ok, yup.. dad no work, i duno y.. den fin skul, dad fetch me, n he say we went to tesco eat macdonald.. bt i dun hv any appetite for burger, so went for fried keow teow noodles.. din think dat we went to d 3 or more restaurant in d area at pusat bandar puchong n no hell 1 of them hv it, juz d stall bt no freakin hawker there! no choice, time juz waste abt 30 min, n we went to tesco n eat KFC instead.. after fin, shoppin.. din think dat when we were abt to pay up, mum call n rush dad to cum bek since she hv a meetin for a nirvilla plan thin n my dad was seriously lik a slave.. so he was lik, rushin... = =" i mean mum is nt here, she mad oso mad edi, juz dun care! safety is important, i duwan to die young.. haha.. n so she call dat to leave all grocery bhind while we r edi in d counter, lik hell i would.. = =" and i juz dun care, and bla bla.. i noe she is mad edi, no changes we goin bek early or late, juz dad was seriously scared of his fearsome wife.. n so, went bek, expectant, she went out edi, duno la.. den cum bek scold 2 of us, gt a lecture from her crap n nagging.. = =" i mean s shoppin was dad say he is instructed by mum to go buy grocery after fetch me from skul, din think mum juz suddenly told him plan has chg.. den she bad mood, scold here n there, din do work n such.. we were cleanin d rabbit when u were gone man! >_>" she din even c dat! bt still, whole day in hse, computer..
friday, i reli forgot wad was on dis day, noe dat after skul is st.john.. reli embarrass cuz we were d oni 4 person from form 4 is JUNIOR! bt still, ntg reli.. anyway, juz bla bla bla.. fin early den time gien n wait in bus stop for mum wif angeline.. tok tok den fin.. and i rmb i eat Macdonald for lunch, a take away, since i noe my bro lik burger.. anyway, bla bla, n ltr tuition.. duwan say, waste of time..
saturday, wad reli happen? = =" oh yea, whole "day" in hse usin com lik rotten zombie.. and oso wait for reply/news or wadeva from d 2 miss hu told me they will b cumin to my hse to return my buks, n untill evening, i gt a laz min thin to attend a wedding feast.. so was forced to go out.. n sis was kinda pissed off wif mum.. since sis was bein forced too.. all of us.. and den ar.. send text to wenn i will nt b in, since i duno when she come, n gt her reply she cnt.. n for shen teng, i duno i cn say wad, no number at all.. ><" does she hv a h/p? o_O anyway, went for d dinner, and was fetchin aunt first, thin happen, n bla bla, juz briefly went over it, and den aunt and cousin, alvin came along.. n went there d food was.. ehem... lol? duno lar.. tuk 2 plates, 1 noodle wif stuffed food n such, another is rice.. and ar... tok wif aunt abt drama n such.. guess she do lik korean or other drama.. noe alot, specially korean ppl, n hk.. i dun gt a heck of a ppl except d person name hyunbin.. since i noe when she told me is from which show, den to which show.. lalala... den i told her i watch fin summer desire in 1 day+ till midnite, n i told her d storyline.. i lik d main guy, actor 何润东 which i was a fan of a drama of butterfly love which he is d main character.. reli damn nice.. ><"watch 2 times over, is is other drama, juz once for me.. haha.. bcuz in tv programme gt.. nice! haha.. dat is y i watch summer desire, juz watch him in a completely different role, quite new feelin.. anyway, tok untill fin, end, den lik dat day end tiredly..
sunday, bored as usual.. at home, dying from bein rotten.. computer.... i duno did i do anythin samo, bt i noe juz computer... read manga... manga.. manga.. n misses wad i was left bhind, anime n such, lazy.. my life is full wif manga.. well, n i start readin defense devil too.. after readin a whole lot of manga wif short chp, lik 8 or 15.. den i wan to try nice looong uploaded manga, n found defense devil, not bad.. a lawyer to defense ur guilty after u are died not immediately confirming u hv a dead sin to go to hell so to hv a secind chance dat u were innocent n turn bek to life.. juz d wrong part they hv in my opinion is d genre "ecchi", other den dat, i am fine wif it.. =) bt still, nt bad lar... at liz my time paz wif it.. bt read lik 10 chp + and it was late nite, so close com, next morning wake up skul, den bla bla bla... skul over, nid stay bek for activity, mum gv chicken rice, share lil wif wenn hu eat biscuit oni.. den ar... stay bek till 5.30pm, went straight to auntie peggy hse in road tempua 13, hse 21.. mum is there.. and den go bek home around 6.20pm+, went n chg clothes, eat a lil n rush for tuition, i juz open my com for a sec, n oni read 1 single page of manga, juz ONE PAGE!! hell!! and den no time, go down, dun even hv time for computer man!! and den tuition, add mt i almoz fall asleep, bio lala... skip, go bek around 10.30pm from tuition, so lazy, cloz d com i din even touch for 5min n den sleep, next day skul.. bla bla... skip skip.. sien...skul AGAIN! den i duno wad reli happen, juz thins happen.. den cum bek, read manga, finish 89chp oneshot n read some other manga, more den 100chp i read edi.. and oso anime episode.. =) finally beelzbub updated on anime, i tot d producer went away wif d tsunami or s/thin, den stopped edi.. bt i heard d anime i was dyin for it to cum out was bein postponed after d incident of japan earthquake dat happen recently.. pray for japan.. honk in LA to ryan for japan.. lol.. anyway, joke bhind, hope they r safe.. =)
and oso, tuition of cuz, ytd was bm.. yea....... okay.. ntg much, tok wif kar yen, den ltr is tok wif another girl hu tuk d ltr account class.. duno wad is her name... bt 2 of them is catholic high skul wan.. damn pro... = =" d other girl marks was 70+ n she say is nt reli gud, omg! =( wad clever ppl in there.. anyway, 8.30 end n waited for 30min for d van to cum, looong..  half of an hour.. n den go bek, still read manga, read uraboku which is shoujo n bl, damn nice artwork in anime which i watch fin looong time ago.. still artwork i forgot, hakuoki is d nicest among all...
now, today, same as usual, bt difference is mornin i wake up, alarm rang n i tot i woke at 5.45 lik i usually woke, is consider late.. bt today see my watch, saw 5.50!! n i was shocked, n went wakin up, gt ready, n after cum out, oni c my watch, is actually 4.50am.. = =" cuz my watch oni hv 4 "direction"? 2 dot n 2 numbers, dat is 12, dot in 3.oclock, 6, and dot in 9'oclock.. so confused me.. and den i hv time to sew n iron my badge in a new uniform.. so tick tock, 5.30am fin n i continue wif my manga.. lol.. forgot abt skul, den time's up, n gt rdy for skul.. =) skul is so borin.. n d damn crap mssn for chess competiotion to represent d state or wadeva.. i and mia was forced to join in.. wth.. if it wasn't d certificate, i will tear off d paper n throw away..anyway, i noe durin bc period tokin wif mia n yan jun.. ok lar, bt luks lik counselor situation.. haha.. they tokin abt their probs.. =) see open abit.. =P anyway, sejarah arghhh!! nid do presentation, which i was havin headache oso in english wif d quiz whish is HARD!! =( lazy to think.. grr.... b4 go bek, went to pei wen hse since i noe mum will b late, either forgt abt my fin skul time.. den went her hse, she ltr will go to ioi wif cindy n on d way, wif yuki together eat in d mamak stall b4 yuki go for her activity in skul.. mum cum wif auntie in d car.. mum take away curry noodle for me, eat fin ltr wif satisfaction..and ltr, manga oso.. no anime update.. damn lazy...
AND FINALLY, read finish all my follow blog's update.. since d hols, or after, i din keep up wif blog.. so haha.. sori ya! thx for u guys!! =) i read fin all of them, wenn, cindy, mia, feline, etc.. gotta say been slow.. anyway, thx for readin, appreciate it, n ttfn! =P

btw, an add-on.. rebecca black seriously nid to noe d truth bhind d ppl hu clap for her in d video.. it is ehem, not reli somethin dat d eardrums of human being listen to.. sori to say, so i dun gt y so popular anyway, d dislik is waaaayy~~~~ more den d like man!! see d reality, i cn sing better den u.. not in dat freakin friday song, it reli is horrible song wif stupid lyrics.. = =" bt still keep it up, juz dun u dream of singin wif justin bieber juz bcuz u hv more den 20million view, wth! = =" see d mirror! i dun mean to criticize bt hey, u seriously... = =" gt a life~~ =|

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