Thursday, March 24, 2011

WTM = what the mother?

hey! reli damn long time i din touch dis blog.. feel bad rite nw.. i leave it for a WEEK!! =/ thin happen, n slowly "thins" accumulate and i was damn lazy to update..... till nw?? wan to mek it short, bt still will end up long.. i noe..
let's start from where i left off when we're in skul hols! =) when is d day i left?? ok, seriously, d last thin i ever remember is i was freakin watchin out of d closet manga.. u noe, short as bl?? i think my head was reli stuck n i was loz hope since mozly, yupp... mozly all gud shoujo manga i had been swap off, means i'd read.. gotta say, ntg else to do, since i was open minded, mayb, ok, juz dun care dat part.. bt still, find sure find nice story for sure.. n u won't blif me holiday reli cn chg ppl.. OAO" i was freakin myself... = =" is more lik, more den i ever saw from b4.. i mean d manga... story..... content...... zzz... ok, i guess some ppl hu was nt reli a fan gurl/ otaku/ luvin manga much those big luvers were lik so damn get high on bl.. it's normal when ppl were lik, luk diff n hv opinion, i do too.. b4....... reli... and nw, open minded? cnt blif i was so diff from b4... in thinkin.. haiz... lucky i hv ppl hu understand?? lucky i'm a girl! a fan gurl!! yea~~!! found a fren hu understand my otaku part, mia~~!! =P well, i noe celia do juz dat i dun noe much of her n such.. dis subject i will put on d bek, since today also happen thins related?
bek to d day, i guess d last time i seldom touch was on friday, my cousin came bek from singapore.. =) and well, he is same age as me named Brandon.. was glad to see him again.. n he stay over for a nite at our hse.. watch movie n GLEE untill i nid to rush for tuition.. = =" den cum bek, well, bcuz he sleep in d hall on d sofa, i well.. juz went down n watch GLEE to stay up wif him.. since uncle was stayin in my aunt hse.. and den till over midnite 2 or 3 am, den he was asleep n i off d thins n went up to bed.. next mornin was gettin rdy for prayin in d temple, since is oso y my cousin n uncle came bek juz to pray my late grandma.. den mornin i was reli tired.. ytd nite nt oni stay up wof brandon, my lil aunt oso came laz nite n went home late, i was d one which oso stay up wif them, tokin to them.. anyway, den got scolded by parents, n i was d first person among evi1 hu came down when they called, bt oso gt scolded badly, i was well, upset of cuz n tears wasted on them, well, guess is my fault too.. anyway, went temple, should i even explain trivial thins?? bt meet up wif other family, lalala.. pray her n there, burn joystick, some prayer thin, den ltr on go bek.. went bek home watch movie.. wif cousin n lil aunt family.. den ltr is time they nid to leave.. brandon n uncle say their gudbye to us since is well, sunday early mornin went bek, means is d laz we will c..
bt oso d time they were here, my uncle went checkin his hse, juz neighbour, invest a hse near.. n found d window gt smashed in dat luk lik d recently robbers went hidin there when they rob a neighbor hse b4.. n den they were discussin so long abt dis case.. walau.. dunno wad to say..
so, thin went lik dat n, after d movie thin, my aunt was currently obsessed wif a taiwan drama, autumn concerto n was lik, said she watch till 2am n d next day samo gt work wan.. she gv me see some blooper of d drama, damn funny.. d part where is sad n was more expression in it, actually is so funny when it was so cold, they luk so serious n mek us touched in screen while d part where we cnt see, which is d lower part of d body dat time, was wraped wif many many layers of coats n jacket... lol.. n etc... they reli work hard on it, nice.. =)
and den went watch summer desire.. n i started was no interest, bt den ltr see some, went high of d show.. n SUNDAY was d day i use my time to watch summer desire untill 2am i sleep.. d next day 5am nid wake up for well, skul re-open.. ><" and was damn tired d whole time.. monday was reli crap, bla bla bla.. here n there.. d oni thin is after skul, got co-curriculum stayin bek for chess and spbt club.. guess wad, whole time bored untill.. me, angeline n wenn sittin there, so hot no fan, wait time to pass.. fin activities, mum late fetch me n went home around 6pm, gt rdy faz n went to tuition.. den 10.30pm oni cum bek.. no life.. din hv enuf sleep.. den TUESDAY, so damn tired oso.. mornin slept a lil in d car on d way goin to skul.. den moral was 60.. lucky.. juz nice.. anyway, bla bla.. go bek home, i juz drop, n sleep from 1pm+ to 4pm+.. den ltr use some com, n den gt rdy, bt left some time n i was so damn borin cuz hv NO FREAKIN UPDATE!! den i juz saw d file in my hardisk where i watch fin summer desire on d time till 2am.. and den saw momo love, den go watch from part i left off b4 juz to kill time..
n all these day, ntg much.. my eyes r blurry nw, wan to sleep.. so hv to mek it faz.. wednesday lik ntg happen, juz skip.. and today, well, specially d chinese class... seriously, i duno should i say is a "gud" thin or a "bad" thin to do when Mok is sayin those... those word from him... o_O reli reli, all speechless... u noe, sound lik he wanted to try dat kind of feelin... ><" no offense, bt is dis even too open?? where is privacy made of to him? >_>" anyway, i forgot to tell him i noe d web for those related genre n movie.. bt he gone, so no nid oso can..
reli nid to rez.. after skul, dad fetch, duno y is he nt in work.. den ltr plan to eat Macdonald, den i wan to eat friend keow teow dat is cheaper n ok.. den he dun gv, den ltr gv.. find d whole wawasan place oso dun hv.. we went curlin in circle wround 20min, all no open de...  waste time n laz, eat KFC in tesco.. went eat den buy thin.. lalala... den buy thin fin, mum rush dad cum home n actually kinda mad at my dad dat he din hear dun buy grocery first.. cuz she nid him to go wif her d seminar thin.. n laz, mum angry, mad.. bt still gt scold me.. and nw, time posponed, n nw they're gone.. bt still, wan to sleep..
thx for readin, i duno i got left out anythin anot.. anyway, ttfn~~!! =)

btw, wtm is created in my english class.. what the mother! =P

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