Friday, March 11, 2011


ARGH!!!!!!!! i'm reli goin crazy nw... ><" so dam upset abt my marks about BIOLOGY man!! >=(
juz 1 mark, 1 MARK! n i cn gt A-!!!! i reli feel lik crayin then.. bt no dam hope on changing d fact.. d stupid part i din gt marks was d 5mark which nid i wrote very looong explanation abt d tissue function.. n guess wad? i juz did nt write d word "connective" or "muscle" infront of d tissue dat i explained.. juz dat lil word n i hv gone my precious 4 marks.. >_>" i mean there lost 8 marks!! = =" n i dun even hv mood to even bother wad i was even gettin bothered of.. =( n mia was lik, same n wenn oso.. all 3 68%.. n mia was repeatin crush me.. bt still i was bein interrupted wif thoughts abt d marks i hv for biology.. and oso, mornin doin biology thin untill end.. boro pei yi and chia wen's to copy.. thank you for savin me.. =) still, no feel better after d exam result.. = ="
and so, gotta say, another thin lik mornin called out name hu wrote for d japan transfer student thin.. omg, they ask qualification dat consist failin on exam or nt.. n me? fail b4 in form 2, form 3 nt sure, gt gua?? o_O so i think sure cnt.. samo my physical activity oso cnt.. = =" haiz.. oni smart people gt d choice on goin.. =) nt lik lazy ppl lik me.. = ="
anyway, oso thin lik laz min, shen teng reli gv me a shock cuz she say she is gonna cum my hse.. ltr? i mean, = =" i duno wad to say? u cum to juz boro 2 buk?! o.o i was juz thinkin is her mother/father so free to fetch?? well, if it is, i guess she hv a nice mum, nt lik my short tempered mum hu WILL NOT do dis kind of thin specially fetchin me here n there so gratefully.. =) bt still, juz boro novel while i juz oni hv lil... o.o i am nt a novel fans, bt a manga fans.. manga lover to say.. =)
end skul, wenn no umbrella n her mum din fetch her.. n i share wif her under my umbrella.. and den wok her home since my mum is late on fetchin me.. n went her hse n boro her mum fon to call.. n mum luk lik bad mood?? o_O n her mum came out n tok a lil wif me, abt gettin nt reli guf result at first is okay.. i reli think wenn's mum reli is understanding.. reli.. =) to me, my mum doesn;t even bother it is or nt.. juz wan A den it is.. ><" i noe is impossible for some penguin to fly.. or sing? lik in happy feet movie?? ok, penguin dun sing, bt is impossible for me to gt A lik in a split second.. i duno y, she juz does nt gv much understandin on it.. =( dat's y i reli feel pressure around her..
bt dis is a nt-so-gud news n a nt-so-bad new either..ytd nite, juz gt my new handphone from my uncle.. juz lik wad i had expected.. NOKIA brand.. = =" is nt criticizing or lukin down on NOKIA of cuz.. if there was a choice, i will nt choose nokia, customer rights hv choices ok? i noe NOKIA is durable n such.. bt i prefer SONY.. ><" dis fon.... touch screen n oso key pad.. gud abt d wifi, camera wif 5.0mega pixel.. bt no gud is, haiz................ camera oso so hard to tek, touch d screen oso muz press hard or nicely, web oso restricted thin such as dis blog, theme oso nt reli nice lik sony, alarm oni 1 space(dis is cruel n samo no use wan, duno where is d sound) n samo youtube, wth..... cnt even listen nicely wad d ppl is tokin or even d face... = ="
i noe, it luks nice, i juz see in d bad side of it.. bt i prefer d laz time xperia x8 i guess compared to dis.. i juz own dat for 3 day, my xperia juz gone cuz of some bug on d touch screen n makin unable to press.. n my uncle say dun buy sony n he choose for me himself.. den, ended up NOKIA lik i expected he will do dis... ><" since, no choice..
i muz b hapi, at liz i hv a new fon anyway.. =/ no complaint!! tellin myself dis.. = =" bt reli, i lik d luks, juz d inside.. ehem.. ><" still wantin to find positive side.. =( tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
miss my xperia now.. =( i should hv say i wan dat till d end.. ><" haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...........

there is word in my head,
juz 1..

regret on dis, regret on exam, regretin so many thin..
thx for readin, ttfn...

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