Thursday, March 3, 2011

finally it is cumin to an end..

fin physic paper!! woot!.. anyway, nt easy, bt ok lar, no feelin for it anymore, nw is juz left biology 2molo.. sure hard geh.. hope to gt gud marks n such.. haiz.. and 2day mt teacher say he mark edi, n he even tell us d HIGHEST mark in mt was C!! n i was lik, wth.. C?? i cnt even afford to gt a B, nt to say C! >=( well, juz lik dat..... seriously, mornin pjk exam, dun bother, all read physic.. gt teachers lik pretty chia wen and d buk luver jun git.. ahaha.. and ytd tuition, nt gud at all.. all was lik, huh?? n teacher noe i am WORST in physic jor.. 1st time i felt myself was d worst among ppl.. y all clever ppl go tuition, haiz..... >_>" and me, next week, doom.... =( exam was lik, gt some specially d DOTS, gt problem.. d graph is nt DOTS, is TICKS!! n y do they even nid to chg?? o_O n there was 50Hz, i duno wad is dat, i think is 0.02 sec... juz guess.. and when time wan up, chia wen oso gt prob wif d dots, same wif jun git.. and i was lik oso d same.. i mean d dot, i tuk 4 ticks and i din gt any answer... and when i tek 5 gt answer.. and den d graph, is d graph write wrong, is actually 5 tick, bt they wrote dots..
and eventho is exam, i guess i am nt reli a gud fren.. =( i mean lucky at liz mia was still tokin wif me.. =) i duno y, mayb yuki n wenn angry at me, sori if i was wrong, bt it luks lik... they din tok to me a word today.. is sad.. mayb they reli busy or s/thin anyway.. i guess if i join in, mayb will mek them more mad, den d atmosphere will lik tense jor.. hope they cn b hapi 2molo, i takut they angry me, i am sori if i did anythin wrong at all... =( bt thx to chia wen and jun git hu was also bside me, for teachin n oso tok to me, at liz i was nt lonely lik usual times in 3  years bek.. evitime oso 1 person.. i nt emo lar, juz alone oso will lonely geh, i alone name start F and they were juz so near in d names n seat which are far bhind away from me.. evi year oso very cham, malays... bt i dun mind givin them space, dis is usual anyway.. i still thx them for being a fren wif me hu was nt a so gud fren at all..=D hope they will b cheerful again... thx to chia wen, jun git, mia or mayb a lil yan jun? for dis year, 1st time nt reli lik pass year anymore.. =) wenn n yuki, dun mad at me lar.. if i wrong, den u cn say.. u guys gv me an aura lik u nt gud mood.. TT sad face.......... i noe i am a bad fren, so pls b cheerful again ar.. ><
and there is where, i wan to end dis.. use som other den study bio, bad student... anyway, thx for readin dis nonsense if u do.. =) ttfn~!

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