Thursday, March 31, 2011

any1 wan adopt me?

kay, serious here.. any true fren hu is helpful inuf to "adopt" me for 4 days or any of it after skul??? till 5pm.. cuz in a reli bad situation nw, mum cnt fetch me, means i'm so doom yea.. =( wow, i didn;t think abt my bro yet.. but anyway, after skul i nid to stay till 5pm+ only she cn fetch me bek? or later! arghh!! i noe troublesome n such, bt if cnt, no choice, either eat s/thin alone, alone.... =( n wait alone for few, long hours... die from boredom.. anyway, juz askin.. since i noe mozly nt available geh.. juz bein a burden to others oni.. sadly, agree..
anyway, update a lil.. since is bored... KNT season 2 finally come to an end.. wow... it was a lil more dat it reach the latez chap of manga.. n den end.. juz 1/2+ chp i guess lik dat? anyway, watch glee season 2 vol 1 part 2 fin, n definitely, waitin for d next i guess.. since i was bored n well, quite a shock when d artificial "sue slyvester" was so damn real looking lik d REAL person.. freakin epic.. o_O
anyway, skip d part, wad was it? nt much, juz today skul bored bored bored.. ntg else to say, history class cuz teacher absent no presentation, waste my time to copy down d notes for ntg.. lol.. add mt, was well, bad.. = =" n oso, gt to noe ppl i noe from other classes hv their rank in class, guess our class will b an exception dis time? o.o since well, bm eacher absent halfway, transfer away, bcum a principal there.. n we were left bhind.. my marks, is a gud thin tho, i dun nid to noe.. cuz i noe it will b nt satisfied by me wif d marks.. i noe d quiz dat ytd english class gave, today mornin i start doin them.. i was breakin my head of thinkin a way to go.. juz dat, i duwan to use guessin, is nt reli gud to say, to me, i noe answer is important, bt findin d way hw u move, is better den juz mere guessin which was 50% chance will lose or s/ i noe, still in many times, we nid use thins lik dis for other situation of cuz, juz dat dis quiz was made to let us find answer, so i think it will surely b a way.. n after borrow mia's too, she was totally awesome havin a father too hu help her.. =) and i was curious wif d where to find part.. n i gt lik a answer for it, bt i duno d equation at all.. i duno if any1 understand me.. is juz lik i noe d answer is 8 as an example.. bt d equation was x+y=8.. and to find Q, is x+9=Q or somethin.. which u nid to use "guess" for d "x".. so i try to see from d start, n after usin almoz 2 period of chinese class time, i finish d equation step by step.. i reli gt d answer wif my own thinkin.. it juz gv me satisfactions.. =) and thx to mia n pei yi.. well, mia was surely, haha... for explanin d locker quiz.. actually i juz wanted to find d main source for d answer w/out guess.. use quite some time thinkin, cuz i am slow n oso mia was teachin, reli gud of her yet i guess i dun reli get d main source was where, so when i ask, normal ppl will frustrate of cuz.. LOL! =P and oso, finally gt it.. =) skip to other part, durin physic class, teacher claims dat she hv sore throat n cnt teach, went to library, i do add mt, bt den nvr do 1 answer n i start scribblin my buk.. and wenn found a very interestin buk.. abt Greek's tale, lik Zues, hades n such.. nt bad.. =) is s/hw lik lightning thief, Percy Jackson movie/story/novel which is oso related wif story base on god in tale of it.. nt bad.. mia even told me she hv 5 book of it in her hse.. hw nice.. =) i haven heard fin hw medusa came.. =D anyway, wan borrow yet stupid library nt available.. curse it!! so no choice..
after skul was lik, mum car park in a diff place, went inside saw she tok on her fon, n i tot was a customer or s.thin.. endin up is actually sis bf.. duno wad happen between them, lover's quarrel.. anyway, go bek sien, com here n there.. watch a chinese movie.. andy lau was actin d main character..okok.. and nw, gotta sleep...
zZz.. sleepy nw, no time to think, juz d adopt thin.. juz askin.. ok, eviday, pressure, GAMBATTE!! ><"
thx for readin, c u~~ =)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

growing moss in blog

hey, is it moss?? or mushroom?? idk, i juz noe i weeks/days din reli update my long hibernating blog.. was it too lazy.. or mayb i was reli up to other stuff.. anyway, duno when, my blog juz din bcum d first priority.. ok mayb ntg chg, still remains d same, cuz i dun rmb havin blog as first oso.. anyway, updatin crap dat i reli forgot wad happen..... zzzz......  kay, fin "scan" rereadin d laz post in blog..
hmm.. thursday did anythin happen? >< oh, ok, yup.. dad no work, i duno y.. den fin skul, dad fetch me, n he say we went to tesco eat macdonald.. bt i dun hv any appetite for burger, so went for fried keow teow noodles.. din think dat we went to d 3 or more restaurant in d area at pusat bandar puchong n no hell 1 of them hv it, juz d stall bt no freakin hawker there! no choice, time juz waste abt 30 min, n we went to tesco n eat KFC instead.. after fin, shoppin.. din think dat when we were abt to pay up, mum call n rush dad to cum bek since she hv a meetin for a nirvilla plan thin n my dad was seriously lik a slave.. so he was lik, rushin... = =" i mean mum is nt here, she mad oso mad edi, juz dun care! safety is important, i duwan to die young.. haha.. n so she call dat to leave all grocery bhind while we r edi in d counter, lik hell i would.. = =" and i juz dun care, and bla bla.. i noe she is mad edi, no changes we goin bek early or late, juz dad was seriously scared of his fearsome wife.. n so, went bek, expectant, she went out edi, duno la.. den cum bek scold 2 of us, gt a lecture from her crap n nagging.. = =" i mean s shoppin was dad say he is instructed by mum to go buy grocery after fetch me from skul, din think mum juz suddenly told him plan has chg.. den she bad mood, scold here n there, din do work n such.. we were cleanin d rabbit when u were gone man! >_>" she din even c dat! bt still, whole day in hse, computer..
friday, i reli forgot wad was on dis day, noe dat after skul is st.john.. reli embarrass cuz we were d oni 4 person from form 4 is JUNIOR! bt still, ntg reli.. anyway, juz bla bla bla.. fin early den time gien n wait in bus stop for mum wif angeline.. tok tok den fin.. and i rmb i eat Macdonald for lunch, a take away, since i noe my bro lik burger.. anyway, bla bla, n ltr tuition.. duwan say, waste of time..
saturday, wad reli happen? = =" oh yea, whole "day" in hse usin com lik rotten zombie.. and oso wait for reply/news or wadeva from d 2 miss hu told me they will b cumin to my hse to return my buks, n untill evening, i gt a laz min thin to attend a wedding feast.. so was forced to go out.. n sis was kinda pissed off wif mum.. since sis was bein forced too.. all of us.. and den ar.. send text to wenn i will nt b in, since i duno when she come, n gt her reply she cnt.. n for shen teng, i duno i cn say wad, no number at all.. ><" does she hv a h/p? o_O anyway, went for d dinner, and was fetchin aunt first, thin happen, n bla bla, juz briefly went over it, and den aunt and cousin, alvin came along.. n went there d food was.. ehem... lol? duno lar.. tuk 2 plates, 1 noodle wif stuffed food n such, another is rice.. and ar... tok wif aunt abt drama n such.. guess she do lik korean or other drama.. noe alot, specially korean ppl, n hk.. i dun gt a heck of a ppl except d person name hyunbin.. since i noe when she told me is from which show, den to which show.. lalala... den i told her i watch fin summer desire in 1 day+ till midnite, n i told her d storyline.. i lik d main guy, actor 何润东 which i was a fan of a drama of butterfly love which he is d main character.. reli damn nice.. ><"watch 2 times over, is is other drama, juz once for me.. haha.. bcuz in tv programme gt.. nice! haha.. dat is y i watch summer desire, juz watch him in a completely different role, quite new feelin.. anyway, tok untill fin, end, den lik dat day end tiredly..
sunday, bored as usual.. at home, dying from bein rotten.. computer.... i duno did i do anythin samo, bt i noe juz computer... read manga... manga.. manga.. n misses wad i was left bhind, anime n such, lazy.. my life is full wif manga.. well, n i start readin defense devil too.. after readin a whole lot of manga wif short chp, lik 8 or 15.. den i wan to try nice looong uploaded manga, n found defense devil, not bad.. a lawyer to defense ur guilty after u are died not immediately confirming u hv a dead sin to go to hell so to hv a secind chance dat u were innocent n turn bek to life.. juz d wrong part they hv in my opinion is d genre "ecchi", other den dat, i am fine wif it.. =) bt still, nt bad lar... at liz my time paz wif it.. bt read lik 10 chp + and it was late nite, so close com, next morning wake up skul, den bla bla bla... skul over, nid stay bek for activity, mum gv chicken rice, share lil wif wenn hu eat biscuit oni.. den ar... stay bek till 5.30pm, went straight to auntie peggy hse in road tempua 13, hse 21.. mum is there.. and den go bek home around 6.20pm+, went n chg clothes, eat a lil n rush for tuition, i juz open my com for a sec, n oni read 1 single page of manga, juz ONE PAGE!! hell!! and den no time, go down, dun even hv time for computer man!! and den tuition, add mt i almoz fall asleep, bio lala... skip, go bek around 10.30pm from tuition, so lazy, cloz d com i din even touch for 5min n den sleep, next day skul.. bla bla... skip skip.. sien...skul AGAIN! den i duno wad reli happen, juz thins happen.. den cum bek, read manga, finish 89chp oneshot n read some other manga, more den 100chp i read edi.. and oso anime episode.. =) finally beelzbub updated on anime, i tot d producer went away wif d tsunami or s/thin, den stopped edi.. bt i heard d anime i was dyin for it to cum out was bein postponed after d incident of japan earthquake dat happen recently.. pray for japan.. honk in LA to ryan for japan.. lol.. anyway, joke bhind, hope they r safe.. =)
and oso, tuition of cuz, ytd was bm.. yea....... okay.. ntg much, tok wif kar yen, den ltr is tok wif another girl hu tuk d ltr account class.. duno wad is her name... bt 2 of them is catholic high skul wan.. damn pro... = =" d other girl marks was 70+ n she say is nt reli gud, omg! =( wad clever ppl in there.. anyway, 8.30 end n waited for 30min for d van to cum, looong..  half of an hour.. n den go bek, still read manga, read uraboku which is shoujo n bl, damn nice artwork in anime which i watch fin looong time ago.. still artwork i forgot, hakuoki is d nicest among all...
now, today, same as usual, bt difference is mornin i wake up, alarm rang n i tot i woke at 5.45 lik i usually woke, is consider late.. bt today see my watch, saw 5.50!! n i was shocked, n went wakin up, gt ready, n after cum out, oni c my watch, is actually 4.50am.. = =" cuz my watch oni hv 4 "direction"? 2 dot n 2 numbers, dat is 12, dot in 3.oclock, 6, and dot in 9'oclock.. so confused me.. and den i hv time to sew n iron my badge in a new uniform.. so tick tock, 5.30am fin n i continue wif my manga.. lol.. forgot abt skul, den time's up, n gt rdy for skul.. =) skul is so borin.. n d damn crap mssn for chess competiotion to represent d state or wadeva.. i and mia was forced to join in.. wth.. if it wasn't d certificate, i will tear off d paper n throw away..anyway, i noe durin bc period tokin wif mia n yan jun.. ok lar, bt luks lik counselor situation.. haha.. they tokin abt their probs.. =) see open abit.. =P anyway, sejarah arghhh!! nid do presentation, which i was havin headache oso in english wif d quiz whish is HARD!! =( lazy to think.. grr.... b4 go bek, went to pei wen hse since i noe mum will b late, either forgt abt my fin skul time.. den went her hse, she ltr will go to ioi wif cindy n on d way, wif yuki together eat in d mamak stall b4 yuki go for her activity in skul.. mum cum wif auntie in d car.. mum take away curry noodle for me, eat fin ltr wif satisfaction..and ltr, manga oso.. no anime update.. damn lazy...
AND FINALLY, read finish all my follow blog's update.. since d hols, or after, i din keep up wif blog.. so haha.. sori ya! thx for u guys!! =) i read fin all of them, wenn, cindy, mia, feline, etc.. gotta say been slow.. anyway, thx for readin, appreciate it, n ttfn! =P

btw, an add-on.. rebecca black seriously nid to noe d truth bhind d ppl hu clap for her in d video.. it is ehem, not reli somethin dat d eardrums of human being listen to.. sori to say, so i dun gt y so popular anyway, d dislik is waaaayy~~~~ more den d like man!! see d reality, i cn sing better den u.. not in dat freakin friday song, it reli is horrible song wif stupid lyrics.. = =" bt still keep it up, juz dun u dream of singin wif justin bieber juz bcuz u hv more den 20million view, wth! = =" see d mirror! i dun mean to criticize bt hey, u seriously... = =" gt a life~~ =|

Thursday, March 24, 2011

WTM = what the mother?

hey! reli damn long time i din touch dis blog.. feel bad rite nw.. i leave it for a WEEK!! =/ thin happen, n slowly "thins" accumulate and i was damn lazy to update..... till nw?? wan to mek it short, bt still will end up long.. i noe..
let's start from where i left off when we're in skul hols! =) when is d day i left?? ok, seriously, d last thin i ever remember is i was freakin watchin out of d closet manga.. u noe, short as bl?? i think my head was reli stuck n i was loz hope since mozly, yupp... mozly all gud shoujo manga i had been swap off, means i'd read.. gotta say, ntg else to do, since i was open minded, mayb, ok, juz dun care dat part.. bt still, find sure find nice story for sure.. n u won't blif me holiday reli cn chg ppl.. OAO" i was freakin myself... = =" is more lik, more den i ever saw from b4.. i mean d manga... story..... content...... zzz... ok, i guess some ppl hu was nt reli a fan gurl/ otaku/ luvin manga much those big luvers were lik so damn get high on bl.. it's normal when ppl were lik, luk diff n hv opinion, i do too.. b4....... reli... and nw, open minded? cnt blif i was so diff from b4... in thinkin.. haiz... lucky i hv ppl hu understand?? lucky i'm a girl! a fan gurl!! yea~~!! found a fren hu understand my otaku part, mia~~!! =P well, i noe celia do juz dat i dun noe much of her n such.. dis subject i will put on d bek, since today also happen thins related?
bek to d day, i guess d last time i seldom touch was on friday, my cousin came bek from singapore.. =) and well, he is same age as me named Brandon.. was glad to see him again.. n he stay over for a nite at our hse.. watch movie n GLEE untill i nid to rush for tuition.. = =" den cum bek, well, bcuz he sleep in d hall on d sofa, i well.. juz went down n watch GLEE to stay up wif him.. since uncle was stayin in my aunt hse.. and den till over midnite 2 or 3 am, den he was asleep n i off d thins n went up to bed.. next mornin was gettin rdy for prayin in d temple, since is oso y my cousin n uncle came bek juz to pray my late grandma.. den mornin i was reli tired.. ytd nite nt oni stay up wof brandon, my lil aunt oso came laz nite n went home late, i was d one which oso stay up wif them, tokin to them.. anyway, den got scolded by parents, n i was d first person among evi1 hu came down when they called, bt oso gt scolded badly, i was well, upset of cuz n tears wasted on them, well, guess is my fault too.. anyway, went temple, should i even explain trivial thins?? bt meet up wif other family, lalala.. pray her n there, burn joystick, some prayer thin, den ltr on go bek.. went bek home watch movie.. wif cousin n lil aunt family.. den ltr is time they nid to leave.. brandon n uncle say their gudbye to us since is well, sunday early mornin went bek, means is d laz we will c..
bt oso d time they were here, my uncle went checkin his hse, juz neighbour, invest a hse near.. n found d window gt smashed in dat luk lik d recently robbers went hidin there when they rob a neighbor hse b4.. n den they were discussin so long abt dis case.. walau.. dunno wad to say..
so, thin went lik dat n, after d movie thin, my aunt was currently obsessed wif a taiwan drama, autumn concerto n was lik, said she watch till 2am n d next day samo gt work wan.. she gv me see some blooper of d drama, damn funny.. d part where is sad n was more expression in it, actually is so funny when it was so cold, they luk so serious n mek us touched in screen while d part where we cnt see, which is d lower part of d body dat time, was wraped wif many many layers of coats n jacket... lol.. n etc... they reli work hard on it, nice.. =)
and den went watch summer desire.. n i started was no interest, bt den ltr see some, went high of d show.. n SUNDAY was d day i use my time to watch summer desire untill 2am i sleep.. d next day 5am nid wake up for well, skul re-open.. ><" and was damn tired d whole time.. monday was reli crap, bla bla bla.. here n there.. d oni thin is after skul, got co-curriculum stayin bek for chess and spbt club.. guess wad, whole time bored untill.. me, angeline n wenn sittin there, so hot no fan, wait time to pass.. fin activities, mum late fetch me n went home around 6pm, gt rdy faz n went to tuition.. den 10.30pm oni cum bek.. no life.. din hv enuf sleep.. den TUESDAY, so damn tired oso.. mornin slept a lil in d car on d way goin to skul.. den moral was 60.. lucky.. juz nice.. anyway, bla bla.. go bek home, i juz drop, n sleep from 1pm+ to 4pm+.. den ltr use some com, n den gt rdy, bt left some time n i was so damn borin cuz hv NO FREAKIN UPDATE!! den i juz saw d file in my hardisk where i watch fin summer desire on d time till 2am.. and den saw momo love, den go watch from part i left off b4 juz to kill time..
n all these day, ntg much.. my eyes r blurry nw, wan to sleep.. so hv to mek it faz.. wednesday lik ntg happen, juz skip.. and today, well, specially d chinese class... seriously, i duno should i say is a "gud" thin or a "bad" thin to do when Mok is sayin those... those word from him... o_O reli reli, all speechless... u noe, sound lik he wanted to try dat kind of feelin... ><" no offense, bt is dis even too open?? where is privacy made of to him? >_>" anyway, i forgot to tell him i noe d web for those related genre n movie.. bt he gone, so no nid oso can..
reli nid to rez.. after skul, dad fetch, duno y is he nt in work.. den ltr plan to eat Macdonald, den i wan to eat friend keow teow dat is cheaper n ok.. den he dun gv, den ltr gv.. find d whole wawasan place oso dun hv.. we went curlin in circle wround 20min, all no open de...  waste time n laz, eat KFC in tesco.. went eat den buy thin.. lalala... den buy thin fin, mum rush dad cum home n actually kinda mad at my dad dat he din hear dun buy grocery first.. cuz she nid him to go wif her d seminar thin.. n laz, mum angry, mad.. bt still gt scold me.. and nw, time posponed, n nw they're gone.. bt still, wan to sleep..
thx for readin, i duno i got left out anythin anot.. anyway, ttfn~~!! =)

btw, wtm is created in my english class.. what the mother! =P

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

brothers reli does hurt s/time

u noe, u hv lil sibling? s/time they r nice to hv them, s/time they r annoyin, s/time u gt jealous of them, yea.. s/time.. bt juz nw, i reli am hurt when i hv dis brother yet he does nt threat me as a "sister" at all.. well, dis time i did nt put in my 1st younger bro, bt d youngez 11 years old, hu luk lik 6years old kindergarden-er, Jeremy.. small bro, evitime mention in front of me, as a big "baby" to my parent.. well, normal.. bt he is reli reli reli disrespectful to ppl hu is older den him, except, Brian n mum... i mean, still Brian is d first, bcuz he is scared of my 1st bro of cuz.. they stick lik glue oni.. bt juz nw, haiz.... i think i better blame on me, d fault, bt wad i was gurt mayb he juz din treat me as a sis i guess.. =( he is always lik dat.. lik he is a prince lik dat, lik so ego.. = =" except in front of Brian of cuz.. juz bcuz i wan to off d modem for a sec, n he juz wan play maple cuz Brian cal him to play when he went for tuition.. and for d 2hr++, he juz din play oso.. i inform i was off-ing n since he din ply, i juz off, n he ltr dat, he laz min refuses to and as excuse say he nw wan to play.. i mean, i was waitin, n after d very laz min, n u say u nw oni wan to play?! i reli frustrated, cuz i reli nid to off, n i quit his game edi, i reli did inform n off "nicely", i mean quit properly for him, b4 i did anythin.. n when after i turn bek on for him, n put on wad was left lik b4 i close, juz d ID n p/w he nid to type oni.. n he started cryin.. if i cn add word, lik a baby.. i mean he is a boy n was 11 years old, n juz a trivial matter n he nid to cry out so load to let mum hear.. cn he nt b understandin enuf?! s/time i reli think he does nt even 1 time, ever threat me as a sis.. i noe blame goes to me, ok? dat is juz a game u r afk-ing.. n when d time i reli nid to, den oni laz min say u wan.. r u makin fun of me?? i was waitin for u 2 fin, n u wan to start after d fin time.. seriously, if i din threat u as a bro, if i was so pissed off dat time, i reli will juz off d modem w/out wantin to tok to u even a word.. u cn say dis is me, i am nt a goody person, if i was reli reli pissed off, reli u better gt it.. bt till nw, seriously pissed was when time dat was reli less.. =/ many was among family, frenz i guess dun hv.. those r juz normal.. bcuz when i was reli angry, i got stoke s/time.. it reli show d "seriousness" of my "pissed off level".. bt till nw juz minor ones.. if major i will nt b gonna sittin here typin post anymore.. bt for sure, is nt s/thin hapi to say.. is oso hard to bear.. is lik ur whole body cnt b control by urself, reli reli pain in heart.. i dun mean heart attack, bt emotionally hurt, is way hurt den physical.. i admit, bcuz when if i reli emotionally break, den oni cn reli end up lik dat... still, oni hv abt 3 or 4 times in my life i gone thru minor stoke.. bcuz i reli dun lik bein mad, bt still i am reli hot tempered, bcuz i am a straightforward person.. so if oni once u end up makin me mad, den oni i will hv hv too much oil pour.. bt if u din start d fire, den i will nt happen.. =) duno, lik i say, in my heart i was avoidin argument, yet reality is nt same.. word s/time came out, n when is diff from wad i think, n may s/time hurt ppl.. =( straightforward is nt gud at all.. haiz... still think dis time i din mad, juz sad... bt nw ok lar.. =) juz wan to let go my emotion in blog.. =)
nw d dairy, long time i din reli went to poz in blog.. lets see, ntg special of cuz.. i noe where i left off i guess is Saturday nite, shen teng came ot my hse n tek some buk n manga.. boro 2 chince novel, 3 mr mystery, since she duwan other ghost story buk, and 2 stories of comic.. "xi xue gui da ren" and "wu gai nian shao nv", all more den 10 buk of manga, n 5/6 novel.. anyway, she told me 8pm, and i went out wait for her arrival, n my family was gonna go neighbor open-hse party, n we nid to go out, i was still waitin for her, n she came after 30min+ late??... finally.... start was her sis(?) came n tek, it was night n i tot she was gonna tek from me, n s/1 luk alik lik her came to me n i hand over d buk to her, den oni i saw she came out from her car, mean d person infront of me was her sis, luk alik, mayb is d effect of d dark? cnt c clear? lol... still, tek den bb.. den ltr go straight to neighbor hse wif sis n parent, 2 bro stay home "maple-ing".. and den go there, eat buffet.. d food was, ehem... nt reli satisfied, bt drank 3 cup of soft-drink.. and den go bek finally, use com.. din tot my uncle n aunt come, n uncle bought curry noodle specially for me, n i was too full from d buffet to fit in d noodle in my stomach, bt after seein it, i was reli dun care anyway, n open n eat some of it.. u noe, damn nice..! nicer den other stall, is lik asam laksa, bt juz curry oni.. duno hw to explain.. reli different from d 16years of curry noodle i eat... dis 1 is d bez! specially d soup, reli reli nice.. =) u cn taste d diff n understand wad i mean when i say lik asam laksa, i dun mean d taste, cuz d taste is curry of cuz.. my sis say reli put heart on makin.. i reli wan to call my uncle to buy it again.. =D my uncle say he go for all d stall n ask if there is any curry noodle, even if is close shop, n i guess is juz jokin?? haha..
and den, ntg much happen, i noe juz dad went to thailand for work ytd.. n today is finally cumin bek at midnite.. n oso Japan 8.9 magnitude earthquake, i reli hope all of d relative i noe n other ppl is safe in Japan.. =) god bless them.. and oso, i rmb ytd i almoz forgot abt d time n usin com till d whole time untill mum calls n ask me i hv tuition anot.. so lucky, i almoz forgot.. haha.. and when i gt sms from tj sayin wad asia will get affected by d nuclear plant bla bla... n they say stay at home 24hrs lar, n samo cover thyroid wif duno wth... n abt 4pm.. n i gt dat arounf 5pm, i was lik, wad?? = =" sweat........ zzz.. is it over? am i dyin den?? den continue wif my com.. den gt from yuki d same sms after few min ltr.. den ltr when i was tuition-ing Add mt, told Ajeeta abt it, n she oso say she noe, stay at home n bla bla bla, n we say, we hv tuition, cnt b stay at home.. and was lik dun care la.. 4pm oso din gt, over edi oni c, no use.. n ltr when studyin, suddenly mum oso send d same thin, on 8pm?? n guess wad, today saw newspaper, juz lik wad i expected, it was a hoax message... comfirm in newspaper, n i din waste my time to even send it.. i think when they say, "send it to ut loved ones", den evi1 gt tricked... lol... is gud to noe ppl care tho.. =) juz d sms is stupid, gt after 4pm, no use wad.. >_>"
another thin, i actually said i hv a rabbit which i duno wad is his official name at all.. n he was gone after 1 night on sat.. n sunday, nt to b found.. they all hv a "rabbit hunt" bt end up ntg.. =/ and den today, mum bought 2 NEW breed rabbit.. she say d ppl told her is lion head breed which is nt cheap at all.. = =" duno got get lied anot.. mum say wad invest bla bla, n 2 bro use their money to buy, n if gt child den can sell, alot of money?? when i first saw, i was out from bath n din wear my glasses, n i saw 2 BIG eyes, n end up is their fur.. lik panda.. =) very cute.. ear oso black... n den she say buy a girl n a guy, bt when mum wan to comfirn their gender, she found out it luks lik 2 female, ROFL! where cn 2 girl born a baby?! haha... bt duno lar, duno is it c wrong, lol...
today tuition bm, i think hardez of all.. lol.. nt to say hard, bt my standard is.. cuz i suck at bm.. n dis teacher is gud la, he din reli force us on h/w or wadeva.. =) and he juz cal us to mek er... details for d essay, nt write, n he gv us some clue edi.. still, d laz he will gv answer anyway.. =) i prefer dis kind of teacher i guess, no pressure bt duno gt improve on bm?? o_O bt still, i cnt forget abt tokin to Kar Yen, reli fun.. gt tok abt exam, specially bio paper! n add mt.. compare wif her high standard skul.. haha.. n Ai menn was nt takin bm there anyway, she say d teacher there gt problem, bt i prefer dis teacher anyway.. Kar yen oso agree wif me, yet i noe she is a clever person wif 7A which study in Catholic High.. ><" my sis skul, haiz.. bt she choose art stream account class, lik my sis does.. my skul dun hv dis type of choice.. = =" cn say government skul dun hv to choose dat, oni cn b in sub science stream.. = =" n choose mean choose, cnt change, lik CHS, diff, u cn tek other language oso.. or mayb art which nid to read oso, u cn tek n study after skul, or mayb other subject which oso was available.. BUT, holiday nid to tuition~~!! haiz.. =3=  bt lucky cn sleep longer, i sleep lik a pig.. n ytd hv tuition add mt n bio, i guess ytd was d oni time i did nt feel sleepy which nid to sleep for 1 sec in class durin bio.. =) nutrients!!~~~!! =/ whew, is easy den chemi... chemi was damn sleepy.. skul oso no use.. = =" haiz....
ok, gonna go to my manga world.. =D was into minami sensei's manga nw.. =P from mecca.. haha.. if u noe den oni cn understand.. so dun bother.. manga~~!!
THX for readin, bye~~!! ttfn.. =P

Friday, March 11, 2011


ARGH!!!!!!!! i'm reli goin crazy nw... ><" so dam upset abt my marks about BIOLOGY man!! >=(
juz 1 mark, 1 MARK! n i cn gt A-!!!! i reli feel lik crayin then.. bt no dam hope on changing d fact.. d stupid part i din gt marks was d 5mark which nid i wrote very looong explanation abt d tissue function.. n guess wad? i juz did nt write d word "connective" or "muscle" infront of d tissue dat i explained.. juz dat lil word n i hv gone my precious 4 marks.. >_>" i mean there lost 8 marks!! = =" n i dun even hv mood to even bother wad i was even gettin bothered of.. =( n mia was lik, same n wenn oso.. all 3 68%.. n mia was repeatin crush me.. bt still i was bein interrupted wif thoughts abt d marks i hv for biology.. and oso, mornin doin biology thin untill end.. boro pei yi and chia wen's to copy.. thank you for savin me.. =) still, no feel better after d exam result.. = ="
and so, gotta say, another thin lik mornin called out name hu wrote for d japan transfer student thin.. omg, they ask qualification dat consist failin on exam or nt.. n me? fail b4 in form 2, form 3 nt sure, gt gua?? o_O so i think sure cnt.. samo my physical activity oso cnt.. = =" haiz.. oni smart people gt d choice on goin.. =) nt lik lazy ppl lik me.. = ="
anyway, oso thin lik laz min, shen teng reli gv me a shock cuz she say she is gonna cum my hse.. ltr? i mean, = =" i duno wad to say? u cum to juz boro 2 buk?! o.o i was juz thinkin is her mother/father so free to fetch?? well, if it is, i guess she hv a nice mum, nt lik my short tempered mum hu WILL NOT do dis kind of thin specially fetchin me here n there so gratefully.. =) bt still, juz boro novel while i juz oni hv lil... o.o i am nt a novel fans, bt a manga fans.. manga lover to say.. =)
end skul, wenn no umbrella n her mum din fetch her.. n i share wif her under my umbrella.. and den wok her home since my mum is late on fetchin me.. n went her hse n boro her mum fon to call.. n mum luk lik bad mood?? o_O n her mum came out n tok a lil wif me, abt gettin nt reli guf result at first is okay.. i reli think wenn's mum reli is understanding.. reli.. =) to me, my mum doesn;t even bother it is or nt.. juz wan A den it is.. ><" i noe is impossible for some penguin to fly.. or sing? lik in happy feet movie?? ok, penguin dun sing, bt is impossible for me to gt A lik in a split second.. i duno y, she juz does nt gv much understandin on it.. =( dat's y i reli feel pressure around her..
bt dis is a nt-so-gud news n a nt-so-bad new either..ytd nite, juz gt my new handphone from my uncle.. juz lik wad i had expected.. NOKIA brand.. = =" is nt criticizing or lukin down on NOKIA of cuz.. if there was a choice, i will nt choose nokia, customer rights hv choices ok? i noe NOKIA is durable n such.. bt i prefer SONY.. ><" dis fon.... touch screen n oso key pad.. gud abt d wifi, camera wif 5.0mega pixel.. bt no gud is, haiz................ camera oso so hard to tek, touch d screen oso muz press hard or nicely, web oso restricted thin such as dis blog, theme oso nt reli nice lik sony, alarm oni 1 space(dis is cruel n samo no use wan, duno where is d sound) n samo youtube, wth..... cnt even listen nicely wad d ppl is tokin or even d face... = ="
i noe, it luks nice, i juz see in d bad side of it.. bt i prefer d laz time xperia x8 i guess compared to dis.. i juz own dat for 3 day, my xperia juz gone cuz of some bug on d touch screen n makin unable to press.. n my uncle say dun buy sony n he choose for me himself.. den, ended up NOKIA lik i expected he will do dis... ><" since, no choice..
i muz b hapi, at liz i hv a new fon anyway.. =/ no complaint!! tellin myself dis.. = =" bt reli, i lik d luks, juz d inside.. ehem.. ><" still wantin to find positive side.. =( tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
miss my xperia now.. =( i should hv say i wan dat till d end.. ><" haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...........

there is word in my head,
juz 1..

regret on dis, regret on exam, regretin so many thin..
thx for readin, ttfn...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

10 march.... ntg actually..

juz daily poz.. anyway, ytd tuition, oni me 1 girl there.. evi1 all exam duwan go tuition jor.. =/ anyway, today ar.. early in d mornin rain fall.. and no gather, juz went into d class.. gt marks from psk(civic) dat is 84.. n i found teacher mis-marked my answer n i add till 86%.. den ltr mia was askin abt a question, n it was d 1st question in d writin part.. n d teacher wan us to write dis word oni gt marks, HALA TUJU!! n i did nt, yet teacher mis-marked dis answer of mine full..eventho i hv a full explanation, bt dun hv dat 2 word.. n i was reli forced to accept d fact i nid to minus, n ended up i goin out to ask mark for ntg i guess.. from my sight 86% to 84% again.. lol.. bt nvm.. >_>" and teacher oso did mark wrong for evi1 in class, except mine n mia.. abt d first question n gv them all full mark eventho din write hala tuju dis 2 word in it.. =/ juz so u noe, i accept d fact anyway, does nt wan to cheat anyway, since dis is civic oni.. = =" if is other lik bi or wadeva, i sure cnt stand geh.. =) 
and there was paper lik physic.. wow, nvr tot i cn gt A- for it.. juz so lucky reach A-.. =) bt oso gt many mistake there.. =( bt still, nvm.. =) all i was worry for is my BM, for BM, i hope to pass den ok edi.. =) pls god bless... 
and samo 1 stupid thin happen, is d English, OMG, she wan us to act d novel story, bt no 1 volunteer, n ended up a spellin, and i wrong 2, n ended up nid to act.. = =" dat is seriously stupid.. wad hv gotten into me, ytd chess comp, nw drama... arghh!!! i din even wanted to!! =( n so, no choice.. i guess i'm gonna act as Lucy's mum.. if i'm nt wrong since i juz read d story loooong ago juz once.. =/ anyway, n oso, 1 thin, I FINALLY FINISH MY ADD MATH HOMEWORK!!! woohoo~~!! tek me months to fin 2 chapter!! =D so hapi.. bt nw nid worry biology.. 
n oso, my tuition teacher for physic, tok s/thin i reli agree ytd nite.. =) well, half of d time he is tokin abt thin dat is nt related to chapters in physic studies, bt gt on d fact we tek exam on it.. and there was 1 thin, DO U TEK ACCOUNT when u r in PURE SCIENCE class? seriously, i reli agree, when u dun tek it when u r in PURE science stream.. =/ reason n explanation, think twice or triple, or dozen time.. bt i will b lazy to write n tok abt it nw since i was juz briefly tokin anyway, 1 day i will tok abt dis.. n d reason n such.. lazy.. bt his main point is dun tek of cuz.. if u tek, i hv no comment, i am nt u, u r nt me.. =/ reason lik support, takin more A, takin more subject as reason is disqualified to b a "reason" for takin it, bcuz there is no such bother if u do or nt.. = =" reli, except if u wan waste ur 1 year to check u r in bio or account, den form 5 bcum sub-science class next year, different thin.. bt if u tek it in major exam, u cnt hv reason lik those n such.. - -" 
anyway, skip here n there.. i reli hv no comment.. i noe our bc class, i mean d NON-bc class, bcum karaoke box, wif voices dat sounded lik.... *ehem*...... no ears to bother hearin?? ><" bt still, usual if nt karaoke, means is dancing floor.. haizz... 
n mia say she will crush me, i duno y, bt i dun think i am fit as a rival to her anyway.. cuz i myself dun even noe cn i go top 10.. = =" hope she will fine a better man to crush onto.. lik pei yi, or jun git.. they reli r pro.. (oh, d "man" infront dun mean "guy" ok? go find dictionary for d meanins if u reli dun understand n for havin wrong idea..), study lik wad... i will nt do d same, i will juz sit in front of d computer n... PLAY... n they will sit infront of d table n... READ.. difference from ppl lik them n ppl lik me.. = ="
ok, i noe after skul we 3 wok bek from skul, n yuki say she forgot to tek her sock wif her.. n she tek off her socks when sports cuz gt wet edi.. and den d end she come out wif 1 leg a shoe n 1 dun.. den ltr is weird, n she tuk off all her shoe.. and juz no wear any shoe n wok on d road.. so many rocks n such.. duno hw she cn do dat.. = =" and den i wait for them to cum out n cuz mum haven reach.. den ltr cum out mum still haven cum.. den for some time wif wenn n yuki waitin wif me, den finally she come.. thx for waitin wif me.. =) and den she reli wok home w/out her shoe.. on d road... 
ok, end here.. wan to say, thx for readin, bye~~ ttfn.. =)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

exam is so goin down right nw!

duwan tok much abt ytd, juz briefly tok lik my bro, called pizza, n ate b4 goin tuition, n den durin d same time when i was in tuition, bro celebrate his b/day w/out me.. anyway, go bek oso 9pm, he cum bek oso 10.30pm++.. no way pizza will deliver at 10pm++.. no choice.. so secretly ate 1 box of pizza, n left him another 1.. so will let him think is a new 1, lol..
anyway, today reli ntg, juz main thin, mornin get nagged by Encik shokeri.. haiz.... bla bla bla.. n they say Encik Muccidy(i duno hw to spell, call M la..= =") is gonna go, so they hv a farewell party or wadeva, i reli din hear.. or noe abt it.. untill my fren say 2molo wan go to skul anot.. bt i will go wan lor.. and exam paper.. haiz...
MATH-84(n i wanted to hv A+, i noe is greedy, bt i reli think i cn tek wan..)
ADD MATH-56!!(dam dis.. do u noe i wanted to gt 60+? n nt a dam C!!! bt still ok lar, better den ntg)
PJK- 63, tot i will fail, bt no feelin, juz leave it anyway..
ytd was chemi 67, sej 50... all marks lik so low geh.... o_O n today i oni noe d ppl in my class damn pro.. math oso cn get 100 marks.. = =" haiz.. anyway, no use thinkin to gt in top 10 in class... >_>" anyway, b4 skul end, is choose club day i joined chess club, since is d oni 1 dat no nid sport among it.. and wad d heck, other den s part all form 3 here there, n noisy, i was bein forced to join d competition below 18 among states or wadeva w/out even knowing i noe hw to play anot.. WTH! ><" i duwan!!~~ @_@ anyway, skul end lik dis.. bla bla.. n oso b4 go bek home, wen to some banks dat my mum wan to, n den go eat lunch, eat duck rice.. den went to tesco, mum wan buy s.thin, n i wait in d car watch taiwan drama via DVD.. n den finally go bek, cum home, use com, watch an ep of KNT, n fin i say, ' wad the, dis part in manga dat is lik few pages went lik an ep, 20 mins in anime~!!!! >A>" ' and den, blog here n there, see ppl's update.. den ntg more.. update reli tek my time..
ltr gt physic tuition, dis time i am reli dead, i din rmb wad the heck he taught nw, n he say dis time we r gonna stand if we duno d answer.. arghh~~!! DX die lar............!! n i still din read..
gt rdy to go, so thx for readin dis poz.. if u read juz nw dat poz, reli damn long, appreciate if u oso read fin d poz b4 dis.. lol.. tek me hours to fin.. anyway, ttfn~~ =)

"IF" we weren't frenz..

actually i juz wanted to write dis to tok abt.. stuff.. lately, i reli see many frenship problem.. i mean, if there is lik ppl hu were lucky they actually hv frenz bt they think they're nt, n will lik say, "GET A LIFE!" abt dis.. or mayb sayin "i nid a stick to tok to"... ok, juz leave them if u dun understand wad i mean.. bt hey, if ppl of u out there think so negative, do u ever think abt dis title to ur fren, tellin to her/his face sayin dis?? o_O ok, some cruel fren deserve dis of cuz, bt for normal cases, is a reli harsh word to say, bt a reli gud word to think thru..
i too, was a fren to whom may be, n hv fren wif others.. i too hv problems, reli reli serious problem wif so called "frenship" thin dat ppl will noe wad is it, bt wad was it reli?? is it reli lik, i noe u well, ok, u r my fren.. or... we spend longer time, yup, u r my fren.. actually, to me, fren is more bein closer in distance from strangers to a close fren, and dis bond is s/thin so called "trust".. will u nt agree?? o_o i mean, nt lik er.. u lie to me, i lost trust lik dis.. is s.thin lik, if i dun gv my trust on u, will u even think i will b a "fren" to u?? i entrust my "frenship" on u.. n if i dun, wad r we anyway??
they is sooooo many ppl in dis big large world dat in ur lifetime, u cnt reli go all small corner in evi valley around d earth.. do u reli think fren is so easy to gt? ok, i think i hv no qualification to say dis, cuz i dun reli think i am a "gud" fren anyway.. bt to find a reli gud fren bside u is hard, bein fren wif s/1, is nt easy.. bt some ppl, reli dun understand rite?? they think n take it for granted, lik is rain drop from sky, n actually is s/thin dat is so hard n was bein luk high upon among d ppl hu think is important lik in desert places which rain falls, was nt reli normal.. bt juz SOME ppl, haha, reli din hv a nerve cell to connect their brain for their minds to THINK abt it.. hw funny.. =)
there is oso ppl, which were actually havin fren yet they juz dun luk at themself wad they hv.. bt they're sight was fix on others which was lik our eyes, cnt see our face.. is reli too bad dat dis world juz created a mirror juz for lukin in our face, bt nt a single thin dat cn c wad we hv.. those invisible thought, was is ntg in u guys? when they hv frens, they say no.. n layin in a side bein emo.. wad for?? u hv frenz man! bt i do agree dis thin, is dat a "fren", or a "cloz fren"? i noe, some ppl was sad abt dis.. mayb s/time me too, emo, bt i din say i dun hv.. u noe wad, when u say u DON'T, means dat u dun admit d existence of dat certain person to b a "bez fren", dat is y u don't.. do u nt agree in dis?? think nicely, if my bez fren say, i DON'T hv a bez fren, means dat I was nt a "bez fren" to her.. n there is hw u juz break ur frenship.. is nt lik, i say i dun hv, bcuz she din treat me as one, or mayb she din tok to me hell lot of time or wadeva.. if u wan a "bez fren", u hv to admit it, and eventho is juz u thinkin it, i blif if dat person also hv a heart, they WILL do d same one day.. =) u muz gv out wad u wanted, nt waitin for thin to cum to u.. even it is harsh, u muz put effort in it, nt juz tok n say, bt action is important too.. =)
bt if u say abt me, no, i cn tok, i duno hw to act, so i dun hv many frenz.. bt i hv fren n bez fren.. =) and i hv bez fren hu reli din tok for YEARS, or c each other, bt to me, i still treat them as one in my heart, cuz they made me trust them alot, they reli gv me alot, n even time flies, i din forget abt them, even if they juz dun rmb hu i might b, i will still say i still treat them as a bez fren to me.. bcuz those time we spend, d effort they put to b my bez fren, my remembrance to hv them as a bez fren is d best repayment i cn gv them.. =) even i noe, when i was old, i may forget, we may nt noe hu each other r anymore, bt still, if u reli trust them, u WILL treat them as a great fren eventho they dun.. n my repay to them still last till nw, i still DO treat them as one, eventho each other may chg, havin owns life, bt when i think bek, they're effort was d thin dat touched by me.. so i muz reli put them in my heart, eventho i noe i am nt a gud fren, eventho i were to hv a bez fren, my other 2 bez fren were still there in my bek to suppport me, there is no problem between us 3.. nt lik nw, here n there prob.. head oso pain.. i mean reli hard to maintain 2 or more bez fren, dun u think? i hate those problematic thin.. haiz.. i guess i am so frustrated dat i dun even think on puttin effort to fix, since i done it b4, i guess human's habit is d 1 most hardest thin to chg.. so even i wanted to put effort on chg-ing them, is no use.. miracle... laz time is easier, we dun hv lik wall to mek me think we will end up lik dis.. i mean i lik frens dat will b more understandin.. n juz b there for me when i wan to.. i mean a fren in need is a fren in deed.. arghhh!! mayb i was influenced by ppl around me nw, i noe i hv no rights to say anythin, bcuz i oso nid some thinkin oso, bt i hope evi1 treasure their fren nw.. smile more.. eventho i noe, i hv no rights to say dis to u.. =( bcuz i oso will emo in a corner, bein stubborn those kind.. lik a baby wantin to b pampered wif care... bt u noe, i tuk highly in frenship, so when it cums to dis, i was reli "un-standable".. bt still, i duwan to let go of my precious fren.. =) in secondary skul, i noe i hv frens i reli luk up to dis year lik wenn, yuki, mia, angeline, pei yi, cindy, cullyn, yuen yen, shir jin, tj, chia wen, feline or shen teng.. there is so many bunch off ppl i think them as fren n oso my clazmate, eventho some did nt, bt still i personally think them as 1 to me.. i wanted to gv my lil trust to them, so hopin dat they will oso do d same one day, even if some reli tuk lik, nvr gonna happen.. bt at liz i do try.. =)
n to my fellow fren hu is trouble wif fren stuff.. dun b sad, cuz i will b sad too.. nt to say physically of cuz, i am nt u, u r nt me, i will nt lie to u i say i 100% noe hw u reli feel, cuz when i do, u oso dun.. bt i understand dis dat i oso went thru dozen of time, mayb nt dat many lar, bt still, wad r frens for? if we weren't fren, there is no US... not u.s.=united state ok? if we weren't fren, there will b nt d same me sittin here, doin dis.. IF we weren't fren, i cn tell u, i will b reli sad in d future.. bcuz if there is no us, is juz me.. two, is better den one.. =) d song oso say so.. so y dun u think dat way? if ppl treat me lik dat, i will treat them d way they treat me bek if i cn.. =) so rmb, if u say u hv no frenz, does nt mean u r alone, is actually a harsh word to say out to a fren dat treat u as one.. pls rmb.. =) cuz i will b sad when my fren say so, cuz i am nt in her "fren list" when she say her list is blank.. when she oni think she was alone, actually is a bad word to say out.. =( do u ever think abt it??
bt for sure, i hv no rights to tok all abt it.. bcuz i will always b a nt reli gud fren to others.. i juz cn't seem to b a perfect fren i guess? =( so all was wad i wan to b, n tokin to u, i was also tokin to myself abt it.. to b better.. so let's do our bez for d "frenship" road... wow, dis is reli bad for heart... n brain.. cuz reli stress..
yeah!! cheer up, ran to d finish line(death??), n dun gv up... =/ nonsense...= ="
ok, dis post is stupid, seein myself writin crap dat ppl reli will nt b pleased anyway, i guess no1 will juz see wad i write n say, "damn, dis is gud!" or so obedient to reli folo wad i say.. so is juz nonsense to ppl.. ><" i noe is nt reli a gud poz, bt at first i was wantin to cheer up my frenz hu was unhapi around frenship.. n when i tok abt it, it all came wif craps i mention.. so still d laz part always save d bez one.. so i guess i should say, ppl out there, smile when u r unhapi abt it, cuz u nid to act first b4 u wan ppl to act lik wand u wanted to.. eventho some fren dun appreciate, bt i hope they will 1 day understand, ur existence to them is reli important.. =) nobody is unwanted, other den bad ppl of cuz.. go for d bright side where there will b light dat will cover ur dark corner.. =)
kk.. thx for readin dis naggin stuff.. bt still, thx.. n yea, reli hope all will hv a nice day, year, life! =) treat ur fren hw u wanted them to treat u, is a tip to mek fren.. =) oso depend on luck of cuz.. so, gonna say, i noe some ppl might think is crap, reli sori.. hopin evi1 will b hu they wan to b, bein themself is more important.. n there will always b s/1 hu accept hu u might b, dat is a true fren.. =) u noe, ACCEPT, ur bein, ur existence as a fren n ur frenship.. DAT is oni TRUE fren.. =) bez fren, was hu near hu far, bt true fren is more den anythin of cuz.. all true fren accept me for hu i am, lik my laz time frenz.. dat is s/thin dat they reli do accept.. n dat is wad i treat them as a true fren.. =) true fren, i hv some ppl in mind.. WENN, MIA u guys r in it of cuz.. bt for sakurako, is half oni.. cuz she dun reli accept wad i lik, n reli criticize abt it.. = =" bt she is a bez fren for those time we spend b4, bt half true fren.. i mean, ppl should respect wad... >_>" n oso, some ppl i may nt noe much abt them, bt true fren is s/1 reliable to tok to oso..
i reli nag alot, okok.. end here.. too long edi.. ok, bye bye.. ttfn!! "cheese~~!!"<<-hapi face
thx for readin~ <33

ps. the unsinkable ship in the world is called, friendship. so b glad for wad u hold.. =)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

hopin gud luk cums by

after all d bad luck in dat runs in my life, such as sis went in to hospital, and minor thin happen(nt gud wan la), n others for my family.. n nw, hopin gud luck will slowly cum..
start from where i left off, after went to hospital n visit my sis in d emergency ward, d first thin i see was my sis lyin in d bed, bt conscious, n aunt silvia.. i went to her n she was cryin, n was reli sad.. she was in pain n i ask her, is it bcuz her bf oso din cum visit, n she nodded.. n i send a msg to her bf askin cn he cum visit my sis, even juz a while cuz he is rlei sad.. and he den call my sis fon, n i guess my mum was nt reli hapi abt him cuz mum think dat sis in troucle, he din even visit.. =/ bt oso bcuz mon gt exam, so he cnt cum since he hv no transport, i oso understand.. n after some time, halfway thru d tok, suddenly appear a man in police uniform askin us to juz oni 1 visitor at a time, n we all was bein forced to leave n my mum juz there.. wif sis.. and aunt silvia offer us to eat in d canteen there.. went in, was so damn cold.. n c d food, there was menu on wall, yet they say not open.. den oni cn c some variety of dishes dat u cn choose to add in on wif rice.. and d moment i c dat, i was lik, *ehem*... = =" den no choice, saw left 2 sandwich n we tuk them, eventho i dun wan to.. and den call an ovaltine to drink, it means coco.. hot coco.. and juz d coco is ok, so damn cold in d canteen.. ltr mum cum, den we went out n saw my 2nd uncle wif my cousin..  n my 2nd aunt went in to visit my sis.. and den we hv to wait outside d counter there.. and bhind was a vending machine.. so there was some choc bars, or pocky/rocky or wadeva, biscuit, n such.. n my cousin wan to eat, bt my uncle hv 5 dollar, as d smallest change, bt d machine is nt sensitive enuf to detect 5, juz 1 or 2 n coins.. so we juz no choice, my bro hv 1 dollar as his smallest change, bt we wan 2.. n d laz buy a 1 dollar sweet.. den went in to visit sis, b4 dat i went bek to d car n tek her monkey doll dat her bf gift her laz time dat i brought for her n left in d car, n den go c her, saw my 1st n 2nd aunt.. so juz went to gv her sweet n a doll, den go out, cuz d "police" again cum in.. thye juz tek d same uni, bt diff job.. reli stupid.. anyway, waited long, n saw my 1st uncle, in d car outside d hospital, we went out n greet them wif my other cousin.. den oso scared d police again cum, den went in bek.. i guess my sis gt scolded by aunt, or mayb nagged by them to stay in hospital in case anythin happen.. and den i guess my sis oso gt scolded by her bf cuz her bf does nt reli agree on her to join d cheer leading activities n she ended up fallin on her head, i duno wad to say... =X and finally they fix a room, n went up to visit her.. tok awhile, n 2nd aunt oso go.. juz left us.. and den bcuz reli late edi, n monday i hv skul, nid to wake up early to gt rdy, so i rush them to go back home, i mean my dad.. my mum stay bek wif sis.. n she insist my bro, Brian to stay bek since he is afternoon classes, while me, Jeremy n dad in mornin group.. haha.. n brian does nt wan to stay, bt when mum call for him for a tok, i was goin out n call my dad.. dad n jere ediw ent to d lift w/out waitin n i ran towards d lobby, n gt scolded by d nurse there.... >_> n jere was lik, "u so slow wan, duno meh? lik dat oso duno bla bla bla...~~!!" s/thin lik dis.... lik he so big when i am older den him 5 years.. n he luk lik a five year old to others samo.. no, i am nt 10 years old ar!! is jere luks younger 6 years.. luk lik he din grow anythin...... = =" chicken little..... anyway, bt goin bek, ask to take away dinner, n we insist to hv it bought in a further restaurant.. so juz lik dat, n lalala... wait long, n hear radio music, specially english station, n untill d way bek home, i rmb d laz song we ever hear in d radio dat nite was bruno mars, juz d way u r.. long time ago, yet we sing along.. haha... me n jere.. and den ar.. ltr on too tired to open my com, is reli late.. bt bro n dad ltr went out again to d hospital to pass thins n food for them.. n i was sleepin i guess.. =D hahaha..
MONDAY!! dis suck!! wake up lik usual, n juz d uniform, i wanted to wear lik normal, bt cuz think again, n choose wear baju kurung, n did nt noe it ended up so stupid for wearin dis.. after d lOOOOOOng tok in d assembly, we cnt go bek for us girls, we were bein nagged by d teacher to keep our tidiness n such.. n all ppl hu wear baju kurung juz nid to cum out, wth!! = =" so embarrassing man!! standin in front lik dat.. n laz min, juz pull down d long sleeve i folded up since it was a hot day, n oso pin my hair up, in case... n d end , standin 4 by 4 in front.. n den finally free.. = =" n we cn finally go bek, n d 1st paper i got was english exam paper.. n i got d highest among my class.. A+.. =) satisfied i guess after hearin oni 2 ppl got A+, dat is me n pei yi, hu hv 90.. reli reli clever alot of them.. not lik me.. i cnt say is 100% luck at all, i dun lie, i dun lik ppl say lik it ALL was LUCK when gt dis n dat... = =" is dat luck??? o.o bt oso gt lar.. bt i still think mozly is bcuz dis term is easy, so many ppl juz more den C.. or no C?? bt i guess dis oso luck lar... for sure, cuz my english oso suck.. for me to my standard, cuz i cnt even folo up wif singapore standard.. i mean lik gettin A+ in singapore standard is nt reli easy, so i guess i still suck, is juz malaysia english standard was reli low, so is easy n no nid to worry, cuz will nt fail lar.. d first peek i saw my mark, i was kinda a lil disappoint at first, reli! i tot i cn gt 96 lik dat... even juz a few more marks, bt reli different.. bt still, dis term does nt mean potential was dat standard.. so i wanted to tell specially mia, u r great! so dun gv up~~!! dat is seriously juz luck! =) ur potential is more den dat!! i NOE!! =D blif~~!! cuz i noe ur bi was somethin dat may b better den me~~!! so ppl out there hu din gt marks n emo abt bi, dun worry, if u hv potential, means dat marks is juz luck.. =) understand? =D bt my bm i hv no potential, so no use if any1 say to nt cry if i gt fails in it.. cuz dat is seriously no luck nor potential there... haizz.... and ltr was so many teacher late mark, so juz 1 paper.. doin add mt untill duwan do edi.. and d last class is moral, bt we were hv to go out to choose our uniformed club.. and d last after some struggle on thinkin, n den decided to join st. john ambulance.. =) me, angeline n wenn.. and den chia wen was oso in it n was d "head" of d club.. congratz to her.. and den yuki was lik, actually was wif us, halfway den go out, n i ask wenn where she go edi, n wenn say she went for ppsm club.. n i was lik........ oo... n den finally end, den ok lor, cuz they say d time is reli convenient to me.. =) after skul den straight for d club.. end time is same as my bro's skul time on friday.. 12.30am to 2.30pm.. went bek, mum fetch me and straight to hospital.. n was eatin chicken rice at first, bt i wan to drink s./thin, so decide to go to d cafe we passed by b4 on d way.. and den went down n call for a drink, n i call for iced lemon tea while mum was a canned root beer, n a bowl of asam laksa, eventho was full wif d rice, bt dis bowl was reli nice n we juz fit it in our stomach.. d tea i drank at first to me was so sweet?? n den call them to add water inside.. my mum was lik, say i so scared to die or s/thin.. haha.. diabetes?? bt i dun lik too sweet, i noe d flavour was acceptable from evi1, bt to me, is reli sweet... ><" cnt stand.. n juz add water inside.. lol... den eat so full, bt still got take away some for sis.. and den go bek to her room, waitin for d insurance thin wif d bill.. so damn long, i waited, n i hv tuition samo.. i was so tired.. n juz watch tv program n there was discovery channel tokin abt human brain over d limit or s/thin, reli nice documentary.. =) and den ar, cnt sleep, waited, n pack some thins, n finally wait for hours n cn go out.. around 5pm++.. went home, gt chg and eat some rice, my mum cook crabs, bt still i no time, eat little oni, n go for tuition...tuition add maths at first, n he started chapter 4.. i was lik 1st time felt add maths class mek me drowsy.. n i wan to sleep.. n finally it was over, i slept on d table n rest for some time.. damn tired.. and den biology, usually was so sleepy in dat class, bt ytd was ok, i did nt reli so desperately to feel so bored till sleep dat kind lik usual.. =) biology and add maths exchange? haha.. usually add mts i was reli ok, did nt feel sleepy at all.. haha.. bt go bek, 10.30pm.. lazy to even open my com, no time, n gt rdy for bed...
TODAY~~!! ntg much lor.. gt history, i hv half marks of d paper.. 50% and chemi was 67%.. nt reli gud, bt ok lar, i duwan think much, since i was reli worryin my bm......... dat is seriously goin to hv d risk for landing near FAIL or nt... ><" and chemi i duwan to tok, so stupid!! freakin stupid.. specially d liquid thin, wth!!!! >=( i am so gonna say abt dis to d teacher hu even call me draw lik dat, KILL!!!! >< anyway, hope luck cum, pass all!!!! n oso, many frenship prob accurin in my sight.. o_O i hope it will b settle, n evi1 hapi lik usual.. =) fren is nt s/thin easy to hv, so we muz reli nt juz treat them lik ntg.. cuz is nt s/thin dat cum wif random.. is s.thin dat was fertilized by "trust" n "bonds" durin d time pass on d growth of it.. eventho i agree, i oso hv, for sure to hv dis kind of prob, specially wif dis fren hu name call yuki specially, reli problematic....... = =" too much negative aura.. i dun hv more comment on her edi, too lazy wif no energy to even waste on dis kind of thin.. = =" nid tek 3 days striaght w.out sleep to tok fin abt her.. today last period of class oso, join d spbt, d buk thingy.. actually thinkin on katerin, english society or dis.. n d laz, wenn, me n angeline in d same club.. n cindy oso, so lucky.. ytd oso c her.. ahaha... =D bt still. katering alot of ppl, lucky din go, lazy edi.. n oso we all nid to buy d "leaf" badge, duno is it a wastin on money, bt is a conveniet thin to differentiate ppl hu is mornin n afternoon session.. ><"
today is oso, BRIAN'S BIRTHDAY!! n so yet, din reli cn celebrate together.. all time clashed.. i hv to go tuition on 6.45pm, mum, jere n brian cum bek 7pm++, den 7.45pm brian to go tuition, i 9pm oni cum bek from tuition, n brian 10.30pm oni cum bek.. = ="n if 9++pm my sis edi go bek edi, nt around.. all time oso clashed together.. duno hw to do.. haiz... so duno lar.. gt bought d gift.. juz ltr gv mayb.. haiz... they sure celebrate themself when i am gone.. haizz..
ok, i lazy to upload pic eventho i hv.. random.. so lik usual, wait untill i free.. dis poz sure is long, tek my hours of time to fin dis.. ok, thx for readin dis long nagging.. ok, ttfn..

"hapi b/day to u...~~!!" (to brian n ppl hu hv d same b/day wif him)
say "cheese", cuz when u do in front of d mirror, u r smilin even u r sad.. dat s/hw was s/thin to encourage ppl to smile.. so pls do, 1 sec to chg ur mood even juz 0.000000001% of bein fine.. =) i noe is kinda no use, bt i duno wad to say.. ><" juz b hapi..

Sunday, March 6, 2011

wantin on goin bek to d normal days, n hope my sis will b okay..

d title was reli wad i feel rite nw.. bcuz i hope reli evithin is fine nw.. nt juz my prob, bt specially my sis..
since d laz poz is kinda annoyin nw.. feel bad evitime on den d poz appear.. =( hopefully, evithin will b fine after dat, cuz i guess is my personal problem.. sori for bein so annoyin.. sori yuki, sori wenn, sori evione~~!! juz noe dat yuki tok to me again, for helpin me on manga.. n wenn ar.. cnt wait for 2molo.. =) hope they dun mad at me cuz dis thin, i nw am afraid.. specially wenn, sori oo....... u cum c my blog bt din say anythin, hope u forgiv dis fren ar.. TT i reli sori ar~~!! >A< if u mad at me, cn scold me k? for free~~ =) i will listen de.. juz so u noe.. =P
anyway, tok abt thin happen lately, ytd okok lor.. ntg special.. sleep untill late, around 9am den mum n dad reli noisy... at liz let me sleep longer wad.. i laz week prepare exam half of d week wake around 3am.. ><" n den go down eat breakfaz, ntg nice abt it, since she told us dat we nid do h/w, n i in charge of washin, dryin, foldin d clothes, n wipe d area... and lil bro is sweep, n brian is mop.. n den is kinda nt fair, since i do 4 job, n they juz do 1 each.. =( bt still i do.. haiz... and d rabbit is kinda in d way, when i wash my shoes, it was lik, nid to worry will dat rabbit so silly go n lick d shampoo or wadeva.. u noe lar, rabbit immune system reli weak geh.. lil lil poison den c heaven liao.. n it's poo, here n there, since my mum let d rabbit "free" from d area.. in d bek of d hse.. here poo n there poo.. =( my dog oso same.. i reli dun gt, if me i will nt lik to rare since i nt so free to bother... (wad a harsh future maybe owner-to-be??) wow.. my pet in d future, hope they will nt suffer in my hand.. of cuz, is nt animal abuse, dat is heartless man!! i dun kill, or kick or punch it, dat is freakin stupid act to do.. = =" wad i mean is lazy to clean d "waste" and oso tek care of it.. no love geh.. gt, a lil part oni.. start gt, den ltr, drop.. haha.. so better nt rare if u juz wan it for fun, cuz is nt u suffer, is d pet.. =( anyway, whole day after doin d clothes, n den gt check anime, manga, fb, blog n wadeva updates.. after den, ntg else to do, went to watch dat korean drama i mention b4 dat i watch front ep n say is kinda long.. dat time.. n continue wif it.. i cn tell u, i duno y, i kinda lik d actor.. haha.. reli easy to drop his tear ne... ='( sad.. evitime, sad part reli cry.. bt duno y, i still think drama all oso reli puttin wayyyyy loong time to over.. =( i mean, usually larh.. and tok abt pushing a waaaay looong time in a movie, i mean, even kimi ni todoke season 2 nw, d part sawako is gonna confess.. i mean b4.. dat part, in manga it juz was so reli faz, i mean KNT is nt reli a very faz scene n plot changin anime, bt dat very episode is reli puposely doin dat!! =( wastin d time puttin wadeva in d time they cn, walkin lar, scene nt rlei involvin much lar, lalala... n manga was lik, en en... =) i duno hw to express out in word.. bt still, all slow romance or drama is lik dat, wad to say? lol.. bt ne see untill more den 12ep, den dunow wan to c samo anot.. haiz...... tuk too long liao... bt still mek ppl drop tears.. even fans of dis drama say dun c dis drama, will mek ur eyes swollen in red.. bt i think nt reli so over reacted untill lik dat gua?? mayb i haven reach untill d too-hard-to-take part of scene mayb.. haha.. tragic, where is it lieh? bt still, hope hv a hapi endin.. en en.. =) n watch till 11pm+, aunt n uncle came bt i din reli greet, cuz i din went out from my room.. n den i sleep early cuz sun mornin gt tuition..
Sunday~~ dat is today larh har.. mornin wake from my fon alarm juz once.. n no more.. check n c my fon actually no battery edi.. n i kinda think bek abt ytd my mum ask my dad hw much is his fon bill, dad say his was 12, mine was 5 n sis was.... 200++!!! n me n dad was lik, duno where she use so much?? o_O and well,  dad check again n c my sis one, bcum 300++?? n i was lik, huh?? bt 1 thin for sure, me n dad kinda same, we reli lez use fon, i mean lik calls n stuff.. except for sms or contact my fren or family.. bt still, fon always gt, juz is mozly as an alarm for my mornin call.. lik dat.. lolx.. and den wake up, gt rdy for tuition.. so dam early n went down find thin to eat, still left 10 min.. and den gt congee, went eatin few spoon n den went off n rush my dad hurry.. n he was lik so slow... ><" and den go there, n i was d oni girl in d class.. n d teacher oso er, diff one.. n d whole time was teachin spellin n idioms? i mean gv answer for evi question, no nid to think.. =/ bad way to study.. finally time fin, n went bek, bt call dad nobody pik up.. cal sis n she say cumin, bt is actually so slow, wait some time, my sis was actually drivin.. lucky is early in d mornin, less car, less risk on my life.. - -" and den go bek, went cuk noodle to eat.. congee juz fin within d time i went tuition.. scary.. den went to check updates lik eviday oso, den continue wif d drama since i hv ntg to do.. den ar, part time maid come, den ar.. my mum called me, bt i forgot dat my fon was on vibrate and i din hear a sound.. ltr i saw n pik, she ask me to check on my sis's medical card.. she went to cheerleadin n gt a hit on her head.. went to check on sunway hospital.. and i hope my sis will b fine, ntg happen.. hope god bless my sis to recover if anythin was wrong.. n hope she is reli fine nw, still duno wad happen..
k, thx for readin, hope days will b d usual.. =) to my fren or sis, evithin will b fine.. ttfn..

hope my sis will b alrite, ntg serious happen to her..
hope she will b recovered, ntg much to b s/thin fatal..
hope my sis to get well soon,
n she will b b fine, juz lik in d afternoon..

Few min after i poz dis,
i got news from my mum dat my sis fell down n hv blood clot on her head.. or brain.. she is gonna stay in d hospital.. n ltr we r gonna c her.. i reli hope reli ntg serious nw.. mayb she no nid to gone for a surgery or s.thin.. i hope she cn reli b fine.. pls god bless her..

Friday, March 4, 2011

duwan tok more.. bt still...

today happen 2 thins dat reli is in my mind..
one, 1st term finaly over..
second, i'm guessin dat my fren doubted me

when i think bek, i reli wan to cry.. i mean i was writin dis in a gud mood bt i duno y, juz my tear juz fall nw i guess... =) i dun lik sayin too private thin, juz hope i cn go bek to d way it was.. happy frens..

skip d sad part, i reli duwan tok much, bt juz update since i feel sori for my blog.. today exam over.. was biology paper.. i was nt reli studyin for d whole day, since yesterday no tuition, i went using my com n web till night falls.. n watchin 2 episode of korean drama when i went to d manhwa(korean comic) n found dis drama existence.. bt i duno y, no feel, was wantin d find a tragic love story lik d name, sad love story bt ended up 2 ep mek me think it kinda push very long... samo 20 ep, i duno nid c down anot.. storyline nt bad, bt s/hw, duno y i think mayb i am nt a drama fans, so juz on-hold dat drama... and den sleep.. next day go skul oni start open my buk n rmb d words.. push myself to rmb of cuz.. and oso gt d teachin from jun git and mia, n oso pei yi, lil of yan jun n lil of yuen yen.. credit goes to them.. and me n chia wen juz sit n listen... thx for them all.. i oni noe some small thin lik animal cell n such, bt function juz shortcut, duno wad wad wad.. juz rmb den nw forget liao.. me? s/1 hu is lazy n din touch a buk d day b4 exam, oni touch it d day of exam.. so dam lazy person.. - -" bt math is diff, cuz dat i check thru juz d day abt 11pm+ till mornin 4am start doin untill d end of chp.. lil hardwork i guess, juz few hours n other c my brain for math cn function anot.. and den ar, fin d paper, after is accounts paper.. when recess, yuki finally tok to me.. it was lik d situation felt lik ntg happened at all.. and i guess, i rather put my heart in discussin abt d exam paper thin since i was curious n oso i duwan think negative.. lik bein mad or wadeva, is nt my rights i guess, is theirs? yup, i noe i am a bad fren nw, admitted.. =) hu even think wad i feel... when she tell me lik wad i think was my wrong, i noe, admit, since ytd post luk lik no1 ever even notice... i din noe they will think dat way.. n is my wrong anyway.. for nt being a care, perfect, nice, gud fren... i am nt perfect, i am juz d opposite to u.. agree... in dis kind of thin, i reli cnt find any positive way.. abt myself.. sori for bein dis kind of stupid fren if u ever see dis.. =] i am a negative person when it cums to a thin call "frenship".. n reli hapi u guys tok to me again.. bt duno y cnt reli show up on my face.... n den tj oso cum kacau.. bt oso thx him for a piece of tissue.. and my tears mek my contact lens drop, pain untill, den ltr whole day 1 eyes clear n 1 eye blur.. after recess sit in yuen yen place, bhind wenn, n yuki n pei yi cum sit.. den shen teng and jia en oso cum n tok.. i hv a nice tok wif them.. =) since b4 they started wif chinese n i din tek, n ltr continue tok wif shen teng, jia en.. bt jia en din tok much too me.. gud chance yet no courage for me to say s/thin lik dat.. lolx.. =) n some tokin oso gt tok wif d other party, juz few words n ......., lik dat.. still thx shen teng n jia en to hv a tok wif me, if nt i reli am goin to sulk in d table... at liz d few hrs time juz pass lik dat.. n jia wen oso cum down n tek her bag, at first she tot missin jor.. o_o actually is i shift cuz they all exam they.. n i lik her hair style evitime, so cute.. juz for me, i lazy, duno n nt fit to do dis.. since pretty girl muz hv a special hardwork on her, sure it was.. =) nt lik me of cuz, lolx.. bt at liz i guess my frenship prob is ok liao, juz duno y i am so negative on myself.. =( and pei wen finally tok to me after i say bye.. n oso when contact part.. i noe my fren cares, juz dat, even a lil action n word, i hope i gv them space, so either to respect, juz i duno y they doubt me for thinkin lik dat... i mean nt their fault, i dun mean dat, is juz lik blamin....i din treat them as a fren.... n juz when i ever chat wif chia wen i was reli thinkin lik dat to think positive even if she ask me i am alone durin recess, n yuki juz say dat after recess.. i reli am sori, times million time for being dis kind of fren u ever met.. =) i was wrong, n i thx for forgivin me.. thx to d ppl hu i ever tok wif.. hu oso din think i am some what a nuisance to them either.... sori, i am nt bein emo ok? juz bein er... thankful, yupp... =) yea, bez gratitude..
ltr wan went to my old hse, n yea, sad face *=(* for my mum bein late to fetch me, went bek to old hse n gt tenant inside, i juz stand outside d hse to wait for my mum's "arrival".. and ltr she came, brian(my bro) was inside wif his uni he is wearin n bag n shoe, n i tot mum was fetchin him to skul, then ltr saw mum path was goin to d highway, n i realize, y my bro hu is goin to start his skul another few hrs ltr in d car all rdy up n where r we goin? and den it was towards Shah Alam which my dad, blur blur father hu din bring his purse to work n my mum went bringin it for him.. and den my mum call out my uncle since he stay they, to hv lunch together.. and den we find a place to eat, n since my bro was rushin his time, he wanted to go skul bcuz he was scared of late cuz he say nid copy "i will nt b late again" or s/thin lik dat, 100 words which tek up 3 pages.. wad he tell me.. and den my uncle tell us to go eat "nasi campur" or s/thin.. and den d first thin goin down from d car, was a terrible smell which is stinky dat was from a rubbish dump.. and d surroundin.. even d drain is unclean... = =" bt d place to eat, lik normal those shop hu was nt reli hygiene type, bt ok lor, all human, juz s/time if ppl smoke or if reli all rubbish den i cnt stand.. = =" and den there choose wad vege or meat u wan.. on ur rice.. and i tuk many many vege and meat, 2 type of vege, 3 type of meat, eggs, a soup n a tea.. u noe, damn lot i tek, moz expensive geh.. lolx.. my bro n mum n uncle say, waa, so much u cn finsih anot?? n i was thinkin, if my sis were here, will she tell me, "u see! eat so much lik monster oni!" s/thin lik dat.. and den eat eat eat, reli reli full, almoz cnt fin wif d chicken large drumstick.. bt i still fin all.. =) n i rmb i gt tok to shen teng abt bein skinny gt 2 benefit, 1 is, if there is less food, u cn stand d hunger much longer, lik me d moz i stand was 24 hrs, is 1 day lar.. and when hungry, specially reli hungry or gt favourite food, will eat alot bt still, won't gt too fat.. =) bt my case, lik cnt go fat even if i wanted to.. =( nt d fat, bt d small layer of fat which is less den chubby, more den too skinny.. =) anyway, my uncle oso tok abt looong time ago, when b4 i born, den i born, den i small time... he lik say he old jor, all this lik happen juz ytd oni.. =) and den oso when choose d food, d auntie hu noe my uncle, tot dat me n my bro was his son n my mum is my aunt.. lolx! anyway, fin is rushin bek to tempua to fetch my bro to skul... lucky rush in time.. =) juz left 3 min.. anyway, ltr go bank, mum go.. den er, patrol station oso.. cum bek den i watch an ep of anime updates n some updated manga chps.. den cum for doin ntg n updat my lonely blog.. i realize very less ppl noe my dog.. or my bunny.. cuz i din poz here or wad.. ok, nt "my".. bt d pet in my hse dat oso include fish.. n gt wad? duno..
n den, next week skul again.. haiz... =(  ok, end here.. thx for readin.. ttfn.. =)
ps. feel lik writin a poem or editin my blog, bt since i am lazy, guess when i free..
btw, always smile.. cuz i nid 1.. =) <<-happy face.. u call them lik dis when u say.. haha..

Thursday, March 3, 2011

finally it is cumin to an end..

fin physic paper!! woot!.. anyway, nt easy, bt ok lar, no feelin for it anymore, nw is juz left biology 2molo.. sure hard geh.. hope to gt gud marks n such.. haiz.. and 2day mt teacher say he mark edi, n he even tell us d HIGHEST mark in mt was C!! n i was lik, wth.. C?? i cnt even afford to gt a B, nt to say C! >=( well, juz lik dat..... seriously, mornin pjk exam, dun bother, all read physic.. gt teachers lik pretty chia wen and d buk luver jun git.. ahaha.. and ytd tuition, nt gud at all.. all was lik, huh?? n teacher noe i am WORST in physic jor.. 1st time i felt myself was d worst among ppl.. y all clever ppl go tuition, haiz..... >_>" and me, next week, doom.... =( exam was lik, gt some specially d DOTS, gt problem.. d graph is nt DOTS, is TICKS!! n y do they even nid to chg?? o_O n there was 50Hz, i duno wad is dat, i think is 0.02 sec... juz guess.. and when time wan up, chia wen oso gt prob wif d dots, same wif jun git.. and i was lik oso d same.. i mean d dot, i tuk 4 ticks and i din gt any answer... and when i tek 5 gt answer.. and den d graph, is d graph write wrong, is actually 5 tick, bt they wrote dots..
and eventho is exam, i guess i am nt reli a gud fren.. =( i mean lucky at liz mia was still tokin wif me.. =) i duno y, mayb yuki n wenn angry at me, sori if i was wrong, bt it luks lik... they din tok to me a word today.. is sad.. mayb they reli busy or s/thin anyway.. i guess if i join in, mayb will mek them more mad, den d atmosphere will lik tense jor.. hope they cn b hapi 2molo, i takut they angry me, i am sori if i did anythin wrong at all... =( bt thx to chia wen and jun git hu was also bside me, for teachin n oso tok to me, at liz i was nt lonely lik usual times in 3  years bek.. evitime oso 1 person.. i nt emo lar, juz alone oso will lonely geh, i alone name start F and they were juz so near in d names n seat which are far bhind away from me.. evi year oso very cham, malays... bt i dun mind givin them space, dis is usual anyway.. i still thx them for being a fren wif me hu was nt a so gud fren at all..=D hope they will b cheerful again... thx to chia wen, jun git, mia or mayb a lil yan jun? for dis year, 1st time nt reli lik pass year anymore.. =) wenn n yuki, dun mad at me lar.. if i wrong, den u cn say.. u guys gv me an aura lik u nt gud mood.. TT sad face.......... i noe i am a bad fren, so pls b cheerful again ar.. ><
and there is where, i wan to end dis.. use som other den study bio, bad student... anyway, thx for readin dis nonsense if u do.. =) ttfn~!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

3rd day of exam..

today was em.. chemi, moral and civic exam.. darn, i was usin com, chasin over a manga dat is around 46 chp and wad is dat, i din think d end was so grrr... = =" is nice, bt weird end.. anyway, was readin moral durin free time in tuition.. when i went there, saw kar yen from catholic geh.. pretty smart girl.. and 2 week din c her, laz week is cuz i slept n lalala.. no go.. anyway, tok abt my test and den we went up for bm class.. so cold... d classroom.. fin bm, went home, continue wif d manga, i reli duno wad is die.. = =" n i oni rmb 5 nilai in moral.. gt abt 11... and was readin till 11pm+.. den sleep, lik pig.. and mornin wake up late, around 5.40am lik dat.. tot i will wake lik b4, 3am lik dat to study.. i noe sure laz min, bt dis laz min choice been canceled d moment i saw my watch shows 5.40am dat i was usin d time to sleep.. and went skul wif ntg in my mind.. hw awesome.. =) i din even read my chemistry, tot it will easier den moral, seriously.. and it came wif civic paper which no1 reli ever put attention on doin dat n read it anyway.. and it was okok, after fin d paper, still left 39 min n i start writin down d moral value dat was so long we nid to memorize 11 of it wif d meanin on d blank part of my civic exam paper.. after fin, i din tot my right side clazmate, jun git oso do d same, haha.... after end, 15 min till moral start, pressure, all rmb d moral value.. and den came out quite not easy... =X i mean i cnt say is easy, mayb cn pass?? suno.. anyway, untill chemi, dis reli cham.. din read for d whole time, and left so lez time to revision for d chemistry.. omg.. and jun git was lik tokin chemi thin in front of me, some i noe, some too long i dun even rmb wad he say.. and den when chemi exam start, reli die.. 2 paper, objektif n subjektif paper.. so worst, many duno hw to do, nw mayb i realize dat chemi is hardez among d sc subject? mayb 2molo i will chg my mind to physic or so?? =( all so hard, oni mt n bi easy.. =/ haiz...... dis term exam i dun even noe hw to face my mum, i din even study man.. =( and 2molo physic, i juz use com untill d time cums.. n i juz pt d work on physic ltr since ltr was my physic tuition, bt i noe, no use wan... =( juz hope i will gud luck 2molo n friday too!! physic and biology!! gogogo!! =) no study till laz min, huray to me.. (wise child dun folo hw lazy ppl rule lik dis) i edi kinda gettin beaten over dis terms exam n i noe, i oso cnt stand if i see my result havin fail too.. =( my mum is gonna kill me for it, serious... =/ k den. wan to tuition, gtg, thx for readin, bye~ ttfn..=)
hopin s/1 will answer me in blog, haiz... is evi1 in d world busy wif exam? =(

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2nd day of first exam 2011

damn pressure, tired, sleepy and stressed! honestly if i tek up bc, i guess i am gonna die.. = =" lik ytd, mornin wake on 3am, n sleep at 11pm+ after tuition, today mornin 3am again! stupid mt note and den i din touch my freakin sejarah.. go skul, so tired, tok wif angeline, den ltr bc, sit wif mia n study sejarah.. i juz manage to remember chapter 1 part 1 oni.. infront there... n i din hv time to study d bek.. = = ltr after fin mt, i mean mt okok, plan to get 100 for it.. =) hu noes..? haha.. bt sejarah die lor.. recess oso din eat anythin, ltr in hear lim jun git d sejarah pro tellin us sej thin.. chia wen and wenn oso.. =) and yet, my mind oni cn fit a peanut in it.. =( too small space, less den a GB...... = =" and when d paper turn out, omg, d essay was lik, wth.. duno... d objective question i noe, abt 90% i noe, bt d essay, i duno.. noe d thin yet duno d word.. = =""""" and d laz add crap inside d essay of history.. i even wrote china great wall n was lik bla bla.. crap.... = =" ntg else.. marks bye bye edi.. anyway, after skul go to er banks, mum... and den ltr so tired half asleep in car.. den reach home end up nw.. =( n ltr i hv bm tuition.. tiring.. and den i hv chemi, moral n d nt-so-important civic exam 2molo.. doom, i guess.. wad does chemi nid to read anyway?? oohh.. ok, i gt it. half.. so is juz d moral i nid to worry... = =" k den, tired..
if gt time, i reli wan to do my blog, bt i reli lazy.. k den, today reli short poz again, bye.... =) ttfn..