Sunday, October 17, 2010

scary? zZz...

nw was paz midnite, so i say is 16.10.10 den.. is my mum b/day, as d same wif my poz b4.. ntg much actually, whole day playin com... mornin wake up at 2am cz too hot n makin me on9 in midnite.. hoho.. blog moz of all today, bt nt dis.. and manga.. ok, my aunt from mum side cum to my hse to celebrate, we lunch it cake, dinner eat satay, supper eat cake(2 types) whole day eat 3 cake.. haha, bt i din wat many, i dun reli dun hv a sweet tooth anyway, i cnt stand sweet too much.. so i din makan fin den gv dad eat.. actually b4 cake, when we eat satay, we play iq tez.. and d ppl outside watch thai ghost movie.. and den ltr we fin our iq game, i was dam sleepy edi, no cake cum out yet, so go out n folo c d ghost show.. n dat show is 5-in-1, so when v were startin to watch, it is the num 4 movie dat wantin to end jor.. - -' nt gud endin de.. tok abt car seller, d car all is second hand from accident dat die lots of ppl.. end up her son she kill by on d engine w/out noe dat his son is in d engine there, gt burn die jor.. and d 5th story was lik very za dao in d start.. is lik d girl tokin to a ghost lik dat to forgv her in tears, den ltr 'CUT!', is actually they tek ghost movie.. damn crazy.. n d director cal her to pt more emotion in it, den she act untill very kua zhang, and d c2p thin is d director say very gud.. ==' den when in the powder rum, was lik shock when u c d reflection there's a ghost, bt actually is d actress for d ghost, reli scary.. and den d 'ghost' feel very sick, bt d director say cnt rez, and d other guy, 1 of it name A, ask to let her tek a rez, bt denied.. den ltr when they tek, they off d light in there n hv d effect on crawlin out from d dark knid of scene, manatau, no1 cum out, n open light, she fainted jor.. so A send her to hospital.. and den d director bein force to chg story in d end due to her admission to hosp.. den u noe wad, i started to sleep, eventho d movie reli freakin ppl out, bt i was sleepin den.. too tired.. and u noe i was sleepy untill i cnt even blink my eyes for sec when all i heard was screamin from evi1, damn laod cn move the whole hse.. n i was still sleepin.. den after dat fin d show, they blow cake, bt i too sleepy to wake up n go there.. so i jz sing(no sound) when im layin down in d sofa.. den they reli wan to piss me off, they even take the noisy bell n cal me wake up, so my sis cal me n i better wake up den hearin dat sound.. den makan cake gt 3, bt we eat d blueberi somehw luk lik cheesecake as base de cake.. halfway cnt fin gv dad.. 1 cake nvr touch, devide to 3 n aunt tuk bek hom each.. den i was told abt dat ghost story.. it was very za dao in d end..
(d part of d story start here, so u cn choose to skip dis)
d A in hosp there lik i said he send 'ghost' there, den when d director wan chg story, n was very annoyed dat all cz d 'ghost' chges, nid to chg his story.. den ltr the 'ghost' turn up n say she still cn tek, she cum bek from d hosp to wan to cont tek fin 1st.. den they start act.. bt den A in hosp go ask d doctor of d 'ghost' condition, and he was still in there, he gt d news dat she was dead.. den he cal d director n evi1 heard so all ran away, oni left 5 ppl there.. dat was d actress(d start de), 'ghost', director, and 2 more guy.. den ltr they so scared bt den director said mz tek fin if nt d ghost cnt fin her laz wish.. so they jz tek.. bla bla bla.. and many scary effect... i skip cz i din see, jz hear them say.. and den ltr on fin jor, ev1 quickly drive d car n ran.. d guys all in a guy and so scared, bt d ghost folo them in d bek.. the actress oso hv her own car lar.. den d guy side there d ghost chase their car n they quickly ran from her.. or drive.. den ltr they saw A appear, bt in a very frighten way, his head was bleedin and all blodd over him, n they saw that his car b4 had an accident dat is hiz car was being completely smashed by a big lorry to a sideboard and u cn c noway it'll live down dat type.. so they all saw A is ghost oso dam scared, i duno wad they do lar.. i noe den ltr they saw d bek d ghost din folo them jor, so they quickly wind up d window n close d door, manatau suddenly she appear leanin on d window.. and she called out, send me to d hosp now.. and actually they hv a call from hosp dat d 'ghost'was missin n ran away jor.. and i tell u, evi1 in there nvr die, no ghost in dis show at all.. d girl mek up was too gud la.. haha.. y? cz she actually ran away from hosp cz she wan to tek fin d film, so she secretly ran away... and for d A, he startin bang d sideboard, so he started bleedin n mcc wokin, cnt see straight, den a lorry cz saw him n den laz min break n swift to d side n bang him car, so he dat cum out from his car din die, bt d lori accident is his fault.. den ltr d guy side there de car no oil, so they go patrol there.. d girl actress leh, she was very sleepy, so she pt a song bt i tell u, is a lullaby, and c2p thin is d lyrics is 'dun sleep, dun sleep'.. = = den ltr she too sleepy and nvr drive staightall time.. den ltr d 'ghost' in patrol there saw a car, and din think much cz d light flashes on them, mayb it will turn or s/thin to plus oil, bt slowly till d laz second, d car din stop, n d car was d actress wan, and them evi1 face expression is horryfyin b4 their death cums, bt den end jor.. lol...

10.40am, sun, 17.10.2010
2day mornin, wake up, gt rdy, den go down find makanan.. den saw cake den tek n eat.. so den important is dat newspaper tokin abt d malay subj 4 sc n mt.. = = they reli de kong hor.. - -' if u c d news, u'll gt it.. bt for is, is very damn lucky cz we're d laz year dat use bi teks in f4.. i dun think here cn write down d liz.. bt f4 for 1996 start wif lesson in bm,bi in teks.. so if teacher bm, den u cham lur.. dis remain evi ltr year in f4 till year 2012 de f1, dat is using COMPLETELY bm in sc and mt.. in primary they din chg much, jz 2012 d4 will start in bm, bi lesson, no more bc all... and 2011 de d1 will start for d 1st group dat start from bm till d end..(secondary oso).. so we're d lucky wans.. lol... bt dis makin ppl confusion is makin ppl pissed.. if malaysian nid to use bm for these 2 main sub dat was needin around d world, y nid chges for dis.. as for b1, it is important to keep in dat state due to ppl lik scientiz n other will nid to use acientifik words in bi to even communicate wif others around the world such as us etc.. they who were higher standard den we do, uses d international language.. if malaysia is makin dis move, y care abt our education in here wantin to improve anyway, all u cn do was study in d kolej or uni in dis country dat other side of d world keeps on improvin n havin better educations den we do dat cn mek a person to b a better n efficient to d society dat may cn all dis ppl to improve d country, n there it is, bi is important..!! eventho bm is our malaysia main subj, so wad?! it is edi a main in skul to tek n yet, u guys still doesn't had a thinkin for student and a further future for d country.. and 1malaysia should b continue evitime n day n dis mek it worsen when u cut off other language lik bc, tamil in d subj while jz oni appears malay language.. may i speak out dat does it consist anythin dat related to dat theme dat made other races had hope on for.. ppl hope for same level, even if malay was d main n ppl accepted, so y nid to bother? is lik kickin out other races n care for ones.. am i suppose to say it shouldn't b like dis to mek malaysia a better place.. and more ppl in our country dat hv d potential to mek miracle happen in our country will oso b lose n chase to other better places den here dat is full of thin dat it dun reli pt other races much.. and they should not be puttin malay in d front while them doesn't hv d potential to b 1st.. dis mek them think is ok to nt do anythin n bein 1st, lik skul, many sk had malays dat pt them w/out folowin their grades.. dis mek nt oni d class grade went down, it oso made them think there's no lose for workin hard while is ok n gt better in d end.. if dis goes on, d malay will nt hv d intelligence to keep movin d country front bt a burden to slow down d progress on it.. as a main leader n ruler, they mz show as a role modal to other races for them b one hu will may b a future leader for us, has a potential in evi1 of them.. and wif dat, it will appear dis country to hv a attraction to made ppl to cum to help out on makin here better improve.. and there's always needin a step down to make a smile to be, so y dun ppl in malaysia think further ahead in time dat sharin a same hand isn't easy bt if u do, it is oso a key to sucess.. =]
(all above was all regarding to me, felicia's opinion.. if any chances dat u think it was nt gud for ur eyes, pls dun read it anyway, i din expect s/1 hu wasn't thinkin ahead n do s/thin to oppose n misunderstand..)

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