Saturday, October 16, 2010

nt today, bt the day b4 nw..

today is sat, and ytd was fri, and i lazy to write n update my blog.. so dis poz actually ntg much, jz tokin abt ytd, cz nw is abt 2am n i cnt sleep due to the damn heat dat makin me nt wantin to sleep anyway.. n jz c fin manga, yer, y so slow update wan.. haiz.. n i continue wad i nid to update ytd dat is in, n found dat reli help me(nt readin de, jz info oni.. =])bt i realize dat so many manga i din gt to read yet, nt so many lar, bt is lik dun gt to read cz no1 in internet gt scan.. haiz.. anyway, nt tokin abt dis, i 4gt thurs afternoon, when i am makan-ing(?), my mum suddenl shout when she was washing d cloths wantin to tek out from d wahin machine to dry them.. i tell u, u won't guess wad it is, dam freakin horrifying.. is lik abt 10cm big n more accurate is more den 20cm.. i was lik wad happen!! den my mum tuk up dat 'thin' n reli do freak ppl out n shock to noe, hw dat lil big guy get into d machine, it was lik so dam high for him to gt inside.. o_O ok, it's a big rat n his dead face, er.. u dun c his eye blink, jz starin there, his posture edi harden n keep the way he was, lik a human plant lik dat.. bt oni it's dead.. den mum tuk dat corpse out n throw dustbin, n clear it away.. oh ya, i rmb, i'm nt eatin, i'm cukin.. for my mum, bro n myself de 份. hoho..
ok, ytd, fri, mornin i was still mcc should i go to skul, n i haven made my decision untill d mornin..(ps, mayb mon os lik dat, so i nt reli sure hw to reply u.. ><) anyway, dat nite b4, i had a called from yk when i wan to zZz, she ask me sat i free anot n wan sleep over ma, n u noe wad, my fon reli irritate me, i cnt even hear clearly wat was she sayin n all.. all i cn heard is very small voice.. n den i was surprise hw she noe my hse fon num, bt she say i cal her b4, n she heard from s/1 dat my fon gt rampas.. den i wan zzz, so i jz say i will ask mayb 2molo, manatau, abt 10 min ltr, again another call, n i was lik dis time goin to use downstair de fon, so i went down n it was yk again, n oso d fon no chg, hard to hear, wad is d prob anyway!?! n she wan comfirmation, i was lik har? so faz? bt i cnt wan sure.. n den i say i will comfirm wif her tomolo anyway, n bb.. bt today was my mum b/day, so i dun think i will go anyway.. (ps, to mum, happy birthday!! eventho i noe u surely 100% wil nt c dis, cz i noe i'll b dead if u noe my blog anyhow, bt hapi b/day, dun so hot-tempered n emotion evitime..) ok, i mornin wake up lik usual bt ytd is lik actually early, yet i sleep bek, den when i was called by my dad, it was late, 6am?? i nt reli sure d time, cz i stil blur blur, all i rmb is 6am, bt i duno is dat time i c my clock or reli de time.. cz my clock faz abt 25min.. hohoho... bt i duno, mayb is reli de time 6am(gua) n i c so late jor, den i reject goin to skul, easy as a pie.. den i sleep, n wake at duno wad time, nvr c d time, n lay down on my bed n find s/thin to do, n i read manga, den fin jor i wake up, c d time is 10am jor.. den gt rdy n go down, so takut mum will kill me mou.. den i go n tek my shirt that went for ion n pt it aside n makan noodle dad made in d mornin.. den i gt rdy for skul, cz 12pm sharp mz c ismawi.. den 11.45am my mum say de time dat we nid to go, manatau mum gt fren cum n tok tok tok.. time run out anyway.. --' n den d laz finally n i went to skul, b4 gt go blog.. nvr update, no time.. den i was scared d guard dun let me in w/out parent, cz mum duwan go.. den i jz cross over n den lucky he is blur geh.. when i cross, he was lik wan to cal me, den i wok bek n ask wad, den i cnt listen to him clearly, den i ask nid me wif my parents? den duno wad he say, den i say i go find ismawi, n i say blh? duno wad he ans me i jz went in, dun bother.. haha.. den i go pejabat gt few ppl edi there jor.. bt hor, ismawi nvr ask my name when is my turn, lik other ppl b4 me he oso gt ask.. is dat a gud thin or a bad thin? i wonder.. surely nt gud at all!! lol.. den i go to 3beta, n den far away i saw dylan saw me n lik say me 'nw oni cum ar?!' lik dat, den cullyn n pei yi was lik surprise, cn c they very bored lar.. n they say they whole day very bored.. wow, reli very lez ppl cum.. o.o is lik oni malay(nt all) gt cum, other is oni dylan, daniel, pei yi n cullyn in claz.. + 2 kh teacher.. tokin.. den i told them i cum to tek my fon.. den daniel went to pejabat wif dylan to tek his uno bek.. den we start tokin(ntg to do) den we still left abt 15min-- oni.. so we ply uno, daniel wan dat was new i tel u.. haha.. bt very unlucky, d card lik nvr shuffle lik dat.. all colour together geh.. i was so unlucky dat cullyn ask for yelo, i tuk so many n it cum out d same colour.. n for d whole time, i din c any red at all.. my card is more den 25.. duno hw many.. hand oso cnt pt nicely to c.. den ltr end jor, i mean skul.. den we oso stop playin, den pei yi duno gt go to skul at mon mar, bt i duno, so d key i still din tek bek, bt pei yi i noe she half duwan cum, bt i think i made her tek d key let her nid to cum(+ her futsal thin dat she was force to join), n for yuki she nid cum eviday, since she wanted to join so many.. - -' n mon gt drama prac, i dun wan to go, anyway, i was jz a 'calefe', bt we all requested to chg d title since dat was nt s/thin normal we'll do.. anyway, so i'm nt sure am i goin to skul yet, till dat day, so c 1st la.. i reli lazy.. nt to say tue i more duwan to even think to go, bt duno nid to go cn dun go? haha.. whole day nt in claz on tue n thurs, we'll b trap whole day.. from b4 recess is bein force to go padang, reli nid to go there, cnt even go canteen, n ltr is ceramah, duno will sit in d foil there n hear them tok for HOURS till end skul..! anyway, after skul, i was bein told to cum on mon by dylan they all since they wanted to play monopoly, is it bcz he very gud luk dat time n me unlucky dat they think is better? ==" bt better den ntg to do n no1 to play wif.. dat time reli bad luck when i play monopoly wif dylan, daniel, pei yi an tj.. den i say mayb i won't cum, den they were lik say go my hse n find, n i bet they will nt noe where am i, den they ask other person n dat person say duno.. haha.. anyway, c first la, bt i reli hv to say sori to pei yi, she was too gud jor.. i think passin her d key was a burden to her.. makin her cnt cum n hw.. i'll try to pay bek her kindnez somehw(mayb gua).. in heart(?) lol... n ltr we c d jadual for d week, is all so nt wad i wanted anyway, luk lik we're in jail lik dat.. == den go bek home.. bla bla.. use com, manga..... den sleep(cnt sleep anyway, cz i nt usually a person hu tek nap) n wake up, com, manga... all update, find to update, bla bla.. anyway, whole day tired n hot anyway nw.. y my rum no air-con, reli sad... TT i'm a cnt stand hot de person, cold is better.. is lik dat, my day, after eat supper n my mum end up nvr fetch my sis due to jam.. haha.. so cum bek.. dad b4 samo ask me nake cake, bt lazy me rejected, i noe is bad bt i regret sayin nt nt for doin it.. =) cz i reli duwan to bake!! >=[ so end here.. n wenn baby v very cute.. nice~~ haha..

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