Thursday, October 14, 2010

FACK!!!!!!!! dat's all i wan to say.. (no 'u' word very gud jor)

warnin: there are contain of bad words n pls dun read if u think is bad for ur eyes.. children under 10 pls dun consider readin it due to is better u stay d way u r..

today actually i duwan go skul, bt cz me holdin d damn fukin key makin me goin to dat dam skul i pt hatred on today..!! u wan ask me y?? is damn stupid shit i'm going there today!! is more worst den wad u think i've gone thru....... ==" start from ytd, i was still thinkin should i go to skul, cz today was told to b basketball n futsal practice dat we were told evi1 nid go there.. n duno day evi1 gt us or cz d participent.. and cz i hv d key, oni me, so i 100% nid to go w/out tokin bek.. so, for wenn, she din cum ytd, n plan to cum today, bt ltr no cum.. n yuki, ytd say will cum eviday, n yet, laz min say duwan cum for dis wik.. dat pt aside, nt very important, n den i was lik ytd, readin manga n blogin, n ltr on sms.. s/how ltr on i was one side ask abt skul, n 1 side ask bein chase from my 'ah long' for $$.. n ltr i ZzZ jor.. so next mornin, as usual these days, i woke up late, abt 5.40am n was lik i cn still sit there blank my mind for 5 min wastin d time.. = = den i saw dat 2 sms i nid to reply, after makan, we sat on my auntie car dat drive me to skul, n i start replyin wenn, n yuki.. as i tot, no reply anyway, so early hu will reply?! lol... so i went to skul, again, lik prisoner, being lock in d tapak perhimpunan there mornin.. == n b4 goin there, cindy cum to skul, zhi mei n 'xiu qi' oso for return d buk, n cindy paz me a manga dat she wanted to paz to wenn, so she paz to me.. (d manga reli fit her more due to is lik her cute-ness kind of taste.. lik her.. =]) n i din read much cz we hv to go kumpul jor.. after again as usual, they cal form 3 to stay bhind, bla bla bla.. i din care much... den they cal ppl dat wan return buk go return nw, bt bag dun bring away, n student hu left d beg aside mz quickly tek on it n kumpul wif evi1.. lik wan to go s/where, lik d padang for whole day issit? =] ping pong, i guess from ytd was right, bt is oni half n it was d second part, d 1st part is started nt goin to padang, it was prefect kumpul infront n i was.. OMG!! fuk man!! they suddenly spot-check n we're lik, all stunned n realize it was all a trap from d start!! damn dat kappa!!(if u noe, it was oso called as monk for s/1) all was a trick n we all din realize at all!!!!!!!! n all i cn think abt was my dam fon dat i regret bringin it..!! and they spilt d student n start spot check n i was lik, omg omg omg!! n i ask pei yi hw, she was lik duno wad to do, bt she gt try to help me, n i was reli thx for her yet i couldn't escape... d prefect was checkin d girls infront of pei yi... i was so damn in fright n u noe, cindy manga was oso a pain.. i was lik, omg, i hv cindy manga, den wad to do if it was tuk, should i even hw to pay double d price for missin it jz cz s/1 paz to me, n i was so frighted for my fon n dat manga(i oso gt brin mine), n yet i duno wad to do, i din brin any file or big buk, jz notes n exercise buk... n a storybuk novel in my hand wif d manga.. no time to keep, n my fon was lik in my pocket dat i was so damn fukin goin to be dead meat or chop anyway!! i was lik damn scared where to put my fon n keep on worryin for my fon n mangas.. n pei yi gt suggest me to pt in d buk bt i dun think it'll work cz it cn b seen if i do dat.. n den i saw d prect checkin priyanka pencilbox w/out openin it n i was givin my lil hope to put in my pencilbox rather den in pocket dat it'll sure 100% b caught.. n i was so damn fuckin stupid for takin dat damn fon, ok, nt damn, 'precious' fon k? n nw my mud was nt gud bt i duno y i still cn laugh n play block n monopoly.. continue, it was den after pei yi, is me den.. u wouldn't understand my feelin dat whole time.. even after dat!! dat whole day was d moz bad luck day for me ever...!!!!!!!(gua) even readin untill nw, u will surely guess i paz her anot.. dat lil prefect(i cnt scold her, cz i noe she luk lik an innocent small child rather den d devil other prefect dat i cnt pt blame on her luks... == dun say anythin, i was jz in my own world anyway, so u dun nid to understand.. ==) and she was lik, found my fon... = = should i even rpt dat anyway, she tuk away my fon n i was lik try to beg her for nt takin it.. ><" it was lik a joke, god dammit, damn the fuckin perso who wated to put d stupid spot-check and set a damn trap for us!!n there's when, my fon gt 'fon-napped' away wif d head prefect meng fai listin my name... ==" n our class lik anna they all brin uno nvr gt rampas, they kept in their shirt for chg, and TJ oso, he was lik bringin camera n fon n he hid under his shirt dat oso for chg de.. and he brin blocks dat u 100% cnt hide bt nvr gt rampas cz lik nvm.. n daniel rampas his uno card... A class many gt camera(gud wan samo) n fons... n my fin was taken away jor.. i was lik close my fon b4 givin her bt forgt to tek my memory card n sim out!! damn fuckin shit!! (ps. pls dun read anymore if u reli think is bad for ur eyes to read d bad words down i wrote..) n den i ask hw to tek bek n find hu.. ltr on, second part is evi1 go to padang.. all form 3... = = and where gt mood to play..!! damn fack CB.. curse u~~!!!!!(nt u) we all was force to go there n alot nvr go to d padang, jz stand at d corridor, n we're, lik hell we'll go there!! we jz sat at d side n play blocks, even d teacher oso cum see n even play.. = =" and den after sien jor, we den ask IQ question.. lik dat we over our time... and is recess, den go bek class(no inside) n den makan, tok, den again kumpul as usual in d foil merah(i duno wad is d name jor) den is chess time bt i bet we're nt playin dat.. n den finally go bek claz, n i play monopoly wif pei yi, tj, daniel n dylan... u noe.. is it me or d god oso wan play wif me.. i was from d start goin to jail 2 times!! and yet so cham, oni hv 2 properties, n dylan was lik so dam lot i tellin u.. oAO i noe i'm losin anyway.. is jz very cham.. == d whole day so unlucky.. durin recess i wif pei yun's teman go to d fon there n i cal my mum to redeem me dam fon they rampas... i noe my mum will not so hapi geh... hopin she's in gud mood anyway.. when i tell her, she's lik 'u think i gt so free time to go there ar?!' and i say nvm, u cn after skul cum oso cn.. den she ltr say see her mood or s/thin, den off d line jor.. evitime she cal me to tek fon to skul, i was always deny her n duwan to tek, bt after pmr tek den rampas.. == who'll noe dat anyway..!? even yue wey save her 2 fon, she gt rampas her fon accessory, dat she forgotten she hv it wif her.. den ltr i told her my fon gt rampas n i dat time plyin block, i den turn my head tok n pt a piece poz, den no more... she den say huh? rampas fon samo cn laugh.. is nt laugh or hapi, is i too lazy to even bother my damn c2p fon is get rampas so dam fricking bo song abt it jor..!! =] anyway, d first thin i worry is oso cindy, so after spot check, i go find her n ask abt her manga, n she said her 2 manga was bein rampas away, nt sure they cn gv bek anot.. n cz save nt to let d manga rampas, i sacrificed my fon for dat.. d prefect was ltr found my fon n i beg her, she deny n ask meng fai.. den ltr on, she skip me jor.. so d manga i pt wif d story novel buk in d side or my hand was lik nt bein discover.. so is lik half cham, bt save my money to pay for ntg i dun even wan to pay for.. i mean ask for..!! bek to topic, den when play monopoly, still left 5 min, i was bein called cz my mum cum.. n we went to d pejabat.. go there we saw d seat gt a mother and a primary daughter(indian) and we sat down.. so mum tok abit wif her, bt she gt a bit blur abt hearin ppl tokin... and den her case is d son no go skul for long time den gt amaran letter(ltr go bek car my mum say dat d son gt sick nvr go skul oso gt amaran, topic dun ask.. haha, i 4gt) and den they ask wad u wan, den say 'tunggu'.. manatau, w8t so long still left 3 min den skul end jor.. den i tek my bag up, n d key i early paz to pei yi jor.. den ltr w8t until s/1 cum, den ltr my mum let d mother go 1st, den ltr i met d girl i met in CT b4, nt sure her name bt she dun hv her parent to tek bek her thin, i think she duno, n den she go jor.. den ltr ismawi cum, i tell u u'll gt a shock of ur life(kua zhang) when u see his face.. nt scary scary, bt scary when he laugh n smile dat we dun see for a million years.. reli gt two face when he was wif parents den wif student.. = =" anyway, he was lik tok tok tok wif mum n ltr bla bla bla... laugh laugh.. = =" den ltr mum cal me go they, den ask me my fon de brand, etc... den my mum samo ask cn no go skul, bla bla bla de thin..... bt conclusion, i still HAVEN"T gt bek my fon.. god dammit... n i nid to suffer(duno) goin to skul tomolo to meet him... = =" haizz.... duno wenn or yuki will cum mar... -.-' same thin as 2day n we're goin to play no matter wad they say.. mwahahahaha.. still ^$%^##%&$^*!%$&^$%&^*@%&$&@^%(&...!!!! *toot...* =)

PS- dun even dare callin my fon, or sms my fon dis whole time.. i'm nt wif it.. it's bein fon-napped as i said...

wenn, when u're cumin anyway?? o_O yuki i duno her, today lik gt thin wan her to cum to skul 2molo anyway bt mayb she mayb nt cum oso, i dun reli duno... if u c my worst-day-of-my-life poz of today, jz noe dat i dun hv my fon wif me k?? =]

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