Monday, September 27, 2010

history, life, beca...? melaka...

nw is another one of hols trip.. dat is a historical place in our country- malaka.. =/ bt i won't tell u d history, i am tellin d nw~~dat is oso abt me btw.. lolx.. n there v go abt my story.. haha..

jz few days ago, my mum said v book a 3-day-2-nite on vac in melaka on a friday(3.9.10) till sun, bt den my mum cancel d sunday wan so it chg to 2-day-1-nite trip.. due to sun is d day my bm teacher 1st time cumin to my hse(nw hse) n teach me devil liked classes.. end up so stressed... eviday.. ><><><>_> den we go bek d n pass by d pool.. my lil bro, jeremy den jz chg himself to his swimsuit n went for a swim.. my dad stay bhind n teman him.. the rez of us jz go bek, my mum n brian ltr on chg some cloths n went for d pool.. bt i insist on stayin n read some of my sj, bt den pt aside n do my another stuff.. haha.. den ltr on we check out and den go for the boatcruise n walk also.. when we're on d road there, very jam i tell u.. jam untill... haiz... so we park in a place very far.. so we walk there.. and then we walk the jonker street, is oso lik 'petaling street' in sel, jz on diff places oni, n oso there no sell 'fan ban huo' la.. there's sell souveneirs n stuff... =/ we wok untill~~~~~ i oso cnt tahan.. den we finally reached to the place to buy d ticket for d 'boat cruise', n still left another 30 min, so den we go to the nearby muzium dat is few hundred meres away, leg pain~~ i rmb dat time i sambil sms... o.o bt den we reach, d ticket we pay for is 3 student n 2 adult.. they dun bother.. d actual price for us should b 4 adult 1 child.. bt den there hv a student package dat is RM1 n mz wear skul uniform(v of course din wear), dat is cheaper den child.. bt d ppl nvr check.. haha.. i gt proof oso... n den oso visit d muzium.. cold.. outside hot.. den it time's up for d boat n we rushed there.. so den we sat at d side n i tuk some foto n video too.. n by the river oso cn spot moniter lizard if u cn see.. bt i cnt gt d chance to tek a pic of it clearly.. ><'' and later on we sat for the boat, and den i tuk some pic.. den suddenly there's s/one ask me to tuk a pic wif her, n i jz blur out after she tuk, n i told her she's pretty, n she say'u noe hw to speak english?', i'm lik yes, she den told me she's from irag or europe, nt sure... den after dat, we went bek to jonker street and my lil bro, jeremy cry insistin to ride on the beca, so my mum say d ppl too skinny to ride us so heavy ppl, den my bro dun wan wok.. den my mum wok along the street 'hang gai' and me, my 2 bro n dad went to ride.. we den stop our destination nearby our car parkin spot.. den i went to buy souveneirs n ltr reunite with mum to makan lunch in a laz time we went b4 wif my aunt n cousin, brandon de ols lukin shop.. den my mum oso buy nyonya sambal(nt bad larh) n we den went bek home... =) so i loaded some pic to share, as a thanks for readin till here anyway...
(i upload somehow is opposite the story from d back to front, u cn see front down to up)

a mini-waterfall when we pass by while we're headin bek

the place we eat our lunch in jonker street

a temple we came across when we stop after sittin d beca

the beca me n my lil'bro sit
okay, its me, yeah... -.-

the beca me n jeremy sit+ brian dat wan to squeeze in ltr(his is wif my dad in d bek wan)

another~~ =)
jeremy hand blockin down there.. lol.. in the boat

d foreigner dat wan to tek pic wif me(right de)

a boat de 'ceiling'

another boat~~

see d view of the castle?

tek in boat de view~~

the boat we'll b sittin then..

d ticket and d evidence of me as a pelajar.. (w/out uniform for rm 1)

suddenly bunch oof stident(indian) came to visit, lucky we fin jor)

a ship, mini lar.. in d ship musium..

in the ship musium

croc shaped.. =)

inside the ship musium

old time ship

the ship musium we went to...

the boat we're goin too sit

one of d view+beca in melaka

a view i took in d balcony at d apartment

same place, bt lukin down~~ the swimmin pool..
and dat's hw my day end in melaka(i think), jz din write some minor thin.. okay ba.. thanks for readin, haha.. i bet u'll hv to scroll so long.. thanks again.. =) and i still left my cameron highland trip.. hahahaha... n yet, i 4gt pmr.. ><"

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