Thursday, September 30, 2010

yea.. compare is oni wad u say..

today again i was force to 'ponteng' skul by mum n teacher, n mornin i woke up at 7am++, i start playin com n gt rdy.. n when d time cums to 9pm, i was lik omg.. bt den lucky i fin readin d whole story 3chp manga till d end.. n den i went down n mum cal me cook mee, yet i dun wan to eat asam laksa dat my bro n sis lik to(i hv a moth-ball 'allergy') n doesn't wan to eat any bt there's ntg to makan jor, so, mum cal me cuk mee goreng b4 too late.. den i was sooo scared dat it hv d taste of it n i wasn't sure to eat it anyway, bt den due to ntg to makan, no choice, dun care 3 7 21, jz cuk ba.. den i dun lik d mee goreng anyway, i jz add some recipe insode dat is from melaka trip b4 de nyonya sambal dat my mum brought(d lz trip to melaka gt say b4) n add into it.. n den it turn out too nice to makan jor.. haha.. too bad we oni left one mee goreng oni... my mum say nvm.. den ltr on i go for tt n yet, jam so terrible!! mum dun wan to go dat way so she turn bek n here there u-turn.... bla bla bla..... n was reached.. anyway, tt is same old borin kh dat i dun seem to think dat it was needed to tuition on mornin n we skipped skul.. he reli make me reli unhapi abt him d.. bt there's two lil boy boy(suspect is bro or mayb is) dat r so adorable n funny too.. hahahaha... me n wenn laugh untill duno hw to say.. very cute lar.. haha.. d teacher even scared of d small boy boy cry untill the class oso cn goyang n the big wan was lik one time he keep repeatin mwa-ahahahah(s/thin lik dat) lik a radio.. it was lik den teacher drag him to the room bside n he was lik wantin to cum to the rum where d lil boy boy n us are.. it was lik he tryin to open d door n teacher drag him in d bek n keep reatin d mwa-ahahah sound.. too bad my pic is nt d faz snap wan.. miz the shot anyway.. bt i tuk their pic d.. oni......... i lazy to load... if i gt load into my com, i'll poz on top den.. haha... =D n den my lil bro, jeremy came n makin me wan to spank him doin funny face outside d door.. n den abt my mum, she was lik mad n scold me again... when i was in the car, she say i nt into d tt, bla bla bla, den 4 wad ponteng skul, ~~~~ etc.. i oso nvr say i wan to ponteng anyway... >_> den she wan go tesco, den i say i wan buy buk, den she brin me go popular n she buy her stuff, i go separate ways wif her n bro.. i found some exercise(PMR) n den pen n other stuff(bt din buy) den ltr on we go bek in car, n actually mum go feng shui shop buy soooo many stuff(too bealivin into dis unlogic thin) n veryyyyyy exp.. dun gt wad her mind is thinkin, she even buy a guan gong's sword for my bro, brian dat cost RM55 after 50% discount dat was RM110++++ originally, dat was lik for wad the!! duno buy for wad! den ltr on, she sudenly say me again, n den abt teacher in tt gt ask us to belanja makan, n den i say wenn say too lazy to go down makan.. den my mum say y, i say ltr go down den time still runnin mar.. den she say, 'see! still pei wen more better! bu kui gt tek b4 no.1, very clever', and den say me jor........... = ='' yala, i no geng i noe edi lar, nid to scold me meh!!... den she ltr drive to jusco area n we go makan seasonin yee mee there, mum go buy thin.. den those teenage malays very... = = i duno hw too say, 1 comment, same as my claz de malay except for aliff.. those malay duno hw to say, lik nvr c ppl de.. den ppl wan pay n Q up, they were lik playin wif d rope thingy n block ppl road n 1 group there standin duno for wad.. nvm, den bla bla bla....... den after makan n buy fin thin, v cum bek home.. n nw, nt studyin at all.. ><""" hahahahahahhaahaha.. i bet wenn sure gt de!! =D too geng jor.. too geng... see manga time..~~!! =) (my bad habit, dun folo, haha)

u noe is dis 2, they're bro btw

wenn~~!! c d bek, wad is he doin?!

cnot open?!

wenn laughin~~ =D n all i cn see is muvin head

d lil bro lukin at his bro goin away(jk)

when he cum bek sittin in d floor?
did i c wrong? i think i got the evidence of teacher abusing..
haha.. reli joking!!

chg place? hard workin?

wad is he doin layin in d floor? he lik d floor?? o_O

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

result~~!! wth..

today was lik goin to skul, due to there's science class actually, and yet!! i oni got 79%!!!!!!!! wth!! 1 more mark n i was lik 80~~ reli wan to cry out load... and den bm was lik again let the teacher gv us a fright, he's lik sayin oni 1 person gt A, 3 person B and 26 C, n d rez all D or fail.. i was lik, wad??! i pray is B den i grateful jor.. when i tuk i was lik so dam hapi, due to dis is was first time gettin a B in my BM!!!! woohoo~~!! n yet, hapinez sure dun lz long, jz when i was glad ddat my geografi went up to B(70%), and math for 78%(A, bt nt gud enuf!!!!), i was lik turnin grey or blue or whatever colour dat was all due to the stupid chinese exam result.. another 5 mark den cn gt B jor.. i reli hate my c2p bc rite nw dat instant..!! so dam hard lik wad.. i noe for me hard bt for wenn hu wrong 3 sure kacang de.. cz i nt geng den her mar.. =/ too geng jor, 'yao bu ke ji', bt den in d other hand, yk grade dropped alot... duno y... o.o hope she dun feel sade lik i am right dis second, min, hr n time... =( haizz... 2molo den gt ppl gv slip for pmr n yet, duno hw to decide d c2p tuition hv to face hu he say will gv us blank dat was like actually BLANK at all... damn it!! hw to decide?!? wenn, i reli duno.. - -'' bt if nvr tek den i scared ma cham? u noe 2day gt teacher samo cum write attendance lieh.... i scared she reli write us ponteng, after pengetua cum find us hw? dat teacher oso same, oso say cnt samo wan us go, if nt tek d blank n cal us to cum, if nt dun gv, lik black mail oni... - - duno go for wad!! hw many time he say the same thin OVER & OVER again!! = = swt!! he gv no gv very swt jor, i dun care liao... = ="""" anyway, hoping for english A and sj B!! c2p bc!! n yup, i still bo song d suki desu suzuki kun y oni 1 episode end.. !! arghh!!! and other anime n manga i am catchin..... ><" btw, i gt 7 place in class for 1st trial while wenn gt 3rd n yk gt 2nd n pei yi gt 1st as always.. =/ wenn, i still w8tin for miracle to fall down from d sky, i reli duno wad to say abt my result jor, nid kao god ler... ><" TT and b4, i was lik as promised, i gt to check on fons~~ yup, i repeat, is SE HANDPHONE!! n guess wad, i was lik shock when b4 i wanted de one of d fon dat was walkman was lik original price RM1999!!!!!! wad the... cn buy a laptop jor....... = =''' bt i wanted that sooo much.. nvm, i 4gt the model jor, bt if cheap n gt d basic function i wanted, i think i still choose d cheaper de ba.. too expensive ler, for dat walkman fon.. TT mz say bb to it jor.. ~~ ><""

(10pm nw when i edit)
damn~~!!(nt scoldin u)
it was lik i haven decide my decision to go to skul or either goin to tt for the blank.. and den due to my mum bought a new cam for herself n she comp wif me on takin pic.. and yet, when i wan to sleep, she say wan to preview our pic, again after sendin bek a sms to wenn, i went down again, n den there's when he cal to my mum, she was lik wantin to paz to me, and i cross my hand to her the same time.. n he tok to my mum lik soooooo many thin... = = dat's wad i even cn guess in my dream, say he had tip, wan gv bek bla x3, he wan gv us den gv us properly, waste time.. gv him kh buk samo duno hw to mark, nw den say gt, ltr go again dun hv i reli gt fire in my head jor... >_> den ltr he gv a bunch of reason for me to go tt n den my mum say she decide for me dat is to go tt due to 'tong qing' his fren hu sneak to tek d paper, n den i was lik, sure lar... den my mum scold me dat half hearted and he say i was lik very bad result(less den 5A) den wenn hu cn gt better n great result in pmr(6A+), n i was say she was clever den me n gt better grade den me anyway, my mum scold me y do she even pt effort in me den..etc... lik i wanted to!?! i dun care she put or no put, jz bcz lik dat, i oso cnt b clever den d whole class ok?!? i noe my grade is bad, yeah rite, i cnt gt 5a lik wad my mum wanted, jz wan us to go tt mz use untill lik dat mar? u think u gv blank den ok jor mar? u din even gv any anyway!! gv u d buk oso nvr do anythin, duno 4 wad... nw u wan gv bek den gv bek larh.. i duno u will even gv anot... i hope reli gt appear in front of me.. i'm reli nt hapi anyway.. n my mum was lik, turn around den laugh jor, i wanted to cry jor, lucky her makin-me-mad face cover up jor.. i almoz show her hw unhapi i am.. damn... !! if nt she's gonna kill me anyway, dat's y i jz smile bek lik ntg happen(cai guai, i was reli unhapi bt nvr show), bt more towards him... anyway, i was jz bringin out my fire, lol... = =" dun let me gt too mad anyway... sleep den cn cul down..(gua)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


arghhhhh~~!! i'm so frustrated much!!!! arghh!!!! (due to ntg to do, lazy study, so using internet de kesan) first of all, suki desu suzuki kun why oni 1 ep of ova!?!?!??! TT and yet, yumeiro patissiere season 2 jor.. so qiao end liao season 1.. kuroshitsuji laz episode lieh?!? y dun hv??! TT and khr manga when u even upload n wad the heck did u license for?! pig bride oso same!! arghhhhh!! i duno wad to say jor.. should i knock the wall?? i gt ntg to do till sien untill sot jor... omg, wad the heck am i doin.. i nid to study!! ><" haiz.. i wan sleep ler.. lazy... *nooooo* yawn... i wan go comic track buy manga, i wan arisa, youko maki's artwork(lazi write d name), suki desu suzuki kun, samo gt apa?? blank in my mind............ all i think nw is wad i saw de anime, hikaru voice is nt wad i espected for, dun reli lik it, sound lik ouran's one of d twin de voice actor, de chihiro wan too sharp jor.. i guess.. and hoshino wan lik din bring out the feelin when hikaru first met her acting dat time... guy voice too grown-up and girl voice too child-ish kind.. ><"" i noe manga is always better bt i wan c samo~~~~~~ TT nt reli lik anime kind, gt manga stle de anime.. lol... artwork better den NDS game de art.. bt still cnt over d original... =( anyway, even the current manga of it also when will it update!!!! i cnt w8t for d next chp of dat jor.. duno hu understand my feelin ne? TT lol....... >_>"" too dam c2p is wad i wan to tell myself for talkin crap rather den readin for tez.. arghhh!! cnt cul down myself... cnt w8t jor la... 5d5d ba!!~~ i reli wan cry jor... lolx.. hopin for next chp, ep, n next season den~~

u heard it! no way..!

today was a skul day n yet, we skip skul for tuition.. i dun gt wad is d point of going anyway.. if he wanted to tell d blank, den tell larh, w8t untill when.. boro d kh teks for him bek home to help us mark those blank n yet when he gv bek, ntg.. = ='' den samo ask to skip on fri or next mon, u think very free to skip issit..?! >=( eventho dis is wad i wanted to say, bt yet, i din say out... haizz....... lazy to tok abt it.. wan tez jor, bt still readin manga n on com.. i dun understand myself either.... =( anyway, khr anime was tempo an end to it.. i duno yk will noe or is she too obsess wif gintama anyway.. bt i read many manga till d latest chp laz nite n today lik s.l.h, khr, switch girl, etc... other miz alot chp de w8t for my pmr over oni cn read.. ><" hmm..... i think i gt ntg to say nw anyway... bored.. i will nt skip on fri anyway!! D=< mwahahahaha...

Monday, September 27, 2010

finally... thx..

me.. thx god n mum.. for havin her buyin me wireless cable to conek thru my com.. yet.. i'm glad.. alot.. =) grateful.. =D today was monday and i we went to skul jz after a day rez.. dat was sun yet i dun hv any i guess.. and ytd i think cum bek tt, i even 4gt study n renew blog while waitin my another bm devil teacher arrival yet she threw paper plane or origami or wad plane thingy.. is lik wad the, she 9pm oni sms say 'nw i reach home' end... = ='''' den i 4gt abt d geo buk teacher cal me read.. today mornin i wake late, cz i din hear my alarm n woke at 5.45am.. i'm lik, huh? wad happen n quickly gt myself rdy... haizz... so rush till duno wad nid bring jor.. mornin i came early(almoz eviday is d same), den angeline came to greet me.. den after talkin a while, den i realize today ws monday n i 4got to bring my tie...!! i was like, omg... TT i wif angeline went to d telephone booth n cal yet no sound de? den up there notice very za dao, write from d headmaster say oni available at rehat time n after skul... c2p!! den i jz duno wad to do.. n i go find my bro bt duno where he go jor... den ltr when yuen yen came, she say like gt form 5 tez, mayb no perhimpunan.. bt today was told to us dat we'll gt d PMR slip.. i was damn afraid... i duno i gt cry anot larh... >_>" my heart edi cry jor.. haha... den ltr i go perhimpunan i pray nt to perhimpunan.. n some kind fren help me to ask like wenn, cindy n cullyn... =) n cullyn told me dat today will nt check tie.. den was lik, wad a relief.. haha... den duno is rain or wad, evi1 no teratur go bek class.. - -' we den b4 break de class, no teacher cum teach oso.. duno cum 4 wad.. sj din even cum gv us!!!!! arghhhh!! sejarah!!!! and den latr kh, gt 62%, nvr improve bt decline in marks jor.. bt still nvm.. dun care jor.. very hard to me... i nw scared sejarah, geo, sc..etc.. haiz... =/ den when bi, it was lik i think dis term de tez is de suck-est b1 essay i ever write in my whole life jz bcz never write whom i agree wif!!!! wtf!!!! dat was wad i wanted to say in my mind... D=< sc oso dun hv d chance to hv a gud mark... lose mark so badly............. - - so den my tuition wan to to ponteng skul n go for tt in my old hse, so for me, oni left tue, wed n thurs, bt i decline d wed due to my important sc.. cnt afford to miss his class... and den tt teacher cal my mum after cumin bek home and he say soooooooo much n long, n ltr my mum paz d fon to me, i was like e, ah, oo, um... and d fon was like 5cm far from my ear.. and he cal me cal wenn, i was lik sambil e, ah, oo, um n sambil cal wenn, n oso sambil answer my brother question.. 2 fon in both ear.. =/ he tok too long, bye den bye, samo gt part II, i wan to faint jor.. 2molo my mum 2pm gt s/thin to do, so 10 to 1.30 is laz decision.. den ask my bro to ponteng laz 15min b4 skul end.. =O bt duno cn lar... n den mum again cal me ask abt would she buy camera or fon+camera better, and open new fb acc for business, and etc..... den ltr say i wan u at liz gt 5 A in pmr AT LEAST!! = ='' ok, i'm reli goin to b insane... bt b4 fetch my bro, my mum went to tesco n ask for d cable to d printer, n they din sell separate de, den i myself went to buy as she ask dat is fries, ice-cream.. bt when i order, d person is it s/thin wrong or gt prob, lucky i saw there write coke, n i was lik, i cal for d ice cream, den i pay d money, 10.10 for 1 large fries n two ice cream.. n i was lik, y so exp?? i tot oni RM1 oni wad.. den he cum out is d cup de.. no choice... haiz... tek den tek larh, pay jor... bt d choc very sweet, dun reli lik too sweet de... i bet my lil bro lik dat.. bt den ltr meet my mum in d com shop n she bought d internet thin for me.. ^w^ hehe.. duno mayb she gud mood.. den she ask abt d cpu n bla bla... she's askin cz she wan to do business thru net... n wan faz... n ask lots alot question, n den when d sale guy turn over, she was lik turn over to me n say 'he say so much, i still dun understand wad he say..''.. i was like'.... he say untill nw u still dun understand ar??' den she ask me to listen, den ltr she ask the guy day i wan to noe abt it, tell me abt d com(for her), den lik okok oni, duno wad brand de... =0 den cal me help her do her business work.. bla bla bla... o.o and den tt cancel jor.. hapi bt oni playin.. haiz... - - wad kind of person am i? lazy.. =/

history, life, beca...? melaka...

nw is another one of hols trip.. dat is a historical place in our country- malaka.. =/ bt i won't tell u d history, i am tellin d nw~~dat is oso abt me btw.. lolx.. n there v go abt my story.. haha..

jz few days ago, my mum said v book a 3-day-2-nite on vac in melaka on a friday(3.9.10) till sun, bt den my mum cancel d sunday wan so it chg to 2-day-1-nite trip.. due to sun is d day my bm teacher 1st time cumin to my hse(nw hse) n teach me devil liked classes.. end up so stressed... eviday.. ><><><>_> den we go bek d n pass by d pool.. my lil bro, jeremy den jz chg himself to his swimsuit n went for a swim.. my dad stay bhind n teman him.. the rez of us jz go bek, my mum n brian ltr on chg some cloths n went for d pool.. bt i insist on stayin n read some of my sj, bt den pt aside n do my another stuff.. haha.. den ltr on we check out and den go for the boatcruise n walk also.. when we're on d road there, very jam i tell u.. jam untill... haiz... so we park in a place very far.. so we walk there.. and then we walk the jonker street, is oso lik 'petaling street' in sel, jz on diff places oni, n oso there no sell 'fan ban huo' la.. there's sell souveneirs n stuff... =/ we wok untill~~~~~ i oso cnt tahan.. den we finally reached to the place to buy d ticket for d 'boat cruise', n still left another 30 min, so den we go to the nearby muzium dat is few hundred meres away, leg pain~~ i rmb dat time i sambil sms... o.o bt den we reach, d ticket we pay for is 3 student n 2 adult.. they dun bother.. d actual price for us should b 4 adult 1 child.. bt den there hv a student package dat is RM1 n mz wear skul uniform(v of course din wear), dat is cheaper den child.. bt d ppl nvr check.. haha.. i gt proof oso... n den oso visit d muzium.. cold.. outside hot.. den it time's up for d boat n we rushed there.. so den we sat at d side n i tuk some foto n video too.. n by the river oso cn spot moniter lizard if u cn see.. bt i cnt gt d chance to tek a pic of it clearly.. ><'' and later on we sat for the boat, and den i tuk some pic.. den suddenly there's s/one ask me to tuk a pic wif her, n i jz blur out after she tuk, n i told her she's pretty, n she say'u noe hw to speak english?', i'm lik yes, she den told me she's from irag or europe, nt sure... den after dat, we went bek to jonker street and my lil bro, jeremy cry insistin to ride on the beca, so my mum say d ppl too skinny to ride us so heavy ppl, den my bro dun wan wok.. den my mum wok along the street 'hang gai' and me, my 2 bro n dad went to ride.. we den stop our destination nearby our car parkin spot.. den i went to buy souveneirs n ltr reunite with mum to makan lunch in a laz time we went b4 wif my aunt n cousin, brandon de ols lukin shop.. den my mum oso buy nyonya sambal(nt bad larh) n we den went bek home... =) so i loaded some pic to share, as a thanks for readin till here anyway...
(i upload somehow is opposite the story from d back to front, u cn see front down to up)

a mini-waterfall when we pass by while we're headin bek

the place we eat our lunch in jonker street

a temple we came across when we stop after sittin d beca

the beca me n my lil'bro sit
okay, its me, yeah... -.-

the beca me n jeremy sit+ brian dat wan to squeeze in ltr(his is wif my dad in d bek wan)

another~~ =)
jeremy hand blockin down there.. lol.. in the boat

d foreigner dat wan to tek pic wif me(right de)

a boat de 'ceiling'

another boat~~

see d view of the castle?

tek in boat de view~~

the boat we'll b sittin then..

d ticket and d evidence of me as a pelajar.. (w/out uniform for rm 1)

suddenly bunch oof stident(indian) came to visit, lucky we fin jor)

a ship, mini lar.. in d ship musium..

in the ship musium

croc shaped.. =)

inside the ship musium

old time ship

the ship musium we went to...

the boat we're goin too sit

one of d view+beca in melaka

a view i took in d balcony at d apartment

same place, bt lukin down~~ the swimmin pool..
and dat's hw my day end in melaka(i think), jz din write some minor thin.. okay ba.. thanks for readin, haha.. i bet u'll hv to scroll so long.. thanks again.. =) and i still left my cameron highland trip.. hahahaha... n yet, i 4gt pmr.. ><"

Sunday, September 26, 2010

yet, still dun gt it

eviday i had to face tuition from mornin n den afternun n i mz secretly ply d com while den my mum had control on it.. isn't there a formulae to tell me to slove a problem whenever consequences anyway?!?!? i'm so fed up s/time to face changes n prob, i want to sleep in peace(nt die larh..), i mean lik nt botherin abt the time i lack of sleep, nid laz min syudy, regret when fail in exam.. my life s/how is mess up wif my thought, think to do, bt nt action i put.. it suck.. >_>" i duno y b4 pmr, i'm dam bored till i even hv a record myself for writin a blog w/out leavin it behind my mind... haaha.. mayb pressure is s/thin dat kept u thought, bt also a motivation, a task to find a new solution to let it release from our lil mind, and big wonder... haha... jz imaginaring cn bring a new world to life bigger den d earth in a plce mayb u wouldn't see tru out the galaxy... mayb ppl thought exist s/where after the earth dat r so big we wouldn't noe.. okay, i think i'm talkin nonsence.. crazy edi.. due to too much stress i'm havin i guess w/out any work tho... >_>" i'm nw even thinkin abt imagination n stuff, i gotta b sick anyway.. - -' i gt ntg to write, bored, yt went my aunt hse n we hv bbq there, i from almoz 1 year din ply fb even bored till goin to play ps myself.. bt yet i luv d sotong my uncle cook.. haha.. =) den again my mum-n-bro incident happen again there and my mum dun care d situation n jz wok away n cal an end n wantin to go bek home, n we tuk some time to bring my bro dat doesn't wan to go bek home into d car.. today mornin i hv tuition on my lil bro, jeremy tuition centre there.. is lik = =''.. duno wad to say, no comment, bt the thin is dat when he was asked to explain abt d locus thingi, is lik he cal me to explain it. i'm lik-'u cal me to do sj den u r d teacher y u ask me?' n yet nvm.. den for myself i oso dun understand d laz question, i'm nt a teacher or anythin, i cum as a student.. den when i gv up, he jz say wad for nw lif aside, ltr oni think, is lik wad?! locus no nid 1 min if u noe d ans to explain n find d answer, is nt lik there's a formulae or anythin wad!? = =' he duno den say so, samo ask us to do.. = =""""""" =( and my dear wenn, dun worry, if u cnt 'xia shou', i'll help u to do it, even if u ask me to throw dat from a buidin to let u gt a chance to hv a new fon w/out any prob jor if u wan to.. haha.. ^o<>=( haiz... again a day to stress, den rez n never read, 2molo samo gt skul.. i duno cn wake up anot.. ><><" arghhhhhh~~~ tt samo nid tek day off... haiz... a duno wad to do liao... ><"""""

today was specially mean for sun, 26 sep 2010 anyway.. =/ d sat part is oni d very front...

Friday, September 24, 2010

laz bt nt liz...

yup... it ends today, a start of tomorrow.. a week more to go, is pmr i noe... for some reason, i gettin lot of pressure every angle while i myself cn't even noe jor.. my mum, my mum anger sand-bag, my mum high expectation, target on result, my bm tuition, tt, bad in bm..... too tired to even c a luk... today was like whoosh, a simply do jor de tez... kh n geo, lot tembak, bang bang.. den fin go Zzz... den it end a day.. ytd mum mad at my bro(brian) n oso make me involve gettin marah for sittin there... i shouldn't hv sit there, so bad lck.. and when today skul end, my bro w8t for me in d skul gate due to ytd my mum say she will nt fetch us bek home bt she still appear n my bro turn bek when he saw the car.. and when we go in, mum oso scold me... bt lik no one even care abt other feelin, nor to think abt... i din gt angry at her, jz disappointment from her.. even wad she does, my bro jz too mad at my mum and tok bad abt her at her bek.. bt i still isn't puttin my anger into it a single wan cz i doesn't wan to let every1 unhapi, cz a small action hv a chance to chg a big situation.. if one's step back is to one's forgiveness... eventho ltr on she everytime hurt s/1 feelin n jz think ntg ever happen, even wad i wanted to say cnt to told out to her, i somehow hope my family will think more in others situation... even a simple thin aren there a solution? i reli dun gt why ppl doesn't think lik wad i do? nt to say i'm a right person everytime.. bt wad i mean is y doesn't some1 does s/thin while to think themself into others situation? i admit, is nt always right for wad i do, bt is better den hurtin ppl feelin.. a good man is someone who stands on one's shadow.. for me, i usually gt the thought evitime, bt usually i'll ignore wad i done, the usual me is s/one nt thinkin of the front view, bt w/out a sec to speak of.. and there's why if u may noe well, i'm a straightforward person dat usually hurt ppl feelin even i myself gt it.. i gt d feelin of them too.. i do regret bt den i would s/how nt turnin it bek, bcz i cnt chg time, n dat is a prob 4 me 2.. bt hopin dat my whole family would b more understandin specially those hot-tempered de lor... i gt abit oso lar... haha... i duwan after slamin d car door, next is the hse.. 0.0 it is possible.. = ='' nt a carefree life at all...................

if one's step back is one's forgiveness,
a good man is s/one hu stands on one's shadow,
a life will b meaningless w/out livin,
n d responsibility to luk after the plant of our family....

Thursday, September 23, 2010

nw, i'm dead meat..-ball...

okay.. mayb nt meatball... bt i'm nt lyin.. i cn't gt to my geo n kh while its jz 2molo!!!! o.o n i try doin wad wenn suggested bt i'm lazy nia.. TT wad the heck is goin on wif my c2p brain!! arghhhhh~~~~ and yt nw(dis time nw) pei wen remind me to bring d borang to skul 2molo, haha, thank you so much!! and yt i still ended up in dis tragic situation dat i hop nt to b in... i ytd even sambil read geo untill 12++ midnite n yet, i still sambil main readin manga(1/2 prince) n finish den sleep... today sc oso OMG!! i jz hope cn gt a dis time den ok jor.. dis time is true... pls god ar.. i gt no other den to lose dis sc, mt n bi jor, pls dun gv me a b ar~~~~ sj pls improve eventho i haven know d result... ><"""" wenn again thanks, bt i duno i cn b lik u so geng mou... ><" very high nan du......... i will try.. pei fu pei fu... u're d bez.. haha.. den tuition few hrs ago n cum bek home, bt lazy still... n yt i felt after seein my primary frens blog, is lik.. i duno wad to say... in some way i envy her, n yet admire.. bt i love her style, nt d anime bt d drawin n pic she done... and oso let me think of my skul very wad... >_>'' their skul so nice n frenly(gua), nt lik ours so 'leng mo' de.. no colour at all... - -' nt to say nt gud, bt comparing, mayb skul life should b more better n nt to say lik wad we had currently... no offense, jz my personal opinion anyway.. bt if we do hv the potential on doin it, y don't we..? bt i guess is a no anyway.. there's impossible in it... lol... >_> still go bek to wad i'm doin, read... (n should i ply, mayb i will..(gua) bt i jz cn't stand d boredness... ><)

and yt dis late nite i came n edit bek wad had happed jz den, mum was so unreasonable from wad angle it is.. even when i'm nt d one hu cz, still end up blaming all... and i cnt done anymore of d geo.. very tired today..><""" i wan to shut my eyyes jor.. daily battery inside of me wan to fin liao... >< oh yea, my mum duno y cz brian snatch d fruit dad cut, den ltr mum angry n say we(me n bro) no apreciate her effort and say wad she do.. etc.... den i do hsewok she oso mz scold me say nvr say den duno wan, cal is her 'gong lao'.... = ="" swt dao ta...!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

sejarah!! mt....

third day of skul exam n was lik woosh, hard... = ='' d sejarah no nid to say jor.. hope to gt better marks den b4... ><" haizz... hope so... i ytd whole day tot today was sc exam manatau is sj n mt, n i was lik playin n readin some sj as bek up when i nid to confront my mum... ltr when wenn ask me abt today tt, i was lik feelin weird y is she askin to bring sc even after fin tez... n den i check on d jadual n lik, WHAT THE toot!! i was lik playin n suddenly tellin me is sejarah dat i'm afraid of... o.o so i jz kept startin readin my sj and d laz i ended up reading b4 d whole except for form 2 laz chp... >_>" anyway, dis term mt is lik damn... i'm shocked i myself never done finish in time n i jz tembak, bang, bt for me my instict is nt gud as yuki at all.. 'kek sam'... i hv no comment... i'm lik dazed in a side of my mind... and tomolo is sc bt i haven touch it yet, nt to say i'm ok wif it bt i'm more worry for my geo.. o.o i haven touch nt even once.. o.o so nw start read teks.. hope cn read fin tonite... and 2day oso let mum scold, den givin me pressure... sad... she duwan giv me buy internet thin, so wad de... den nag....... den say me wad wad... den ltr lik ntg happen lik dat, mek ppl lik wanna dun bother her, bt den ltr she sure say n scold me... more worst so for thinkin dat part, i still choose nt to do it so naive, think 'wisely' b4 react... lol... den ltr is tt.. dat teacher(siew) reli... i duno hw to say... wan say den say, he dun blif us den wad for say, ask edi cal us promise den say duwan to say jor, from d start den dun blif us den dun say mar.. wad for he do dat in d start... den ltr say he cal us for comfirmation dat we wan or nt, we edi say we wan n promise bt den lik dat oso nid to... D=<>_> hw cn he so lik dat wan.. is he hu duwan to say n samo say if no pik up mean we duwan.. when we say we duwan jor..? c2p... >_>'' think oso nt hapi... untill nw still w8t for his cal, ltr again nag jor... bt so long haven even gt any.. another 1 week plus till PMR!! omg... i'm lik still playin lik wad... arghh... cz i too sien... my mind oni noe hw to say, duno hw to do.. dat is also one my my bad-habit dat i myself hate too... ><"""
wenn sure u will b great n score a in pmr at geo, kh n sj de... c oso noe jor, u genius lieh.. o.o yk oso mt lik better den me so i dun think her tembak is lik wad she said, she reli does tembak many corect, gt so qiao ma? jz lik d tj in sj... bt today he din cum hor... yalor.. sj n mt he nvr tez... yk n wenn u 2 sure so geng de lar.. dun even say u're nt.. dat is everyone point of view... =X yup.. it's a fact.. o.o dun deny it.... hope 2molo science will b ok... ><"""

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

the End of d 2nd day~~

today went ok while ytd readin sj sambil readin manga till 10pm++.. n d laz i ytd din hv tt and i jz read 2 chp of it in d whole day.. play a fool.. haha.. today was english exam n chinese paper 2.. well b1 is ok except for paper 2 dat i wrote wrongly with my answer writin two of the stand.. damn... =.=' i reli very unhappy abt it.. and chinese is lik i duno wad to say jor.. jz hope cn gt a b.. and yet 2molo is sc exam n i haven even read fin my sj.. wad the.. haiz... ><" so nw still lazy to read.. untill nw on blog.. lazy is one of my bad habit.. anyway, hopin 2molo hv no tt n sc will b easy as a pie then..(bt i have a feelin it will nt).. sj and geo!! TT i even played sdo and lucky the rain disconnect for me if nt i duno when willi stop playin it... o.o and dat is also when my mum wan go kl to c najib(our pm) dat is on 2.30 he cum n mum due to fetch us so late.. when she gone, me n my 1st younger bro, brian play com n den my rum suddenly being lock in d inside.. and when i cal my mum, she told me where is d key n her condition is walau.. there very heavy rain n d placeis very jam, so mum decide to turn bek laz min bt her car gt tayar pancit n couldn't do anythin while the rain is so heavy outside.. den cal toyota service cum eventho is rainin... haha... hope dis tez lead to a bright future with flyin coulours....... >< pray to god..

Monday, September 20, 2010

omg... tez..

ytd i done some sj revision, bt nt revision at all.. i luk thru the manga n stopped by one of my fav on hold liz dat is shinobi life dat hv update of vol 8.. after readin some time, i sambil c d buk(few page) n sambil read d manga(all fin), n den i go bek my rum n check thru some notes.. den i sleep.. den next mornin, i woke up at 2am and check thru my dun-4gt-note dat is on standby on my fon wallpaper.. i jz kept seeing time flew n slept bek till 4am++ around 5am.. i woke up n tek a cold bath n think of revising my bm, bt den i stop on checking my contact.. time flies... bla bla bla... 6.20am auntie cum fetch.. same as the skul days.. n went to skul.. w8t 4 perhimpunan.. lazy to read.. den go dataran jaya there oni start readin, go bek class read every novel de persoalan, nilai, etc bt jz nvr read dao pengajaran part.. n when paper 2 on bm came out pengajaran on tingkatan 1 n 3.. lol! bt i tembek.. abt d same as nilai.. bt d bahagian B abt givin pendapat for d 'rumah terbuka' very hard, i jz simply write jor.. bm paper 1 ard oso, as usual.. bc paper 1 is d laz and jz after fin tez bm 1 a few min ltr, tj cum n tok to me when i am revision(lz min) n tok abt wan chap gor meh, kong ming deng, anime black s/thin shooter.. nt sure.. den i half hear no hear.. o.o den he ltr go edi(finally, ty) n bla bla bla.......... tez over n hard... duno hw to do.. when after skul mum fetch i mek a sceduale for myself fr dis week on studyin bt i jz duwan to tt.. = ='' i haven even done wad t.sabrina cal me to do.. i dun care larh!!!! i hope gt no tt ltr bt lik cnt.. - - and i duno y i sam gt time to goo blog.. very sien mar... o.o tomoro bi and bc, hope cn gt gud marks ba........ ><"

-today was 20.10.2010, monday at 4.22pm
=) yumi

Sunday, September 19, 2010

2day is d end n 2molo restart...

today very rush.. ytd i went for tt, den bek nid entertain my aunt for d lantern festival party in my hse.. bt ltr on they watch ghost movie and i'm too bored n slept.. is lik 4gt d time for d rez of dat day n when my mum cal me n my sis dat r asleep to go bek our rum n i'm too tired to move my brain n went up my rum n see d clock is pass midnight.. n too tired to see.. and i knew 2molo i hv tt in d early mornin n hv a nother tt at afternoon n den i jz couldn't move another inch of my brain n kept sleepin n lazy to tek my fon or charge in dat was inside my bag and beside d door, few hundred cm away.. n when i woke up, i gt a fright, wad time is it.. n it's 7.30am n i rushed to wash up n chg, went down n ask for fud to eat.. n found out my aunt n family stay for a nite at my hse ytd, den i gt a fon cal sayin is 9 n reply all my sms n check miss call den.. ltr on i went for tt jz after drinkin a cup of black coffee, n rush my dad to bring my, dat is 8.30.. den when i reached there, wenn oso reached jor.. den we went up n bla bla bla.. teacher den ask us wan makan bo.. den we cal for 'ca shao' pau.. he den 'da pao' bek n belanja us makan.. n den i eat a pau, drink a cup of hot-nt milo bt milo liked choc drink, half a i-dislike-d-smell fishball n two 'siu mai'.. =3 n den we tt... bla bla bla... o.o den cum bek my aunt still at my hse, watch csi, see my cousin lil sis, sabrina play ps(pet society in fb), makan, n den bm teacher late for class, n den jz nice late cum when i late eat till fin.. den tt, fin, giv h/w, stress, ntg to say, i wan to read buk bt cnt read.. ><><><><><><><><"""""""""""" y no1 understand........... TT my mum samo giv me so many tuition... haiz... 2moloo wan tez jor.. i hope my bm gt improvemnt bt i dun lik d bm teacher anyway(skul de, tt gt lil), n bc too.. omg my bc haven read yet.. = =' jz gud luk 2molo lar.. haizzz.......... disappointing.. >< haha....

Saturday, September 18, 2010

umi~~ the sea...

During dis skul hols, i told dat i went diff places, nt so great type bt is still a family time i have.. and the 1st of all is the sea in port klang.. we started went to the port there(wrong place), gt so many trailers.. and mum n dad nag each other n d gps.. n we jz shut our mouth.. lols.. n we went there finally bt is like 6pm++ n yet v jz went there n sat there watching the scenary, bt den few min den bored jor... my 2 bro go down there(no sad bt rock as a end) n throw rock, den my dad oso folo them.. den later jz as we thought, it end up my 1st younger bro accidentally bang my lil bro mouth when he want to throw d rock n den my lil bro cry.. so buy some drink, guava+asam drink, 1st time drinkin, taste lik eating guava wif asam.. haha... nt bad la.. bt den bored sittin there n watch so we went to makan seafud.. n sure enuf my sis, mum n dad who luf eatin d thins like 'xi ham' or 'o jian' dat me n my bro dun eat wan...(i noe i very choosy lurh.. bt s/time no.. haha) bt we eat crab, prawn, fish......... 4gt jor.. n den my bro n sis playin d gps games.. =/ n den we went bek lik dat... btw, the restoran in on top of d sea, so u will cross a long bridge dat u cn see some crab or water under the bridge while u're walkin it, u cn even c photographer takin foto of it, bt i choose nt... cz is nt clear water n rather takin in beaches wan.. haha.. and so my day of it end here.. so den i will poz d pic i tek dat day.. thx for readin.. =P

(the scenary of d sea i took)

(the reflection of the sun on the surface of the sea)

(the every move on the sea movement..)

(a peaceful mind, a peaceful place..)

(the long walkway along the sea.. walk along the sea breeze...)

if u ever turn around,
ever c d past,
ever c d place,
dat will always last,
bt what u learn,
is nt the fact u're there,
bt the precious pieces of memory dat u've shared..

Thursday, September 16, 2010

is A day, or jz Another....?

somehow i wonder, will i ever fall,
will i be tripped by s/1 when i walk,
will i rise up to c their face,
or should i kept inside n nt to say?
bt for my bein, i always use to b,
hopin my fren n family will undersand me,
s/how i cn noe wad they're thinkin,
bt in my sky is still nt a bit of changing..
i would hv say yes or no,
bt s/time after sayin dat i may b hurtin u,
should i say another word again,
'i'm sori' is d word for dat nw n den..

2day is 1 m'sia day, n oso my aunt b/day desu~ i gt ntg to write.. till dis hols i oni go to melaka, the sea, cameron highland, mayb ltr sunway lagoon(mayb).. bt oso gt dat devil teacher.. arghh!! frustrated.. my c2p bm dam hard man.. i mean givin me aloot of pressure.. i cnt tek it, bt nid to.. i miz lot of time nt studyin my sj n geo n cz dat oso they r in bm... haizz... i hope i could gt 5a in PMR.. eventho my bez fren in skul wantin more den dat(they geng mar) n target more den dat(they geng den me) n still think very lez.. specially wenn too geng jor, i n yk cnt chase up oso... i suck in bm... TT y nt in english?!?!?!?! bt den i study no study, kinda giv up edi...

d paz few days of hols i went those places dat is gt some taken some photos for rememberence... next time if i'm free i will tek out my time on blogger one more time..
(i gt no time to load d picture bt when i hv d time, i will poz on top together.. mayb after settling PMR 1st.. den lot of free time jor.. haha..)

duno samo gt anythin nice to experience ltr on bt then i still hope i cn catch up on my study rather den layin down doin ntg.. ><" hopin for miracle to appear..

Sunday, September 5, 2010

a year gone 'n' memoriz stay...

jz lik a sayin, 'time wait for no man', a blink of an eye would chg a day till to b ytd, without hessitation, it would nt turn bek, or stay..
ppl chg and may gone away,
bt life still go on untill it end s/day,
a word u say may jz b ntg n forgotten,
only d hurted person will remain u to b unforgiven..
and den time cums by, its dawn then,
still i'm waitin, to chg bek again,
bt den i wonder, wad stupid question,
for me to regret, nt turnin bek to heaven..

dis year is a very special year mayb to me or s/one else, bt dis year v chg, nt bein playful about studies again, a lil v hv fun bt lazy to study s/day, pmr is near, nt waitin anyone to stop jz one day.. bt me, lazy eviday.. =)

nw i regret nt studyin ytd, so mz be workin harder from 2day, bt when 2day cum, jz a blink of an eye, it jz luk lik i leap thru d time, i haven 4gotten d thins i played, jz forgotten the promise i made.. ><

nw we're 15, a year to stress, forgotten n regret the playful time we shared, nw exam is near, wad cn i do, wad i meant is i duno wad to do.. =(
ytd jz cum bek from melaka, a place where history lies, when tanah melayu is bein controlled, by ppl from d other side, y is sejarah always i end up wif a B, y cn't an A jz fly to me? T^T

d teacher of mine, very faz n strict, wad she said is she's weird to me, i hope my time would stop 1 day, and my laziness will jz gone away.. and i wan is jz grade A..

and my darlin fren, to me or to you, my life will end dis time or 2, w/out a breath to bring out a sorrow, is jz me to c u r my tomorrow..

(dis poz is jz wad i feel and say out 2day, so it's okay if dun understand anyway,
all d diff time i wanted to share, is a memory i wanted to spare)

-i will poz my melaka visit next time(if there is) and share.. if u r here, dun mind leave a word anyway.. =)