Sunday, February 20, 2011

tell me, am i hurt?

to say it nicely, i reli duno wad to think of.. =) i was actually so lazy to update my blog and was planing to read my manga.. but, when d maid cum cleanin d room, i went in my sis room n i should say i see s/thin nt reli meant for me to c?? is juz ntg reli, d moment i saw, i was juz thinkin blank, den rewind my memories, thinkin: did i did wrong? i was clearly stupid to ever think i hv a hapi family anyway.. damn it.. i found dat, i actually hv enemy.. s/1 hu hate me dat they nid to use bad n rude word sayin f***ing idiotic me such line so forwardly.. n moz of all, my family.. haha... yea rite, i simply hate dis relation nw.. i wan to cry.. i tot, i was okay wif her.. i respect her.. juz dat, when it turn out to dis, i knew my sis was actually hatin me lik ntg ever happen.. n u noe wad, I DAMN HATE PEOPLE LIKE THIS!! if u wan to scold, say in front of me, say wad i did wrong, dammit, i admit i was nt a gud person or wadeva, so wad?! juz tell me in front of my face!! if u mad, say that freakin word out larh!! i dun mind u scold me if i REALLY do wrong, i WILL admit!! i will listen to wad u wan to say, bt i dun lik ppl hu dun act straightly.. lik sayin n acting diff from wad u think, i mean u mad, lik keep quiet n juz cold eyes, WTF!! for no reason man!! juz tell me d damn freakin problem i messed n scold it out in front of evi1 lar, hu even wan u to think abt my feelin dat actually is ur own excuse..!! u juz wan to do dat for ur own gud, keep quiet lik wan us to find wad is it?! lik hell i noe!! u should say dat to urself in d mirror, without sayin, do u think any normal human being w/out super power to read MINDS cn understand a damn silent u wan to express??!! i noe, ppl hurt when u say or scold stuff in front of ppl, yea, i admit, no1 lik it, bt to me, doin lik dat, stay quiet or juz lik act diff from lik actually u r mad or hatin me, i cn tell u, i HATE dis ppl.. bcuz dis attitude mek me sick.. since i was primary, i will choose ppl's honesty den thinkin hidin under d face bt actually they juz secretly do cruel stuff to me.. n well, i duno hu d damn hell was.. awesome, i am nt keepin my cool n was angry in my blog.. = =" u noe, u cn see me angry in here, in reality, juz smilin lik ntg happen.. i HATE myself too.. i reli wish i cn scold them.. sayin dat to their face!! bt, they r my family n i noe them well, if i do dat, they will nt tek it same lik i do.. they juz lik normal ppl think, i honez = shittin on u.. n i was lik, when u even think so far?? r u out of ur mind? think outside d box!! ppl lik me, i guess i dun deserve anythin.. =) i admit, i, am nt a gud person.. i dun hv great marks in exam, i dun hv great luks, dun hv great personalities, great socialization n wad more, great overall?? yupp, u cn scold, say, nag, critisize, anythin, bt i hope 1 thin is i respect u, i hope u respect me, i dun lik ppl sayin or do stuff in my bek.. should i say, dis is d low class ppl wif no brain n human oso nt fit to b their organism name.. i AM unhapi.. =) i noe my bro, my sis n such dun lik me, i duno should i care for them anot? bt in d end, i still does.. hate myself.. bt my care, is s/thin i dun express.. they, juz dun seem to noe, i do..
sis, i noe ur attitude.. wadover, ur bf n u, I DON:T CARE!! is abt u 2, y does it hv to b me ur stupid old sandbag man!! go find s/thin else.. damn it.. nw, i seriously dislik ur bf.. nt to say hate or wadeva, bt juz nt reli in a gud mud to say he is fine.. in d end, dis thin end up wif me bein ur sandbag is oso bcuz of his fault, let me think abt it, juz lik my lil aunt tell me, he shouldn't hv call me to tek care of u.. for wad, u will suicide?! seriously, if u r so damn stupid to do dat, i cn tell u, u reli r a dumb person.. hu cares!! i gt my lesson from dis time, i will NOT gt in ur 2 world thingy cuz is nt a benefit to me either.. u wan do wad, i dun care.. breakup, den juz gt bek, n wad more, blame me, i reli reli reli duwan to bother.. arghh!!! eventho is ay dis, i guess i will break my words if dat reli happen, i juz cnt c down if it does.. - -' wan to go out of my hse, live my life.. she is my mother's attitude heir.. dat seriously SUCK!! due to my 16 life stayin in my hse, i cn tell u, d personality i hate moz is d ppl hu hold personalities lik my mum n sis, d EMOTIONAL psycho "sickness".. wth, do they ever think of themself bein wrong b4?? always thinkin they r d right one.. no moral!! >=(

ytd, went to uncle billy's hse for his open hse party.. and den start was lost, den cal him to fetch us go there, wif my aunt oso.. it was 3 semi-d together in a row open together, rlei reli big tent, n long oso.. 3 hse combine, 3 oso relative.. and den tek many many food.. reli, so many thin to eat.. n d laz, too many.. haha.. dat i skip.. d food reli many.. met dis auntie kim n she noe me bt v duno her.. facebook is reli scary huh.. and den ar, fin, lalala... den ltr on, today.. i cnt sleep n wake around 4am.. i start takin a cold lemonade juice beer(aka shandy) n den start wif my com.. around 8am n mum cum in, sayin abt tuition stuff.. n i rmb was on 27feb.. n i recheck agian. it is today, i was 45min left to d time.. n i gt rdy n went down, bt d usual van did nt cum, n v realize is self transport.. n i ended up late for 5min.. i rush up n went to d room, bt no1 was there, i went to d counter n ask to comfirm d date, it say yes, n wad room, is dat empty room, n i was lik askin, y no1?? n den she reply, haven cum i guess.. n den i juz went up n saw lil children here n there.. den went in d empty room n sit down.. juz me.. and den ltr another guy cum in, catholic wan.. bt when d teaher cum in, saw juz we 2, n went go n comfirm is it true, n turn out, yupp, juz we 2.. eventho is chp 1 add mt, seriously, i suck at add mt.. = =" 5 question, 4 duno hw.. n den d teacher noe my bro, me, even my SIS n mum... o_O i was lik, hw u noe my sis??? she graduate edi wor.. n he say, i noe, name amelia mar, laz time she use to cum at d era when ERA was FIRST started.. mean my sis is one of d first student of era.. n i was lik, wow..... many YEARS bek......... he even rmb my sis is from catholic high skul.. geng!! n he ask me which skul i am, i was lik smk bpjb in tempua.. n he ask, i hv student there, n he tell me lik codie(i duno is is my claz wan), kong xx(i guess is kong jar yun??), hui yee//ying(i duno hu is dis).. n i was lik, ahaha.. n i say i noe xuen ying.. n he was lik, too many, i cnt rmb, my dat class more den 40 ppl plus.. n i kinda gt a lil shocked since is more den my SKUL class student amount.. o_O bt he cn rmb soooooo many years bek abt my sis, n my bro, n me, my name, y nt them.. = =" weird... anyway, bio class was diff teacher, mayb i prefer dis guy, bt sadly, dis person is puteri one, n he kinda teach ar, oni we 2 so is lik silent mode.. oni he speak.. haha.. d laz 15min, he juz ask us wad we wan to ask him, *silent*, hello~~, *silent*, anythin to ask??, *silent*, aiyo, ask s/thin lar, u no ask i sleepy edi la.., *silent*, haiz, i wan to go n eat, waitin for my gf call me, *silent*, where is d nice restaurant around?, *duno*.. end chat.. min juz lost lik dis.. haha.. after i fin 3hrs, around 12 n my bro is d one hu went for tuition till 3pm.. and b4 went home, sis drive, ltr on when fetch bro, i drive d car.. shh.. i no license one.. haha.. =D anyway, b4 wenn cum tek yk buk, cum my hse return my manga.. lalala.. ntg else to say.. juz say, if u noe me, u hate me, u dislike me, u think which part mek u think i am stupid or bad or wadeva, say it to me.. i wish u guys to b honez den juz thinkin bhind me.. is a NO NO to me.. =/ i dun lik ppl sayin stuff bhind n ended up i duno anythin at all.. do u gt wad i feel? i duno where i went wrong n u juz do bad stuff to me, do u think am i hapi?! anyway, speak.. =) i will listen, except if u nag lar.. dat is diff har.. dat is nt ascold or wad.. haha..
ok, end here.. thx for readin, gotta say, ttfn~~!! =)

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