Monday, February 14, 2011

chap gor meh, visit, hse party n late update..

well, some short synopsis i guess.. gua... bt i still it will b long anyway.. juz bear wif me.. i am so sori i din update.. =( well, start from thurday den.. =)
THURSDAY- today i gt no tuition, after skul, plan to go wenn's hse.. n play poker.. den we start by goin to d nearby mamak stall n eat lunch.. i eat a fried mee hoon n den we oso chat abt d storyline of wenn's novel.. me, wenn n cindy was tokin abt d novel storyline dat i and wenn think of during d class.. ntg else to do.. haha.. den ar.. we wok bek to wenn hse dat time, nt yet reach, my mum cum jor.. =( too bad, bt i guess she is bad mood-ing untill den.. ltr on ar.. gv me some time to go wenn hse n visit, den gt angpau n eat some snack n play a lil poker, altho i dun reli noe hw to play.. is nt soliture or texas play i guess...... or mayb.. i duno, i oni noe hw to play soliture.. cuz i dun reli play/gamble.. haha.. dis is my type of family.. =) bt nt say we dun gamble larh, bt juz usually we dun.. anyway, when mum cum, she say she wan to c wenn's hse fish tank, n she went down ltr n c, den ltr chat wif wenn's mum.. i din thought dat they will eventually tok till soooo long.. =/ laz min we after we 3 tok around, den went to find a fren n wok to her hse bt she nt in, go for sport in skul n den we went bek, den wait outside.. still haven tok fin.. the mums... so we went in and play.. i duno wad is dat call.. s/hw luk lik mahjong bt is poker sign on it.. =/ bt haven start den they fin edi.. bad timing.. at night we get rdy for chap gor meh in CNY.. muz pray at 12 midnite.. i watch Hong Kong drama at first.. den ltr cuz halfway in evenin mum bad mood, so stop a while, den aunt cum, watch other thin, den too sleepy ntg to do, i wait for time to pass till 12am for d fireworks mum bought n planned to light it on dat time.. n pray oso.. den when halfway, mum call me, push me to outside n den pass me a joystick.. she help me pray, n i was so blur, i dun even rmb wad i say, i oni noe i juz think of goin bek n sleep.. den i stand there, in my heart i was prayin, bt my mind juz blank n my physical juz ain't listenin.. haha.. den ar.. pass my mum d joystick n go bek to d sofa n lay down there.. n when d moment i open my eyes, so faz, evithin pitch black, over jor.. ntg left.. = =" time flies so faz when u sleep.. haven 5min in my memories.. miss d fireworks.. mum samo say to me next day hw nice lar hw great la.. = =
FRIDAY-tot of goin to skul.. bt den din go, i woke up when d sun is shinin so brightly.. so mean din go, go oso late edi.. n ended up playin till~~!! forgotten my tuition edi.. i was lik watch d HK drama.. lalala.. of cuz, mozly d time pass lik com wif manga updates, web, here there.. i mean d different.. so after those web thingy, den i watch drama.. bla bla... when i wok out my room, my bro ask me today gt tuition anot, i was lik, c d time, 6.15pm, n i was like OMG!! i forgot man!! den i quickly gt rdy, n put down d JC donut i holdin dat was bite a bit by me n went gt rdy for my tuition.. so faz d van cum, lucky my bro tell me.. o_O" if nt, hahaha...
tuition sej n chemi.. dat day, sj is ok, lot of laughter.. bez joke of 2011 dat sj teacher say when he ask shashminta abt d meanin of her name dat means "pretty".. i dun mean she is ugly ok, she is ok.. =) juz dat time d atmosphere was lik, haha... nt say bad abt her of cuz.. i will nt mean dat.. =) anyway, chemi, tot will sleep half dead lik laz time, bt ok lar, ntg much.. finally time pass, go bek home..
SAT- wad reli happen dis day.. hmm..... oh yea, my hse gt potluck party.. is lik a party wrounf d neighbour dat call around to bring food over n together eat.. s/thin lik dis.. well, my sis check dictionary abt d meanin well, it does nt reli related to dis? anyway, dun care d dictionary or meanin, many food n such, bt still stay in room, com.. haha.. den ltr evenin aunt cum.. oso ar.. so many food, my mum bought soooo many fried bee hoon, scary.. cook nasu lemak, scary.. buy 99 curry puff, SCARY!! and add those other food dat is cumin form neighbor.. scary.. =( d same time at night, d neighbour oso open hse, we went there n drink.. haha.. tek drinks oni.. i eat prawn, drink den bye bye.. haha.. anyway, did i tell u my dad gt an apple iphone 4? i mean after so many days, i oni finally gt to use it.. =/ dat night, n start download did n dat.. haha... i d/l manga thin, n games n such.. i noe is nt for me, so juz a few, my dad will nt mind.... i guess.. bt oso gt d/l thin he wanted for him oso.. haha.. anyway, my aunt oso gt iphone bt is nt iphone 4.. so she hv program which is so cool, bt dad wan cnt.. n den nt gud abt ifon is muz syncronize dis n dat lik songs oni cn hear there.. = =" i lazy to even bother d music.. i was awake doin it till 3am+.. my uncle n aunt cum for a sleepover n watchin tv.. so say to me, 1st time c u so late wor.. haha..
SUN- mornin, same thin.. ytd wan.. too much edi.. n den aunt n uncle wan go bek edi, cuz my sis wan go her cheer leading n they help fetch her go since mum dad go out edi.. den left us at home, ltr we go to one of d neighbor hse to visit.. eat juz a indian food wif curry chicken n potato.. very lil..n they tot i oni tek d chicken n a potato since d (i duno wad is dat call bt is lik made of flour) cover on d bottom.. so they dun c gua.. den my mum insist on us to wear RED, n i wore BLACK.. n my bro oso.. den ar.. go bek ltr, chg a clothe, bt den mum terrible mood.. = =" oni scold here n there suddenly, i duno hw to say her.. insane edi.. >_>" reli, seriously.. anyway, chg to more a lil formal kind, n den cuz heard dat we r gonna hv dinner wif my sis bf's family.. i skip d part my mum reli crazy part, duwan to tok.. nt gus den it is la.. nt abt me, is abt evi1 oof us nid to bear wif her attitude.. =( anyway, fetch sis, den go to a relative hse.. ntg else to do when we juz sit there watch tv while mum tok.. no HBO n such.. so we watch AEC channel n gt d top 20 music chart, n no.1 is Anthony's song, he dam cute la wei! my sis say lik dat too add wif "so like mun keat!!(sis bf)" den my mum heard n her topic bcum my sis relationship jor.. den fin go bek home, sis pack her bag, cuz mon start her colledge skul days.. den ar.. go to mun keat hse.. bt rain heavily, so went to d chinese restaurant, bt full, so go to d other one.. walk wif 2 umbrella, den my parent put d umbrella OUTSIDE d restaurant.. it is a western restaurant.. and den ar d menu reli scary.. wan to reach cash 100 for juz a simple lil dish.. = =" i no eyes to luk samo.. n den choose d cheap cheap one, fish n chip.. haha.. gt 90 one, gt 80 one.. scary.. juz choose a 20 one i guess is ok, dun waste ppl $$.. =( n well, MK bro was so big size(nt fat).. n den d form 3 luk even older den MK when MK is 19!! another form 5 luk lik d eldest.. n MK luk lik d third.. d youngest is exception cuz their age gap is kinda big.. dat oni 6 years old.. i mean dat 3 bro so... luk alike, juz dat reli, they luk elder den MK.. ahaha.. start wif bun n butter.. den ar, s dish dat luk lik snails?? wad is dat call edi ar? i forgot d name.. vey nice bt expensive.. =) den samo ar.. mum call me a lemon tea bt turn out so sour, still drink anyway.. sis call bbq chicken.. bro let mum decide.. den food cum, duno hw to say.. lalalala... i noe my sis b4 dat d purse she bought for MK as a valentine gift, n d gift MK gv her is...... MAPLE STORY account dat is lv 50.. = =" spearman n bla bla.. within 1 day up till lv 50.. my sis oso dun use n she was lik, holdin her hand under s table dat wan to box s/body.. haha..  he say he use 100+ in cash for makin d character so pro within 1 day.. n he even ask my bro if spearman wan up to lv 50 nid hw long dat my bro ans abt 1month plus.. he use his money for ntg.. - -' if me i rather tek d money.. anyway, gt try fried rice there, or d lobster wif noodle.. nice.. friend chicken.. n den ar, sis wan.. lalala... den ltr fin, go to MK hse.. sit on d sofa n den feel asleep while they all r busy tokin.. cuz 2molo gt skul samo.. den ar, finally fin, go bek d car oni rmb they din bring bek d umbrella, n den ended up missing one big n new one there.. let some stupid *$^%$@* hu steal ppl properties.. = =" i hate dis kind of low graded ppl.. nt mean those r kind la.. i mean those ppl steal ppl thin. damn them!! =) n den ar, ltr go fetch MK n sis to theor colledge n den oni go bek home.. reach home oso 12.30++am.. so late.. sleep at 2am.. = =" haiz..
MONDAY- wake up oni c myself late in my hp time, 6.05am, went find my watch, time is 5.45am.. so late edi.. n i rush to gt rdy for skul.. den finally fin at 6.10am n went down gt rdy n eat s/thin... den ltr car cum 6.20am den go edi.. skul, go there, cut my nails.. scared got caught.. den ltr lalala.. skul is borin, specially damn dat bm, duno hw to do.. - -" den ltr add mt, reli head pain.. more works.. ltr samo gt new timetable, hw many time they even chg dat!! freakin timetable!! =( bt is gud cuz we cn miss 2 class of moral.. hahaha.. =D in 1 week.. hehe.. den ar.. ntg much.. here there, u noe la, i lazy untill h/w do lil by lil.. den ar.. ntg much, omg, fri din go skul, gt english thin.. = =" ok den, nid go edi.. wad is my aim? still duno yet.. haiz.. dun hv time to think.. ltr go tuition, i lazy updat waste my time(i mean sori haha).. bio n add MAD!!
anyway, bbbbbb!! thx for readin, ttfn~~~!!!!

ps, wenn, sori, din poz nw reli.. i no time, gt time i oni post(gua).. haha.. =D

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