Monday, February 7, 2011

Chinese New Year 2011

my god.. dis year cny is lik...... borin.. ><"
WED- "chu xi"(new year eve) is lik.. grr.. normal.. lik normal dinner at home eviday.. my family din go bek to our hometown, cuz we dun hv anymore n oso hv family conflict, so haiz... dat day special is we eat all home cook, and contain shark fin soup.. =) my sis cook wan.. for me, i noe hw to cook dish, n she is gud at soup.. she mek d shark fin soup is more delicious den d restaurant one.. or mayb same.. bt is lik can compete dat type.. u cnt c is actually cook at home.. reli alike wif those middle-high claz restaurant dat serve dis soup oso.. =) and den eat, we try to nt sleep as late as we can.. there is a myth dat say in d new year eves, if one cn dun sleep as late as they cn, is represent dat one's parent life wif b longer.. =) and i was lik, c d com com com, manga manga manga.. i read d korean manhwa dat hv abt wan to reach to 100chp.. n oso some other manhwa wif d similar author.. manga oso gt, waitin for update.. n anime i put at a side.. i was too lazy to bother, eventho i open my blog eviday, i juz din hv d time to update, lazy as my excuse.. =( den i last till 3.40am on thursday mornin cuz my bro off d internet main line switch n i was so lazy to go on turn on bek n i oso went to sleep.. =)
THURS- wake up, nt reli early at all.. juz lik abt 8-10am lik dat.. den chg to new clothes.. they say 1st day muz wear red n such.. mine was lik er, chex red n black.. wif a short.. and den add on a tie.. n den we went eatin breakfast.. abt 11.30am lik dat?? den is vegetarian food.. after 12 oni cn eat meat.. den ltr dat my 1st aunt in my mum's side came stop by wif my uncle in my mum's side oso.. den we get angpau(red packet).. den i call my sis to paint my nails.. =) u noe wad colour i paint? is d colour i lik.. BLACK.. 1st day den black.. hahaha.. old ppl sure dun lik.. bt ok lar, ntg oso.. den ltr they go edi.. we all bcum same old day, juz dat day is hols, ntg much.. i went bek to my room n use my com com com.. ntg.. den abt evenin, decide to go IOI see movie in cinema.. den chg clothes n den go IOI.. so many closed shop in a row.. den ltr cinema suprisinly too many ppl edi.. = =" n we went to d other side(new wing) of d cinema, n oso d same, bt on d way, cross over Daiso n mum tell me to buy d glove i wan durin laz trip.. my sis oso still pt on d same old pissed off face to me for no reason.. =/ i dun care anyway.. gt use to it.. >_>" and den fin n went to d cinema there, so crowded oso.. den ltr finally reach our turn, n it turn out movie dat we plan to watch full hse edi.. and available is oni Green Hornet movie.. - -' i noe is Jay Chou's actin oso inside, i tot is chinese movie at first, since he is famous in chinese song n such.. n den it is English movie plus, he's english pronouns, = =" swt... 10ppl, 9.9 ppl say suck.. = =" nt d movie, is juz he's tokin in english.. i cnt say i am gud lik wth, cuz i am nt a prof or wadeva.. bt his, when he start tokin, evi1 was lik, "faint"! if there is no subtitle, i reli duno wth is he sayin.. - -' i prefer he b in chinese movie.. at liz it fit his song in b4 goin d show, we eat at KFC, oso cramp wif ppl.. my bro wan eat Mac n they go tek away mac n mum order KFC.. me n sis find place.. =) bt ltr, dis day ended lik normal..
FRI- sec day, i reli forgot wad we do.. i noe untill afternoon, we start gettin rdy n go to my mum's step sis hse n visit.. i wore a black one piece wif a short.. bt went to her hse, she went bek to hometown, oni left some other relative there dat is oso my mum's step relative? anyway, quiet bored.. bt one interesting thin is d cup i drink wif.. when i drink, suddenly there is lik sound from nowhere n i was freak out n curious where it came from.. is nt reli load, a lil soft.. sound lik hen or cock.. den d aunt tell me is d cup, n i say i dun blif, cnt be.. i see d whole cup, no place to insert battery n hole for sound.. bt d laz, is reli dat cup.. i guess d design is stupid.. they juz seal dat thin inside.. - -" n den we wan eat, so we went to IKEA n den we eat there.. bt oso same, so many ppl.. y anywhere oso so many ppl geh!! =( bt fin eat, den went straight to d cashier n sit in a place where gt sofa dat is kinda, nt reli in d fully new sofa.. we sat there n wait.. wait untill oso bored.. ltr bla bla.. went bek to d car, n end up mum went toilet, bt soo long.. den cum bek wif a crepe in her hand.. i was lik, OMG, d first time in my life eatin a real crepe n nt seein it in manga.. i always wanted to eat one of those in my life.. is a japanese crepe wif flavour of peach fruit n vanilla ice cream.. damn nice!! =S i tuk a pic, bt my fon is shakin n blur.. - -' anyway, expensive.. bt big lar..damn nice, jp crepe..
SAT- mornin den edi lik, wan go here n there. as usual mornin, den com, den ntg.. i try doin my h/w, bt gv up.. anyway, mum say go genting, den ltr i wear a pair of jean n black tee..  after dat, oni noe we nt go genting anymore, is s/where u nid a sunglasses wif sunblock.. n i was too lazy to chg, no time edi.. i juz went bek n tek my sunglass.. we went goin to Pulau Ketam.. crab island? no.. - -' and den go there, jam untill, nt us.. we park d car so far away, n wok to d jetty.. n d way all d car all stuck.. d sun dam hot!! den wok so long, went takin one of d boat.. i duno wad dat call, covered up wif air con(nt reli fully) type of long boat.. and we went sit in d bek.. tuk 30min to reach.. go there oso wok.. 1st, borin, 2nd, damn hot, 3rd, nid wok soooooo long.. 4th, nt reli gud environment, eww... 5th, causin, reli smelly.. =( n den went stop in a restaurant n eat seafood.. n a crab coz 2 times of a normal price.. = =" and den we abt 5.45, d waitress say 6pm is d laz boat.. n we all so worried.. I AM NOT GONNA STAY THERE FOR A DAMN SEC!!! dis is wad i think for d whole time.. n my sis oso.. we 2 dun wanna stay there.. n we rush to d jetty there.. is lik sardine.. sooooo many ppl!! wth, y cny so many ppl geh!! n den we waited.. den untill d boat came, we rush to d end, so crowded.. den d boat oso wan full d.. den d ppl say enuf, dun cum edi.. den my mum went to d other side n tell him dat we still hv another same family in there, n he gv us cross, lucky, bt go in, cram wif ppl, no space, n we were force to stand for d whole time.. =( after stand n squeezed, we endure it for 30min standin there.. n we left d boat n wok bek so far to d car park.. n i guess it ended lik dis.. regret goin there.. juz go there n eat a expensive meal, den go bek.. = ="
SUNDAY- went to my great-grandmother hse to visit.. wif my aunt n lil aunt wif their family.. my mum was lik, so bad mood, n my aunt went callin her cuz was wantin to ask her where was she nw, cuz is over d time they fixed.. den my mother purposely dun pik up, reli bad manners.. = =" she juz hang up their call.. n den reach dat time, ok lor, she din even say sori or wadeva.. i dun mean i am angry at her, is juz dat her attitude to my other aunt is kinda bad, duncha think so? is lik den halfway, she juz gone off n say wan go to d other planned place to visit wif d other 2 aunt n family.. bt she din wait for them, n my aunt is copying some file in her laptop there.. juz left 5 min, n d laptop gt a lil malfunctioning n cnt laz for 5min if no socket supply.. so is lik dat, den she went off, go to d place to visit, they(d place's ppl) ask where r my aunts, no cum? n my mum say, "haiyo! duno them larh! over there duno doin wad, so slow n samo nonsense n such.. etc etc(forgt, nt gud thin for sure).." n dat time i bring my add maths text book along wif me.. n doin d exercise when bored.. since i haven done fin my h/w.. n den i tok wif my cousin, Ashley hu is currently std6, an elite student.. i teach her maths, n guess wad, i teach her bluntly abt form 1 to form 3 maths.. =D n she understand moz of it.. i dun mean more into d subject n such, juz lik i explain to her, she understand hw it works n such.. =) n some important thin or thin dat may help understandin more advanced n detailed dat cn help on her math for std6.. =) well, till d end, we oso tok some craps n joke wif my aunt after i fin wif d so call "mt lesson".. haha.. den ltr we all wan go bek d.. my 2 aunt incite us to join them for dinner, n mum was lik, din answer them.. den they go d, she still tokin tokin tokin non-stop while we were waitin in d car lukin at her waitin for her reply to my aunt.. n den at laz fin, she say, wait 1st, she wan go buy pray to god dat kind of thin.. n my aunt specially park in a side n wait for her n tell her where to buy.. n we chat a lil wif my lil aunt abt my mum's today attitude while she went out buyin d stuff.. den we all go eat dinner together.. nt bad.. gt meat n prawn n so many type of food.. nt bad.. =D big feast.. den ltr fin, go bek home, rdy for d stupid monday which skul is open.. =(
MON- 7ppl no cum to skul in our claz.. so lez.. =) bt d thin we cum, kinda regret.. bt we cum, gud is mayb add mt we gt attend.. d teacher juz start d chp, n 1 shot till d part7 over 12+.. so faz.. = =" well, is easy den chp 1 bek part lar.. bt still, haha... bm suck.. d teacher call us do d novel thin.. n we lik, din do.. >_>" ltr, tuition, add mt samo bio.. =( b4 tuition, my sis cuk n well, dat time when laz min, no dish reli rdy, juz brocolli.. den i ask i wan egg, n is nt rdy, so we tuk out from d steamer cuz too slow n put in mocrowave, bt so many time still nt cook.. n d laz i eat, i was so afraid d car will cum in any moment n eat lik stupid.. all put in d mouth n such.. n ended up is reli kinda late.. tuition gt learn add mt, chp 3.. n well, nt bad la.. okok.. n bio, teacher juz start givin us blank paper n ask question n write our answer in d sheet.. n well, d teacher say me when he gv question, oni me din luk here n there, juz focus onto d paper n write write write.. i was lik, if he c my paper, i moz oso noe bt 4gt d name.. - -" n tryin to rmb, so lazy to luk here n there cuz anywhere gt no answer in d mid air.. my answer totally nt reli great...
(add on)
TUE(7/3)- dis ar, normal days.. bt d 1 moz rmb thin is dat when bc.. dat MKK action reli funny.. me, mia n yan jun was lik tokin n den, he cum by n start singin to mia n tokin abt korean singer n stuff.. call us to hear caramel orange or s/thin dat d dance he think is stupid.. n den he dance d move from d mv of k-pop.. was lik, omg, we all laugh n laugh n duno wad to say, is he weird or wad.. n we duno nid say straight or s/thin, bt he din mind wad we thinkin n juz dance so freely.. reli funny movemnt when he does dat.. n yan jun was lik, go and ask him cn do more better type, actually is more stupid move.. is lik dun move ur upper body by he was juz shakin his lower part oni.. bt weird action.. - -' i reli hv no comment.. n tuition was lik, erm.. tuition bm n well, very less ppl.. ai menn din cum bt met dis new fren i met, kar yen.. =) 7A in catholic hs n still choose art stream for eco, acc n such.. lik my sis oso.. =| haiz, i cnt go in dat skul, nw i dislik it.. =(
WED- today, ntg special, bt well, physic in skul finally gt a teacher cum n teach us, bt she is nt reli gud at teachin, duno wad she tokin abt.. n ltr tuition is oso physic.. haiz.. forgt chp 1 edi, hw to even test lik dat.. =( so tired wan sleep..2molo wan to go wenn hse, bt wenn is surprisingly a gambler.. i cnt c dat from her surface.. seriously.. poker.. haiz, i duno hw to play..i oni noe hw to play soliture in poker oni.. - -" bt i tell my mum again n she was lik bad mood, den lik say dun go, bt den go.. i reli duno wad is up to her mind, hope no sudden chg.. - -" oso gt invite angeline, duno she gt anot.. =)

so long i oni update.. i actually update dis on monday, bt den edi on nw, is wed nite.. after tt.. so i end here, thx for readin.. sori i late update.. n hope u will keep supporting.. =) tyty.. thx again.. ttfn!! =3

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