Sunday, February 27, 2011

day by day

juz randomly update thins..
start by the day i left on durin dis tuesday.. after updatin d blog, i went gettin rdy for my tuition.. dat day is bm tuition n i was so damn tired dat very day even while usin com.. and when i hv abt an hour left till d van come to fetch me.. i went layin down my bed n start sleepin.. nap.. i reli reli very sleepy dat very minute duno y.. and when i was awake, i was in shock while my room is pitch black from d time i left was abt 5pm++, and i went read my watch, it show 8pm++.. n den i noe, i was late.. >_>" i was in my room and i was so scared to go down cuz i noe my parent will nag n scold me for dis for sure.. and i haven eaten dinner dat time, bt i juz decide to skip it, sacrifice for it.. and i was sms-ing wenn and i told her.. when i was replyin her, suddenly my mum juz bash into my room and scolded me after askin me y am i here.. den ltr she mad.. dis matter went till d next day oni calm down.. = = '
bt ltr samo my dad iphone 4 gt prob.. is lik blackout or s.thin, n ifon is nt reli user-frenly.. cnt tek out d battery lik dat.. and i suggez him to claim warranty if it cnt function.. i noe apple brand is super great, bt oso gt d bad part of it rite? ntg is perfect. and d laz i duno wad, n fix edi.. went for troubleshoot d moment d fon is "awake" from d backout.. anyway, day end lik dat..
wed and thurs.. to say it nicely, i forgot.. =( wad happen n wad.. bt i noe is main thin well thurs b4 recess is juz some rehearsal or s/thin for d sport day on friday.. and on wed, d yellor hse(my hse) came to my class n was "force" to join d marchin.. well, i duwan, bt i scared of sharon.. =( and den on thurs, went to d marchin team wif pei yi and mia.. bt soon, gt some ppl(sori bt i think they r "nt clever" to do dat.. bt their action is s/thin we muz luk up onto, yet i think they r "nt clever" to join...... >_>") wan join in n sharon ask, hu 2molo(sport day) din come.. no1 raise their hand.. den she ask hu duwan to join geh, i juz dun care n raise my hand up, say a word "QM" and den she say "ok, u gt out" and i juz ran away from there, went find my fren.. i mean when i turn bek, i saw some ppl call out for me, n i juz dun care n went forward.. = =" no turnin bek.. did i pissed them off?? i dun think so.. i mean, d situation think so, bt actually ntg reli.. they dun reli nid me anyway.. =)

dis is d sport day, go skul wif my bro.. mornin mornin saw yan jun wif his vest, reli strikin black n white, eventho is early in d mornin so dark, n first i tot hu is dis person wearin lik dis to skul.. = =" n it turn out is my clazmate wif his pbsm uniform inside.. >_>" n he saw me, say me luk so strict wif my bro.. n i was lik, wad?! = =" and mornin, tek attendance, teacher so slow n tot he din came.. den ltr QM gather n me wif wenn is wif d trophy side, bt 4 teacher or more over there handling dat section n we 2 were lik, ntg to do? and well, d worst part is dat d moral teachers were all in dis section.. haizz... and den ar.. ltr when d runnin start, one of d QM was tekin trophy and cnt do her job n cullyn came to ask me for a hand.. and i went out n was lik, so fast they run, duno hu is 1, 2 or 3.. bt i tek d time of number 2 winner.. so is lik, tek d time yet nt see d ppl.. so damn hot.. in d middle.. and den finally end n went bek to wenn there, d job is juz 1 thin, ask them they are just help ppl to tek or their own trophy.. lik dat.. and if is helper, den tek bek d trophy n keep.. ok, day juz flew lik dis.. i noe mia was so cool, takin camera here n there.. so nice.. =) and den ar... bla bla bla.. QM job here n there, find ppl(laz no1).. and den find pei yi to bcum our laz min "helper".. and den i noe d time was so over from d time they set.. and ar.... d food they gv reli late.. and den ar... i oso duno.. i noe when mia was in d tarik tali competition, she pass me d camera from her to tek.. and she was a stand by, so sit in a side.. =) and afterward i oni noe, her job, reli rlei cn faint cuz unders hot sun.. x_x and den i went bek, my mum came n visit, saw my lil bro's frens mum dat my mum knew.. and den my bro wif his frens.. and den lik dat, finally end..
after bye bye here n there, my mum fetch my bro fren 1, i think his name is nicholas? ok, i duno, i call him A lar har.. A is nt same class wif my bro, bt oso form 2.. and well, tok alot.. n d start i saw him tok lik fren wif my mum, me n wenn at d bek, i was lik, wad?? and den after he came to d car, reli, he is s/1 reli very open? or cn say sociable.. nt dat much(still gt) gap to communicate even wif d difference of years.. usually, tokin to s/1 younger i reli duno wad to say, sure dun understand or catch up either ones topic.. bt 1 thin i cnt reli agree wif him was d justin bieber thin.. no, no offense in him la.. or jb.. i mean, he say, i LOVE JB.. i wan to go US, NY!! i wan to study there!! d whole time i was hearin dis stuff over n over again, cnt agree much wif dat.. 1st, first time i see a GUY will "HEART" JB.. dat is...... weird? and second, still, wad is d point of goin to ny for jb?? o_O anyway, i guess my class was lik me, bein kinda influenced by nigahiga mayb?? i mean mornin i even hear mia say dat dislik JB or s/thin.. i mean i was a nigahiga fans, i subscribe to his channel oso, n mayb i couldn't agree less wif her.. haha.. =D nigahiga rock.. =) i luv rustin hieber.. dat is reli s/thin.. =P bt still, JB do ur bez, no autotune if dat is a fact man! gud luck anyway~~ both of u (J/R)ustin.. and den we juz went to d Bdr Puteri library.. so quiet there.. went there n i read some buk? all find lik sc here n there.. lik chemi or biosc.. bla bla.. n d com/internet u wan to use there was rlei reli expensive(compare).. RM3 for an hour, gt a life! i mean i rather go cc n play.. = =" and den ar, bla bla, b4 went eat, n dat A still tok abt US NY, n went library i saw a NY buk, i juz went n gv him.. A follo us cuz my mum insist, bcum fren edi?? day juz s/thin lik dat, ...
SAT- my sis b/day party, mornin lalala... skip, ntg much.. and i was mainly doin d BM thin.. no time buy buk, so decide to print n mek a BUK by myself.. and den ar, tek alot of time.. den sama evenin my 2 aunts n family come.. we hv shark fin soup my sis cook and steamboat n etc.. bla bla.. celebrate wif my bro, Brian together.. my sis is choc cake n bro was pandan cake.. n to me, i tot i was eatin balloon dat time.. cuz i duno y, mayb is my fork? taste lik chemical or s/thin lik balloon.. anyway, sis hv a new h/p(she buy herself) dat is Nokia E71 dat d bez part of it gt WIFI and well 3.1mp cam.. ntg much.. i dun reli prefer d key.. anyway, is gud n she bought abt RM400 or 300?? i duno, bt consider reli cheap.. anyway, i end here, ntg much to say..
SUN- mornin bla bla.. n wake around 9.30am.. tuition 10.30am.. and den do d BM i left off, bt still cnt fin, den go tuition, physic.. lucky Ajeeta gt come.. and d ppl oni gt 4, me, ajeeta, d catholic guy i laz time oso gt c him come n V(short form of his name).. 4 ppl.. and den fizik teacher laz class say dat if v dun rmb wad he teach, he will ask question n cnt answer must stand up for d rez of d class.. n we were so scared, bt d laz ntg reli.. and den fin, i wait for 15min den oni dad n bro came.. my bro is start at 12pm while i was end at dat time.. mean he late for 15min.. anyway, go bek, do my bm, mum all went out, part time maid came.. and den print.. den they came bek wif a rabbit wif them, n they actually call it Tun Abdul Rabbit.. i pity it, n d laz d name reli end up wif some nonsense lik metal dead ghost(if u translate, is s.thin lik "ti si gui").. stupid.. - - bt d first thin i ever say is, "i am nt goin to clean it's shit ar.." cuz i dun reli agree for them to rare one.. i mean sure no1 tek care geh.. y muz go n waste.. = =" pity d rest of d day of d rabbit.. anyway, ltr went out, find binding n finally gt, bind my bm n sj, den buy a glue(cnt find other brand) and a notebuk, den walah, eat fish noodle as dinner, yumm n end..
2molo is goin to tez bm, bi and add mt!!!!!!! die jor.. i hope evithin will b fine.. =D bt yet, i dun think so anyway.. haiz.. ok lar.. my bm die jor.. gonna end here.. wish me luk in exam.. forst term in form 4, wad will it b? ok, thx 4 readin, bye bye~~ ttfn.. =S

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