Sunday, April 17, 2011

a day wif durian in memorial park..

[sori, juz din poz dis from draft.. edi write dat time.. next poz start from d chess day] =) so dun mistaken d date.. is 17 april dis poz..

hey! ok, juz wan to update nonsense.. where do i stop, let me see...... *checkin d laz past in blog*
kay, untill history.. i cn tell u after dat afternoon, ntg much reli came up, went usin com, den too bored, u noe, aimless in evithin nw, even d com i oso use lez den normal..? = =" it;s serious....... no manga updates nor anime.. dun feel lik watchin drama.. dun hv d energy to do anythin.. juz sit infront of d com, n juz surf youtube... zzz... waste time there.. duno y i duno when, few days bek, so aimlessly ntg to do, youtube-ING untill bcum listen to popular view K-pop... serious, no lie.. - -" i duno bt still, it;s weird! well, bt some is listen b4 de, juz nt reli interezted to noe much yet gt hear lar... nice den ok, lik dat... =) we 1 malaysia, me tryin 1 world... ok, kiddin..

go to d point.. is it sunday? i guez so... i forgot wad happen recently, bein confused wif days by chess! ok, left off wif sunday den.. mornin wake n go tuition.. Add mt subject, review d whole chp, so ntg much.. den bm ltr den cancel edi, so go bek early.. ltr dad late fetch me, bla bla...
went home, eat instant noodle, since they cook spegetti, dun lik.. blek.. =( bt my lil bro, tuk a bowl n another, more den 2 bowl he eaten.. serious... o_O bt still, does nt chg my thinkin to eat it anyway.. den ltr, send brian to tuition, his turn.. den we all, means me, sis, jeremy n dad went off to Nirwana memorial place.. my mum went there first, by fren's car i guez... - -" n den we are forced to go... i dun wan to, neither my sis.. they hv durian giveaway feast n my mum even invite my frenz parent.. i was lik, wad? i duwan to go, den she say nid.. = =" in d end, no1 go oso nid to go.. so, went there, was lik went b4, ntg much, juz ppl here n there... den saw mum, wif 2 aunts.. n their family.. 1 is auntie phang n another was auntie jasmine.. n well, cnt recognize auntie jasmine bt she noe us(we all).. bt we duno them.... - -" wad gud memories they hv, i dun rmb knowin them.. serious, n they say 3 years din meet edi... den ltr sit in a transport which is those type dat lik in golf court type of vehicle juz diff is cn hv more sit.. den we go to d christian place.. took some picture there, laz time oso tuk b4 d scenary.. den tuk my sis n lil bro, i dun tek myself.. =/ n den ltr go, den another place.. i duno where is it bt is buddhist one... bt nt d main one.. n den ltr pray a while, see around den ltr go c another place, all we went b4 wan.. den fin n we end our destination to d office.. den, we all wait, all so sien, n my sis tok wif me.. auntie phang went home, n auntie jasmine's children was so bored till they lay on d table, sleepin? n den me n sis chat n finally those adults were fin.. we all den go to eat durian.. n yea, i dun reli lik to eat durian actually, i mean i eat lar, bt........ not love to eat.. =/ so dat time i eat lil n pick lil bits from it n eat, n my sis will eat fin till see d seed, since she lik to eat durian.. me n jeremy is d same, other are all durian lover.. n den Uncle billy came, another relative i guess, n den we all wan to go bek to d car.. so auntie jasmine n her family, wif my mum go bek to our hse by their car.. dad n uncle billy finishin off d durian, we 3 went to d car... wait n wait den dad appear, evithin fin, den go bek.. on d way home, put some music on my fon via bluetooth d car's bluetooth, well, dad dun enjoy d song much.. mayb modern song? or mayb d speakers in mums car dun reli hv gud sound system.... n well, i dun reli care.. n went home, saw them, auntie jasmine n family... they hv a son n a daughter.. 2 oso younger den me.. den d boy noe brian, n was waitin for brian to cum bek from tuition.. den d girl was told by d parents dat she recently hv bad relation wif d parents.. n missed my mum? i duno wad, bt juz nvm... n den when brian went bek home, they ask brian remember d boy anot, n brian was lik, 'i duno"... he dun rmb till d end... n i oso dun rmb.. n den they say dat d boy luk so disappointed on his face.... n den d auntie say y we all dun rmb de, so bad hearted.. nt scold lar, in a sad mode.. n i answer we reli cnt rmb, easy forgotten, loss of memory.... still feel sori for them, i rlei dun rmb.. = =" n den they went bek, ntg special..aunt ltr come, den abt iphone thin, bla bla.. den ltr ntg much... sien.. i was lik, oo, den gt rdy n sleep... next day was chess!

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