Sunday, May 8, 2011


nid to update dis.. seriously, i left dis for a damn long time.. so juz theme poz nw.. haha.. b4 was d memorial wan.. dun 4gt to read if haven.. haha....
nw, lets start wif d date was 18 April n 19th April was d 2 big day of chez comp in SEAFIELD skul.. i reli forgot wad reli happen, bt juz update la.. 18 was monday, n went to skul lik usual.. go to skul, tok wif angeline.. den ltr awhile, when mia cum, go to bukstore n gather.. pass d form up, still rmb early mornin mia called me, i gt brin my fon to skul, n sat in front of d clazroom n tok wif angeline, den she called n i juz tuk it out n pik up to answer.. haha.. n she say was lucky i told her to brin to form.. lol.. anyway, go there, i noe dat gt ppl folo van n some folo cik teh.. n well, me n mia n other 2 girl actually folo cik tek, nvr tot dat ltr me n mia was told to sqeeze in d van, end up we nt sit on a sit, is on er.... i duno was is dat call, arghhh!! is juz no place to sit, force to sit in s/where which is nt a sittin.. n i was lik wan to fall edi, so scared will bump on ppl.. n sufferin... =( n finally reached.. to say d truth, i dun reli hv any cloz fren in chez comp ppl.. juz mia i noe better wif, bt oh well, she is more socialize, so of cuz evi1 she tok to.. haha.. n s/time i juz wonder around to c if i cn find s/thin to do when i was alone.. =) bt for sure ntg.. so juz stand there... in d start reli is borin.. n den went out to d fiend sit n they started to play chess... n pei syan tok to me askin me abt sony ericsson thin.. her fon was diff, cnt put themes.. O_O bt she lend my fon n tuk song... =) den start purin lil rain, cramp into d buildin... saw d place for competition was full of tables n in looooong row... damn long n many.. o_O n d name list edi wrote which i was in black same goes for mia.. =) n mellissa from 5A claz n Alicia from 4A was bside me, juz as white.. d rules of it was white brin d chess set into d competiotion, den no bags nor phone allowed.. bring pen n fill in d paper, evry move made tick d box n den sign n put in details.. winner will went up to pass up d form, if draw den 2 go together to pass up incase for any unfairness...
and so ltr our game start, went in n as a black side, me n mia hv to juz brin pen n bottle if wan.. i b4 brin my bag, end up ltr nid put outside.. so den sat down. my first experience in as one of a school representative for chez comp.. reli is many many many ppl? =O n den my compatitor was a malay, n we tok a lil.. lik where skul from n such.. n den tok a lil wif mia n alicia.. n melissa compatitor juz sit right bside me n between me n mia.. lik a wall between us.. bcuz she was juz in d right side of me, i tok a lil wif her, she said she was from shah alam or wadeva, is a private skul since her uniform was diff.. o_O n she say she was s/hw lik sayin she was nt reli gud n den she was d oni girl represent for her skul wif another 3 boy.. our skul gt er.... 15++ ppl? 8 girls n more den 7 guy? i forgot.. me, mia, alicia, melissa, pei syan, another 3 form 3 girls if nt wrong, guy lik cason, clement, eugene, liang kar wai, song yang, n alot i forgt d name....... =( dat's y... duno hw many ppl edi.. nvm dat...  bt d skul was once told reli nice, bt i think after goin there, is juz okok oni, ntg special.. =( bside d canteen?
1st round- after shakin hand, den game start.. wad i rmb was evi1 noe d "4 step" anyway, so for sure she made dat step of cuz, bt i nt so stupid lar.. den move here n there, she was always "check" me here n there, n i made my plan for havin my rook to d white pawn lane, n so, her king was trap in his lane while she was so busy "check"-ing my king wif her precious queen, n neglect my moves made for her, all she can see is my king runnin away from her beast queen, n my underling rook went secretly to ASSASSINATE her king!! u noe, means straight away DIE!!!! mwahaha, 2 rook to "CHECKMATE", n she try to move, bt no move.. den game end... =)
den ltr went outside, bt mia haven fin.. so i was well, wait her anyway.. din expect she reli tuk long on d game.. bt i was ok, it;s juz takin time to wait for her, so cn go together wif her to d canteen, since is better to go together.. n time passed, n den mia cum out, n she said she loz to d girl... den we all go canteen, n many thin i guess... n i saw waffles!! <33 RM2 for waffles... n den when alicia buy corn, oso there, ask her to help me order 1 too.. =) is lik they bake freshly n den add chocolate toping on it.. damn nice... =) n den mia ate noodle, very less... cn compare to my stingy skul canteen food.. so damn lil.. n den pei syan was eatin n eatin... she told us she ate dis n dat n dis.. o_O cnt judge a buk by it's cover.. =) den ltr eat untill time wan to up, n mia was wantin to eat samo, bt no time, den i cnt reli hv time to eat fin my waffles, n mia went eatin d half of it.. lol.. anyway, went bek n check on d second list they r gonna print out.. n nw it;s me n mia's turn to b white n melissa n alicia turn to b black.. went in wif a box of chess, den saw my competitor... tok a lil, same skul as d girl in my 1st round.. =/
2nd round- i cn tell u, dis person kinda sly a lil... - -" too damn unexpected.. she put out her kinght, rook or bishop to let me eat without any defense for them, is lik a free food in front of my eyes.. o_O n den for sure i will tuk it for granted of cuz.. - -" no trap.. n den end up she checkmate.. = =" wth?!?!?!? i was lik, wad happen?! all of a damn sudden.. all i cn was stunt in my mind, smile at her when she shake my hand n den all i can was praised her.. n end game, LOSE....
den ltr wait n wait, duwan to tok much, den ltr 3rd round..
3rd round i was white, bt den i forgot dis round, d oni thin i oso end up LOSING.... = =" why there r hell lot of great player.. bt alicia n melissa win 2 in dat day.. all i cn do was acting lik bein pissed off by d marks i had... bcuz i noe, mayb i should think of mia.. bt dat time, i was edi sulkin alot...
and den go bek to skul, croz over d skul buildin n saw yuki wif angeline cross over us wokin in d street, den go into d skul buildin, ltr den gt chess club n spbt club, so nid stay bek till 5.30pm.. n den i saw pei wen, so first thin i wanted to find her, well, is lucky... bt i duno y, i think she in bad mood i guess... dat time.. so i dun dare to tok much.. =) n den spbt club dat time, after write our attendance, pei wen went wif angeline to duno where, bag place.. n den i was alone in d club room, so i oso went to c them, n met yuki outside oso.. den ltr wenn oso gt there, i noe dat time i kinda hv a pissed face, bt seriously..... haiz... i did nt reli blame any1, is juz i felt down dat time in heart, bt i guez no1 hv d time to spare out to understand wad i wan to express.. evi1 was lik dat monday hv a bad day n gt bad mood, so i oso duwan disturb them... i juz ask abt d h/w, n den it was lik, stiff conversation.. neither wenn or yuki was available, n well, i noe i muz nt b so selfish to hear my stupid rantin.. n den i noe i ask a stupid question from my head, my mind was thinkin so damn much thing n ended up speakin out one of d word, bt i guess i should nt ask or hv any1 answer.. n all i cn do was smile, n while havin a pissed face for wad i was reli sulkin from.. when they duno go where, i was wantin to find mia while i duno where she went, my mind dat time was blank.. reli, is full or thought.. n all i cn do was juz ntg else bt to find s/1 to b reli understandin enuf to listen a lil word i would lik to say n hv them givin n answer dat made my thinkin to fade.. i noe i oso hv bad time, lik i oso duwan ppl to tok to me, so i did nt mind if yuki n wenn was nt in a mood to b.. so i understand.. bt dat time i reli cnt see anythin other den findin a place.. n den i ran onto angeline n i ask did she saw mia, n she answer no, den i tell her, "i think my tears r gonna fall", n smile at her.. she hold onto my hand, ask me wad happen, she said she cnt see from my face, bt when she hear my voice, my voice sound lik tremblin, which does nt reli fit for my expression... =) n i luk at her, my eyes were gonna fill up wif those tear which made my vision blurry... i luk up to keep bek my tears dat time.. reli hard... all i cn hear was angeline ask me, n den i saw mia in d classroom, so i guez mayb she will lik usual pissed to cheer up.. bt i din expect she was sobbin too, n my tear juz fall.. i noe i am childish, bt i din disturb her, i noe if i tek myself compare to her, mayb i dun deserve to cry oso.. so i juz cheer her up, bt i noe is no use in d start, so i juz wipe my tears away.. n smile to cheer her up.. when yuki come, i tell her to gv mia some space.. bcuz i personally oso wan some.. so she juz stood there n stare.. n wenn well, sit in d side read novel, i gues wenn think she cnt understand wad we feel, so oso went in a side n read.. =) bt i noe, they were worried, n thx them.. am i tokin big? i hope they are, if nt i paiseh for sayin dis.. bcuz we r fren, dat's y i mayb wish dat is lik dat.. ^^ n ltr mia finally cooled down n say abt cason n cullyn thingy.. bt they reli din c ppl situation.. o_O
den ltr chez comp, go to d other claz, den sat bside of cullyn, den ltr wenn n angeline came.. den mia suddenly cross over n scold to cullyn abt her brother cason, "wad is d problem wif ur brother", n cullyn ltr went out n find her bro.. den ltr we chat sometime, i duno wad, i kinda forgot a lil, bcuz my mind was reli messed up wif feelin.. go bek den is tuition, i noe is borin lik usual.. n ltr went bek home around 10.30pm, mum ask me abt i cried in skul, wif another fren cuz of d chess, i think my bro tell mum.. my bro dat time gt croz over, he recess so i ask him to buy for me wedges.. n den he come bek wif 2 bags.. thanks to him.. cheer me up from eatin.. =) n den go bek dat time mum gt giv me a bottle of apple juice wif aloe-vera bits.. mayb dat time i think food reli cn let out stress a lil.. o_O n i noe mum tell me no use cryin, she say wan blame muz blame d skul, y d skul choose those ppl hu is stupid on it n let them go.. den i ask her, so mean u say i am stupid? , den she replied, no, u are juz... "nt gud at it" in dis... lol...

2nd DAY, chez comp continue.. mia actually tot nt cumin today, bt still she came.. =) n den dis time, we gt to hv a proper sittin in d van.. =D and den we went for d game.. b4 dat day, i went check on net b4 on d way on chess, n kinda find steps lik 4-step, castling, checkmate step n such.. i noe i am a beginner.. lol... den b4 dat nite, call my dad to play wif me 1 round, n won.. n time till 11pm oni sleep.. so mornin on tuesday, went wif a new fresh air, eventho is nt gud result from ytd.. d 2 teacher today was cik teh n pn tan.. n den go as usual, wait for d time to start.. skip skip skip.. 1st round start n i was white dis time cuz 3rd round of mine was black, so it always black white black white.. so dis time gonna gt those tips from those "shifu" which is d pros from our skul.. haha..
1st round, went in wif chess set, went to d listed sit, n i put all d chess pieces on table.. n waited for a appearance of d competitor, bt untill d game start oso haven come.. bside me oso dun hv ppl, means they oso dun hv competitor too.. n i raise my hand bt they say untill 10 min ltr den oni count as i win, so ltr i won so randomly, WON.. without playin.. =P
ltr, i cross over mia n i cheer her too.. n den went bek n cross over melissa n alicia hu sat bside each other, both black n i cheer for them too.. i went out early so ntg to do, gt see some of us, lik clement oso tuk win for random too..
2nd round- dis time i sat in d end... n den my competitor was frenly.. den we chat sometime.. den never thought dat ltr our list gt problem, nid to change again, wait a while n went out n see, den again is juz sittin, bt i still hv d same competitor.. end up playin.. i was white, gave my move.. if there is a title for dat, i would say "THE BEST CHESS MOVES EVER"... u noe y, my move were all damn nice.. all my big "general" lik bishop, rook, kinght n queen went all out to d KING!! n all of them hv a backup to eat bek them.. =D n den yet, my king was left alone in a lane, bt for sure she cnt checkmate me.. cuz even if her queen which is possible to go there, my king still hv move.. den ltr din tot dat untill she reli cnt gt out of her situation, she reli tuk n eat my general, n my damn nice plan was RUINED!!! doom... n i hv no mood.. she was always askin me to draw, wan draw.. i always answer her ltr, see first, den ltr untill dat move, i hv a feelin dat i nid tek long to kill her king, bt in an outsider view, cn c she was at stake.. so i was no mood to think, so i juz took her bait, DRAW!! 1/2 mark.. =)
after cumin out, i din c mia, i noe she cross over very fast, go out very early.. she won cuz her other party did nt arrive.. WON for her.. =) n den cason ask me hw, i say draw, n he say he saw my chess set, very pretty, i think he nvr tot dat i will draw rather den win.. =) i understand.. haha.. den ltr i saw alicia, i ask her where was mia, it seem she went off to d canteen edi.. well, cn guess anyway, din expect much.. so i juz wait in d waitin spot wif alicia tokin.. was reli borin.. i din reli wan to eat first, bt i tot goin wif mia, bt since she had went wif others, i think is better nt.. so wait for d 3rd round, n d list was out..
3rd round- dis time, pressure.. i was white.. n den my competitor was d oni CHINESE among my competitor.. so she was from USJ skul.. n den we start n well.. cn see she use well wif her bishop n queen.. n ended up i did nt notice wif her damn queen... i actually gt bekup, din tot i let it go... = =" stupid.. so LOSE!!! ARGHH!!!
sulkin started... =( i oso again saw mia go out ealy, AGAIN no ppl arrive n gt a WIN... n den she oso went to canteen... i wan to find her dis time, so i ask alicia, n song yang ask me, so we go to canteen together n find them.. mia was wif her frenz, so after knowin both marks, i went off... dis time oso dun hv mood plus again, nvr eat... kinda sulk for gettin lose, n den tok a lil wif melissa... no1 to eat wif me, damn sien.. so juz chat... n den ltr mia cum bek, n she play her psp while we r waitin for d next list.. dis time is d last round, while d guy still left 2 round.. cuz girl gt 7 round while 8 rounds for guy.. 3 round on first day.. =)
i rmb i tok to 1 of d competitor sayin, b4 i gt play wif 1 of d competitor, i accidentally touch d pieces n ended up is bad.. cuz my queen will b eaten.. n i let go n she say CANNOT.. damn f.... SMILING to me lik ntg happen.. i was beggin her i duno, serious, juz dis time, accidentally touch oso cnt. n i end up to move, i was angry n pissed in heart, bt outside i was lik, oo.. kay, smile.. =) n denlucky dat time she din eat my damn crappy QUEEN!! still LOSE dat time... shit! dat time lar, i think is second round dat time.. zzz... den mia oso let me a lil of her hakuoki game geh voice of a character.. lol...
n den ltr was d laz round, i reli in a bad mood... dun feel lik goin.. n den mia say, she first thin dat is goin to do is, sit down, Look at the person eyes, n ask 1 question.. "you wan to draw anot?".. n i was lik, impossible lar.. n mia say she will do lik dat, call me too.. n den ltr start, i was reli nervous.. gt 2.5 marks oni.. =( well, is nt easy.. n den start d round..
LAST round- sit down n saw d competitor.. set nicely d chess piece? n den we chat a lil.. n den she ask me i form wad, i answer form 4, n she say same.. tok some sc subject... n den game start, salam 2 times.. means shake 2 times hand cuz of d ppl hu use d mic duno wad they tok crap.. n den ltr i ask her when she say she was noob n such.. n i ask wan to draw? i am ok wif it.. n den she reply i wan to play first, she say she wan to try to win.. we play untill d step she think she was on danger, n oh well, she took d draw bait.. after so long i pursue her.. anyway, she was lik ltr fin, we both total hv 3 marks... i noe i was reli distracted when i was planin in my brian, she ask me add mt n such.. all those study subject juz come in d conversation.. LOL... is chess comp bt topic was studies! bt DRAW, 1/2 mark
corz over mia, surprise after she say she was gonna ask draw yet she was playin.. n den ltr gud luk to her, n i wait for time to pass... i tok some time wif melissa n her form 5 life.. surprise she hv 4A gt in d class... =) pure sc oni hv 1 class.. wow.. after time flies, girls comp was over, oni guy left another round.. n den i waited for mia they all to cum out... when mia fin, was hapi for her to win a round there.. =) n ltr finally cn go canteen.. went eatin WAFFLES again!! =D n den well, a lil to mia oso.. n ended up she buy herself oso.. n den ltr went buy drink, n she called me to offer her a drink.. n oh well, i buy 2 drink n 1 drink buy for her lik she asked for.. since is juz once, she does nt ask much oso, so it's ok.. lol.. n den ltr go bek, oni left me, mia n alicia, all other girls folo pn tan cars go bek edi... o_O
so ltr after guy fin, finally cn go bek!! bt is to skul.. actually pn tan offer to fetch us home, bt cuz my hse is diff edi.. n pei syan was once my sis bellet fren, she juz rmb tempua 3 place... den end up never folo.. den ltr go bek to skul, it was 2 or 3pm.. n i noe my mum wait long b4 n nt there anymore.. she scolded me.. n well, sad of cuz... she was in d fren hse actually buyin nonsense... = =" wad lava thingy which 1 cn anti-radiation, samo soup cost 200 dat cn made scar away or wadeva... n i wait for her at skul for some time.. = =" haizz...... tuition as usual, bm.. den end my lousy chess comp n day..
in d end, our skul highest is 5.5, girl highest was 4 which goes to melissa n me, alicia n mia gt 3 marks.. =) k den, juz lik dat... so den, end dis theme post.. =D thc for readin, ttfn.. =)

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