Sunday, April 3, 2011

do wishes come true?n glasses is good for u.. =)

from ytd poz, said dat i will poz ytd stuff 2day.. so, here it is.. cuz ytd late nite oni update.. so write from 12am till 2am.. tired.. so oni delay 1 day lar.. haha...
 ok, this year, i have things i wanted.. i mean many bt d most i wanted, i pray to god if i can.. =) well, juz for certain thin dat i cnt get bt i reli wan among d many many many thin.. n few of d moz wanted thin i wan, is a new glasses.. =) dat reli reli cnt gt if there isn't a chance.. nt to mention, a new headfon..(well, dat case is i cn buy myself..) n erm... i noe i hv many, bt d most i wanted, which i wanted to put on my birthday list dat kind, is lik dis... whixh is s/thin i usually wanted..
and let's say, i hv it moz of it.. =) to say it clearly, i gt a new glasses!! =D yay~~! ok, i noe ppl lik er, those hu dun reli wear will nt gt it, since no1 lik to wear glasses? well, laz time i don't lik, bt since few years bek,  start wearin 24/7.. never tek off except time when i go sleep or bath.. cuz i cnt c a thin when i dun hv glasses.. i mean wearin it is normal to me, glasses is a NEED to me, nt a WANT.. so i reli nid to hv them, wear them evitime, my habit.. i guess i start wearin bek glasses 14/7 oso cuz of pei wen influence, tho i guess she duno.. shh.. haha.. i tell u, think bek of myself, i reli is STUPID man! lik some ppl, they dun wear glasses cuz mayb is nt nice, or nt suitable, nt comfortable.. reason lik dat, u cn say, i oso.. start wearin glasses since i was 10.. actually, my degree was juz mere 100 oni.. i think i was cuz wearin my mum's which is abt 100 degree too n found out was pretty clear.. [warnin: dun folo! u will regret, ppl hu din wear glasses MUST NOT wear other ppl glasses for fun or try out..!!] n went makin 1 wif my bro too.. i guess is juz simply lik cnt c board den wear.. lik dat, so is lik dun reli need a glasses oso cn to wok or see.. bt lil by lil, when time i din brin my glasses to skul, since i was a nt reli havin likin to wear them, i usually juz pt a side when i need them.. so my fren hu sat bside me hv her glasses too.. n u noe, i always wear hers to see clearly d board.. n her degree was.. ehem... 400... i cn see clearly.. = =" weird.. and den slowly, time pass.. till i was 13.. my attitude for glasses were, dun wear except for when needed dat kind, so i guess is ntg if i dun wear since i cn c nicely road n such, juz small words in board den i use it.. bt i guess i was wrong later.. glasses is s/thin eventho u r juz mere 100 degree, u MUST wear all d time.. n for my case, let me continue why.. when i was 13, i rmb i hv a cake decoration competition wif my 2 fren, yuki n tj.. n i rmb i brought my glasses wif me too.. of cuz when i nid to see d ingredient on d board which we hv to folo instruction too.. and well, when we were startin, extra thin was lik a burden n i kept thin in a side of cuz.. i took of glasses when i dun need them, i juz go wif d competition, is normal action, bt seriously.. i dun reli tek notice on my glasses since is juz an extra to me.. i can see fine.. n den, fin competiition, well, we gt 3rd place, n were d oni freshman in skul hu won among all skul contestant dat time.. was reli grateful to our class teacher dat time.. and we share d cake wif d classmate, well, is they all force us to gv them, or mozly was juz tek them from us.. d malays... = =" bt nvm.. and den i realize ltr after in class, i din tek bek my glasses.. ><" i forgotten untill teacher ask us to copy thin in board.. i went bek to d catering room n check all drawers, bt is nowhere to b found.. n den, d glasses is ntg to me.. lik dat.. =/ bt i dun care oso, since i wad juz 100+ degree, still cn see, dun nid nvm.. after when form 2, went makin a new one, well, my current one oso in short.. d black n light brown.. if u noe me or c pic, u will noe.. n oso, my attitude din change.. eventho i knew my degree went up to 200+! wow, so faz.. =D ok, ntg to b hapi abt, is s/thin i oso dun reli regret dat time, stupid.. actually, when i din use glasses even in normal time, eyesight will INCREASE for sure! bt ppl hu gt 100+ will nt understand wad will it end up to.. reli, even nw, my bro hu is still 100+, dun wear.. n even i was 200, i oso dun care.. n den i met wenn, hu wear glasses too.. =) i mean yuki oso wear of cuz, bt her case was, i duno hw to say, she is weird dat i duno hw to explain... = =" anyway, n once i rmb durin kh time, i ask her b4 when we were waitin in line to gt in d class.. we hv a tok n i curiously wan to ask, y does she hv to wear glasses evitime eventho is abt 250++ for her if i nvr rmb wrong.. n well, i oni she answer me reli simple, bcuz to see clearer, better, n more in her habit edi.. n den she said she oso dun say she lik to wear, bt was a need to wear.. n den when she cn afford, she will go for laser surgery.. n glasses time will b over.. eventho is juz a normal simple answer, i reli think abt it much.. n i thought long n realize myself hw dumb to treat my glasses lik an extra.. nt lik wenn so gud, she reli is my example.. i reli learn from her many thin, eventho is juz a lil thin, she reli chg me, eventho i admit after my thinkin alot thin oso.. my brain juz move ok? and i think abt d time i wore other glasses, dat is dumb, i realize nt wearin evitime, dat is stupid, i realize i din reli care to bother to wear evitime, dat is reli brainless.. n i reli wear it d next day, after thinkin alot dat bcuz i din wear, i increased my eyesight day by day, lil by lil, worse n worsen.. even juz increase by 0.05, after 20 day means 1 degree.. after 2 months 3 degree.. 1 year, 18 degree!! lil by lil, is serious! even juz 0.05!! so lil oso cn increse reli bad!! bt usually is more den dat, mean faster if u dun wear..!! i start wearin d glasses all time next day, n they all, frenz ask me, y u wear glasses today lik i am a weird 1 day to turn up wearin glasses to skul.. well, is weird to me bt i try my bez to tek care of my eyes too.. =) n i was reli glad i met wenn oso, if nt i duno nw hw many degree oni i will die to wear.. eventho i noe she mayb 4gt, bt s/time minor stuff, i reli think alot.. juz mayb din say i guess.. dat time i reli made a big decision to start my day to wear it evitime.. nt easy to made me to do dat.. well, mayb i reli think too much.. bad i guess.. even lil stuff ppl say i oso will lik dat.. n they all will nt even noe abt it after dat.. cuz is juz lil matter, hu even bother to rmb oso normal.. lol.. =) i think i am a weirdo.. ><" so s/time gt much thinkin, is nt gud.. cuz will b hurt even small matter ppl dun even realize.. =( my sis oso say, "u think alot, think too much".. my thinkin is nt those think too much lik always think dis n dat, negative thin bla bla... is dat when a matter came, s/hw lik a date analysis or s/thin, lik ways n ideas or plan to go.. duno hw to explain.. juz lik 1 of it, example lik d glasses thin.. dat kind, n my sis oso say me lik dat.. =/
anyway, i kinda think i was tokin crap till here.. haven say d main point.. = =" nw i realize.. think too much, tok too much, say too much.. lol........ zz.. actually my day is lik dis wan.. early mornin, sis come my room n bother me, i was sleepy n sleepin, suddenly barge in.. = =" n den go edi lar.. and den after mornin, wake up, saw sis, call me to wake brian for his tuition.. went up n wake him, refuse to wake.. went down tell sis n she went up, 2 bro come down.. mum n dad den came bek.. eat breakfaz... den mum say dat she wan to hv contact lens.. n cuz her glasses broke.. her attitude for glasses is same lik me when i was 10, n bro.. refuse to wear.. n den she ask sis to wan go anot.. cuz sis oso say she cnt c her lecturer word in board.. n den i say i wan oso.. since i hv experience in contact lens.. i wearin for a year edi, if u duno.. =) and den i wan a glasses edi, since mayb laz year, bt i noe is bez nt dat time so i dun reli hv much feelin to chg, n den dis year, i reli wanted to hv a glasses n oso headfon n other few thin dat i pray god s/time if i were hv a chance, pls gv me to hv them.. =) i even wish if cnt, i hope my b/day present for next year will b them.. well, oso depend any1 noe wad i wan.. =( no1 understand me much.. bt to say d ppl hu hv same likin is my sis, den wenn.. so when there is thin to choose, i guess i will leave it to them to choose is oso fine wan.. lik i ask my sis to help me buy a card holder, she gt find, bt haven buy.. n she ask me wad type i want, n i say i blif ur sense for wad i lik, n i reli cn let her choose... since wad she choose will b 90% my type.. she understand.. n well, she noe wad is pretty to me n wad i will lik it.. juz 90% oni.. d rez 10% is s/time, reli hard to say, gt diff oso.. =) i dun mean understandin me or wadever, is lik er.. hw to say, to choosin sense of thin, lik pretty, cute n such things, which her sense of it is 90%, or actually 95% lik me.. =P wenn oso very same de.. 80%++? =) specially d doll bear n "dog".. reli reli reli nice.. bt i duno my taste is her taste anot? ><" haiz....  does nt include lik idol or wad, lik manga or anime, drama or idol i dun mean them ar... n oso food oso dun include dat type.. duno u guys understand wad i wan to say anot.. sad.. i bad at explainin.. ><" aiya, if dun understand nvm.. juz dat d "taste" on thin.. =) lik which is pretty n cute to us, nice lookin n such in our eyes.. =) bt if u mention manga n such, diff lar har.. =) ok, wad i wan to say.. crappin again.. ok, den we go out, brian does nt wan to go, bt was forced to by mum.. went up to tuition, den we go to d nearby optical shop, bt went in, ask a lil n they say d lens will nid to book first oni cn get.. and den my mum cnt n go other place.. den dad was wantin to tek picture for his japan thin, duno wad is it, i noe is nid to hv photo.. and den went to a photographer shop n tek.. den mum ask d boss n c gt any optical shop nearby.. n den she say infront of d shop gt 1 is she always go, reli good.. bt gt other places oso lar.. juz she recommended there.. and den d boss gt 2 child there playin.. n end up whole curtain drop by d 2 small kid, wow.. whole curtain thin drop lik dat.. lol.. play untill lik dat.. den fin wif d picture, wok across d road n reach d shop.. d size is half of a shop.. another half is wif a flower shop.. when my mum saw it, she ask 1 thin, "y so small wan?" to d boss hu recommended us goin there.. lol.. and went went in, gt a banner of cool stylish contact lens from korean brand.. i saw gt skull, or even leopard design.. lol.. and den i went in first to check.. cuz i was oni 1 among my mum n sis hu wear glasses.. so she took my glasses to check d degree, den went in d "dark room" to check my current eyesight degree.. den ltr i gt worsen a lil.. both eye bcum 300 nw.. =/ she told me my vision is weak, bt sis vision is better.. n i ask, wad does it mean, i gt wear glasses all d time.. n she explain, she say dat my vision is weak in a sense dat eventho i hv 300 degree shortsightedness, i will nt 100% see it clearly.. bt my sis can.. so is somethin lik cnt help even wif d glasses.. so mean i MUST evitime wear glasses.. =/ cnt afford to look w/out glasses.. lol.. lucky i gt i guess.. n i saw d plastic frame which is nice n my sis oso say so, n i ask mum i wanted it.. my mum was lookin for contact n ended up by d ppl there recommendation n she choose glasses.. she first wanted to buy wif a clip on sun glasses.. den ltr i gt took out b4 black n white frame to try on.. she saw d white, which i guess dun fit me, n on d table there.. she liked it n ask abt it.. n mum say i cn buy when i say i wanted d black one.. i was reli hapi she was in a good mood.. n dat time my sis is testing her eye sight degree.. sis came out n she buy contact lens.. they ask wan  glasses n sis say no nid first.. she ltr say dat if reach 200 oni buy.. lol.. = =" n oso cuz b4 d first shop, she saw a reli nice glasses frame, which cost 799!! dior brand.. reli damn nice.. sweet.. bt expensive.. = =" anyway, mu decide to buy d white frame, n me d black, sis contact.. n mum oso buy a sun glasses which oso cn wear for ppl hu oso wear glasses together.. very nice lookin n damn convenient which u dun nid to buy a specially made sunglasses! =) anyway, dat shop reli is gud.. lol! next time mayb go there evitime better.. lol.. =D anyway, mine monday cn gt, bt i dun think i will tek faz.. wait till mum fin wif hers.. n den coz lot there, bt satisfied.. reli dang hapi! =) n i gt to noe solution for contact lens hv increased.. sad.. =( lucky gt samo.. nw increased price more den 20! =/ mayb future nid to use wisely.. lol.. den go bek, brian time was 1pm over n dat time we reach there 1 is 1.30pm.. d tuition centre was closed n brian is nowhere to b found, dad went n buy fried koropok n pisang goreng.. n den sis call home, brian is at home edi.. hw? uncle fetch him bek.. which uncle, din say.. =X anyway, bla bla bla... n i watch tv for d rez of d day.. wow, i din touch d com.. cuz my com luk lik is aging n tek more den 3 second to even open a start button! = =" seriously.. ytd after fin post, too damn slow n close d com.. when i wan to press d shut down button.. wait for min n haven even pop up.. i was reli frustrated n tired n i dun care, i guess i close it in an "alternative" way.. =X press d button on d cpu, off.. den plop, sleep.. [dun folo dis action, will harm com!! save com from evil ppl!! (lik me)] anyway, i was dang tired, n closin a stupid com nid use so dang looooooong time.. = =" no patience.. bt well, skip those crap.. n watch some series of "no limits", felt is nt bad.. den some random show on tv, mocie n such.. music n so on.. i rmb i watch b4 CSI 3 straight hours for miami, NY n d csi case.. 3 episode.. lol...den i oso gt watch d korean version of naughty kiss... well, duno hw to say, i juz watch since i am free.. =/ n wenn say is nice, so since gt do n i am there, juz watch.. lol.... n den ltr went out n  go eat "bak kut teh".. =D den ltr gt go IOI ltr.. so after fin eatin, my sis is slow as ever.. evi1 fin, oni left her dat still hv half of her bowl.. haha.. n den on d way oso gt share my earfon wif her which link my fon.. ok, IOI.. went there wif no reason actually.. n i plan to go popular cuz i wan a headfon! n i noe no more offers, bt still nvm, i go for it.. =P den i bought n cost my 29.. den i left 21 in hand.. den cross over a bag shop, saw a 5 dollar pouch.. or s/thin... which i cn tek in as a pencilbox.. since i saw my fren in tuition oso hv.. so i buy a different type, dat is black.. n den sis saw d one which is same as my fren in tuition.. den cost 5 n left 16.. sis saw a purse dat is reli nice! coz 29.90.. n she hv 20 in hand.. i lend her 10.. n den go bek to jusco to where my family is.. buy more den 200 in a single receipt, gt 3 free bag.. =) den we went home.. juz lik dat.. i went manga there bt ntg.. n samo yuki help me buy, my supplier.. so wait till 2molo, nid to sign her list.. laz time owe her 10.. n nw 3 buk i think.. if nt wrong mean 23.50.. =( money bb.. anyway, end my day lik dis.. go bek home, watch a ghost movie, the unborn.. halfway i scared i cnt sleep ltr.. sleep alone, so went use com.. after checkin update in thin. start update blog.. use 2hr plus.. = =" dat is y s/time i duno y i lazy to update, use hours.. too much blabbin i guess... =X
today den ntg much.. oso watch d episode of no limits in tv.. after ytd com incident, dun feel lik playin com.. watch 3 episode straight, den fin.. went up n use com, update blog.. straight away.. n halfway, mum call us to eat dinner, go down.. den fin eat, play badminton wif bro out d road.. cuz b4 play in d hse, shuttlecock drop on d roof top.. =/ play some time n den use com, update.. wow.. i use HOURS to fin dis post.. if i read again juz use few min oni.. = =" phew.. anyway, end lik dis.. nid call pei yi.. i forgotten.. 2molo stay bek at skul, den go bek mayb to wenn hse awhile.. =) ltr inform her, nid tok to pei yi first.. =D they all are great fren!! thank you again!! mia n angeline too!! =P ty.. tirin, 2day nid tek much rest.. ><" arghh...
thanks for readin.. reli thanks.. n ppl hu hv bad eyesight, even juz lil, pls tek care of ur eyes!! wear glasses 24/7!! bt oso cn wear contact lens lar.. i juz wear for skul n some occation.. usually dun wear, even ytd go ioi oso lazy nia.. glasses still d bez.. =) n yea, dun b lazy to wear! k, bye~~!! ttfn.. =D

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