Wednesday, April 13, 2011

no time use com.. lil by lil, slowly bcums a mountain hill..

[dis post is continues day of post which is also saved in draft.. so it start from last monday 4th April 2011.. den ltr on some edit n add-on and on wednesday 6 April 2011 abt d motivation part was start being edited TODAY, 13 April 2011.. so pls understand n sori reli reli sori... ><" ]

sad.. dis pass few days, since monday, less time use com.. monday cum out from skul, i duno my aunt's number, n i went wif wenn to call my mum.. i took up bt no reaction, n i guess is edi out of function.. later yuki cum n ask why r v here, n den she heard of me n say isit i hear wrong, n went check d fon, den say gt np at all.. went n call mum, ring long n den finally pick, i ask wad is aunt's car, number, fon.. n in d end, she say i wan to close edi, bye bye.. shut.. nvr listen fin to wad i say.. d fon number even we hv 6 ear to listen yet cnt rmb.. =( no hand to write.. and den ended up rmb a number simply, call bt nt available, means no valid number i guess... =/ n den no choice, went out n den c my aunt cn c me anot, den juz go out, lik saw a similar car n den is her.. lol.. den inside hv her maid, cousin sis-Ashley, n cousin lil bro-Ivan(sleepin).. oso juz cum bek from skul/kindergarden.. den ltr when on d way, stop by a stall n aunt call her maid to buy 10 roti canai.. n i was thinkin 10 so many, wad is she wantin to do it for? bt i din think much, mayb keep for ltr or wadeva, hu noes.. n den went her hse, eat lunch, dat is roti canai.. d plate was plate lik bowl.. means side oso come up shaped.. so i took n cn see 1 big piece of it from top view.. n den lik usual ppl will noe, pour sambal/curry/dal into ur food n eat.. n when eat, tok somethings too.. n d stupid thin is, i was eatin piece by piece, bt i still feel y still left so much in d plate.. ><" n for sure, i had fin off more den half, bt i saw d plate, was left more den half, aroung 3/4... i was surprise n u noe, i even thought is it d roti canai expand lik burger gt close down lik shell type.. means lik oso gt expand wan.. den think not logical.. food is dead, cnt expand or particle will vibrate faster n distance wif each other increases when heat is absorbed.. no ar.. no science logic in there.. and i was eatin untill i reli cnt gt it.. was reli tiring, i mean cnt fin.. force myself to eat.. my aunt saw me n ask, "u cnt fin ar? 2 piece of roti canai u cnt fin?" n den i was lik.... stunned a while, n den say, 1st, i nvr eat b4 2 piece of roti canai one shot.. n second,...... i duno is 2 piece i was eatin untill u juz tell me 3 sec ago.. o_O n den my aunt was lik laughin n tell her maid n ashley oso.. say next time eat must see nicely 1st.. lol... nvr noe wad am i eatin.. n den d ltr was bath n den play playstation 2.. i noe we played some games, n den latest was d hotwheel racing car game.. reli, ntg to do.. =( n i noe i suck at cars, so she always, i mean ALL win over me.. walau! think abt win n lose, i even rmb mon chess club, play chess wif mia, omg, she is better den me, sure cn play in mssd for skul geh.. me, cnt.. no way.. =( sad, no1 will lose to me.. =( since i will b d moz worst chess competitor in tere, die~! =( k, usual, go bek den gt rdy for er.. tuition for bm.. din eat dinner, mum cum unexpectable early.. =)

WEDNESDAY- to tell u d truth, i dun reli rmb wad is up wif dat day, bt i noe dat d moz i rmb is when i went tuition.. go wif bro at 7.45pm.. bro class start at 8pm, mine at 8.30.. was listenin to my fon music n suddenly around 8.25pm, d tuition centre;s light system is boken down... no light except some very very dim backup light.. n when i was tokin bside Ajeeta, seriously, lookin at her face oso nt reli clear to see.. dark.. n classes were lik pause.. n den we went to c d physic class b4 is, dat is form 5 class.. n we saw d class was still continuing, juz dat they show d light on d board, n teacher still explanin.. lol, n we were lik, DOOM!! =( n later dat, times up, 8.30pm n we were lik, still sittin in d couch n chattin in d dark.. wow, n ltr d teacher came down n call us up, sayin d class muz go on.. n den we went in d class, wow, i tell u, DARK UNTILL, pitch black.. i cnt even see my finger.. = =" and we took handphones to shone around d class to find a place n sit.. wow, den we start playin wif shinin fons around.. LOL... ntg else to do in d dark.. n we were lik, doom for sure.. n d class b4, which is form 5 class was lik, hardworkin till cn even tek all fon n shone d board, STUDYIN!!! wth, we all was lik, nooooo~~!! =( anyway, bt we din reli use board, we sit there, n second, teacher is lik a devil, n ask each of us question.. we were all, OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! i tuk d light of my fon n shine on d notes, tryin to recall bek things.. n ppl were all, arghh~~!! n den when he ask my abt impulsiv formulae, i was lik...... i noe d defination, bt den d formulae, i was lik half sure.. noe is mv.... den ltr lucky another fren in d bek dat help n say minus mu.. n den i answer teacher "minus mu..........?" n teacher was lik, "y u nid to put in a question form ar? u must b sure abt d formulae untill nw edi..." s/thin lik dat.. ahaha.. awkward.. AND, dat whole time(mozly), in d dark, he was givin MOTIVATION for us to STUDY!! in d dark... seeing him tok, well, i noe cnt see clearly of cuz..
he say dis, IF u hv a girlfren, u go out together for 4 months! n when i NOW ask u hw to spell her name.. if her name is pronouns A-li-sa, would u even answer, "er.. a-l-l-y-s-a.. no, gt 1 "l" or 2? a-l-y-s-a? a-l-y-s-a?" or even her birthday, "er, i think somewhere around june lar... or mayb march?".. if answer lik dat after going out for 4 month, is embaress rite? infront of other u answer lik dat.. 4 months n u cnt remember.. ppl oso laugh at u.. AND, thus, THE EMBARESSMENT in which u 4gt ur gf name or b/day is d same as REMEMBERING d PHYSIC FORMULAE! n we are lik, wad? diff lar, sir.. den he replied, IS D SAME.. think abt it, u hv learn d formulae for 4 months, which is nw April, n u cnt even rmb wad is d formulae.. is d same.. n we all was lik.. lol........ - -'
den another 1, he say dat last year, he have a special case student.. dis boy have a Brain Tumor in his brain of cuz, duh.. n yea, is nt reli a gud thin.. he was once, being in a terrible coma n was almoz in d stage of declarin death by d doctor, yet miracle happen, he was lucky he woke bek up, but yet, he hv left a serious problem in his brain.. HE, cn remeber from his memory yet he dun reli rmb wad.. i duno hw to say, when he woke, he rmb his parent, bt he duno wad was their name.. when u use example on com, is lik his hard drive was ok, bt d RAM was broken.. he cnt rmb much of thin.. n his father, apparently is a neuro surgeon, n well, noe abt brain of cuz.. so when he was worried for his son's SPM (fyi, is malaysia major exam) n he went hiring specialist in each subject tuition teacher to teach his son..yet, he cnt rmb a single formulae for 3 weeks.. teacher said dat he once cry out juz cuz he cnt rmb n was apologizing dat he was still wantin to recall bek hardly yet he couldn't.. he was oso a music lover, so even after d coma, he still rmb d music keys n such cuz his love for music..? and so, d teacher gather together n made a plan for him, they use MUSIC to teach him.. =) eventho is hard for him to remember, bt i noe when my clazmate ask, 'sir, hw u use music to teach physic?", he reply, lik d collision, he use 2 notes collide each other, dat is physic.. =/ well, at liz he rmb vividly.. n he say dat d history subject tuition teacher even put effort on usin colour to made a personal special notes for him since his father oso said dat colour may help him in rmb better.. and u noe, his result in SPM? we gt a shock, a person hu cnt rmb a single formulae p=mv for 3 weeks cn gt... ehem... 9A AND 1B!!!!!! total 10 subject and he was lik, woosh, 9A!!! A+ i think!! walau, n we all was lik, reli, d story n d result, i mean endin, lik story buk oni.. = =" n den teacher say, if we gt worse den him even wif a normal brain, we reli is edi cn b disable edi.. lose d a person lik dat boy.. his father said when durin SPM, he din reli sleep n tuk all his time, givin 5 times d hardwork in studying.. woosh, after fin class, we were all sayin we felt so... little? or mayb kinda..... a lil loser or mayb lik a disable compare to dat boy, n yet, juz tok, bt nvr action.. = =" dis is wad lazy ppl think of.. we admit we are lousy den him, den fin.. haha.. ok, it cnt b lik dat.. it should b dat we oso muz put effort on study, bt well, depend.. =( i oso wan yet no determination to do so, so... =( any1 cn tell me somethin more efficient motivation den dis? =( oh well, kinda gt off early cuz still hv no light, den go bek, woo hoo~~ sleep.

THURSDAY! well, mozly forgot wad reli happen.. d major thin happen was well.. our english teacher went angry and well, drop her tears.. cuz of our claz? i duno hw to say, eventho we r d second bez class, well, kinda lik monkeys in cage, some... girls are lesser den boys.. so, well.. -.-" did nt expect dat dis teacher, well, she was one of d gud teacher list of mine, kinda lik her.. haha.. =D n went angry at us, well, den we all was lik in silent.. bt juz day b4, MATHS teacher was lik dat.. juz bcuz he say he will b waitin in d physic lab.. and we were in chemistry class n d teacher late to end class.. so abt 10 min later.. when we wanted to go up, he went down n den he scolded us dat he waited there n y din go up.. we all was lik, wow, he cn gt mad wan ar? i mean he does nt luk lik it.. we were carefree around him, seriously, his teachin is nt reli, nt reli gud.. =/ no1 reli listen...... zzz... anyway, 2 teacher ended up angry n well.. also cuz another prob dat day..
BIOLOGY class was lik havin extra classes after skul which originally is friday after skul for our class.. bt due to d time being clash wif st. john cub meetin, we all in our class 4 ppl n other 5 were forced to cnt tek cuz for reason.. d teacher was kind enuf to hv time to spare out on thurs skul ends.. yet me n wenn din reli noe abt it untill jun git came n ask we gt anot, n they say oni 3 ppl go oni.. =( den ltr think much, i was nt reli able to mek it cuz is my aunt fetch me.. yet, after d english teacher case, we were scared dat another unexpected easily mad teacher will b mad for nt cumin n cancel dis extra class thin... =/ and so, we made d dicision n i call for my mum in d nearby public fon in d skul b4 history class.. i ring her, luckily n we juz rmb d number since no time to tek pen n paper.. den ltr i ask mum wad is she doin, she say she was exam-ING... mean she is nw doin exam, i was thinkin, wow, u cn tek h/p.. =/ anyway, call my aunt n reli sori to hv to chg time.. den ltr after skul , went to d lab, never think dat.. teacher din cum n went for meeting!!!!! n arghh!!! i mean b4 pei wen forgot to call her mum, after skul call edi gt prob wif d fon, stupid.. n den no choice, i went to bother her hse again.. reli thx to her.. n her mum was kind enuf to hv me tek lunch there.. =) reli nice.. they are all gud ppl... hehe.. i somehow admire wenn to hv so nice lunch eviday, nt lik me, haiz...... =(  ok, gt to say after dat, boro wenn h/p to call.. u noe wad.. forgot d NUMBER!! n well, oni gt 4 possobility number.. for sure start wif 01x.. center is either 239 or 329.. bek is 4 number is either x75x or x57x.. so mean 4 possibilities which is 01x239x75x, 01x239x57x, 01x329x75x or 01x329x57x.. lol... so i call d first one.. n ended up, a guy answer, i duno wad he say, bt is nt aunt, n i say sori wrong number.. den i call d second wan.. nvr think dat b4 pickin up, edi i cloz down, cuz gt caller ringtone which my aunt fon dun hv when i call b4.. so is wrong oso.. den i call d third wan, n den lucky!! CORRECT! den she say was ok n came fetch me.. was reli sori din gt to eat what she leave for my meal, bt lucky my aunt was ok wif it.. =) and den well, use com.. no internet lar.. see variety show.. ntg else.. den mum come lil early den expected, i reli din eat dinner b4 in my aunt's hse actually, in dis past 3 days, duno she will b feelin cuz to hv prepare another my portion yet i went home.. =( anyway, still thank her sooooo much! my cousin oso.. n well, my fren too.. =D lik wenn, pei yi, angeline n mia which is so great to offer a helpin hand when i'm in need.. =P
Anyway, ltr still hv time, mum went sayin abt her exam she FAILED, but PASSED.. wad i mean, she actually fail her exam paper which juz another 7 mark.. 63 mark, din gt 70.. so she was d oni 1 n she say she cnt see clearly since she hv long-sighteness.. n den ltr d teacher heard n well, open a lil n say he will ask lik oral test, so if answer correct den gv marks.. cuz my mum say she had sacrifice kinda much for d 4 day n again nid to re-sit for d exam.. so ltr den mum passed.. after dat, she called glasses shop n well, i oso go together after she fetch me from my aunt hse.. went there n i tuk my glasses, dat time i was wearin my contact lens so i juz close my eyes when they check on me.. i luv d cover of d case since d brand of my glasses is LEVI'S.. d popular brand for jeans, even d cover was also too! =3 cool~~!! din notice d brand when i first took it, juz noe i tek n well, kinda expensive, nw i understand cuz d brand huh.. my sis still lik d DIOR brand which cuz 799.. wow.. haha.. anyway, mum wear her white glasses n they teach mum hw to read wif it n wok wif it.. cuz d len is for long n short sight.. so hv a diff method to see wif it.. =/ 2-in-1 lens.. anyway, hv new glasses, hapi.. =) dat day no tuition, gud.. =D

FRIDAY!! seriously, again, i duno wad happen.. lets skip d part n well, st.john.. =/ walau.. we nid to go marchin.. o_O UNDER D HOT SUN!! BURNIN FIRE BURNIN ON D "ASSEMBLY" FLOOR... ok, joke away, reli hot, juz few min n den our head juz wan to burn wif fire edi.. hot untill... n den angeline wore baju kurong which is long sleeve n den my fren, which is d leader of st.john, fisshy in short was askin me to translate wad she say to english.. den i was lik, huh?? after she say, i ask whom i nid to translate her word to? n she point at angeline, n i was lik, huh? n angeline say, i noe chinese wor.. den so awkward.. lol.. bt later we lucky no nid edi, go bek class n learn?? anyway, learn wad stroke.. anyway, time flies, end, den gud bye... i forgot edi, i noe dat ltr dat day, wore my new glasses to tuition, well, i noe my parent say nt reli nice, dad say luk lik auntie, bro compare wif my mum n say white is better, my tuition fren, sashmiita say kinda odd.. lucky ai menn well say is better den b4, n shamala also say d same durin chemistry class.. =) bt still evi1 hv their point of view.. i noe i luk weird.. i juz lik wad i lik, i dun reli care many ppl hv or wadeva, is juz i lik black, simple lik dat.. ^^ my glasses b4 dat is also black wad.. =P anyway, dat nite, i noe wenn actually was thinkin abt cumin over my hse, bt still let her decide.. =) n well, i realize my eyes went red bside d pupils.. n i was reli gotten a lil shock.. duno is it wear contact untill lik dat... den i ask wenn, n she say better wif wearin glasses.. so well, hear wad she say, glasses..

SATURDAY!! ok, wore my glasses to skul! first time in dis year to SCHOOL!! well d last time was when i tek PMR result n d last b4 was April laz year... 2nd time wearin glasses to skul since laz year April.. anyway, mia say is cool, yuki say is cute den she say cnt say cute, cuz d meanin of cute is= UGLY BUT ADORABLE.. wth? she say is nice? or s.thin.. forgot.. wenn say she dun prefer dis kind of glasses, cn see she is those sweet sweet type.. well, she say many ppl hv lik dis i guess?? o_O i reli did nt even mind dat ever since till she say i oni realize, oo..... =D bt i din reli noe she think, i noe she say ok, mayb nt reli ideal kind of nice mayb, weird? ><" bt well, evi1 hv their taste.. =P still, i kinda bein uncomfident when ppl gv comment abt it.. =[ serious.. i sure mind d luks of me is weird anot.. =( well, cuz my parents oso laugh, i duno wad should i say.. lol? i actually dun reliw an to wear to skul after dat.. ><" since well, no comfident on wearin them.. dun lik bein laugh at... or bein.. weird?
anyway, saturday mornin, usual time was 6.20 car come n fetch me to skul, bt was late untill!! i wait n wait, oredi over 6.30am.. den untill 6.45am, rush my dad to fetch who is gonna fetch my lil bro to his skul at 7.20am.. no choice, he hv to go early.. bt went there, no ppl de.. very less.. n in d end.. i tell u, so damn lil ppl go to skul, specially d form 5 n form 3 n 4? bt our class was over half of d number cuz well, d purpose was to study biology.. in d end, we oni study physic! bio class ended up teacher in meetin, even moral class oso!! wow... n wenn decide to come my hse.. =D bt when we come out, cnt c dad car.. since mum car is in service.. den went to wenn hse since she wan to tek thin.. den go her hse, her mum was out wif her "thin".. den ltr wok bek n found dad's car, wenn boro mum h/p to call her mum.. d maid din tell her to wait at home for her mum.. so go to her hse n her mum pass a bag of food n thin.. den ltr my hse, well, i hv worse lunch ever.. soup oni.. = =" i duwan to eat.. den pei wen so gud.. haiz.. anyway, still eat a lil.. den ar.. went up, let wenn use my com after my update checkin fin.. den ltr she uses com n i nid to fin up readin d manga yuki boro, since i nid to return dat same day.. =) after bath, lay on bed, read n read, walau!! so tiring!! borin day~~!! bt after den fin edi.. 5 or 6 buk of manga.. den ltr chat wif wenn.. mozly abt yuki thin, since d party thin or wadeva, her present thin, frenz n such... bla bla bla.. bt i noe i was glad she listen my fren story.. =D when well, when we tok abt d yuki stuff, i rmb i hv dis big fight wif her n i once wrote mdg to her bt well, she din read, i went check thru does i still hv it on my account n YES!! found n read, bt many broken english.. walau... bt if i post her, i guess dis post is gonna b annoyingly LONG.. since nw is reli terrifyly long edi.. for sure.. =D all accumulate up bcum one.. haha.. n oso den i tok abt my fren stuff which i oso gt say b4 in blog of cuz... duno which bt got.. well, d sori for 1 fren which i kinda left her.. =( i noe she does nt care bt i still lik her, juz i dun deserve to ask her to b my fren again, so i guess hope she is hapi, dat's fine.. =) lik cindy, grace n chermaine was my claz fren in primary stuff.. bluntly sayin.. =D thanks to wenn.. =)
anyway, if possible, find another time to post d msg content n such.. =) n den ltr my aunt oso gt come.. sin think "screw" word is equal to "f*ck" word to some ppl.. do u think is d same?? o_O anyway, juz some iphone 4 download dat thursday but i forgot since i dun reli use d com much.. so missed d chance to.. anyway, eat bak kut teh.. =D den ltr ar.. go bek to d tok, den ltr around 11pm+ wenn's mum come n fetch her.. =) thanks for my bez fren to spend so long time wif me dat time when i was bored.. =) thank you~~!! if me, my mum sure duwan fetch me even i wan to.. well, lucky wenn understand.. =D

SUNDAY! i dunow ad happen dat day, bt i guess is nt a hapi day.. mum bad mood samo.. lol.. forgot wad happen dat nite.. bad mood oso... anyway, d laz she call me type 3 sheet of letter for her.. at nite.. den i was lik tell her if she cnt made it since she hv appointment on 1.20pm which i end skul at 1.10pm, i hv stay bek till 5.30pm, so dun nid to bother much, let her go early.. n i noe i dun hv luch on monday.. =( den i do letter for her, after finish, when i want to press d 'print preview" button to print oso, it bcum lag n wan me to terminate.. there was juz an 'ok' button, ntg else.. den i waited for it to unlag it.. so i din reli click anythin, juz wait, n u noe wad, it AUTOMATICLY OFF!!!!!! d whole com juz restart itself, wth!! n d whole letter i used time to do, GONE! n well, is reli reli late edi, n d other next day gt skul, so i went to bed..

MONDAY!! woke up, walau, eat bread.. den gt take to skul in a tupperware.. never tot of dat i seriously DID NOT BRING to skul, eventho i noe i will nt hv lunch which is full till 5.30pm!! =( bt wenn offer me biscuit in d break time.. thx.. =D well, many thin happen, all i noe is thinkin abt d party thin, wan or duwan.. i noe dat pei yi say do next year, den i say next year i duwan, gt trial exam for spm.. den ltr pei yi say, forever duwan edi lar.. den yuen yen say, duwan duwan edi lar.. hahaha.. =D bt still thinkin.. =( headache.. n durin physic class in lab, wenn call me to tell mia abt her opinion, since well, we noe wad she may answer.. "i don't care"... hahahaha... wan den do, duwan den dun do.. mia was reli "herself".. =) dis is wad truely where she attract ppl.. being herself.. lol.. many frenz she noe.. anyway, fisshy oso gt heard abt it since she sat bside mia dat time.. =) fisshy suggez a muffin oni.. lol.. =D anyway, d laz no conclusion.. n den ltr bio class, bla bla.. i noe dat i was late to go bek class cuz well, nid to let my teacher to mark my buk.. she forgot d part.. and den samo er... wenn n other fren all left me bhind jor, so faz.. o_O wow.. anyway, go bek to class, reli surprise n yet a smilin face to my emotion cuz i hv a bag of well, lunch on my desk.. is my lunch~~!! touching.. =D yet well, cn c wenn nt in a reli gud mood, bt since i may nt b d perfect time n person to disturb her cooling down stage.. anyway, moral!! walau, i come bek to class, oni cn see she say some thin to other ppl den i duno wad cuz i juz cum bek.. den ltr d bek of my sit wad another chair n table, n another teacher is cumin to hv test on teacher.. wow.. n teacher hv early call us to prepare beforehand.. LOL! den anyway, so lil fake bt nvm.. juz dun lik d group thin n such.. lol.. n den samo wad ar.. wenn decide to go bek home forst since she wan to eat n oso tek buk for shen teng.. =) n den i go canteen, nvr tot yuki is bhind me, n den i went to angeline, we all sit together n eat.. i noe yuki eat alot n den she edi buy 3 bowl of fried mee hoon.. o_O anyway, she oso say abt pei wen, being emo after bio n thingy.. den she lik blamin me for nt tokin to her.. n den i say dat wenn is nt lik dat, i noe, i cn see it, bt she juz dun lik ppl to disturb her when she is bad mood.. i mean normally ppl do rite? omg, at liz read d mood.. i wanted to say to her lik dat.. n she juz dun listen n say eventho hw wenn was tokin to other, i MUST oso bother her n tok to her.. she call me to do dat.. n i was lik, wad?! i understand she say lik dis is bcuz she wanted to tek wenn as a "somethin" to show out wad she wanted to say abt me.. lik i din tok to her n use "wenn" situation n kinda blame me.. n i was lik, turn so long, still oso bcuz of urself.. she dun reli understand... = =" i went simply gv her a random answer of y wenn lik dat n dat she hv no reason to say samo, n dat conversation bcum dead.. =/ duwan to tok much abt it n i kinda irratated in heart, bt well, surprisingly, i usually din show out on my hse, i was lik acting normal.. weird.. bt think bek i gt mad i lil of her words.. juz thinkin bek.. bt dat time i din show out, lol.. usually i dun reli wan to show out thin i was thinkin whithin 0.1second in my mind if i was nt reli wantin to tell.. lik dat situation.. b4 she even wan to say wad, i juz kinda estimate wad she wanted to go to n i gv a reason which stop her from anythin goin more deeper which may cause me bein unhapi yet i duno y, i dun reli lik showin my thinkin to her.. =/ usual i will juz gv her a poker face, or a silly smile.. usual, unlez if i reli was interested if she say s/thin nt bcuz she wan me to listen on her tokin much.. ><" i reli felt sori bt dis is me.. i duwan to hear her negative thinkin.. bt still, mia oso say she was threating her cruely, i was oso feelin more sori for her.. i duno.. ><" s/hw, even mia say she duwan to spoilt yuki, i juz.. kinda pity her.. =( haiz......... is dat even right to do, i duno?? is their choice.. bt to me, i do my own way, if i think is wad i think, den i felt lik doin my way.. bt yet, i oso felt sori for her, juz dat compremisin wif her negativeness is so nt me... = =" anyway, i duwan to b an emo..  see d situation, i reli dwan to think much.. anyway, freakin tired... spbt was lik, walau!! 1st time so tiring!! clean d whole room.... = =" anyway, gotta say is dis even a bad choice anyhw?? duno.. den chess, den tok.. go bek, den tuition... add mt n bio, gotta tell u, i startin to lack of sleep n i was half asleep at d tuition centre, din reli noe wad was teacher teachin.. when i gt bek to myself, say my box which suppose d answer was 3 bcome x+bla bla bla y n such... duno where d number come from.. den fin bcum biology.. dun even understand.. cnt concentrate!! ARGHH!!!! den go bek, sleep! no time to use com, reli tiring, oni cn hv sleep at 10.30pm after fin tuition..

wad a serious stupid freakin day.. from mornin, lil sick bt ntg much.. go to skul, tok lik usual n den durin class, i was so damn SICK dat my headache, stomachache n feelin cold n such.. walau, i even hv goosebumps!! untill d bm 2 period class, mt teacher juz came n well, weird enuf, he's class is after break time, bt nw is juz long b4 break time, he come n tok lik usual, nt reli evi1 care, bt he oso gt d teacher's teast lik d moral class ytd.. den ltr i reli feel very very sick dat very instant dat i reli wan to go home, i was so sick enuf dat it killed me n my tears juz drop.. lucky no1 see except wenn i guess.. but ltr a lil vomit i guess, durin d mt time i went to d toilet n den still sick, bt ok lil by lil.. den ltr on is better edi.. i mean still feel sick bt well, is better den d sooooo damn sick stage, at liz cn hide d luks from my face.. =) i think my lack of sleep cause dis situation happen.. = =" LACK OF SLEEP!! 11pm+ on sun sleep, 5am wake, 10.30pm sleep, 5am++ wake.. damn it.. no nap or time to even do dat.. den chemistry do some experiment, walau, i rmb d ammonia so damn smelly!! kill ppl, i nw oso still cn rmb in my nose.. ><"" wad a terrible smell.. anyway, ltr dat, is maths n den actually is d teacher's being test n den he was actually teachin d SAME thing durin d BM period which no teacher class.. ALL D SAME THIN, he even gv us answer beforehand so dat ltr on, we juz nid to raise our hand n reply his question, folo d answer.. LOL!! so FAKE lor!! haha... anyway, tuesday nt much.. go bek, den use com a lil, bt din reli went lukin forward to any readin for manga, i oni noe TWGOK anime hv season 2 realease, went n watch, den so bored, AND D MOST GREAT PART IS, finally d anime i wan it to b release have been  RELEASE!!! woohoo...!! went youtube to watch first.. newly post.. haha.. =3 hw long i waited for dat.. d manga i read till d latez update edi.. =D is nt TWGOK anime i mention b4 lar.. it is the world bez hatsukoi.. =) duno nvm, juz sayin.. i noe u dun watch, moz of u guys.. =P anyway, cnt wait for ep 2.. mwahahahaha... bt den... got bored after dat.. no manga updates arrival, ntg!! den i went to watch bek pure luv romantic well, which is oso in youtube.. since i was bored.. yet i was STILL BORED!! den use abt less den 2 hours of com, wow, i went to SLEEP while waitin for d laging of my com.. mayb google crome have been crashed, makin d com reli headache.. lol... well, i went to sleep n since i was tired n sick today, wow, wake up reli lazy n went for bm tuition.. =( tuition lalalala.. den fin... go bek, den use a lil com.. den sleep... =(

TODAY!!!! which is well, WEDNESDAY!! go to skul, well, feel a lil lil lil sicky bt ntg reli.. nt reli big deal, juz nvm.. dun think too much.. n well, d sad part was, pei wen din cum.. to b exact, pei wen is d ONLY person din cum in our class today.. but duno y, i felt lik duwan to handle tokin to any1... u noe, i wasn't quite reli much thinkin abt pei wen din cum, seriously, i noe she din cum, bt s/hw, mayb i noe her lar, i guess thinkin she mayb sleepin late in her hse, lol!! n well, i dun reli mek such big deal wif a person bside anyway.. dat's y wad i wan to say is, when yuki cum durin recess, i noe wenn din cum, bt duno y juz din reli put in my mind, seriously, nt forget lar.. n i was lik, she was starin at me, sittin at her place, closing me so near, eatin her thin, n i was well, into my essay so no time to bother other stuff reli.. juz dat she tok negative stuff lik form 4 life is hard for her, specially frenz dun tok much to her.. den she say example lik yuri/celia/cynthia or wadeva... =) say wad msn on till 10pm, suddenly will nid to off cuz d reason is once being told dat she hv to do add-mt exercise.... n i was lik, so?? = =" den she say laz time celia is cn tok untill 12am over oso gt, nw samo nid to do exercise at 10pm++.. well, i dun reli care is true anot she is doin bt stayin up till over midnite evitime, wad she wan? form 4 life, i wan to sleep at 8pm oso cnt.. = =" does she hv too much time to spare or s/thin? i reli duno, n thus endin up sayin wad extra negative thin abt fren thingy which i was listenin yet she was thinkin i am nt botherin her.. ==" i am doin my essay till d math class, which is b4 d english class.. wow.. finally! yet another h/w cum up... haiz.... summary.. bt i din do.. =P wait till 2molo.. haha.. n oso pei yi went to library boro a 'o' level essay buk which is so damn think, more den 300++ of essay example.. yet, i hv check thru more den half of d buk, d story was nt so nice, juz grammer n word were great, bt no so cathchy in attention which well, nt wad i seek for.. well, mia oso understand dat.. hope there is a buk lik dat exist.. anyway, girls are informed to wear pjk to skul for 2 days.. n well, 2molo gt biology claz, yet, i dun reli feel lik goin.. =( fisshy oso din go, d oni girl was me n wenn.. first, i may cause wenn's inconvenient for stayin bek.. =( second, i duno wad my mum will response, an angry or bad mood face? i wonder... see first.. bt 80% i dun reli feel lik goin anyway.. kinda think, a lil no use.. =( i mean nt to say i very pro or wadeva, no ar, is juz dat i think when she teach, i dun reli listen much.. =( n d oni think is dat she discuss.. no more.. should we even go?? ok, n oso durin bc class, mia was sittin bside me n yan jun infront of mia.. playin chess.. wow, yan jun is better den me alot more times.. if he is a girl, i think he deserve to take my place to go to mssd.. well, we noe dat we are goin SEAFIELD to compete.. walau!! damn nice skul, duno hw it will luk lik.. =) from primary time many of us edi noe seafield was a pretty skul n our skul hv a student went it too!! anyway, we oso gt 8 in cash?? why nt more.. = ="
anyway, skip d more part.. oni noe bla bla... skip skip... time over, went bek home, i met ke xin n hv a tok.. i nw oni knew she stay wif lim jun git geh.. n she cn oni c her parents once in a while.. i guess she is reli a understanding person for her family.. her family in kelantan so far away.. =/ berdikari..
anyway, mum cum n den i cn see she had tuk her pure white jade statue of 'guan yin' from d purchase offer of Nirvanna promotion... wow, reli big!! nice.. n well, she say she will leave for me mozly, n well i replied if i hv a new home, i will tek it.. bt den when she say abt my sis, i juz tell dat if she insist on takin it, i dun mind anyway.. actually my hse gt another 1 which is oso a big statue(nt lik giant lar, juz higher den d height of a big buk) for decoration in d hall of another 'guan yin' made from crystal, if u cum my hse u will see.. soo i guess either i will tek 1, so i dun reli mind if she wan to choose a new n big one of cuz.. 2 oso nice.. =) so let her choose oso cn, unlez i cnt hv either 2, den i will voice out, nw, carefree stage.. lol!
eat hamburger on the way bek.. n den ar.. ntg much, use com.. n den after d checkin of updates bein done, is BLOG!!! i went to continue writing d unfinished blog which i left for DAYS!!!! dat oso being saved in my draft for DAYSSS!!!! n nw i start writing from d last wednesday tuition part.. write untill sooooo damn long.. duno wad to say.. haha... n i tuk HOURS n still left todays post being hang b4 i could fin i hv to go to tuition.. so den, today tuition physic.. mozly ask question at first, today he oso gv us d form 5 class test paper.. n d paper wrote 100% there!! full marks n he say is so happy to c dat, lukin in it mek hapi.. n den oso another hu gt 98% too.. eventho is juz chp1, bt i guess is reli very gud.. many stucture form question.. anyway, den is givin use exercise.. in d last, i n another guy fin the exercise n we are allowed to go bek.. i saw ajeeta being beat by d teacher in her hand from a marker pen cuz she din read nice d question.. =( kesian.. bt den i tot we early go bek, bt is atually late edi.. d ppl hu cnt do fin in there is more n more late.. so went down, van edi there waitin, wow, still nobody other den 2 of d ppl hu are free to go id out of d centre.. n den i was lucky i fin faz enuf.. o_O

OKAY FIN POST!! FINALLY! DAMMIT!! yay~~~~!!!!! thanks for readin.. tuk DAYS to fin juz dis 1 long post.. if u read fin untill here, i am reli grateful if u reli reli do!!!! =D n so, thank you very much!! ttfn!! =D sori for d loooooooong post!! haha.. d proof of u r kind enuf to reli read so much crap, thank you! ttfn!!

ps: dis pos is juz some continue in draft, so if there is any changes between time or s/time, do understand.. lol.. =)

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