Monday, February 28, 2011

Add maths = add MAD!!

today test, say wad.. bm, english and add mt.. to me, bi sure np(gua____ >_>") hey, where did i gt dis snobbish thinkin anyway, bt i MUST gt A for english of cuz.. =D ok, quit wif d joke, juz gonna say, i waste my 2 days to do d novel for d BM n guess wad, never even came out.. wth!! =( waste my precious time, bt nvm, if nt i am gonna use those time to read manga anyway.. i am lazy on studies.. anyway, BM, no eyes see, damn easy = damn hard! luk so easy, do? so hard!! =( samo so limited time, i cn tell u i din do finish at all.. = =" and d bi, i do finish still left 30 min, n i was thinkin, y dun put d time into BM lieh?! =( and d 30 min i was gazin in mid air and wring on table wif d add mt formula i cn rmb.. and ltr d add mt is damn crazy, i cn say i tot i was a lil(nt reli alot, bt at liz some) confident in add mt, i mean i target A, juz dat i cnt accept C, B okok, sad face oni lorh.. and guess wad, d question striked all my weak point, damn duno hw to do..... samo d seat in front of teacher, y is exam day so hard to live on.. >_>" and d laz, we fin on 1.10pm, still CNT go bek home, din tot we muz stay bek untill 1.45pm?! n my mum ltr nt reli........ hapi?? and she first thin ask, y so long geh? = =" and if 2molo nid stay bek 2.20pm, i am nt gonna stay there any longer!! =( hmm.. y do i luk lik so mad when i am writin dis?? mayb d word and expression?? o_O
bt i gotta say, exam is so nt my thin.. TT sad, i am bad at BM.......... i din even see d spelling for "kuih" man! wad am i doin? TT more worst den a kindergarden student.. well, help some wif wenn prob, yuki n mia.. n oh, first time i tok alot(actually lez.. juz compare to other day... compare.. juz few words oni lar in fact.. n i consider a lot.. =/ ) wif my class moz leng(prettiest) girl.. =3 well, i lik bishoujo n bishounen, mayb inflenced by my frenz laz time, all leng den me geh.. i mean i luk bad, bt they luk good.. so mayb lik dat gua.. =) pretty girls n boys are worth being praised.. =D an honor to noe them..  mwahahahaha.. ok, i guess i was totally off.. bt i noe many ppl luk gud, girls lik fisshy, shen teng, wenn? cullyn! and so many many many i noe luk better alot den me!! =) guy ar, less, idol and such.. anyway, hope i gt to noe all d girls in d class better.. =) and, so far.. 2molo is gonna b mt(i hate his teachin, nid read myself.. haizz) and history!! gonna die from d essay!! =( cry now b4 it's too late!!!!!
ok, hope i will hv a acceptable marks in dis first exam.. ltr tuition bio and add mt, wad will Mr.Ding(lik dat spell rite, mia??) will come ask me hw was my add mt exam anot..? = =" den i will b petrified, sayin, ahahaa......... *....* cuz i am d oni 1 there hv gone thru d exam dis week n end dis week, other start at march, hw lucky! =(
kk, say gb nw, playin com, i mean 2day was YOUTUBE whole day.. untill nw, den blog, no manga or anime update.. watch vid n such, specially music.. nice..  i mean music by youtubers.. =) and nw, ttfn~~!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

day by day

juz randomly update thins..
start by the day i left on durin dis tuesday.. after updatin d blog, i went gettin rdy for my tuition.. dat day is bm tuition n i was so damn tired dat very day even while usin com.. and when i hv abt an hour left till d van come to fetch me.. i went layin down my bed n start sleepin.. nap.. i reli reli very sleepy dat very minute duno y.. and when i was awake, i was in shock while my room is pitch black from d time i left was abt 5pm++, and i went read my watch, it show 8pm++.. n den i noe, i was late.. >_>" i was in my room and i was so scared to go down cuz i noe my parent will nag n scold me for dis for sure.. and i haven eaten dinner dat time, bt i juz decide to skip it, sacrifice for it.. and i was sms-ing wenn and i told her.. when i was replyin her, suddenly my mum juz bash into my room and scolded me after askin me y am i here.. den ltr she mad.. dis matter went till d next day oni calm down.. = = '
bt ltr samo my dad iphone 4 gt prob.. is lik blackout or s.thin, n ifon is nt reli user-frenly.. cnt tek out d battery lik dat.. and i suggez him to claim warranty if it cnt function.. i noe apple brand is super great, bt oso gt d bad part of it rite? ntg is perfect. and d laz i duno wad, n fix edi.. went for troubleshoot d moment d fon is "awake" from d backout.. anyway, day end lik dat..
wed and thurs.. to say it nicely, i forgot.. =( wad happen n wad.. bt i noe is main thin well thurs b4 recess is juz some rehearsal or s/thin for d sport day on friday.. and on wed, d yellor hse(my hse) came to my class n was "force" to join d marchin.. well, i duwan, bt i scared of sharon.. =( and den on thurs, went to d marchin team wif pei yi and mia.. bt soon, gt some ppl(sori bt i think they r "nt clever" to do dat.. bt their action is s/thin we muz luk up onto, yet i think they r "nt clever" to join...... >_>") wan join in n sharon ask, hu 2molo(sport day) din come.. no1 raise their hand.. den she ask hu duwan to join geh, i juz dun care n raise my hand up, say a word "QM" and den she say "ok, u gt out" and i juz ran away from there, went find my fren.. i mean when i turn bek, i saw some ppl call out for me, n i juz dun care n went forward.. = =" no turnin bek.. did i pissed them off?? i dun think so.. i mean, d situation think so, bt actually ntg reli.. they dun reli nid me anyway.. =)

dis is d sport day, go skul wif my bro.. mornin mornin saw yan jun wif his vest, reli strikin black n white, eventho is early in d mornin so dark, n first i tot hu is dis person wearin lik dis to skul.. = =" n it turn out is my clazmate wif his pbsm uniform inside.. >_>" n he saw me, say me luk so strict wif my bro.. n i was lik, wad?! = =" and mornin, tek attendance, teacher so slow n tot he din came.. den ltr QM gather n me wif wenn is wif d trophy side, bt 4 teacher or more over there handling dat section n we 2 were lik, ntg to do? and well, d worst part is dat d moral teachers were all in dis section.. haizz... and den ar.. ltr when d runnin start, one of d QM was tekin trophy and cnt do her job n cullyn came to ask me for a hand.. and i went out n was lik, so fast they run, duno hu is 1, 2 or 3.. bt i tek d time of number 2 winner.. so is lik, tek d time yet nt see d ppl.. so damn hot.. in d middle.. and den finally end n went bek to wenn there, d job is juz 1 thin, ask them they are just help ppl to tek or their own trophy.. lik dat.. and if is helper, den tek bek d trophy n keep.. ok, day juz flew lik dis.. i noe mia was so cool, takin camera here n there.. so nice.. =) and den ar... bla bla bla.. QM job here n there, find ppl(laz no1).. and den find pei yi to bcum our laz min "helper".. and den i noe d time was so over from d time they set.. and ar.... d food they gv reli late.. and den ar... i oso duno.. i noe when mia was in d tarik tali competition, she pass me d camera from her to tek.. and she was a stand by, so sit in a side.. =) and afterward i oni noe, her job, reli rlei cn faint cuz unders hot sun.. x_x and den i went bek, my mum came n visit, saw my lil bro's frens mum dat my mum knew.. and den my bro wif his frens.. and den lik dat, finally end..
after bye bye here n there, my mum fetch my bro fren 1, i think his name is nicholas? ok, i duno, i call him A lar har.. A is nt same class wif my bro, bt oso form 2.. and well, tok alot.. n d start i saw him tok lik fren wif my mum, me n wenn at d bek, i was lik, wad?? and den after he came to d car, reli, he is s/1 reli very open? or cn say sociable.. nt dat much(still gt) gap to communicate even wif d difference of years.. usually, tokin to s/1 younger i reli duno wad to say, sure dun understand or catch up either ones topic.. bt 1 thin i cnt reli agree wif him was d justin bieber thin.. no, no offense in him la.. or jb.. i mean, he say, i LOVE JB.. i wan to go US, NY!! i wan to study there!! d whole time i was hearin dis stuff over n over again, cnt agree much wif dat.. 1st, first time i see a GUY will "HEART" JB.. dat is...... weird? and second, still, wad is d point of goin to ny for jb?? o_O anyway, i guess my class was lik me, bein kinda influenced by nigahiga mayb?? i mean mornin i even hear mia say dat dislik JB or s/thin.. i mean i was a nigahiga fans, i subscribe to his channel oso, n mayb i couldn't agree less wif her.. haha.. =D nigahiga rock.. =) i luv rustin hieber.. dat is reli s/thin.. =P bt still, JB do ur bez, no autotune if dat is a fact man! gud luck anyway~~ both of u (J/R)ustin.. and den we juz went to d Bdr Puteri library.. so quiet there.. went there n i read some buk? all find lik sc here n there.. lik chemi or biosc.. bla bla.. n d com/internet u wan to use there was rlei reli expensive(compare).. RM3 for an hour, gt a life! i mean i rather go cc n play.. = =" and den ar, bla bla, b4 went eat, n dat A still tok abt US NY, n went library i saw a NY buk, i juz went n gv him.. A follo us cuz my mum insist, bcum fren edi?? day juz s/thin lik dat, ...
SAT- my sis b/day party, mornin lalala... skip, ntg much.. and i was mainly doin d BM thin.. no time buy buk, so decide to print n mek a BUK by myself.. and den ar, tek alot of time.. den sama evenin my 2 aunts n family come.. we hv shark fin soup my sis cook and steamboat n etc.. bla bla.. celebrate wif my bro, Brian together.. my sis is choc cake n bro was pandan cake.. n to me, i tot i was eatin balloon dat time.. cuz i duno y, mayb is my fork? taste lik chemical or s/thin lik balloon.. anyway, sis hv a new h/p(she buy herself) dat is Nokia E71 dat d bez part of it gt WIFI and well 3.1mp cam.. ntg much.. i dun reli prefer d key.. anyway, is gud n she bought abt RM400 or 300?? i duno, bt consider reli cheap.. anyway, i end here, ntg much to say..
SUN- mornin bla bla.. n wake around 9.30am.. tuition 10.30am.. and den do d BM i left off, bt still cnt fin, den go tuition, physic.. lucky Ajeeta gt come.. and d ppl oni gt 4, me, ajeeta, d catholic guy i laz time oso gt c him come n V(short form of his name).. 4 ppl.. and den fizik teacher laz class say dat if v dun rmb wad he teach, he will ask question n cnt answer must stand up for d rez of d class.. n we were so scared, bt d laz ntg reli.. and den fin, i wait for 15min den oni dad n bro came.. my bro is start at 12pm while i was end at dat time.. mean he late for 15min.. anyway, go bek, do my bm, mum all went out, part time maid came.. and den print.. den they came bek wif a rabbit wif them, n they actually call it Tun Abdul Rabbit.. i pity it, n d laz d name reli end up wif some nonsense lik metal dead ghost(if u translate, is s.thin lik "ti si gui").. stupid.. - - bt d first thin i ever say is, "i am nt goin to clean it's shit ar.." cuz i dun reli agree for them to rare one.. i mean sure no1 tek care geh.. y muz go n waste.. = =" pity d rest of d day of d rabbit.. anyway, ltr went out, find binding n finally gt, bind my bm n sj, den buy a glue(cnt find other brand) and a notebuk, den walah, eat fish noodle as dinner, yumm n end..
2molo is goin to tez bm, bi and add mt!!!!!!! die jor.. i hope evithin will b fine.. =D bt yet, i dun think so anyway.. haiz.. ok lar.. my bm die jor.. gonna end here.. wish me luk in exam.. forst term in form 4, wad will it b? ok, thx 4 readin, bye bye~~ ttfn.. =S

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

evi1 gv me a big "yellow" smile.. or mayb nt yelo..

today, usual skul.. wad suck is dat.. =/ hmm.. cn say abt ytd, so damn hell lot of h/w.. wan die edi.. specially d MORAL!! omg, faint.. due to wan exam, she juz throw all d ppl hu hv presentation in d chp 6 till 11 dat was actually meant to discuss each chp a day, n bcum suddenly, so suddenly all in one.. and for us, chp 10, was so slack off n actually, ahaha.. =( and samo biology h/w, physic, chemi n add mt.. blah blah!! omg, i c oso no eyes to c.. bt d laz, of cuz we tuk d primary for d moral.. and when skul end, when home, den i juz tek d laptop n buk n fon n such, bring down to d dining table n eat my lunch while rushin to send d mail, since i cum bek home late some time cuz my mum went to s/where after fetch me from skul.. and den finally done, internet gt prob.. went fix d internet, access msn, n i kinda tell u, i reli LONG time no use msn, haiz.. wad is msn for? haha.. anyway, juz discuss here n there, findin info in web n such, bt adil(fairness) is reli hard to find.. = =" and d laz we think out.. n ltr wenn do d brochure and den she print n fotostat dat day.. me? u noe, i malas.. end around 5.45+pm lik dat?? around la.. n i gt rdy for my tuition, n tuition untill 10pm!! arghhhh!!! no time for bio or chemi or wadeva.. i skip.. in d end, i was half asleep in d van b4 reachin home, so damn sleepy, n i went bek to my room, first thin i do, manga.. n my conscious went bek.. untill around 11pm+ i went to bed.. seriously, when i start a manga, reli hard to put down if i watch it down.. anyway, today i juz read fin d whole 95++ chp.. hahaha.. tok abt manga, i juz read d SDSK n guess wad, so faz chg d whole setting jor.. = =" i din tot she will juz rmb wad she forgt wif dat kind of plot.. few page oni samo.. - -" bt i luv it, d part where chihiro and shinobu.. <33 gambatte!!
go skul, first thin i wait for angeline to folo me to pei wen hse to tek d brochure since she cnt go cuz she feel ill, hope she gt well n tek care.. =) and den went bek, bio is lik, d end, wad? n chemi aiyo.. physic? no nid paz up?? i duno wad happen bt i noe is i din do anythin other den moral presentation ytd.. and den, so sien, wenn nt bside me, and den d stupid bm, wth.......... = =" say wad if wrong, gonna stand on chair.. i thx yuen yen.. =) a great fren in deed, when i am in need.. =D i will rmb dis.. =) and ar.. borin borin borin............ i skip d part where mia ask d guys s/thin, haha.. and den er.. OH YA, MORAL!! d end, d presentation stop at tan chee lianf n han yeann group, juz b4 us.. n our wan was next bt end of d time.. bt lucky gt do d brochure for d whole class edi, if nt nid re-do d paper.. cham.. so in d laz, no went out in d class.. bt copy.. duno in future gt anot.. and den ar.. yuki group, next after us, din hv anythin happen since rasional is eviwhere, dis is wad teacher say so.. and den ar.. hmm... ntg liao, i nt much to say.. bt d laz of d skul is dat, when mt.. well, din hear wad teacher is sayin.. bt i noe mia is pissed off.. i mean, unhapi.. n i hope she will cool down n cheer up!! =D i mean if u c dis, u hv too! i mean i oso pissed off c/thin, hu dun, so i duno wad should i say, space? tok? or wad.. lik role playin game, RPG, choose option, fight, ran, hide.. haha..  if wrong option den bzzzz... - -" bt well, i noe i am a lousy player on choosin option.. eventho i nvr play b4 dis kind of game.. anyway, hope she cheer up, dun b unhapi.. is sad to c her bein so down.. =) n for sure, pei wen, hope u gt well.. bt for sure, tek care.. if u cnt go to skul, dun go, i mean best.. if u reli dat time wan vomit, den hw.. samo nid pass here n there.. lazy n waste time.. bt for sure, depend on u.. evi1 muz bring a big yello smile on d face.. =D ok, y is it yelo anyway? juz leave it.. ok den, i hv fin n gettin rdy for my tuition.. lazy.. so till den, end here, my poz.. ttfn~~ =S

Sunday, February 20, 2011

tell me, am i hurt?

to say it nicely, i reli duno wad to think of.. =) i was actually so lazy to update my blog and was planing to read my manga.. but, when d maid cum cleanin d room, i went in my sis room n i should say i see s/thin nt reli meant for me to c?? is juz ntg reli, d moment i saw, i was juz thinkin blank, den rewind my memories, thinkin: did i did wrong? i was clearly stupid to ever think i hv a hapi family anyway.. damn it.. i found dat, i actually hv enemy.. s/1 hu hate me dat they nid to use bad n rude word sayin f***ing idiotic me such line so forwardly.. n moz of all, my family.. haha... yea rite, i simply hate dis relation nw.. i wan to cry.. i tot, i was okay wif her.. i respect her.. juz dat, when it turn out to dis, i knew my sis was actually hatin me lik ntg ever happen.. n u noe wad, I DAMN HATE PEOPLE LIKE THIS!! if u wan to scold, say in front of me, say wad i did wrong, dammit, i admit i was nt a gud person or wadeva, so wad?! juz tell me in front of my face!! if u mad, say that freakin word out larh!! i dun mind u scold me if i REALLY do wrong, i WILL admit!! i will listen to wad u wan to say, bt i dun lik ppl hu dun act straightly.. lik sayin n acting diff from wad u think, i mean u mad, lik keep quiet n juz cold eyes, WTF!! for no reason man!! juz tell me d damn freakin problem i messed n scold it out in front of evi1 lar, hu even wan u to think abt my feelin dat actually is ur own excuse..!! u juz wan to do dat for ur own gud, keep quiet lik wan us to find wad is it?! lik hell i noe!! u should say dat to urself in d mirror, without sayin, do u think any normal human being w/out super power to read MINDS cn understand a damn silent u wan to express??!! i noe, ppl hurt when u say or scold stuff in front of ppl, yea, i admit, no1 lik it, bt to me, doin lik dat, stay quiet or juz lik act diff from lik actually u r mad or hatin me, i cn tell u, i HATE dis ppl.. bcuz dis attitude mek me sick.. since i was primary, i will choose ppl's honesty den thinkin hidin under d face bt actually they juz secretly do cruel stuff to me.. n well, i duno hu d damn hell was.. awesome, i am nt keepin my cool n was angry in my blog.. = =" u noe, u cn see me angry in here, in reality, juz smilin lik ntg happen.. i HATE myself too.. i reli wish i cn scold them.. sayin dat to their face!! bt, they r my family n i noe them well, if i do dat, they will nt tek it same lik i do.. they juz lik normal ppl think, i honez = shittin on u.. n i was lik, when u even think so far?? r u out of ur mind? think outside d box!! ppl lik me, i guess i dun deserve anythin.. =) i admit, i, am nt a gud person.. i dun hv great marks in exam, i dun hv great luks, dun hv great personalities, great socialization n wad more, great overall?? yupp, u cn scold, say, nag, critisize, anythin, bt i hope 1 thin is i respect u, i hope u respect me, i dun lik ppl sayin or do stuff in my bek.. should i say, dis is d low class ppl wif no brain n human oso nt fit to b their organism name.. i AM unhapi.. =) i noe my bro, my sis n such dun lik me, i duno should i care for them anot? bt in d end, i still does.. hate myself.. bt my care, is s/thin i dun express.. they, juz dun seem to noe, i do..
sis, i noe ur attitude.. wadover, ur bf n u, I DON:T CARE!! is abt u 2, y does it hv to b me ur stupid old sandbag man!! go find s/thin else.. damn it.. nw, i seriously dislik ur bf.. nt to say hate or wadeva, bt juz nt reli in a gud mud to say he is fine.. in d end, dis thin end up wif me bein ur sandbag is oso bcuz of his fault, let me think abt it, juz lik my lil aunt tell me, he shouldn't hv call me to tek care of u.. for wad, u will suicide?! seriously, if u r so damn stupid to do dat, i cn tell u, u reli r a dumb person.. hu cares!! i gt my lesson from dis time, i will NOT gt in ur 2 world thingy cuz is nt a benefit to me either.. u wan do wad, i dun care.. breakup, den juz gt bek, n wad more, blame me, i reli reli reli duwan to bother.. arghh!!! eventho is ay dis, i guess i will break my words if dat reli happen, i juz cnt c down if it does.. - -' wan to go out of my hse, live my life.. she is my mother's attitude heir.. dat seriously SUCK!! due to my 16 life stayin in my hse, i cn tell u, d personality i hate moz is d ppl hu hold personalities lik my mum n sis, d EMOTIONAL psycho "sickness".. wth, do they ever think of themself bein wrong b4?? always thinkin they r d right one.. no moral!! >=(

ytd, went to uncle billy's hse for his open hse party.. and den start was lost, den cal him to fetch us go there, wif my aunt oso.. it was 3 semi-d together in a row open together, rlei reli big tent, n long oso.. 3 hse combine, 3 oso relative.. and den tek many many food.. reli, so many thin to eat.. n d laz, too many.. haha.. dat i skip.. d food reli many.. met dis auntie kim n she noe me bt v duno her.. facebook is reli scary huh.. and den ar, fin, lalala... den ltr on, today.. i cnt sleep n wake around 4am.. i start takin a cold lemonade juice beer(aka shandy) n den start wif my com.. around 8am n mum cum in, sayin abt tuition stuff.. n i rmb was on 27feb.. n i recheck agian. it is today, i was 45min left to d time.. n i gt rdy n went down, bt d usual van did nt cum, n v realize is self transport.. n i ended up late for 5min.. i rush up n went to d room, bt no1 was there, i went to d counter n ask to comfirm d date, it say yes, n wad room, is dat empty room, n i was lik askin, y no1?? n den she reply, haven cum i guess.. n den i juz went up n saw lil children here n there.. den went in d empty room n sit down.. juz me.. and den ltr another guy cum in, catholic wan.. bt when d teaher cum in, saw juz we 2, n went go n comfirm is it true, n turn out, yupp, juz we 2.. eventho is chp 1 add mt, seriously, i suck at add mt.. = =" 5 question, 4 duno hw.. n den d teacher noe my bro, me, even my SIS n mum... o_O i was lik, hw u noe my sis??? she graduate edi wor.. n he say, i noe, name amelia mar, laz time she use to cum at d era when ERA was FIRST started.. mean my sis is one of d first student of era.. n i was lik, wow..... many YEARS bek......... he even rmb my sis is from catholic high skul.. geng!! n he ask me which skul i am, i was lik smk bpjb in tempua.. n he ask, i hv student there, n he tell me lik codie(i duno is is my claz wan), kong xx(i guess is kong jar yun??), hui yee//ying(i duno hu is dis).. n i was lik, ahaha.. n i say i noe xuen ying.. n he was lik, too many, i cnt rmb, my dat class more den 40 ppl plus.. n i kinda gt a lil shocked since is more den my SKUL class student amount.. o_O bt he cn rmb soooooo many years bek abt my sis, n my bro, n me, my name, y nt them.. = =" weird... anyway, bio class was diff teacher, mayb i prefer dis guy, bt sadly, dis person is puteri one, n he kinda teach ar, oni we 2 so is lik silent mode.. oni he speak.. haha.. d laz 15min, he juz ask us wad we wan to ask him, *silent*, hello~~, *silent*, anythin to ask??, *silent*, aiyo, ask s/thin lar, u no ask i sleepy edi la.., *silent*, haiz, i wan to go n eat, waitin for my gf call me, *silent*, where is d nice restaurant around?, *duno*.. end chat.. min juz lost lik dis.. haha.. after i fin 3hrs, around 12 n my bro is d one hu went for tuition till 3pm.. and b4 went home, sis drive, ltr on when fetch bro, i drive d car.. shh.. i no license one.. haha.. =D anyway, b4 wenn cum tek yk buk, cum my hse return my manga.. lalala.. ntg else to say.. juz say, if u noe me, u hate me, u dislike me, u think which part mek u think i am stupid or bad or wadeva, say it to me.. i wish u guys to b honez den juz thinkin bhind me.. is a NO NO to me.. =/ i dun lik ppl sayin stuff bhind n ended up i duno anythin at all.. do u gt wad i feel? i duno where i went wrong n u juz do bad stuff to me, do u think am i hapi?! anyway, speak.. =) i will listen, except if u nag lar.. dat is diff har.. dat is nt ascold or wad.. haha..
ok, end here.. thx for readin, gotta say, ttfn~~!! =)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

my blog.. hibernating..

haha.. i'm so sori if i din update when u cum by.. ahaha.... reli, i'm seriously lazy till i oso no eyes to c.. - -" bt cuz nw ntg to do, ntg to write, i oso duno wad to say..
dis few days, normal normal, skul, go bek home, eat, sleep, tuition, lala... lik dat oni.. =( plus most of it is computer.. com is gt alot of thin, manga, anime, updates, fb, blog(bt evitime no update, gt on evitime), drama(gua), random surf web, find manga? games? anime? or s/thin..., music, top chart, youtube updates, mal, info of manga? anime or s/thin, or random other stuff, or watch movie? drama? s/thin on com w/out internet, or some editin pic n such.. haiz... lazy.. dis few days doin add mt here n there, bt still gt lazy.. =/ so untill still nt yet finish.. =/
anyway, after watchin starry sky latez ep, fin checkin d manga/anime updates, i hv ntg to do edi.. so i went to mal n check on some info.. my "plan to watch" list so many bunch of animes, bt i seriously hv no time to watch for sure.. and yet, i hv an anime i reli reli reli reli reli is so wantin to watch it.. =( bt it haven aired yet..dat is sad, cuz i still nid to wait for another 2 months.. n after ntg to do, went to youtube n find d trailer, n my mind was lik, i wan to watch dat.. so cute.. n funny.. den i go to manga web n find d manga of it.. n ended up readin it till d latez chp.. hahaha... n nw, i so wantin to watch it, eventho it is nt reli, s/thin meant for me? no la, is d author if junjou romantica, i so wan to watch dat.. from studio deen samo.. d author reli cn mek s/1 lik me lik his type of genre.. haha.. sekaiichi hatsukoi, air on april, author of junjou romantica, they purposely tek d SAME stuff from junjou romantica, if i am nt wrong, i guess d voice actor is same oso.. =) duno y, i miss KKM, bt i cnt afford time to watch it again lik for dat hundred over episode.. =/ dat, is reli nice anime to me.. bt oso another 1 more anime i was so lookin forward to it yet i duno does it RELI exist as season 3.. =/ i hope is nt.. Code Geass.. =3 hope there is a CG R3.. <33 i wan lelouch to revive, i wan a great surprise lik usually they do.. =D damn love the story, mecha was nt my type bt for dat anime, seriously is reli s/thin i love it eventho there is mecha genre in it..
heard from yuki n mia dat yuri gt to play hakuoki psp game bt in RAW.. wan to ask mia or yuri where to hv it d/l from.. =) hakuoki, gv me think of history here n there.. = =" i mean gt bishounen here n there, bt i dislik d chizuru, nt dat she is some hateful person, bt i juz dun lik her for 1 reason, y is she d person hu doesn't fit in d picture?? i mean if u wan to b d main girl, b s/1 dat cn help, useful abit mar.. at liz mek me recognize u as d heroine.. - -'
i gt ntg to say..... =/
mayb i should watch glee season 2.. study? neh........
tok abt anime n manga a lil.. i watch b4 "5cm per sec".. bt reli, nt reli very very nice... i mean no offend.. bt reli, is slice of life.. seriously.. n d end does nt end up lik story.. to me, i duno nid to say wad.. i watch, samo till d end, bt still, okok oni.. i nvr say it suck, is juz lik normal normal, no special abt it.. end.. =/ a movie dat consist 3 ep inside.. okok oni........
manga, too many.. bt ytd went checkin on bl genre.. ahaha.. i am honez.. anyway, i din do dat b4.. bt din read  any of it juz bookmark it, no time to read anyway, cuz i have more den hundred n hundreds of shoujo manga still in my list of PLAN to READ... =/ bt ytd i oni read sekaiichi hatsukoi oni.. end jor.. ltr tuition n bek hom, sleep.. today gt skul, bt i din go.. =( haha.. gt d sport thin.. anyway, mayb i should spend my time on editing my blog i guess?? or nt.. i edit a lil on my playlist, there is sam tsui.. =)
er.. dis is d shortez thin i ever think abt in blog i guess.. all reli nonsense wan.. i wan end here.. sori if it bored u.. haiz..... =( wad a borin day.. kk..
oh ya.. suggez me if u hv any er.. suggez? i mean in anythin lar..  bt i oso wan manga suggez.. sure if other thin oso cn.. my fren wenn call me to poz my pic here, if nt she gonna tek my pic in secret, well, dat is nt gud rite? - -" haha.. anyway, since i am er, ntg to do, i will poz a lil oni.. i noe i am not pretty ok, dis is juz poz for my fren wenn.. i dun mean anythin.. so i noe i am dun luk nice or wadeva, pls dun mind it if u think it i reli luk bad.. =( haizz...
Fyi, [ CLICK on pic to enlarge.. =| ]

1st piC~~


i noe it dun luk reli nice, so juz dun mind.. =(
anyway, end here.. ttfn desu~~!! <33

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

sick n nt

tuesday, at home when today is hols.. ytd skul was lik.. argh!! =( i hate form 4 life, i mean NO life at all.. oh, i mention thin abt ytd edi.. den start wif where i left off, since is d cause of wad happen today..
ytd after fin, time is up to gt rdy for tuition, eventho i was still continue watchin d drama.. cnt finish.. untill 6.10pm, i oni pause it and gt rdy n went down to eat.. no1 was home, juz me.. n i find food, lik a rat.. haha.. i saw a curry pot on d table.. inside gt curry and chicken lik dat.. den soup in d electrical cookin pot, lik dat.. dat time i was rushin, no time to choose.. i mean i dun reli choose.. as usual i juz tek care of thin n mek myself d food.. so i eat d curry dat is kinda suspicious cuz er.. is in kinda large amount.. for juz 5 person, impossible to fin.. and samo my dad n mum is gonna go dinner ltr, my mum will nt cook so much for juz me and my 2 bro.. o_O i thought dat at 1st, fisshy in evi way.. bt still, i no time, i juz eat sooo faz n went my garden in my hse n wait for d van to fetch me.. from 6.40pm i waited till 7pm oni cum.. =( and den ar.. tuition add math lor.. so cramp?? i mean is juz 19ppl n well, kinda many in d lil room, still, ntg chg, cuz d add mt teacher teach us chp 1, FINALLY!! bt he teach those part dat i edi noe wan.. so ntg reli efficient anyway.. and den bio, argh!! dat, is call borin.. in halfway, i reli slept man! i mean lik half sleep, bt juz second by second.. muz try to b awake, i mean i force myself to b awake.. so hard to concentrate.. >< den in d end, ok a lil..  fin class quite early den others, went down n wait, i din c d van, i tot it came late, in d end i waited so long, actually he park in d place where when i step forward a lil near d road oni cn c... bt still first, n in car tok a lil wif Alicia, a form 5 student and she gv me half of a kitkat choc where her classmate in era gave her.. reli nice lil break.. n went home, continue wif d drama, bt still, cnt finish.. i wan to fin watchin it early.. den my add mt lif aside..den sleep liao..
TODAY, reli think bek oso lucky dat today is holiday.. =( mornin i woke up cuz i hv stomachache, n i was feelin so sick samo.. i reli tired(unusual ar) n sleep bek(more unusual) n cover myself inside d blanket(more more more unusual, cuz i hate hot den cold) n den wan to sleep bek.. manatau cnt stand d pain, juz force myself to wake n den went down.. i am hungry bt nt hungry.. i duno hw to say.. feel so bt nt.. and den c d foos oso no feelin to eat.. my dad came by n i ask him where is d medicine, he gv me one bottle n den i tell him i was sick.. reli dam sick untill i cn roll my tears down.. = =" think bek nw, me hu is facin d com so healthy(i guess) n sayin dis, kinda stupid.. and den my dad pour a english tea, bt den i was so sick i wanted to go to bed.. saw my sis watch tv, cum bek after a day, lol.. anyway, went up still think wan to eat sthin, went out d room n den saw dad again, he ask me wad i wan to eat n he cook noodle.. i went down wait for it n sit on d safa after closin d fan.. den fin i was eatin wif my sis, luks fine at first, bt den ltr halfway again sick, den i juz left it there n went up, reli cnt stand.. den i try focusin my attention to other thin den d pain, it was edi 12noon, wake up around 11am.. den ar.. on com n juz wantin to c fin d drama.. den ltr mum came n ltr i tek some medicine n water n went up bek wif d com.. ltr is my sis cum in n tok, den we eat some er, junk food lar.. haha.. still gt feelin to eat it.. anyway, i oni noe i gv her read d ge mei lia dat my lil bro buy, dat i read it ytd mornin laz min when i was rushin to skul, cuz ntg else, i noe i was wastin time, bt i juz wan to c fazly, n i din think dat, d story reli suck.. = =" i use lez den 1 min readin d WHOLE story.. i mean, after i read, i juz threw d buk to a corner on my bed far from where i sit n den mind was lik, WTF is dis!?!? i mean, i gt seriously "za dao" from wad i even read.. i stare in a side n blink my eye, stun awhile thinkin wad d heck am i even readin juz nw.. den ltr awake n tek my bag n buk went out my room n cloz d door, go down.. dat, is stupid.. i dun mean to say dat d author is wad, laz time when i was young, i oso am a lil fan of his, bt after secondary, no more edi.. bt after readin dat very buk, i cn say, i hate d story!! i mean, dat dun even hv a freakin dialog man!! no WORD or wad.. i juz see thru den end.. lik, wad the!! n my sis read, she even call me to join d comic comp, n i was lik, no way.. if cn, i rather b in joinin d manga type den dis er, more educational children type.. = =" d winner oso more worse den d manga i read.. i dun mean to criticize, bt seriously, dis is my honest words, do they even noe hw to put marks?? i noe is among children, cnt expect lik adult ability.. bt among them, they always choose s/thin which is either more younger child n kinda nt reli pretty n such, i noe, dis is for children, bt seriously, d grade is goin down.. n i was reli disappointed.. =( it was my childhood comic.. haiz... u will nt noe, my sis more worse, she c n dun even understand for even a page, i was lik wad?! she say no dialog wan! i was lik, no dialog mek me c in lez time.. n she use more time.. = =" anyway, ltr ar, ntg reli special, juz i FINALLY fin d HK drama.. seriously, d end, even if is a hapi endin, it reli is, wad... so simply de.. >_>" bt gud la, gud endin, it reli nice la.. haha.. anyway, c untill 6pm++ finish, din do my add mt h/w or anythin, whole day wastin time.. haiz.. OMG, english damn presentation!! GRR!!!! AFF it!! i forgot, is 2molo, n so many stuff.. AHH!!
oh ya, i din mention, i gt food poisonin from d damn curry.. seriously, mek me sick for so long.. &^^&$^$ and i am d ONLY one unlucky person hu eat dat so BIG pot of curry, weird stupid.. = =" lucky today no skul, if gt i reli nid to go bek home.. = =" bt nw cn use com freely, lik ntg happen.. ok liao lor.. haha.. anyway, c manga, lala.. nw, haiz..presentation n such, ok, nid end here.. thx for readin, ttfn!
hapi late valentine? <3    =)  hehe..

Monday, February 14, 2011

chap gor meh, visit, hse party n late update..

well, some short synopsis i guess.. gua... bt i still it will b long anyway.. juz bear wif me.. i am so sori i din update.. =( well, start from thurday den.. =)
THURSDAY- today i gt no tuition, after skul, plan to go wenn's hse.. n play poker.. den we start by goin to d nearby mamak stall n eat lunch.. i eat a fried mee hoon n den we oso chat abt d storyline of wenn's novel.. me, wenn n cindy was tokin abt d novel storyline dat i and wenn think of during d class.. ntg else to do.. haha.. den ar.. we wok bek to wenn hse dat time, nt yet reach, my mum cum jor.. =( too bad, bt i guess she is bad mood-ing untill den.. ltr on ar.. gv me some time to go wenn hse n visit, den gt angpau n eat some snack n play a lil poker, altho i dun reli noe hw to play.. is nt soliture or texas play i guess...... or mayb.. i duno, i oni noe hw to play soliture.. cuz i dun reli play/gamble.. haha.. dis is my type of family.. =) bt nt say we dun gamble larh, bt juz usually we dun.. anyway, when mum cum, she say she wan to c wenn's hse fish tank, n she went down ltr n c, den ltr chat wif wenn's mum.. i din thought dat they will eventually tok till soooo long.. =/ laz min we after we 3 tok around, den went to find a fren n wok to her hse bt she nt in, go for sport in skul n den we went bek, den wait outside.. still haven tok fin.. the mums... so we went in and play.. i duno wad is dat call.. s/hw luk lik mahjong bt is poker sign on it.. =/ bt haven start den they fin edi.. bad timing.. at night we get rdy for chap gor meh in CNY.. muz pray at 12 midnite.. i watch Hong Kong drama at first.. den ltr cuz halfway in evenin mum bad mood, so stop a while, den aunt cum, watch other thin, den too sleepy ntg to do, i wait for time to pass till 12am for d fireworks mum bought n planned to light it on dat time.. n pray oso.. den when halfway, mum call me, push me to outside n den pass me a joystick.. she help me pray, n i was so blur, i dun even rmb wad i say, i oni noe i juz think of goin bek n sleep.. den i stand there, in my heart i was prayin, bt my mind juz blank n my physical juz ain't listenin.. haha.. den ar.. pass my mum d joystick n go bek to d sofa n lay down there.. n when d moment i open my eyes, so faz, evithin pitch black, over jor.. ntg left.. = =" time flies so faz when u sleep.. haven 5min in my memories.. miss d fireworks.. mum samo say to me next day hw nice lar hw great la.. = =
FRIDAY-tot of goin to skul.. bt den din go, i woke up when d sun is shinin so brightly.. so mean din go, go oso late edi.. n ended up playin till~~!! forgotten my tuition edi.. i was lik watch d HK drama.. lalala.. of cuz, mozly d time pass lik com wif manga updates, web, here there.. i mean d different.. so after those web thingy, den i watch drama.. bla bla... when i wok out my room, my bro ask me today gt tuition anot, i was lik, c d time, 6.15pm, n i was like OMG!! i forgot man!! den i quickly gt rdy, n put down d JC donut i holdin dat was bite a bit by me n went gt rdy for my tuition.. so faz d van cum, lucky my bro tell me.. o_O" if nt, hahaha...
tuition sej n chemi.. dat day, sj is ok, lot of laughter.. bez joke of 2011 dat sj teacher say when he ask shashminta abt d meanin of her name dat means "pretty".. i dun mean she is ugly ok, she is ok.. =) juz dat time d atmosphere was lik, haha... nt say bad abt her of cuz.. i will nt mean dat.. =) anyway, chemi, tot will sleep half dead lik laz time, bt ok lar, ntg much.. finally time pass, go bek home..
SAT- wad reli happen dis day.. hmm..... oh yea, my hse gt potluck party.. is lik a party wrounf d neighbour dat call around to bring food over n together eat.. s/thin lik dis.. well, my sis check dictionary abt d meanin well, it does nt reli related to dis? anyway, dun care d dictionary or meanin, many food n such, bt still stay in room, com.. haha.. den ltr evenin aunt cum.. oso ar.. so many food, my mum bought soooo many fried bee hoon, scary.. cook nasu lemak, scary.. buy 99 curry puff, SCARY!! and add those other food dat is cumin form neighbor.. scary.. =( d same time at night, d neighbour oso open hse, we went there n drink.. haha.. tek drinks oni.. i eat prawn, drink den bye bye.. haha.. anyway, did i tell u my dad gt an apple iphone 4? i mean after so many days, i oni finally gt to use it.. =/ dat night, n start download did n dat.. haha... i d/l manga thin, n games n such.. i noe is nt for me, so juz a few, my dad will nt mind.... i guess.. bt oso gt d/l thin he wanted for him oso.. haha.. anyway, my aunt oso gt iphone bt is nt iphone 4.. so she hv program which is so cool, bt dad wan cnt.. n den nt gud abt ifon is muz syncronize dis n dat lik songs oni cn hear there.. = =" i lazy to even bother d music.. i was awake doin it till 3am+.. my uncle n aunt cum for a sleepover n watchin tv.. so say to me, 1st time c u so late wor.. haha..
SUN- mornin, same thin.. ytd wan.. too much edi.. n den aunt n uncle wan go bek edi, cuz my sis wan go her cheer leading n they help fetch her go since mum dad go out edi.. den left us at home, ltr we go to one of d neighbor hse to visit.. eat juz a indian food wif curry chicken n potato.. very lil..n they tot i oni tek d chicken n a potato since d (i duno wad is dat call bt is lik made of flour) cover on d bottom.. so they dun c gua.. den my mum insist on us to wear RED, n i wore BLACK.. n my bro oso.. den ar.. go bek ltr, chg a clothe, bt den mum terrible mood.. = =" oni scold here n there suddenly, i duno hw to say her.. insane edi.. >_>" reli, seriously.. anyway, chg to more a lil formal kind, n den cuz heard dat we r gonna hv dinner wif my sis bf's family.. i skip d part my mum reli crazy part, duwan to tok.. nt gus den it is la.. nt abt me, is abt evi1 oof us nid to bear wif her attitude.. =( anyway, fetch sis, den go to a relative hse.. ntg else to do when we juz sit there watch tv while mum tok.. no HBO n such.. so we watch AEC channel n gt d top 20 music chart, n no.1 is Anthony's song, he dam cute la wei! my sis say lik dat too add wif "so like mun keat!!(sis bf)" den my mum heard n her topic bcum my sis relationship jor.. den fin go bek home, sis pack her bag, cuz mon start her colledge skul days.. den ar.. go to mun keat hse.. bt rain heavily, so went to d chinese restaurant, bt full, so go to d other one.. walk wif 2 umbrella, den my parent put d umbrella OUTSIDE d restaurant.. it is a western restaurant.. and den ar d menu reli scary.. wan to reach cash 100 for juz a simple lil dish.. = =" i no eyes to luk samo.. n den choose d cheap cheap one, fish n chip.. haha.. gt 90 one, gt 80 one.. scary.. juz choose a 20 one i guess is ok, dun waste ppl $$.. =( n well, MK bro was so big size(nt fat).. n den d form 3 luk even older den MK when MK is 19!! another form 5 luk lik d eldest.. n MK luk lik d third.. d youngest is exception cuz their age gap is kinda big.. dat oni 6 years old.. i mean dat 3 bro so... luk alike, juz dat reli, they luk elder den MK.. ahaha.. start wif bun n butter.. den ar, s dish dat luk lik snails?? wad is dat call edi ar? i forgot d name.. vey nice bt expensive.. =) den samo ar.. mum call me a lemon tea bt turn out so sour, still drink anyway.. sis call bbq chicken.. bro let mum decide.. den food cum, duno hw to say.. lalalala... i noe my sis b4 dat d purse she bought for MK as a valentine gift, n d gift MK gv her is...... MAPLE STORY account dat is lv 50.. = =" spearman n bla bla.. within 1 day up till lv 50.. my sis oso dun use n she was lik, holdin her hand under s table dat wan to box s/body.. haha..  he say he use 100+ in cash for makin d character so pro within 1 day.. n he even ask my bro if spearman wan up to lv 50 nid hw long dat my bro ans abt 1month plus.. he use his money for ntg.. - -' if me i rather tek d money.. anyway, gt try fried rice there, or d lobster wif noodle.. nice.. friend chicken.. n den ar, sis wan.. lalala... den ltr fin, go to MK hse.. sit on d sofa n den feel asleep while they all r busy tokin.. cuz 2molo gt skul samo.. den ar, finally fin, go bek d car oni rmb they din bring bek d umbrella, n den ended up missing one big n new one there.. let some stupid *$^%$@* hu steal ppl properties.. = =" i hate dis kind of low graded ppl.. nt mean those r kind la.. i mean those ppl steal ppl thin. damn them!! =) n den ar, ltr go fetch MK n sis to theor colledge n den oni go bek home.. reach home oso 12.30++am.. so late.. sleep at 2am.. = =" haiz..
MONDAY- wake up oni c myself late in my hp time, 6.05am, went find my watch, time is 5.45am.. so late edi.. n i rush to gt rdy for skul.. den finally fin at 6.10am n went down gt rdy n eat s/thin... den ltr car cum 6.20am den go edi.. skul, go there, cut my nails.. scared got caught.. den ltr lalala.. skul is borin, specially damn dat bm, duno hw to do.. - -" den ltr add mt, reli head pain.. more works.. ltr samo gt new timetable, hw many time they even chg dat!! freakin timetable!! =( bt is gud cuz we cn miss 2 class of moral.. hahaha.. =D in 1 week.. hehe.. den ar.. ntg much.. here there, u noe la, i lazy untill h/w do lil by lil.. den ar.. ntg much, omg, fri din go skul, gt english thin.. = =" ok den, nid go edi.. wad is my aim? still duno yet.. haiz.. dun hv time to think.. ltr go tuition, i lazy updat waste my time(i mean sori haha).. bio n add MAD!!
anyway, bbbbbb!! thx for readin, ttfn~~~!!!!

ps, wenn, sori, din poz nw reli.. i no time, gt time i oni post(gua).. haha.. =D

Monday, February 7, 2011

Chinese New Year 2011

my god.. dis year cny is lik...... borin.. ><"
WED- "chu xi"(new year eve) is lik.. grr.. normal.. lik normal dinner at home eviday.. my family din go bek to our hometown, cuz we dun hv anymore n oso hv family conflict, so haiz... dat day special is we eat all home cook, and contain shark fin soup.. =) my sis cook wan.. for me, i noe hw to cook dish, n she is gud at soup.. she mek d shark fin soup is more delicious den d restaurant one.. or mayb same.. bt is lik can compete dat type.. u cnt c is actually cook at home.. reli alike wif those middle-high claz restaurant dat serve dis soup oso.. =) and den eat, we try to nt sleep as late as we can.. there is a myth dat say in d new year eves, if one cn dun sleep as late as they cn, is represent dat one's parent life wif b longer.. =) and i was lik, c d com com com, manga manga manga.. i read d korean manhwa dat hv abt wan to reach to 100chp.. n oso some other manhwa wif d similar author.. manga oso gt, waitin for update.. n anime i put at a side.. i was too lazy to bother, eventho i open my blog eviday, i juz din hv d time to update, lazy as my excuse.. =( den i last till 3.40am on thursday mornin cuz my bro off d internet main line switch n i was so lazy to go on turn on bek n i oso went to sleep.. =)
THURS- wake up, nt reli early at all.. juz lik abt 8-10am lik dat.. den chg to new clothes.. they say 1st day muz wear red n such.. mine was lik er, chex red n black.. wif a short.. and den add on a tie.. n den we went eatin breakfast.. abt 11.30am lik dat?? den is vegetarian food.. after 12 oni cn eat meat.. den ltr dat my 1st aunt in my mum's side came stop by wif my uncle in my mum's side oso.. den we get angpau(red packet).. den i call my sis to paint my nails.. =) u noe wad colour i paint? is d colour i lik.. BLACK.. 1st day den black.. hahaha.. old ppl sure dun lik.. bt ok lar, ntg oso.. den ltr they go edi.. we all bcum same old day, juz dat day is hols, ntg much.. i went bek to my room n use my com com com.. ntg.. den abt evenin, decide to go IOI see movie in cinema.. den chg clothes n den go IOI.. so many closed shop in a row.. den ltr cinema suprisinly too many ppl edi.. = =" n we went to d other side(new wing) of d cinema, n oso d same, bt on d way, cross over Daiso n mum tell me to buy d glove i wan durin laz trip.. my sis oso still pt on d same old pissed off face to me for no reason.. =/ i dun care anyway.. gt use to it.. >_>" and den fin n went to d cinema there, so crowded oso.. den ltr finally reach our turn, n it turn out movie dat we plan to watch full hse edi.. and available is oni Green Hornet movie.. - -' i noe is Jay Chou's actin oso inside, i tot is chinese movie at first, since he is famous in chinese song n such.. n den it is English movie plus, he's english pronouns, = =" swt... 10ppl, 9.9 ppl say suck.. = =" nt d movie, is juz he's tokin in english.. i cnt say i am gud lik wth, cuz i am nt a prof or wadeva.. bt his, when he start tokin, evi1 was lik, "faint"! if there is no subtitle, i reli duno wth is he sayin.. - -' i prefer he b in chinese movie.. at liz it fit his song in b4 goin d show, we eat at KFC, oso cramp wif ppl.. my bro wan eat Mac n they go tek away mac n mum order KFC.. me n sis find place.. =) bt ltr, dis day ended lik normal..
FRI- sec day, i reli forgot wad we do.. i noe untill afternoon, we start gettin rdy n go to my mum's step sis hse n visit.. i wore a black one piece wif a short.. bt went to her hse, she went bek to hometown, oni left some other relative there dat is oso my mum's step relative? anyway, quiet bored.. bt one interesting thin is d cup i drink wif.. when i drink, suddenly there is lik sound from nowhere n i was freak out n curious where it came from.. is nt reli load, a lil soft.. sound lik hen or cock.. den d aunt tell me is d cup, n i say i dun blif, cnt be.. i see d whole cup, no place to insert battery n hole for sound.. bt d laz, is reli dat cup.. i guess d design is stupid.. they juz seal dat thin inside.. - -" n den we wan eat, so we went to IKEA n den we eat there.. bt oso same, so many ppl.. y anywhere oso so many ppl geh!! =( bt fin eat, den went straight to d cashier n sit in a place where gt sofa dat is kinda, nt reli in d fully new sofa.. we sat there n wait.. wait untill oso bored.. ltr bla bla.. went bek to d car, n end up mum went toilet, bt soo long.. den cum bek wif a crepe in her hand.. i was lik, OMG, d first time in my life eatin a real crepe n nt seein it in manga.. i always wanted to eat one of those in my life.. is a japanese crepe wif flavour of peach fruit n vanilla ice cream.. damn nice!! =S i tuk a pic, bt my fon is shakin n blur.. - -' anyway, expensive.. bt big lar..damn nice, jp crepe..
SAT- mornin den edi lik, wan go here n there. as usual mornin, den com, den ntg.. i try doin my h/w, bt gv up.. anyway, mum say go genting, den ltr i wear a pair of jean n black tee..  after dat, oni noe we nt go genting anymore, is s/where u nid a sunglasses wif sunblock.. n i was too lazy to chg, no time edi.. i juz went bek n tek my sunglass.. we went goin to Pulau Ketam.. crab island? no.. - -' and den go there, jam untill, nt us.. we park d car so far away, n wok to d jetty.. n d way all d car all stuck.. d sun dam hot!! den wok so long, went takin one of d boat.. i duno wad dat call, covered up wif air con(nt reli fully) type of long boat.. and we went sit in d bek.. tuk 30min to reach.. go there oso wok.. 1st, borin, 2nd, damn hot, 3rd, nid wok soooooo long.. 4th, nt reli gud environment, eww... 5th, causin, reli smelly.. =( n den went stop in a restaurant n eat seafood.. n a crab coz 2 times of a normal price.. = =" and den we abt 5.45, d waitress say 6pm is d laz boat.. n we all so worried.. I AM NOT GONNA STAY THERE FOR A DAMN SEC!!! dis is wad i think for d whole time.. n my sis oso.. we 2 dun wanna stay there.. n we rush to d jetty there.. is lik sardine.. sooooo many ppl!! wth, y cny so many ppl geh!! n den we waited.. den untill d boat came, we rush to d end, so crowded.. den d boat oso wan full d.. den d ppl say enuf, dun cum edi.. den my mum went to d other side n tell him dat we still hv another same family in there, n he gv us cross, lucky, bt go in, cram wif ppl, no space, n we were force to stand for d whole time.. =( after stand n squeezed, we endure it for 30min standin there.. n we left d boat n wok bek so far to d car park.. n i guess it ended lik dis.. regret goin there.. juz go there n eat a expensive meal, den go bek.. = ="
SUNDAY- went to my great-grandmother hse to visit.. wif my aunt n lil aunt wif their family.. my mum was lik, so bad mood, n my aunt went callin her cuz was wantin to ask her where was she nw, cuz is over d time they fixed.. den my mother purposely dun pik up, reli bad manners.. = =" she juz hang up their call.. n den reach dat time, ok lor, she din even say sori or wadeva.. i dun mean i am angry at her, is juz dat her attitude to my other aunt is kinda bad, duncha think so? is lik den halfway, she juz gone off n say wan go to d other planned place to visit wif d other 2 aunt n family.. bt she din wait for them, n my aunt is copying some file in her laptop there.. juz left 5 min, n d laptop gt a lil malfunctioning n cnt laz for 5min if no socket supply.. so is lik dat, den she went off, go to d place to visit, they(d place's ppl) ask where r my aunts, no cum? n my mum say, "haiyo! duno them larh! over there duno doin wad, so slow n samo nonsense n such.. etc etc(forgt, nt gud thin for sure).." n dat time i bring my add maths text book along wif me.. n doin d exercise when bored.. since i haven done fin my h/w.. n den i tok wif my cousin, Ashley hu is currently std6, an elite student.. i teach her maths, n guess wad, i teach her bluntly abt form 1 to form 3 maths.. =D n she understand moz of it.. i dun mean more into d subject n such, juz lik i explain to her, she understand hw it works n such.. =) n some important thin or thin dat may help understandin more advanced n detailed dat cn help on her math for std6.. =) well, till d end, we oso tok some craps n joke wif my aunt after i fin wif d so call "mt lesson".. haha.. den ltr we all wan go bek d.. my 2 aunt incite us to join them for dinner, n mum was lik, din answer them.. den they go d, she still tokin tokin tokin non-stop while we were waitin in d car lukin at her waitin for her reply to my aunt.. n den at laz fin, she say, wait 1st, she wan go buy pray to god dat kind of thin.. n my aunt specially park in a side n wait for her n tell her where to buy.. n we chat a lil wif my lil aunt abt my mum's today attitude while she went out buyin d stuff.. den we all go eat dinner together.. nt bad.. gt meat n prawn n so many type of food.. nt bad.. =D big feast.. den ltr fin, go bek home, rdy for d stupid monday which skul is open.. =(
MON- 7ppl no cum to skul in our claz.. so lez.. =) bt d thin we cum, kinda regret.. bt we cum, gud is mayb add mt we gt attend.. d teacher juz start d chp, n 1 shot till d part7 over 12+.. so faz.. = =" well, is easy den chp 1 bek part lar.. bt still, haha... bm suck.. d teacher call us do d novel thin.. n we lik, din do.. >_>" ltr, tuition, add mt samo bio.. =( b4 tuition, my sis cuk n well, dat time when laz min, no dish reli rdy, juz brocolli.. den i ask i wan egg, n is nt rdy, so we tuk out from d steamer cuz too slow n put in mocrowave, bt so many time still nt cook.. n d laz i eat, i was so afraid d car will cum in any moment n eat lik stupid.. all put in d mouth n such.. n ended up is reli kinda late.. tuition gt learn add mt, chp 3.. n well, nt bad la.. okok.. n bio, teacher juz start givin us blank paper n ask question n write our answer in d sheet.. n well, d teacher say me when he gv question, oni me din luk here n there, juz focus onto d paper n write write write.. i was lik, if he c my paper, i moz oso noe bt 4gt d name.. - -" n tryin to rmb, so lazy to luk here n there cuz anywhere gt no answer in d mid air.. my answer totally nt reli great...
(add on)
TUE(7/3)- dis ar, normal days.. bt d 1 moz rmb thin is dat when bc.. dat MKK action reli funny.. me, mia n yan jun was lik tokin n den, he cum by n start singin to mia n tokin abt korean singer n stuff.. call us to hear caramel orange or s/thin dat d dance he think is stupid.. n den he dance d move from d mv of k-pop.. was lik, omg, we all laugh n laugh n duno wad to say, is he weird or wad.. n we duno nid say straight or s/thin, bt he din mind wad we thinkin n juz dance so freely.. reli funny movemnt when he does dat.. n yan jun was lik, go and ask him cn do more better type, actually is more stupid move.. is lik dun move ur upper body by he was juz shakin his lower part oni.. bt weird action.. - -' i reli hv no comment.. n tuition was lik, erm.. tuition bm n well, very less ppl.. ai menn din cum bt met dis new fren i met, kar yen.. =) 7A in catholic hs n still choose art stream for eco, acc n such.. lik my sis oso.. =| haiz, i cnt go in dat skul, nw i dislik it.. =(
WED- today, ntg special, bt well, physic in skul finally gt a teacher cum n teach us, bt she is nt reli gud at teachin, duno wad she tokin abt.. n ltr tuition is oso physic.. haiz.. forgt chp 1 edi, hw to even test lik dat.. =( so tired wan sleep..2molo wan to go wenn hse, bt wenn is surprisingly a gambler.. i cnt c dat from her surface.. seriously.. poker.. haiz, i duno hw to play..i oni noe hw to play soliture in poker oni.. - -" bt i tell my mum again n she was lik bad mood, den lik say dun go, bt den go.. i reli duno wad is up to her mind, hope no sudden chg.. - -" oso gt invite angeline, duno she gt anot.. =)

so long i oni update.. i actually update dis on monday, bt den edi on nw, is wed nite.. after tt.. so i end here, thx for readin.. sori i late update.. n hope u will keep supporting.. =) tyty.. thx again.. ttfn!! =3

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

lazy to update

nw is midnite, i mean lik 12.50am.. juz nid to cum blog n update.. = =" i haven done it lik, few days..
so, lets start where i left.. abt 2 or 3 days ago?? i 4gt.. lets start wif sunday.. kay den..
dis day is my uncle b/day.. d uncle hu cum bek from singapore n gift me a h/p, dat well, will soon gonna say farewell to it ltr on.. n we, actually was informed dat we will hv dinner at d "imperial palace" restaurant n eat.. =) bt den, after d whole day ltr, bla bla.. i 4gt, n den they chg place to other restaurant and eat.. anyway, mum buy cake b4 goin there, n skip skip skip, reach there, eat nice food.. den eat cake, den open present, den er.... fin? so faz?? bt when eat, oso gt c foto in my uncle's apple Ipad.. d foto is lik, took on sat wif his peugeot sport car.. =) den er.. after fin dinner, i guess is over hundred dat type.. n we go to IOI boulevard to eat er.. dessert.. =3 we purposely go there, n go to d Hong kong dessert shop n eat.. is actually 3 family n my uncle.. n my sis whole time oso lik mad at me, evitime lik dat.. - -' i oso duno wad thin.. den ltr my lil aunt tok to her a lil, n den she smile lik crazy, i duno wad is up wif her brain.. is she thinkin positive? sori i say lik dat abt my sis, bt true, she is psycho to me, same lik my mum.. nt d crazy type, bt is mentally, reli dammit type.. i duwan to tok abt it, i was sufferin from 2 of them evitime, today oso.. evitime lik dat, wad did i do wrong?? she n MK wan break up or nt, ok edi or nt, gud mood or nt, y does it hv to b me dat muz b ur sandbag? i dun care anyway!? u wan mad me for wad?! evitime lik dis, i respect u r my sis, i din say anythin oso, juz c u lik dat, if i am MK i oso dun care, i cnt stand dis kind of attitude.. reli, if i met s/1 s/thin lik dat other den my family, s/hw, i mayb will go berserk n slap them in d face wif a smile on me.. i despise dis kind of personalities.. if whole world is lik dat, b4 i even die, is my heart cnt stand them untill die.. if she reli does nt chg dat, i reli cnt even support her on their break up or wadeva.. i would go for MK decision, since i understand, my sis hv dis kind of insane attitude i hate, i mean no1 will lik it ok? sori, i kinda get off wif my sis subject, cuz in dis moment i was oso nt in a gud condition wif her.. influence me writin stupid stuff.. where was i? oo, we went eat dessert, i sit wif my cousin, Ashley n my other 2 very young lil cousin, Eunice n Sabrina.. n we share d same dessert, ice-cream wif d jelly in d bottom.. ok lar.. n other oso call durian thin, n dango or wadeva.. hw cn they fill in there stomach so much? bt 1 bowl reli very big.. me and ashley nid fin them lik, so hard.. haha.. anyway, fin den we go c clothes, my mum n sis buy n den i cross over "kimchi haru" restaurant where wenn's sis work part time.. den i saw her, i think a while, c nicely n wave at her.. bt she lik din reli noe hu am i...... den for a while oni she wave bek, den my aunt call me, bt actually they oni tok abt their stuff.. - -" my sis they all buy those clothes n such.. haiz.. i always hv to b left out, no matter wad, n my sis always say hw much thin i hv n wan to fight n use excuse sayin me n she will ended up havin buyin gud stuff n new thin.. to say clearly, step on me to get d top.. dis kind of sis, i reli duno wad to say.. evitime oso lik dat, i juz keep silent oni.. am i wrong to hv 3 set of clothes n 2 wet of top while she already hv abt 12++ set of clothes.. i dun get it? r u reli hapi sayin those stuff abt me infront of my eyes, ear n nose(ok, nose no use), i mean infront of my human being juz in ur vision.. is dat wad u r hapi abt anyway? me suffer? u gt d benefit? or u hate me? say out larh! u scold me lar, dat is y i hate ppl lik dat.. wan say my bad word, infront of me, eventho it hurts, bt better den u tok in my bek.. wan scold den scold, c if u reli is rite, juz dare u to say out load infront of evi1, if my wrong, ok, fine, bt hw many times u juz ended up makin me juz a silly sandbag of urs to cover up ur stupid attitude.. yea rite! i am ur lil sis, so wad? i respect u, n wad u always gv me? juz a silly cold face eviwhere u go, nvr say anythin n juz lik glare at ppl for no reason, wan angry, juz say, i dun reli care is wad, cuz u r always unreasonable evitime.. s/time, being ur sis, i reli hate it.. bein in dis family, i reli cnt stand it.. wad i do, always ntg to u guys, am i dat dis-important? i reli dun understand hw a true time we spend, is dat all we got? my family is great, yea, i noe, it seem so perfect, ok, ppl may think wow, full family, gt sibling, juz a middle class family, parents.. evithin is perfect, it look dat wad is all there, bt in d truth, ntg.. nt to day all time ntg, sure there r time i reli was hapi fir them, cry for them, laugh wif them, bt, was i reli hapi? i mean, dat mayb juz 1/100 of d time we will do dat.. my family luk ok, bt it actually looks broken to me.. there is shattered pieces from them i hv, bt till nw i still wanted to try to put them bek.. all i wanted was for them to reli care abt me.. =( sadly, my family lack of dat, lack of understandin, n lack of juz a simple caring.. juz a simple caring, is dat so hard?, even other ppl hv it.. i am sori i wasn't apreciatin enuf, i noe i was grateful for bein in dis world wif u all, bt, human is selfish, dun u agree? i wish, my life wasn't in such a heartbreakin misery.. mayb 1 day i wanted to b free.. nt reli completely free from dis destiny i got from god dat gv me..
ok, i was tokin stupid nonsense.. where was i, i juz skip to next day..
ok, today reli, haiz.. i mornin doin work untill afternoon.. ltr fin dis n dat, i kinda clean my room.. tuk me hours? den ltr is mia n yuki cum my hse, to b exact, i ask them alot of time wad is so fun cumin to my hse anyway, is borin.. - -' n ltr tok, yuki sure is tokin abt gintama.. den bla bla, kinda off, n den they play taiko drum in my bro's PS2(playstation).. and den i use com, la la.. den wenn cum, i reli gt a surprise when she cum up stair.. O_O hw she cum in here, wad i was thinkin dat time.. haha.. k, she cum gv me bek my buk n i boro her my manga.. den lala.. her sis oso downstair n auntie kitty(yuki's mum) also.. n den tok a lil.. den wenn n sis cum my room n lik, wan to boro manga, c my com, den skip skip, they went bek.. =) b4 they go bek, my mum gv them angpau, n den my mum say "wish me gong xi fa cai".. i was lik, swt, where gt ppl call other to call call them to with ownself geh? haha.. den ltr is mia n yuki go bek together.. sis was out go to MK there..sure it gud dinner.. end day..
wait, is today.. actually ntg much.. is nt today anymore, since is past midnite.. mornin okok lor, wake up cuz mum voice.. den i went down rdy breakfast, ended up rdy for evibody.. den my 2 bro is gettin on my mum;s nerve n ended up nid to kneel down infront of d god.. - -' ltr punishment for nt answerin mum's call(nt fon call ar) is to fold d "gold" n burn for god wan.. ltr went helpin n my 2bro c tv less efficient.. den mum tek d, er.. help to push in shoe thingy dat u cn buy in IKEA.. long stick type.. n den she use dat n hit my 2 bro hu dun listen to her.. den ltr my 2 bro went upstair.. n den my mum call them cum down, bt no1 did.. n my mum snapped n when up to look for them, bt they hid themself.. so den my mum went findin them n was furious.. she say if i find u, u gonna gt it.. n den she reli found them inside d cupboard n dat time i din went up.. bt i heard d wackin sound so load and many time, i juz went up n call my mum to stop beatin them.. she juz continually hit them n d thick stick juz broke to half.. eventho is made from plastic.. n den after hear i call her to stop, she stop for a while, den ltr start hittin them again.. den stop n went down n call my lil bro, jeremy to go down.. n kneel down again in d same place.. = =" den ltr me n my sis is foldin d "gold" n my mum call jeremy to fold too.. bt i fold lik thousand edi, he juz ten.. = =" nt i say disrespect d dead, bt doin dis juz polute d air n oso wastin paper dat kill trees.. n waste time to fold oso.. - -' n oso money to buy..i reli duno wad to say.. n brian was still top floor there, n jeremy was down.. den i tek plaster for jeremy n his knee was lik bleedin.. i help him put n my mum call me bcum d "buddha" to go convince brian.. i was lik, i duwan.. cuz brian is reli, stubborn n dun listen to me geh.. >_> go up for no reason.. bt i oso gt tek extra plaster for him, juz pt there n say gv dis(plaster) to d "buddha".. my mum went upstair b4, bt juz, cum down ntg happen n say nid 3 plaster.. beat untill.. haizz... my mum samo cn say laz time hw she punish me oso.. bla bla.. - - den ltr ok liao.. we wanted to go IOI or parkson.. bt cuz i wan go "popular" buk store. so they decide on ioi, near.. bt oso cuz dat bro incident, they delay d time untill 4pm+.. n my dad say he will cum bek at 6pm.. n den my bro wan eat hamburger, dat goes to d place evi1 noe, Mc Donald.. bt is pass 3 n we din decide on goin there.. den we wait n den 5pm see soup opera.. d show we watch since laz week.. n den end at 6pm, dad cum home oso on 6pm so straight.. den gt rdy, we all went off to IOI.. b4 we go IOI very jam wif cars.. n too hell lot of ppl.. bt ytd is weekday, so is less a lil.. n den we first go eat.. n we go eat BBQ Plaza.. =) is lik, i eat b4 2 time wif pei wen n once wif cindy.. reli nice n i wanted to let my family try it too.. bt we eat untill 100++.. i mean, d tax so dam high larh!! =/ is actually abt 80 to 90, plus tax, i reli no eyes to see.. n d stupid dam tissue, did he ever tell us nid to pay dat for lik 2.5?? i mean i even hv on myself.. = =" dis place luk lik ah long, juz gt service.. anyway, ltr i go buk store.. i went findin revision buk.. juz 3, chemi, physic n bio.. my family all go to daiso except brian, hu wan to buy liquid paper.. n pen.. den ltr ar... see lik some time, n choose here n there.. n d laz, i nid to buy 3 expensive buk for 85 lik dat.. if no discount it was lik 100++.. =( bt i was reli surprised myself cuz all among d buk, i choose all "sasbadi" brand, to tell d truth, i gt compare wif each other, except for d physic, cuz dun hv open, bt other nt reli gud.. bt bio n chemi b4 i find success bio n longman chemi is ok, bt when i check on d opened sasbadi brand, i was lik, omg, dat is better.. - -' den i duno wan choose which.. d laz i tuk 3 oso same brand, scary, d most expensive.. includin pass year exam paper together.. den i go daiso for a lil while, n saw my parents, den saw my sis n jeremy.. den i c there gt file n i gv up d popular wan.. i go bek to popular n den chg my bro's liquid paper to a cheaper one, since i oso nid, n den chg d pen to ball pen.. i oso nid.. den is cheaper a lil, i guess..... cost abt 95++.. and den pay money, i wan to go comic track, bt wen i go, saw my dad, they fin in daiso, i haven even buy my file there.. den i go bek daiso since my mum's turn to buy her feng shui buk.. den i choose file n my bro wan glove cuz he c jeremy gt buy.. den i went to buy another 2 ear muffler dat well, use my money oso.. i wan us four to hv it, cuz if 1 dun hv, will nt b hapi wan.. rite? lik evi1 hv, n 1 dun hv.. so i think of them n i buy for us four person.. bt i didn;t think dat thinkin lik dat is juz me oni.. they, dun even think lik dat.. after meetin up in popular, cum out, den oni noe, my sis oso buy glove.. n all was left out is me.. i noe, glove is ntg, i dun use it often, we dun usually use dat in dis country or wadeva, i noe.. bt did they even care for my feelin when they actually hv, bt din tell me in d end, juz hid themself n untill d end let me found out, is juz hidin from me, duwan me to buy.. ok, fine, so wad? ppl say lik dat, so wad if i dun, d store won;t go missin, d thin is still there, cn cum again.. so many excuse, u noe wad am i upset abt, is dat u guys dun even treat me lik 1 person i treat u all.. i even go so much effort to hid from u guys n think of ur feelin n ended up buyin thin for u all, n wad u gv me, cold luk, sour face, n wad?! u think i am mad dat is ur fault? i din say anythin, is dat hw u think?am i reli nt a sister or wad? s/time i reli hate, hate dis relation..dis blood dat relate to u guys, is dat reli fine for me to hv it? cuz in d end, u dun treat me as one.. =) so i din say anythin, juz keep goin, n u juz think abt urself.. n when u cross over a purse shop, u wanted to buy for MK, bt nt enuf cash in hand, n i go atm wif u, den ltr cnt tek out cuz we juz nid tek out 20 bt they say at liz 50.. and den wad? i borrow all my money in hand for u to buy dat playboy brand purse juz for u to gift MK, bt u din say a thank you from d start till d end.. am i, reli juz s/1 u think is easy to use on? i wanted to say i hate u, i disgust u, evithin! bt i couldn't, is nt i cnt, is i love u so much too as my sis, my dear family dat i try nt to b.. y no1 understand? y u, u all, dun understand? is ok if i lend u money, i'm fine.. juz dat when i mention i wanted to buy a glove too, since i was d only 1 left out by u guys, i hope to join in, dat's all.. bt u juz turn away n bcum angry, mad at me? yup, from my heart, i was tellin myself nt to b mad in my face, i try to b alone awhile when i went to jusco n buy some thin.. i duwan to b mad, or scold some1, i dun hv d right i guess.. bt untill we went bek home, u juz slam d fridge door, makin rude action, dat show u r mad, upset.. my mum ask me wad happen, should i even say, i noe she is mad at me, bt i duno for wad reason she should b, cuz i should b d one mad at her from d start, when is d upside down situation cum from? bt i din say, i juz smile n shook my head, sayin i duno.. i duwan to fight.. u r mad, fine, mad untill u r enuf, do u gt it, dis is wad u live as my sis dis whole time, i, as ur stupid sandbag, u, gettin d thin u r happy abt.. wad u duwan, u juz throw to me.. n when there is s/thin we hv in mind, u juz push d blame on me sayin dis n dat, makin mum juz carin for u n gv u bez.. u r elder, is a fact, r u happy seein me suffer? u r a sadist? or psycho? or maniac? devil? monster? luk lik an angel, bt ut heart is reli black to me.. i myself is black edi, cuz i hate so many thin, kept my feelin, my hatred, sadness, dark emotion in my heart, dat i din show out for u guys to noe hw black u may b.. i reli wanted to blif i hv a great family.. =) is dat so hard to achieve?? i may s/tim let u c me upset, cuz all i wanted u guys to noe, hw u treated me badly.. badly hurt me..
i am fine, juz show a lil in here.. sori, kinda think dat i realize d fact i was juz tokin to myself.. = =" since d blog is dead, no1 will say anythin anyway.. haiz.. fine, i gt over wif it, i dun wan to argue dis thin.. gonna say bb to dis blog again for some time? i duno hw long, 1 day, hr? few days ltr? bt c if i hv time.. tomorrow is finally Chinese New Year, r u excited? for ppl hu is celebratin it.. =) u cn gt angpau, woohoo.. =D bt well, my CNY oso nt reli nice, ntg reli.. juz here there.. no more.. nt lik other ppl gt hometown to go bek, go other places to visit.. me? at home.. =/ so den, i wish evi a hapi CNY, to u hu dun celebrat, it's ok, cuz there is bunch of festival in a year.. diff ppl, diff festival, i hv, u hv, no1 is 100% same.. =) even is same place, same type of ppl, i guess d face oso cn nt same wad.. haha.. =) except u clone lar, bt nt same is ur personalities n thinkin.. even is clone oso cnt b 100% same.. moz oso 99.99% which i dun reli think it exist..
ok, end here.. sayin GONG XI FA CAI to u guys, hapi CNY.. bye bye~~ i mean ttfn~~!! =) thx for readin till here, dis post juz dun reli care it, i think i mozly write abt my sis alot.. = =" juz skip those.. if u haven read.. i dun HATE my sis, juz her personalities... n action..... n thinkin...... n........ anyway, she is important to me oso, a family.. so anyway, juz my simple minded thinkin to burst part of my emotion here.. =( kk, ttn!